43 entries in Picture & Drawing
Creators Title Comments & References Year Source Page AA Categories
Friedrich "Fritz" Hügli Intermezzi
  • 1. Der Konzertmaler (performer paints picture very fast)
  • 2. Der Schnellzeichner ( performer draws pictures very fast)
1903 156
Nelson Hahne The Peripatetic Rabbit performer draws rabbit on paper, it becomes a real rabbit, rabbit is wrapped and shot towards paper and appears there as drawing
1930 57
Charles "Think-A-Drink" Hoffmann Beer an Milk Beer peg drawn on paper, spigot pushed through image and beer is poured. Peg is transformed into a cow and milk is poured
1941 33
Charles-Emile "Prof. Rex" Sauty Das magische Portrait von Rob. Houdin wand and ball cling on picture, followed by french translation "Le portrait magique de Robert-Houdin"
Mar. 1945 6
Abril Lamarque Santa Claus Returns! drawing of Santa Claus in a large frame, hole is torn in picture and huge amount of candies etc are produced
Dec. 1947 373
Elmer Vandrey A Cartoon Stunt writing KOREA on a paper and out of the letters a North Korean soldier is drawn
Ireland's Yearbooks (Issue Yearbook 1950)
Karrell Fox One Man's Opinion picture of a man transforms, flap
1954 5
The Great Christe The Christe Picture Frame picture appears on paper, inside a special frame
Ireland's Yearbooks (Issue Yearbook 1959)
Albert H. Ward. Jr. A Chalk Talk Cocktail drawing of man drinking, picture changes
Ireland's Yearbooks (Issue Yearbook 1959)
Albert H. Ward. Jr. Another One with Sketch a Flower idea for chalk drawing routine
Ireland's Yearbooks (Issue Yearbook 1959)
Ali Bongo Out of the Picture framed picture of vase of flowers, flowers disappear, then spring flowers appear
1966 10
Chandler Mason Chosen Mate six picture of pin-up girls and cards with names, couple chose matching picture and name
July 1966
The New Jinx (Vol. 5 No. 51)
Arthur Setterington Topsy Turvy Chinaman plaque in frame, frame is turned but picture is always upright
1972 4
Jochen Zmeck Der Magische Kunstmaler prediction of painting, spectator can chose colors, using silk, transformation of silks and painting
Hokus Pokus (Vol. 35 No. 3)
Stephen Minch Poltergeisties! rocking chair starts to rock, pictures on walls tilt, objects move on shelves, books fall over, plates tip, MO wire
1975 39
Tan Hock Chuan Reel-less Transformation Picture of rabbit on cloth changes into duck, small gag
1977 18
Daryl Martinez Fish Schtick optical illusion with fish and bowl on two cardboard pieces becomes real
1982 13
Philip T. Goldstein Tag Team ten cards with 5 famous couples / teams
Jan. 1985
Pabular (Vol. 8 No. 9)
Martin Lewis Cardiographic
Variations 1985 67
Alan Shaxon Malen nach Zahlen - magisch painting by numbers themed routine, colored handkerchief turn white using a brush and a pot and black and white pictures turns into colored picture
1986 16
Michael Weber Appealing Illusion picture in magazine, apparently peel the top layer and see under the picture (car and engine, woman and underwear), removing the torn paper part and everything is normal again
Variations 1991 115
Christoph Borer Runenmirakel one of several rune stones is selected and spectator draws symbol, performer duplicates the drawing
Also published here 1991 8
Stephen Tucker Charade prediction type effect
Aug. 1992
Apocalypse (Vol. 15 No. 8)
Steve Beam Trade-In Time car key transformation, picture of card changes too
Inspired by 1993 16
Abril Lamarque Der Nikolaus-Besuch performer quickly draws santa claus on a slate, then takes real presents from his bag
July 1994
Intermagic (Vol. 18 No. 4 & 5)
Theo Doré Der Affe und die Kokosnüsse picture with monkey on palm trees changes in envelope
Intermagic (Vol. 21 No. 2)
David Regal Gambit In A Box Prediction matches card that spectator draws, index on pad
1999 197
Luke Jermay Circle Magician divines ESP symbol drawn by spectator
2002 33
Tomo Maeda The 2-D Spoon drawn spoon on paper, paper signed by spectator, paper is bent so the spoon looks bent, drawing is then bent as well
July 2003
Genii (Vol. 66 No. 7)
Oliver Meech Fish Bowl Coin Illusion fish drawn on one side of coin, circle drawn on the other side, coin is spun, fish ends up drawn inside the circle
Also published here Nov. 2003
Magic (Vol. 13 No. 3)
David Acer Seedling Drawing of flowerpot on business card begins to bloom
Related to 2004 261
Christoph Borer Runenmirakel one of several rune stones is selected and spectator draws symbol, performer duplicates the drawing
Also published here 2006 148
Robert E. Neale My Lady Truth Picture of old lady becomes picture of young lady, optical illusion. Has second version using a printed playing card
2008 44
Paul Osborne The Blooming Orange Tree
  • Osborne Illusions
painting of orange tree, oranges appear on it, a flat orange is taken off and put in box where it becomes real, previously signed card appears in orange
Apr. 2008
Genii (Vol. 71 No. 4)
Oliver Meech Cardboard Birthday Cake Candle flame drawn on back of playing card disappears after blowing on card
Related to 2009 14
Oliver Meech Correctional Facility... the playing card version Date written on card is wrong, changes to correct date
2009 18
Oliver Meech Telling Your Ace From Your Elbow Weird symbol drawn on arm forms word to reveal a selection when elbow is folded
2009 22
Oliver Meech Fish Bowl Coin Illusion fish drawn on one side of coin, circle drawn on the other side, coin is spun, fish ends up drawn inside the circle
Also published here 2009 26
Trevor Lewis Bathing Beauty presentation for "Bathing Beauty", rolled picture of a woman, clothes are removed
2009 31
Ichiro Moriya Autumn Mystery leaf on bookmark penetrates sheet of glass, with variations
2013 145
Guy Hollingworth, Wayne Houchin Drawing to Impossible Location A few spectators draw squiggles on a piece of paper, the abstract drawing is destroyed and reproduced later elsewhere in impossible location
Inspired by 2014 30
Gene Anderson Picto Transpo performer draws spectator and vice versa on poster boards, signed pictures change places in envelopes
  • A. Performance
  • B. Introduction
  • C. Set-up and handling
  • D. Gene's script
  • E. Props
Inspired by 2016 17
Jeramy Neugin Demon Trap eye drawing changes so that a red devil appears in the pupil, frixion pen
June 2021
Genii (Vol. 84 No. 6)