75 entries in Coin / Sleights / Palming / Subtleties
Creators Title Comments & References Year Source Page AA Categories
Edward Victor Coin Palm Subtlety same as Ramsay Subtlety, with coin held at fingertips
1937 37
Ramsay Subtlety
1943 157
Ramsay Subtlety
Sep. 1943 14
The Coin Flip flipping a coin while palming an other

1952 16
Edward Marlo The Fake Transfer
1956 52
Max Malini Malini Subtlety classic palm subtlety
1962 53
Finger Palm Subtlety Ramsay subtlety in low finger palm while holding two coins
1969 65
Bill Spooner Bill's Bit Of Business With The Down's Palm "Downs Palm", showing back and front of hand
1969 131
Jules DeBarros The Midas Lift coin is concealed while other coin is picked up
1971 42
The Finger-Palm Acquitment Ramsay subtlety
1973 72
Jack Miller Jack Miller Palm "Loads/Palms/Steals"
finger palm, Ramsay subtlety
The Pallbearers Review (Vol. 10 No. Close-Up Folio #3)
Ramsay Subtlety
Feb. 1978
Apocalypse (Vol. 1 No. 2)
Purse Palm rubbing on spectator's palm subtlety
Sep. 1978
Apocalypse (Vol. 1 No. 9)
Coin Roll Subtlety palm and coin roll
Jan. 1978
Pabular (Vol. 4 No. 5)
Bobby Bernard Palming a Coin
1978 6
John Ramsay Ramsay Subtlety
Arcane (Issue 4)
Fred Kaps Kaps Subtlety
1981 46
Ron MacMillan Palming Excercise palm + coin roll
1981 59
Purse Palm rubbing on spectator's palm subtlety
1982 11
Ramsay Subtlety
1982 52
Ben Harris Koin Seeled subtlety for the Downs palm
Variations Mar. 1983
Apocalypse (Vol. 6 No. 3)
Max Malini, Fred Kaps Malini/Kaps Subtlety
1984 13
Fred Kaps Kaps Subtlety
1986 111
Yoshihiko Mutobe Open Display hiding one coin while displaying another coin
1986 92
David Roth The Kaps Subtlety tips
Sep. 1986
Magical Arts Journal (Vol. 1 No. 2)
David Roth Coin Finesse tips on palming
Oct. 1986
Magical Arts Journal (Vol. 1 No. 3)
The "Gone!" Sell Kaps Subtlety
1986 9
Michael Rubinstein Spread Finger Subtlety hide-out at table edge with fingers under table, see 2020 reference for credit information
Also published here 1987 271
Bob Kohler Acquitment
1989 5
Max Malini, Fred Kaps Malini/Kaps Subtlety
1989 12
Max Malini Malini Subtlety
1990 81
John Ramsay Ramsey Subtlety
1990 34
Bob Kohler Acquitment
1991 31
The Open Position open palm display of purse frame with coins fingerpalmed
1991 4
Ramsey Subtlety
1991 4
Deep Classic Palm Subtlety
1991 23
Roger Klause Coin Hold-Out during Elmsley Count performing Twisting the Aces while finger-palming coins
1991 133
Roger Klause Heel-Clip Position how to get into it
1991 150
Troy Hooser Hand Washing Sequence to show hands empty
June 1991
Magic Man Examiner (Vol. 1 No. 2)
John Ramsay Ramsay Subtlety
1992 33
Chris Kenner Upright Thumb Grip against base of fingers, hand appears empty
Variations 1992 65
Fred Kaps The Hiding Principle The Kaps Subtlety
Related to 1994 7
Malini Subtlety classic palm
1994 66
Ramsey Subtlety
1995 ca. 4
Gary Kurtz The Open Position open palm display of purse frame with coins fingerpalmed
1995 ca. 4
Deep Classic Palm Subtlety
1995 ca. 19
John Ramsay The Ramsay Subtlety
1996 35
Max Malini Malini Subtlety
1997 76
John Ramsay The Ramsay Subtlety
1999 6
Purse Palm rubbing on spectator's palm subtlety
2004 16
Curtis Kam Manipulating Silence on holding out
2006 18
Kaps Subtlety
2006 190
Ramsay Subtlety
2006 201
John Ramsay Ramsay Concealment
2006 14
Eric Jones JW Meets Mutobe Meets Ramsay one-handed acquitment
Related to Aug. 2006
Antinomy (Vol. 2 No. 3)
Under Hand Hide-Out coin balanced on finger under other hand
Oct. 2007
Antinomy (Vol. 3 No. 3)
Classic Palm
2011 31
Alexander de Cova Die Ramsay Subtlety purse frame display and coin production
2016 93
Tomoya Horiki Open Palm Subtlety Subtlety to show palm empty while palming coin, similar to Ramsay Subtlety
2018 25
Ramsay Subtlety brief
2018 82
John Ramsay Ramsay Subtlety
2020 181
Michael Rubinstein Purse-Palm Subtlety hiding coin in purse palm while showing other coins
Related to
  • "Front Finger Hideout" (Curtis Kam)
Also published here
  • Coinvention Lecture Notes, 2003
2020 62
Michael Rubinstein Crossed Arms Subtlety choreography for palm position transfer
2020 70
Michael Rubinstein The Rubinstein Subtlety thumb palm transfer while tossing a coin from hand to hand
2020 70
Michael Rubinstein The Stealth-Palm Display Position
2020 75
Ramsay Subtlety credit information
2020 114
Michael Rubinstein Spread Finger Subtlety Variation hide-out at table edge with fingers under table
2020 163
Michael Rubinstein Spread Finger Subtlety hide-out at table edge with fingers under table
Also published here 2020 173
Michael Rubinstein Angle Palm Gesture One
2020 190
Michael Rubinstein Angle Palm Gesture Two
2020 191
Michael Rubinstein Clasped Hands Position
2020 191
Max Malini Malini Subtlety
2020 456
Max Malini Malini Subtlety
2022 129
Dai Vernon Palming Subtleties what to do with the palming hand, from private lecture notes by P. Howard Lyons
2022 82
Dai Vernon Palming tips, letting fingers flutter, from private lecture notes by Gene Matsuura
2022 105