82 entries in Bill / Traveling / Impossible Location / Fruit
Creators Title Comments & References Year Source Page AA Categories
L'Ecriture Cachée Dans une Tabatiere, d'où on la Tire, Sans la Toucher, Pour la Faire Trouver Dans une Bougie signed piece of paper is burnt and appears in selected candle, switch with a box, with assistant notes from 1788 mention method for paper to orange and signature duplication
1784 24
The Bill and Lemon Trick
1909 329
Friedrich "Fritz" Hügli Ein sonderbarer Geldschrank two methods, coin in lemon and bill in lemon, vanish from under handkerchief
  • Variante I
  • Variante II
1927 60
Conrad C. Bush The Lemon and the Dollar see page 99 for improvement by Leo H. Sullivan
Apr. 1935
The Jinx (Issue 7)
Jacob Steisal The Itinerant Dollar bill to anything multiple times, erasing last digit
The Jinx (Issue Winter Extra 1935/36)
Edward Reese Banana Bill bill to banana
The Jinx (Issue Summer Extra 1937)
Dr. Edward G. Ervin Dollar Bill and Lemon Routine burnt in envelope, actual same bill found in lemon
1937 22
Jean Hugard a. The Insertion of a Bill into a Lemon or Orange
1937 4
A Bill and a Lemon actual bill loaded into lemon or duplicate bill, with several suggestions and handling ideas
1937 35
Charles Waller Rich Man, Poor Man, Beggar Man, Thief presentation, patter
1937 37
Mirror Glass and Flash Paper Variation
1937 38
Bill, Lemon, Egg and Walnut
1937 39
Bill and Grapefruit for stage, grapefruit with nested orange, lemon, egg, walnut and bill inside
1937 40
A Bill and a Banana banana is peeled and is found cut in chosen number of pieces with borrowed bill inside as well
1937 42
Dr. E. C. Costelloe The Latest Bill and Lemon Trick half a chosen playing card and bill with torn corner travel inside lemon, duplicate card but actual bill loaded
1937 58
"The Perfect" Lemon and Bill Trick
1938 771
A Good Wrinkle for Rolling Bills method for a tight roll for insertion into lemon etc.
1938 774
Gerald Kosky Dollar Bill in Lemon one half of a bill is burnt, other half found in chosen lemon
Also published here 1945 252
Milbourne Christopher Christmas Conjuring ideas for Christmas themes magic
  • Card in Ball
  • Walnut Wizardry
  • Mistletoe Magic
  • Christmas Card Trick
Related to Dec. 1946 277
Harvey P. Graham Perfection serial number, free choice of lemon, no switch of bill
Also published here Nov. 1947
The Phoenix (Issue 138)
George G. Kaplan The Lemon Trick two bills with similar numbers, flash paper bill
1948 292
Steve Miaco Tip on Bill in Lemon
Feb. 1948
The Phoenix (Issue 145)
Don Tanner Why the Bill in the Lemon on using different fruit, details for banana
Jan. 1949 13
Unrehearsed Incidents on bill in orange
Oct. 1950 715
Eddie Joseph Body Productions for Stage or Platform bill to banana, producing women's underwear from spectator during routine
1950 43
Don Alan Bill in the Orange
1951 14
Al Baker The Bill in the Borrowed Lemon gaffed knife
Also published here 1951 83
Dr. William Weyeneth Praktische Winke tip for loading bill in lemon, when lemon is inside pocket
Hokus Pokus (Vol. 15 No. 4)
Don Alan Bill, Lemon and Wrapper part of serial number is written down, featuring a floating burning wrapper
1956 44
Harvey P. Graham Perfection serial number, free choice of lemon, no switch of bill
Also published here 1956 63
Dr. William Weyeneth Neue Version zum Banknoten-Zitronen-Trick bill with torn corner in lemon, restoration of bill as finale
Hokus Pokus (Vol. 20 No. 4)
Max Malini Bills, Lemon and Egg bill in lemon and bill in egg, bills vanish from handkerchief, with wand
Related toAlso published here 1962 33
Joseph M. White CATnips several ideas for bill in soft boiled egg
Mar. 1968
The New Jinx (Vol. 6 No. 71)
Alan Shaxon The Banknote in Walnut bill in walnut in egg in lemon, serial number divination to start
Inspired by 1970 37
Roy Johnson Beat the Clock bill in orange with game show presentation
Variations 1970 63
Steve Spillman The Bill in Lemon bill vanishes from under handkerchief and appears in lemon which was lying on the table since the beginning, serial number
1974 25
Faucett Ross, Max Malini Bill in Lemon Uses a Malini move to vanish the bill
1975 122
T. Nelson Downs 1. Downs' Banknote in Lemon
1975 176
Gerald Kosky Dollar Bill in Lemon dollar bill torn in half, half travels into lemon
Also published here 1975 238
Dr. Edward G. Ervin Geldschein und Zitrone bill vanishes, lemon is cut open and inside is an "i owe you" note, this is wrapped in flash paper and burned and changes back to bill
Also published here
  • Pentagram, Feb. 1947
June 1976
Intermagic (Vol. 3 No. 4)
Steve Spillman Ultimate Bill to Lemon signed bill in lemon, lemon is selected and placed inside a bag
1980 12
Ray Grismer Limey three signed bills to lime wrapped in plastic
1981 1
Emil Jarrow, Danny Dew, Richard M. Biow Emil Jarrow's Close-Up Bill in Lemon Stand-Up Version
Close-Up Table Method
Arcane (Issue 12)
John Carney Cup and Bill Routine chop cup routine with bill and coffee cup, lemon appears, bill inside lemon
Lecture Notes Collection (Issue Conjuring con Carney)
Peter Wilker Die Banknote in der Zitrone - Eine Studie analysis of vanish and appearance of a bill in lemon, various methods in print are mentioned
Magische Blätter (Vol. 1 No. 3)
Hans Meyer Die Banknote in der Orange bill in orange
Magische Blätter (Vol. 1 No. 3)
John Carney Fruit Cup chop cup routine with bill and coffee cup, lemon appears, bill inside lemon
1991 98
Chuck Fayne Bill in Lemon tip on loading
1993 20
Rudolf Braunmüller Zitronen-Trick in der Tüte lemon with hole in paper bag
  • Varianten
  • Hierzu eine Kurzgeschichte
Intermagic (Vol. 20 No. 2)
Edward Marlo Die Kugelröhre als Verschwinde-Gimmick steel ball tube for vanishing bill, bill in lemon or potato
Intermagic (Vol. 20 No. 3)
Robert E. Olson Bill in Lemon bill is torn in halves and one part burnt in envelope, other half ends up in lemon
1998 2
Barrie Richardson Bill in Lemon preloaded, torn corner and signature finesses
VariationsAlso published here
  • "Classic Bill in Lemon" (Club 71, Mayday 1993)
1999 34
Gregg Webb Bill In Lemon For Standup Manipulators
  • The WebbMaster
torn corner
July 1999
Genii (Vol. 62 No. 7)
David Groves Bill in Lemon Paranoia
Sep. 2002
Genii (Vol. 65 No. 9)
Max Malini Dollar Bill in Egg - Second Method: The Malini Treatment bill in lemon and bill in egg, bills vanish from handkerchief, with wand
Also published here 2002 263
Bill Kalush Bill in Lemon Credit Information Felix Favian
2002 264
Joseph Ovette Dollar Bill in Egg - Third Method: Ovette's Version
Also published here
  • "Bill, Lemon, and Egg" (Eggstraordinary Ways of Eggshibiting with Eggs, p. 28)
2002 265
Al Baker The Bill in the Borrowed Lemon gaffed knife
Also published here 2003
The Secret Ways of Al Baker (Issue Pet Secrets)
Bill Palmer The Paring Knife of Doom tip for bill in lemon, special knife for spectator to cut lemon safely
2003 26
Wayne Dobson Banana-Drama bill in banana
2003 9
Derek Dingle Card in Lemon "The Dingle I Knew", written up by Simon Lovell
May 2004
Genii (Vol. 67 No. 5)
Lance Pierce The World-Famous Bowl Routine signed bill vanishes from hand, Benson bowl routine with sponge productions, multiple balls appear under bowl, lemon appears with bill inside
2005 32
Michael Ammar Bill to Lemon Closer signed bill, lemon in bag
  • Comments
  • Preparing the Lemon
  • Performance
  • Bringing Home the Happy Ending
  • Cutting the Lemon
Related to 2006 1
Bill Malone Opening Act Bill in Lemon
Also published here
  • On the Loose!, Vol. 2 (DVD, 2002)
2006 220
Reed McClintock Peño Envy bill to jalapeño
Feb. 2007
Genii (Vol. 70 No. 2)
Tom Stone Orange Osmosis on making burning a bill and reproducing it again believable
2009 3
Alberto de Figueiredo Billete al limón signed bill transforms into paper and performer announces that it will appear inside a banana, after several gags the bill eventually appears inside a chosen lemon
2009 28
Roberto Giobbi Bill in Lemon Concentrate analysis of problems
Secret Agenda (Issue June 25)
James Alan Bill in Melon inspired by Emil Jarrow's handling
2013 6
Alexander de Cova Killer-Kiwi bill in kiwi
  • Für Table-Hopper
  • Die Table-Hopping Sequenz
  • Die Meridian-Technik (Mark Elsdon)
Also published here May 2013 14
Alexander de Cova Killer-Kiwi bill in kiwi
  • Für Table-Hopper
  • Die Table-Hopping Sequenz
  • Die Meridian-Technik (Mark Elsdon)
Inspired by
  • Carl Cloutier's Bill in Kiwi
Also published here
2015 66
Alexander de Cova Geldschein in Zitrone bill put into envelope unfolded, secretly folded and extracted as envelope is handled and closed
2015 35
Alexander de Cova Tip Jar lemon loaded when inserting spectator's bill into tip jar
Inspired by
  • Cody Fisher's Bill in Lemon using Tip Jar
2015 286
Christoph Borer Geldschein in Zitrone lemon as surprise in paper bag
Related to 2016 158
Joaquín Matas, Alberto de Figueiredo Billete a la Lima bill appears in chosen lemon, one of three, with humorous banana gag
2016 283
Alexander de Cova Geldschein in Zitrone impro theater presentation for bill in lemon, three spectators on stage
Inspired by
  • Charles Waller routine
2016 40
Alexander de Cova Geldschein in Zitrone money machine with rolls to restore and dry bill at the end of bill in lemon routine
2016 190
Matt Baker Foiled by the Origami Test, Saved by the Lemon Law Presentation idea for the Bill in Lemon routine, with a brief description of the method
2019 116
Yves Carbonnier 5. La carte au Citron card in lemon
2019 186
John Graham The Lemon Trick torn corner and spectator's initials
Inspired byRelated to 2021 211
Max Malini Bills in Lemon and Egg longer discussion, bill in lemon and bill in egg, two bills vanish from handkerchief, with knife, gaffed wand discounted by Malini's son ("Vernon was a pest.") who gave the real method in 1989
Related to 2022 385
Adam Flowers Las Vegas Street Lemon bill in lemon, see "Connecting Columns" for Cellini credit
Related toAlso published here
  • MAGIC, Oct. 2012
2022 1147