29 entries in Cards / Effect Themes / Traveling / Card(s) to impossible Location / Fruit
Creators Title Comments & References Year Source Page AA Categories
Citrone und Karte burned card appears in chosen lemon
Related to 1896 39
The Cards and the Orange Tree four selections travel into orange
Related to 1897 151
Das Kartenmesser knife for loading a card into a fruit, bread, ...
July 1904
Der Zauberspiegel (Vol. 4 No. 7)
John Northern Hilliard Card, Orange and Candle torn and burnt card discovered inside orange with corner proof, wet card is shot on candle with pistol an appears in flame dry and restored
1909 225
Louis F. Christianer The Card and Orange Trick torn card vanishes and appears restored in orange except one corner
1915 12
Ade Duval Mephisto's Message No. 10, three cards chosen, performer tries to make them travel into a lemon, instead they are found in an envelope that is handed to performer by a messenger
1935 14
Cazeneuve Card in an Orange torn corner
1937 336
Dr. E. C. Costelloe The Latest Bill and Lemon Trick half a chosen playing card and bill with torn corner travel inside lemon, duplicate card but actual bill loaded
1937 58
The Card and Orange torn corner, pieces vanish from gaffed handkerchief
1941 276
Russell Swann The Card in the Banana folded in banana, magnetic case to steal card
1941 54
Dr. William Weyeneth La carte dans la pomme de terre miniature card of freely chosen selection is found in potato, followed by german translation "Die Karte in der Kartoffel"
Jan. 1947 2
Frank Thompson, Alton Sharpe Undercover Surprise deck changes into lemon underneath silk, card is in it
Variations 1968 64
Robert Parrish Card in Orange corner proof, card torn up
Related to 1969 169
Parker Swan How to Force a Watermelon card or silk in watermelon, gag
1970 3
"Joro" Bruno Hennig Die Karte in der Orange turn and burnt card is found in orange, matching corner
1975 7
Bob Fitch Special Load or Unload Move "Extras - Variations - 14)"
  • A) Rabbit from Hat
  • B) Small, Medium & Large size Chinese Coins
  • C) Card in Lemon (based on Derek Dingle idea)
1980 8
Larry Jennings High-C card in orange, deck changes to orange
Variations 1987 1
Tom Mullica The Apple Trick card under ashtray, one in matchbook and one to apple with apple ventriloquism bit
1992 114
Chuck Fayne Bill in Lemon tip on loading
1993 20
Robert Parrish The Card in the Orange
Related to 1995 89
Dean Dill Tonight Show Closer peeked selection vanishes and appears folded under a cup, then it penetrates the cup inside an orange
1997 17
Sid Fleischman Rube Goldberg Revisited: The Card In The Apple "Including the Wonderful No-Switch Torn Corner Switch Revealed tor the First Time"
Aug. 1998
Magic (Vol. 7 No. 12)
Bob King Card in Orange Plus deck changes in lemon, with torn-off corner, with fake bloody fingers as comedy prop
Inspired by 1999 4
Ted Lesley The Card in the Orange card is torn and put in envelope, all but one piece vanish and restored card is found in orange, Teleport Envelope
2003 25
Wayne Dobson The Crying Game deck changes to onion under handkerchief, card in onion, duplicate
2003 4
Roberto Giobbi Die Karte in der Zitrone deck changes into lemon underneath handkerchief, selection inside lemon
Also published here 2003 3
Paul Osborne The Blooming Orange Tree
  • Osborne Illusions
painting of orange tree, oranges appear on it, a flat orange is taken off and put in box where it becomes real, previously signed card appears in orange
Apr. 2008
Genii (Vol. 71 No. 4)
Roberto Giobbi Card in Lemon deck changes into lemon underneath handkerchief, selection inside lemon
Inspired byAlso published here 2016 211
Yves Carbonnier Melchisédech fifteen minute card act, selections are found, quartet changes into other, gun trick, card to lemon
2019 166