Material from the 1930s and 1940s. Limited hardcover edition came out in 1972, later spiral bound edition with added pagination used.
194 pages (Spiralbound), published by The Gutenberg Press
No illustrations
Language: English
807 entries
This publication has been reviewed by
Cover photograph
Creators Title Comments & References Page AA Categories
Dr. Jacob Daley Color Changes No. 446, list of six color changes without detail
Reversed Deck Straightened Effect No. 447, sounds like Slop Shuffle Triumph
Mathematical Trick No. 448, spelling a name
Newspaper Gag For Coding Nikola System No. 449, coding a card with newspaper wrapped around deck, no details
Thimble Pass No. 450, using something unnamed for tapping, unclear
For Reverse Locator No. 451, card stabbed between selection behind back
Use Thumbtip For Standing Card On Hand No. 452, card balanced on back of hand with thumb tip
For Knife Cutting Location No. 453, peeked card is stabbed with knife in paper-wrapped deck, simply a step
Related to 128
Billet Trick Mindreading No. 454, card peeked, another one thought of (or something else), both written on billets and divined
Crimp False Shuffle No. 455, bottom (?) stock false shuffle
CHN System No. 456, punch marking (?) according to stack number
In Reverse Fan Placement No. 457, unclear, perhaps some jog handling
Al Baker Al Baka - Effect With Nikola Deck No. 458, very brief
Also published here 129
Follow The Leader No. 459
Bridge Hand Trick No. 460, thirteen court cards and number cards transpose, Oct. 1936 Jinx reference that doesn't fit
Patriotic Thimbles No. 461, some routine with colored thimbles
For Elimination Glide Trick With 8 Cards No. 462, unclear, using Collins Aces type move, perhaps selection vanishes from packet
Related to 130
Variation For 2 Billet Burning Trick No. 463, trick in which number and card are written on billets apparently, and then the complement found in memorized deck, unclear
Mystic Fourteenth Card Effect No. 464, only reference, no content, perhaps actually "The Mystic Eleventh Card" by R. M. Jamison, p. 317
Related to
  • Sphinx, Jan.1937, p. 31
Pocket Book Variation No. 465, card to wallet as climax to Three Pile Trick
Related to 130
Linking Ring Rope Trick No. 466
Related to
  • "A New Rope Trick", Linking Ring, Feb. 1937, p. 933
Cut And Restored Rope Improvement No. 467, perhaps a false count to show all four ends separately
Bandage Cut And Restored - Ends Trimmed No. 468, note without content
Notoria Improvement No. 469, card and geometric figure divined, cryptic, center tear and key card
Cups And Balls Monte Effect No. 470, idea of using an odd-colored ball for monte effects
Slate And Spirit Trick (Jinx #32) Improvement No. 471, how to write, idea of using flap
Inspired by 132
Card At Predicted Number No. 472, position filled in with nail writer
Double Backer Torn And Restored Card Variation No. 473
Related to 132
Aristocrat Cards: One Way Eliminating Trick No. 474, card chosen, spectator deals and stops anytime, one of the two piles is shuffled and dealt again the same way until one card remains which is the selection
Fake Bottom Placement Move No. 475, action unclear
Related to 132
Double Card Reverse Discovery No. 476, sandwich load with some kind of Stripout Insertion type move it seems
Related to 132
Hank and Coin Horizontal Click Pass No. 477, coin audibly travels to coin in handkerchief
Also published here 133
Ambitious Card Finish No. 478, idea of using Nate Leipzig's Card through Hand as finish
Related to 133
Coloratura Wrinkle No. 479, extra phase with back-change of Joker
Aces To Kings Gamblers Routine Wrinkle No. 480, Kings find Aces in different ways, short outline
Three Steps To Yogi Routine No. 481, Aces found on faces of four packet
Related to 134
Cards To Pocket Or 15 Card Trick Wrinkle No. 482, palming suggestion
Dr. Jacob Daley Spirit Slate New Wrinkle And Presentation No. 483
Related to 134
Cup And Ball Variation No. 484, routine of using egg cups, egg as final load
Bottom Deal Discovery Variation No. 485, spectator stops anytime, that card spelled out to find a previous selection
Cards To Pocket Routine No. 486, ten cards, suggestion to follow with diminishing cards
Put Up Bottom Deal Variation No. 487, four packets cut to, Aces found on bottom
Related to 136
Double Backer Card Gag No. 488, apparently showing double backer by dealing turnover bottom deals from deck with bottom cards reversed
New Slipping Cut No. 489, seems to be a straight tables false cut
Synonymous Thoughts No. 490, two cards lost, they are divined and written down correctly, then wrongly found cards change into correct ones
Gamblers Slip Cut Improvement No. 491, sounds like the Gambler's Draw Shift, one-handed or two-handed
Variation Of Jumping Aces No. 492, four Aces to wallet finale
Related to 137
Variation Of Everywhere - Nowhere No. 493, selection appears in three packets, then from pocket
Svengali Color Card Effect No. 494, card freely chosen or named, it is removed and only odd-backed card, red/black long/short deck
Merlin 3 Card 4 Hand Poker Deal Improvement No. 495, three Tens for four hands, fourth already set
Inspired by 137
Blindfold Poker Deal Improvement No. 496, memorizing numbers and second dealing to get chosen cards in one's hand
Merlin Gambler Poker Demonstration Improvement No. 497, stacking method where one card starts on bottom
Improvement of Leipzig Poker Deal No. 498
Inspired by 138
Mystic Number Card Routine No. 499, four packets cut by spectator, remaining cards are ten cards, Ten on bottom of each cut-off packet
Double Peek Move And Effect No. 500, double peek and cut/shuffle sequence for control, effect suggestion in which spectator cuts to the two selections
Double Peek Wrinkle No. 501, holding two breaks with the third finger
Dr. Jacob Daley Ad Lib Spell Variation No. 502, two cards spelled to, second card shows up reversed
Inspired byRelated to 139
Double Peek Move Variation No. 503, two handlings to control cards after double peek with two breaks
Multiple Peek Improvement No. 504, forcing consecutive cards with peek force, sold as thought-of cards
Metalic Daub Formula No. 505, list of ingredients
Double Peek Knife Location No. 506, peeked cards is stabbed with knife in paper-wrapped and rubber-banded deck, two steps
Related to 141
Ace Fanning Color Effect No. 507, four cards change to Aces of same suit as the card that changes one by one
Envelope Four Ace Effect No. 508, Ace assembly with packets in envelopes, duplicates
Ambitious Card Move No. 509, a bit unclear
Related to 142
Do As I Do With One Nikola Deck No. 510, thought-of card by performer is found by spectator, and selection by spectator found by performer
Another Ambitious Card Move No. 511, three-phase sequence with color change
Sympathetic Spell No. 512, interlocking chains, two suits removed, spelling effect not clear
Reverso Forced Or Forced Reverso No. 513, card peeked in one deck, another card chosen from a different deck is turned over, the peeked-at card also turns over and matches
Ambitious Card Move No. 514, open slip card to lose top card after double lift
Three Steps To Yogi Variation No. 515, perhaps a production of Aces and Queens followed by some transformation or transposition of the quartets, unclear
Related to 144
Three Steps To Yogi (better setup) No. 516, perhaps a production of Aces and Queens followed by some transformation or transposition of the quartets, unclear
Related to 145
Cup And Ball Move No. 517, balls from hand to under cup
Related to 145
Ace Prologue To Routine No. 518, top card used to count off a pile of that number, done four times, Aces found on bottom of each
Related to 145
Ace Act Routine No. 519, titles of three Ace tricks that are combined to routine
Age And Pocket Change Number Gag No. 520, calculation with age an pocket change, performer divines both from the result
Three Card Discovery Reverse Card Routine No. 521, three cards chosen and found in different ways, sandwich and turnover of cards
Related to 146
Flap Slate Top Change Effect No. 522, doing a top change with a slate flap (presumably transferring the flap from slate to slate, not clearly described) to affect later appearance of chosen drawing or similar
Related to 147
Top Change Slate Gag With Extra Sensory Perception Cards No. 523, same as previous entry it seems
Related to 147
Roughing Fluid Formula No. 524, for "Brain Wave Deck"
Bottom Double Lift Card Change No. 525, some kind of Downs Change from the face as Glide substitute
Ambitious Card Move No. 526, showing top two cards as indifferent cards and thereby placing selection to second position for next phase
Dr. Jacob Daley On the Daley-Horowitz Reverse within No. 526, double lift reverse with some kind of clip and shuffle, not clear
Related to 148
Bottom Glimpse Palm No. 527, palm after gambler's glimpse with card almost bent in half, followed by spreading cards
Related to 148
Dr. Jacob Daley Five Coin Routine No. 528, coin traveling routine with consecutively more coins
Dr. Jacob Daley False Count To Add Cards No. 529, cards fairly counted off deck, then packet added with palm action, not enough details
Dr. Jacob Daley Side Steal And Hand Spring Move Riffle No. 530, card side stolen from center, then added to top after spring
Dr. Jacob Daley Linking Ring Flourish No. 531, flourish to switch out key ring?
Dr. Jacob Daley Acme Four Ace Routine In Fan No. 532, four Aces lost in fan and found, without multiple shift by placing Aces at specific positions
Dr. Jacob Daley Half Deck False Shuffle within No. 532, running with one half for half stack
Dr. Jacob Daley Peek - Jog Card Control No. 533, card peeked, jog set for delayed control
Dr. Jacob Daley Four Ace Side Crimp Routine No. 534, Aces crimped
Related to 150
Dr. Jacob Daley Triple Peek Finish No. 535, note too short
Related to 151
Dr. Jacob Daley Use Of Daub No. 536, left fourth finger applies daub during peek, located in reverse fan
Dr. Jacob Daley Palm Cover No. 537, fan cover
Related to 151
Dr. Jacob Daley Bead Trick a la Albenice No. 538, broken and restored string of beads perhaps, or magically threading beads, unclear
Dr. Jacob Daley Ambitious Card Move No. 539, card pushed in, deck turned over, shuffled, continued with ambitious card, more a control sequence
Related to 151
Dr. Jacob Daley Torn And Restored Cigarette Paper Wrinkle No. 540
Dr. Jacob Daley Thot Transposition Card Effect No. 541, two cards chosen and written down from two different-backed decks, they are the only odd-backed cards
Dr. Jacob Daley Coloratura Variation No. 542
Dr. Jacob Daley Demonstration Four Ace False Shuffle No. 543, Aces on top, another card placed face up on top, top card lost with riffle shuffles yet Aces remain on top, block transfer
Dr. Jacob Daley Peek-Fan-Side Jog Location No. 544, step fan after peek, Daley variation with two breaks/steps
Dr. Jacob Daley Change Over Packet Move For Four Ace Trick No. 545, perhaps some strategy for Ace Assembly, description discrepant
Dr. Jacob Daley Snap Crimp Ace Routine No. 546, snap crimping Aces in borrowed deck
Related to 153
Dr. Jacob Daley False Cuts (Belly) No. 547, two tabled false cuts
Small Packet Crimp within No. 547, setting crimp with tabled cutting action
Dr. Jacob Daley Peek - Half Drop - Jog Location No. 548, jog to delay control after peek
Dr. Jacob Daley Snap Crimp No. 549, "as key or locator", all Aces or red cards also
Dr. Jacob Daley Snap Crimp As Ambitious Card Move No. 550, controlling selection after spectator shuffle
Dr. Jacob Daley Cup And Ball Final Production No. 551, flowers as final load as gifts for ladies
Dr. Jacob Daley Snap Crimp Use For Leipzig's Matching Up Trick No. 552, card chosen, other three found, unclear if transformation is part of it
Dr. Jacob Daley Card To Envelope Wrinkle No. 553, guiding slide openly removed
Dr. Jacob Daley Spread It Card Trick Improvement No. 554, prediction packet on table, card chosen, tabled packet contains card of same color, suit and also actual selection
Inspired byVariations 155
Dr. Jacob Daley Poker Placement Cull Formula No. 555, performer remembers position of selections in four poker hands, formula to calculate where the cards are when packets are put together for easier culling
Dr. Jacob Daley Aces And Knaves Finish No. 556, Aces change to Jacks, Aces from Envelope
Related to 155
Dr. Jacob Daley Mental Thot Bridge Hand Improvement No. 557, one of thirteen cards thought of and found with multiple-out counting procedure, using Finley Natural Key Card
Inspired by 156
Dr. Jacob Daley Stud Poker No. 558, three somewhat unclear notes except the second (following entry)
Dr. Jacob Daley Jacob's Manual Bug within No. 558, holdout at table edge, Hung Card
Related to 156
Dr. Jacob Daley "Up The Ladder" False Cut No. 559
Dr. Jacob Daley Snap Crimp In 4 Ace Shuffle Routine No. 560, snap-crimped key card
Dr. Jacob Daley Four Ball Routine Finish No. 561, color-changing balls climax
Dr. Jacob Daley Side Steal Cover And Glimpse No. 562, side palm with glimpsing of palmed card
Dr. Jacob Daley Cups And Balls Glass Routine No. 563, routine with paper-covered glasses, a ball changes color and final loads, glass through table
Cough Card Steal No. 564, cough cover after palm with hand that's palming the card
Card To Envelope Wrinkle No. 565, erasing pencil-written address and write spectator's address on it
Related toVariations 158
Dr. Jacob Daley On The Spot No. 566, "Automatic Set-up Variation", 1-x-1 set-up, spectator stops and value used to count down to selection which is reversed
Dr. Jacob Daley Red Deuces With Buried X Card No. 567, selection sandwiched between two red Twos, all three put in deck but no cards face-up, sandwich cards shown one by one on top and tabled, center card is an indifferent card, it changes into selection
Related to 158
Dr. Jacob Daley Cull-Strip Riffle Shuffle No. 568, culling cards at known position to bottom
Dr. Jacob Daley Wave Crimp Force Cut No. 569, cut force by crimping two halves in opposite directions
Dr. Jacob Daley Birthday Trick No. 570, triumph with four cards face-up that consist of the spectator's birth year
Dr. Jacob Daley, Royal Vale Heath Card Trick 14-15 No. 571, card lost, spectator cuts and nine cards are taken, three consecutive cards give numbers 14 or 15 to locate selection, magic square with the nine cards
Cut to Crimp within No. 571
Out Of This World Improved No. 572, 26th card reversed to avoid counting
Photographic Coin Trick No. 573
Shuffle Demonstration Alternate Face Up No. 574, seems to be some riffle stacking formula, but unclear
Club Sequence Run up With Climax No. 575, Ace through Ten of Clubs are set, seems to be a riffle stacking demo in which all the values are counted to one by one
Dr. Jacob Daley Up And Down Four Ace Run up No. 576, deck shuffled face-up/face-down and poker hand dealt, only performer's cards are face-down and the Aces, other cards face-up
Dr. Jacob Daley Natural Break Location No. 577, exploiting cards where the deck naturally breaks by pressure
Dr. Jacob Daley Packets Of Five No. 578, two five-card packets, one card travels to pocket
Dr. Jacob Daley Ace Location No. 579, locator cards by wetting center of cards and letting it dry
Dr. Jacob Daley Think Card Trick No. 580, card peeked, another card selected and pushed into deck face up next to peeked card, bottom deal placement/reverse-cull
Dr. Jacob Daley, Dai Vernon Do As I Do ala Vernon No. 581, two cards from two decks exchanged, they match
Bert Allerton Do As I Do ala Allerton No. 582
Related to 162
Thot Trick Set Up Using 6 Cards No. 583, 1-0-1 set-up to locate a thought-of card, not clear
Princess Card Trick Using One Duplicate No. 584
Related to 163
Fan 8 Perfect Shuffle No. 585, "Fan & Perfect Shuffle", seems to be some gambling deal from new deck order perhaps
Color Tricks No. 586, list of four tricks without details
Dr. Jacob Daley Bridge Trick ala Lie Detector No. 587, two cards selected from thirteen-card packets, found with lie detector presentation, details not clear
Transposition Four Ace No. 588, strip-out addition to switch three Aces, then assembly
Sam Leo Horowitz, Max Malini Horowitz - Malini Sugar Cube Trick Routine No. 589, chink-a-chink
Related to 164
Sam Leo Horowitz Horowitz's Reverse Principle In White Border Cards No. 590, using reverse fan and cards that are reversed in deck, application not clear
Sam Leo Horowitz Horowitz's Coincidence No. 591, card chosen in one deck is reversed in other, then cards transpose between two decks and backs change again
Sam Leo Horowitz Horowitz Card Reverse A Number Called For No. 592
Sam Leo Horowitz Horowitz Notes No. 593
Sam Leo Horowitz Horowitz's Location Thought No. 594, card thought of from thirteen cards during riffle peek, found by counting down its value
Related to 166
Sam Leo Horowitz Horowitz's "Mexican Turnover" Improvement No. 595, exchanging two face-up cards as they are turned down
Sam Leo Horowitz Horowitz's Four Ace Trick With Double Backer No. 596, double-backer used in switch-out
Sam Leo Horowitz Horowitz's Mental Trick With Five Cards No. 597, "They usually choose the 5H which is in the middle.", one of five cards thought of, it vanishes and reappears in packet face up
Sam Leo Horowitz Horowitz's Wrinkle For Grasping Two Cards As One At Right Corner No. 598, perhaps a one-handed lay-down of second and third card from bottom as double by buckling bottom card
Sam Leo Horowitz Horowitz's Fan Peek No. 599, spectator lifts up so he can see a card in fan, leaves behind crimp in upper half, with note by Daley
Related to 167
Sam Leo Horowitz Horowitz's Mental Reverse Effect No. 600, chosen card ends up reversed after some displaying of cards
Sam Leo Horowitz Horowitz's Crimp Location No. 601, card next to selection is crimped on return
Related to 167
Sam Leo Horowitz Horowitz's Mental Stop No. 602, two-pile-stop trick with Eight/Nine alternating set-up
Also published here 167
Sam Leo Horowitz Horowitz's Reverse Card Discovery No. 603, top card taken and deck spread over it to place card next to reversed card
Sam Leo Horowitz Horowitz's Moves: 1) Ambitious card No. 604-1, "Reverse card routine", handling not entirely clear
Sam Leo Horowitz Horowitz's Moves: 2) Horowitz's Pass No. 604-2, "Modified Hermann Pass" (Herrmann), right palm as cover
Sam Leo Horowitz Horowitz's Glide Count For 4 Ace Trick No. 605, Collins type
Related to 168
Sam Leo Horowitz Horowitz's Four Ace Mix No. 606, Aces put on four packets that are assembled and double-cut each time, Aces end up alternating on top
  • Note (Dai Vernon)
Related to 169
Sam Leo Horowitz Horowitz's Double Backer Effect No. 607, setting double backer as key card, out-of-hand selection procedure, shown by Al Baker
Related to 169
Sam Leo Horowitz Horowitz's Shuffle Reverse No. 608, overhand shuffle cover
Related to 169
Sam Leo Horowitz Horowitz's Combination Transposo And Comedy Of Errors For Finish No. 609, doing matching the cards as follow up to a transposition
Related to 169
Sam Leo Horowitz Horowitz's Flying Coins Move From Pocket No. 610, coin through pocket, no details, use as switch
Sam Leo Horowitz Horowitz's Poker Deal No. 611, overhand stacking demonstration with Aces, then repeat deal with Nines in one hand and Royal Flush in another
Variations 169
Sam Leo Horowitz Horowitz's Reverse Deck Effect No. 612, cryptic
Sam Leo Horowitz Horowitz's Handling Of Tunnel Effect Shown By Vernon No. 613, some kind of reverse with odd-backed card, unclear
Sam Leo Horowitz Horowitz's Sympathetic Silk Move No. 614, switch move
Sam Leo Horowitz Horowitz's Hank Fold For Coin And Tube Slide Sleight No. 615, Gypsy Switch, then coin slides secretly in hand
Sam Leo Horowitz, T. Page Wright Horowitz & Wright Combination Stack Routine Using Ace To King No. 616
  • card thought of from thirteen cards during riffle peek, found by counting down its value
  • then another card selected, spectator cuts, value cut to used to count to selection
  • spectator chooses a number of cards and puts them on deck, then a card of matching value is chosen or located
Related to 171
Sam Leo Horowitz Horowitz's Second Steal No. 617, card controlled to second position, top card shown not to be selection, then top two cards palmed to produce card from pocket
Variations 172
Sam Leo Horowitz Horowitz's Rope Move No. 618, switching center for cutting
Sam Leo Horowitz Horowitz's Modiefied Double Reverse No. 619, "Modified Double Reverse", two cards reverse one by one
Sam Leo Horowitz Turnover Half Pass within No. 619
Related to 173
Sam Leo Horowitz Horowitz's Face Up Four Pile Trick With Clip Steal No. 620, some kind of lost and found Aces, unclear
Al Baker Baker's Moves: 1) For key ring removal in false chain of three No. 621-1
Al Baker Baker's Moves: 2) For Ambitious Card No. 621-2, sequence with double lift and loosing top two cards
Also published here 173
Al Baker Al Baker's Bottom Deal Color Flight No. 622, five cards taken from blue-backed deck, and five from re-backed deck, leader cards exchanged and rest follows, odd-backed, bottom deals with instant turnover
Al Baker Al Baker's Initially, Envelope In Cut Envelope Switch No. 623
Related to 174
Al Baker Al Baker Cup Cup Ball Move No. 624, using five balls, no details
Al Baker Al Baker's Moist Paper Thumb Tip Method No. 625, wet tissue paper is dried in hand, no details
Related to 174
Al Baker Al Baker's Thumb Tip With Wire For Saltrlx No. 626, note without content
Al Baker Al Baker's Nikola Miracle No. 627, number free, card forced from a second deck
Also published here 174
Al Baker Al Baker's Nikola Gag No. 628, knowing how many cards are cut off after fair cuts
Related to 175
Al Baker Al Baker Finger Tip Thread Knife Magnetism Trick No. 629, to find a card in the spread, brief
Also published here 175
Al Baker Al Baker's - Fake Half Dollar Fold In Envelope Steal No. 630, note without content
Related to 175
Al Baker Al Baker's Indicator Sucker Gag No. 631, card changes in spectator's hand, stabbing presentation, same as Card in Hand
Related to 175
Al Baker Al Baker Number Please and Al Baker Is Good No. 632, unclear
Related to 175
Al Baker Al Baker Glide Wrinkle No. 633-1, first finger pushed card back as hand is turned
Al Baker 2) No. 633-2, some location idea, cryptic
Related to 175
Al Baker 3) For Horowitz "Shuffle Mental Trick" No. 633-3, cryptic, placement of cards near the face
Related to 176
Al Baker Al Baker's Ring Move With Thread No. 634
Related to 176
Al Baker Al Baker's Thread Trick No. 635
Related to 176
Al Baker Al Baker's Thread Trick No. 635, duplicate number and title, on the preparation of the thread
Related to 176
Al Baker Al Baker's Billet Initial Mindreading Trick No. 636, three cards predicted on billets
Al Baker Al Baker's Finger Tip Dead Name Test No. 637, billets put in envelope, some actually in finger tip
Al Baker Al Baker's Billet Wrinkle No. 638
Al Baker Al Baker's Cut And Restored Rope Mystery No. 639, pull
Related to 177
Al Baker Al Baker's Card Memory No. 640, using real memory, thirteen cards are removed
Also published here 178
Al Baker Al Baker's Tips: 1) No. 641-1, tape to stick torn center on pad
Al Baker Al Berk's Tips: 2) No. 641-2, purse vanishes, pull attached to coin
Related to 178
Jean Hugard Jean Hugard's Everywhere Nowhere No. 642, note without content
Jean Hugard Jean Hugard's Injog Location Or Shuffle No. 643, note without content
Jean Hugard Jean Hugard's Two Halves And Dime Gag No. 644
Jean Hugard Jean Hugard's Everybodys and Nobodys Card No. 645, note without content
Jean Hugard Jean Hugard's Push Bottom Palm No. 646, note without content
Jean Hugard Hugard's Everywhere And Nowhere No. 647
Jean Hugard Jean Hugard's Pair Trick No. 648, with three or four pairs
Jean Hugard Jean Hugard's Dollar Bill Between Cards Effect No. 649, cryptic but might be related to reference, bill number read off thumb nail
Related to 179
Jean Hugard Hugard's Force For Date And Cards Trick No. 650, forcing four cards of current year, cross cut force with giving choice of top or bottom four cards
Jean Hugard Hugard's Three Pile Trick With Extra Cards No. 651, not entirely clear, some everywhere and nowhere effect perhaps with three cards found from three piles
Dr. H. Walter Grote Dr. Grote Effects No. 652, list without further details:
  • 1) Four ace trick using second deal
  • 2) Thru tunnel effect with reversed card
  • 3) Drop change in mid-air
  • 4) Cigarette thru hank
  • 5) Top change using card as cover
Dr. H. Walter Grote Dr. Grote's (2-6-37) Silk On Cane No. 653, four silks on cane, chosen silk falls off
Related to 180
Dr. H. Walter Grote Dr. Grote's Fishing Trick No. 654, aerial fishing
Dr. H. Walter Grote Dr. Grote's No. 655, list without further details:
  • 1) Fishing rod gimmick
  • 2) Dye Tube Gimmick
  • 3) Rope and four silks and chosen one falls off
Related to 180
Dr. H. Walter Grote Dr. Grote Stockpivot Dye Tube Effect No. 656, note without details
Dr. H. Walter Grote Dr. Grote Four Ace Trick Variation No. 657
Paul LePaul Dr. Grote's Effect: 1) Le Paul location No. 658-1, dropping half on the other
Related to 181
John Snyder Dr. Grote's Effect: 2) Snyder ace Yanish in face up pile No. 658-2, cryptic, Aces seem to vanish from four packets
Dr. H. Walter Grote Dr. Grote's Effect: 3) Cards to pocket last card vanish No. 658-3, card bent and palmed somehow, cryptic
Dr. H. Walter Grote Dr. Grote's Linking Ring Move No. 659, linking method with swinging action of rings
Dr. H. Walter Grote Dr. Grote's Cut Card In Mid-air No. 660, card chosen and put in glass, a second deck thrown up and duplicate card cut with scissors from shower of card
John Scarne Scarne Card Gag - Making A New Card No. 661, note without content
John Scarne Scarne's Bridge As Location No. 662, note without content
John Scarne, Sam Leo Horowitz Scarne's And Horowitz Hank Change And Vanish No. 663, coin vanished or switched with handkerchief, not enough details
John Scarne Scarne's Coin Change No. 664, coin changes first in performer's hand then in spectator's (perhaps), not enough details
John Scarne Scarne's Bottom Glimpse No. 665, side crimping bottom card
John Scarne Scarne's Penny And Hank Trick No. 666, sleeve use, cryptic
John Scarne Scarne Retaining Top Stock False Shuffle No. 667
John Scarne Scarne's Hand To Hand Card Effect No. 668, perhaps cards across, cryptic
John Scarne Scarne's Thot Trick With Pellet Finish No. 669
John Scarne Scarne's Envelope Switch No. 670, card pushed in envelope and switched, starts with double, one card left on deck which is also held
John Scarne Scarne's Push In Move For Ambitious Card No. 671, bit unclear
John Scarne Scarne's Number Card Crimp For Vernon's Reverse Effect No. 672, chosen card at named number with corner crimped, perhaps referring to reference
Inspired by 183
John Scarne Scarne's Shuffle - Crimp Work No. 673, setting a crimp to which spectator hopefully cuts
John Scarne Scarne's Guess Red Or Black No. 674, number of red and black cards in cut-off packet from shuffled deck predicted, guessing and false count
Nate Leipzig Nate Leipzig Four King Vanish With Buckley Sleight No. 675
Nate Leipzig Leipzig's Four Aces And 3 Ten Match Up Trick No. 676, note without content
Nate Leipzig Nate Leipzig's Poker Trick Note No. 677
Nate Leipzig Nate Leipzig's Reverso Discovery No. 678
Nate Leipzig Leipzig Index Finger Double Lift No. 679, note without content
Related to 184
Nate Leipzig Nate Leipzig Poker Deal No. 680, some cryptic deal with Aces, Kings and Queens
Nate Leipzig Leipzig's Pass Variation No. 681, cryptic
Data entered by Denis Behr, January 2023.