169 entries in Cards / Sleights / Multiple Lift / Laydowns on Table
Creators Title Comments & References Year Source Page AA Categories
Victor Farelli The "Conus" Method how to steal a card under another and lay both down as one card, not exactly a double lift or turnover
1936 50
Double Laydown on Table
1937 10
Flatwise Drop of Card on the floor
The Jinx (Issue 97)
Double Card Laydown here on floor
1942 15
Edward Marlo Marlo's Two Card Throw from deck
Related toVariations 1947 5
Edward Marlo Tabling a Double Card nail presses onto card, step 6
Oct. 1960
Ibidem (Issue 22)
Howard Schwarzman The Impeccable Double shooting double across surface
Inspired byRelated toVariationsAlso published here 1961 148
Edward Marlo How I Recall -- on connection of Impeccable Double and Hummer's Jumping Card
Related to Sep. 1962
Ibidem (Issue 26)
Edward Marlo Shoot double shoots out by itself from Impeccable Double grip
Inspired by Sep. 1962
Ibidem (Issue 26)
Harry Lorayne Double Put-Down with deck in hand
1967 13
Edward Marlo Marlo's Card Throw face down from a face down deck
Inspired by 1967
Riffle Shuffle Finale (Issue Card Throw)
Edward Marlo Multiple Throw multiple doubles at the same time
Riffle Shuffle Finale (Issue Card Throw)
Edward Marlo One-Handed Double Drop from small packet
Riffle Shuffle Finale (Issue Riffle Finale)
Edward Marlo "Two Card Throw" Laydown three cards tabled as two, one-handed, top card of packet buckled with first finger
1968 24
Carmen D'Amico, Edward Marlo D'Amico Spread Laydown
1968 27
Edward Marlo "Three Card Throw" Laydown four cards tabled as three, one-handed, top cards of packet buckled with first finger, elevator application
1968 27
Edward Marlo Marlo's Two Card Throw double/triple thrown onto table
Also published here 1968 82
Edward Marlo Marlo's Two Card Throw without Wrist Turn
1968 119
Wilfrid Jonson Free Fall Double flips over onto table, here credited to Jonson
1969 41
Double Card Laydown brief
1971 146
Dan Tong The Pad Spread throwing several cards on table, some of which are a double
Related to 1972 106
Sam Leo Horowitz Horowitz's Wrinkle For Grasping Two Cards As One At Right Corner No. 598, perhaps a one-handed lay-down of second and third card from bottom as double by buckling bottom card
1972 167
Max Malini Malini's Card Vanish No. 708, dropping two cards together in count to table
Also published here 1972 190
Edward Marlo Marlo's Curry's Curve single tabled card switched for double
Variations 1976
Kabbala — Volume 3 (Vol. 3 No. 5)
Dan Tong Pad Spread
1976 6
Martin A. Nash The Double Put-Down
Related to 1977 154
Martin A. Nash The Table Toss see p. 445 for additional crediting
1977 155
Martin A. Nash Double Lift Table Drop from the deck
1977 156
Arturo de Ascanio La Dejada "Por la Cintura"
Also published here 1978 63
Martin A. Nash The Cartwheel Double disarming
1979 307
Dan Tong, Martin A. Nash Pad Spread - Variation spreading three cards on table as two
1979 390
Edward Marlo Double Flip Down onto tabled packet
1979 35
Piet Forton Der unfehlbare Doppelwurf Mal Zwei also two doubles
Inspired byVariations 1979
Das Mike Skinner / Piet Forton Seminarheft (Issue Das Piet Forton Seminar)
Jon Racherbaumer Darting Double some credit information
The Hierophant (Issue The Last Hierophant)
Edward Marlo Double Flip Down see also p. 10
1981 3
Paul Harris Tabling a Double
1981 18
Joe Dignam Double Shoot double propelled on table without splitting
May 1981
Spell-Binder (Vol. 1 No. 1)
Christian Scherer Der Scherer Spread
  • 1. Die Entwicklung des Scherer spread
  • 2. Grundhaltung und Grundgriff
  • 3. Der Scherer spread
  • 4. Der Scherer spread Variation I
  • 5. Der Scherer spread Variation II
  • 6. Der Scherer spread Variation II als Falschzählmethode (as false count)
  • 7. Der Scherer spread Variation III
  • 8. Der Scherer spread von 6 als 4 Karten
  • 9. Das Ablegen der Karten aus dem Scherer spread (lay down)
  • 10. Anmerkungen zur Handhabung von spreads und counts
Related to 1982 23
Christian Scherer, Howard Schwarzman, Piet Forton Der Multiple Card Throw 1. Vorgeschichte
2. Der multiple card throw vom Spiel (from the deck, Impeccable double variations)
3. Der multiple card throw aus der Hand (in the hands, four methods)
Inspired byRelated to 1982 97
Edward Marlo Throw Laydown
1983 42
Michael J. Gerhardt Tabled Ascanio Spread lay-down technique after Ascanio Spread
1983 5
Edward Marlo After Rhod tableing double cards from small packets, as much as four doubles (eight as four)
1985 381
Daniel Rhod Four as Three Laydown four-card packet, lay-down on table with one double (center two cards sliding out) and two singles
1985 381
Edward Marlo After Rhod, Center Laydown double card laydowns from center of deck
1985 390
One-Handed Laydown (1937)
1985 10
Larry Jennings Bounce Double as card is flipped on tabled pile
1986 144
Dai Vernon On Tabling a Double Card
1987 55
Piet Forton Piet Forton's Impeccable Variations: Oops!...They Split! double apparently splits, session gag with Impeccable Double
Related to Oct. 1987
Epoptica (Issue 10)
Piet Forton Tossed Four of a Kind three freely chosen cards turn out to be aces, four cards as one on table via Impeccable Double
Oct. 1987
Epoptica (Issue 10)
Dan Tong Pad Spread
1987 42
Dan Tong Pad Spread
Lecture Notes Collection (Issue Carney Up Close)
Paul Diamond The Diamonds Double fancy move, also with table placement
1987 300
Jerry Sadowitz The Push Off Double Deal onto the table
Inspired by 1987 103
Ken Simmons Another Curve single switched for double which is placed on table with Visual Retention Change
Inspired by 1987 52
Dan Tong Pad Spread
1987 [22]
Max Malini Moisture Double Laydown moisture through breathing
1988 23
Dai Vernon Floor Drop
1988 108
Arturo de Ascanio Ascanio Spread Laydown
Magical Arts Journal (Vol. 2 No. 9-12 Paul Harris: The Act)
Eugene Burger Double Card Laydown dropping two cards as one on the table
1989 22
Doug Edwards Fingertip Nudge double is placed on table one-handed from deck and unloaded
July 1989
Apocalypse (Vol. 12 No. 7)
Karl Fulves Double on Deck Laydown deck set on table one-handed with double angled to side
1989 26
Rafael Benatar Dejada Resbalante several variations
  • Haciendo escala
  • Con casual encuentro
  • Con encuentro casual del segundo tipo
  • Sobre una carta
  • Con la carta doble sobresaliente
Also published here 1989 19
Rafael Benatar Doble Lift Pivotante one-handed double lift, several applications
-Como Cuenta Falsa (as a false count)
  • Dejada Pivotante (Pivoting Laydown)
  • Con giro de 180° (with 180° turn)
Also published here 1989 29
Rafael Benatar La Dejada Pendular double lay-down on table
1989 50
Arturo de Ascanio Ascanio's Burning Put-Down
Also published here 1989 2
Gary Ouellet Double Deposits
1990 102
Dan Tong Pad Spread
1991 138
Edward Marlo Two-Card Throw brief
May 1991 3
Vanni Bossi The Vanni Bossi's Buckle Fan (1971-72) one-handed fanning of small packet with one double card, with lay-down, two handlings
Also published here 1991 16
Vanni Bossi A Further Idea: "4 As 3" in the Hands and on the Table with one-handed lay-down
Also published here 1991 18
James Swain Do-It-Yourself Double Drop from deck onto table
Inspired by 1992 xxxiii
Max Malini Moisture Double Laydown moisture through breathing
Apr. 1992
The Olram File (Issue 11)
Edward Marlo Double Flip Down onto tabled packet
1992 12
David Neighbors D. N. Card Clip Idea card changes as it is tabled, double remains on table, starts with triple, card clip
  • The Basic Idea
Inspired byVariations 1992 4
Rafael Benatar The Slippery Drop several variations
Related toAlso published here 1993 3
Rafael Benatar The Pivoting Laydown
Also published here 1993 10
Arturo de Ascanio Ascanio Spread Laydown
1993 889
ダブルカードプットダウン (Double Card Putdown) Placing double on table
1993 128
Sid Fleischman The Fleischman Snap or The Wonderful One-Handed Double Lift No. 2, card snaps to the right after thumb count, optional tabling
1993 182
Edward Marlo Two Card Throw three as two
Mar. 1993
Magic (Vol. 2 No. 7)
Jean-Jacques Sanvert, Arturo de Ascanio Ascanio Laydown Handling from Ascanio spread
Sep. 1993
Magic (Vol. 3 No. 1)
Dai Vernon Double Laydown nail finesse
1994 17
Arturo de Ascanio Ascanio Spread with Double Card Laydown
The Art of Astonishment — Book 3 (Issue Magical Arts Journal)
Dan Block One-Card Poker from the deck
July 1996
Apocalypse (Vol. 19 No. 7)
Harry Riser Double Put-Down Variation
Related to 1996 200
Larry Jennings Bounce Double as card is flipped on tabled pile
1997 191
Larry Jennings Free Fall Double
1997 249
Christian Scherer Multiple Card Throw Variation Impeccable Double variation
Inspired by 1997 68
Domino Spread Turnover on Table uncredited, Bilis?
1997 31
Lee Asher Yo cards are thrown yoyo-like
1998 6
Arturo de Ascanio Ascanio Spread Laydown setting all four cards on table, two methods
1998 597
Max Malini Malini's Card Vanish dropping two cards together in count to table
Also published here Nov. 1999
Genii (Vol. 62 No. 11)
Roger Crosthwaite Transfer Switches - First Method card is shown in spread and tabled
Also published here 1999 3
Ascanio Spread Laydown
1999 121
Dan Tong, Martin Gardner The Pad Spread
2000 144
Edward Marlo Throwing Doubles Two Card Throw
2000 27
Barry Price Throwing Doubles
2000 46
Edward Marlo The Two Card Throw card tossed from deck onto table
2000 46
The Two Card Drop card placed from deck onto table one-handed, back of hand up, see also page 52
2000 46
The Back Hand Double card tossed from deck onto table one-handed, back of hand up
2000 47
Shooting Doubles
Related to 2000 47
Barry Price Multiple Doubles short comment
2000 47
Barry Price Multiple Packets short comment
2000 47
R. Paul Wilson Wilson Tabled Double slides across table
Variations 2001 16
Dan Buck, Dave Buck Bounce up Double top card tabled and it slides forward
Inspired by 2001 22
Jack Avis Safe double laying down three cards as two on the table
2002 29
Arturo de Ascanio Lay-Down Sequence four as three
Also published here Aug. 2002
Magic (Vol. 11 No. 12)
Dai Vernon Double Laydown
2003 52
David Ben Book Spread Turnover on Table or Bilis?
2003 58
Davide Costi Double Card Laydown
2004 99
Piet Forton Drop-Out-Move Double double lay down, variation on the drop out move
2005 14
Rafael Benatar On Tabling Double Cards: The Nail and Edge Principle
  • An Exercise
  • With the left hand
  • The Pendular Laydown
  • Sitting Down
Mar. 2005
Genii (Vol. 68 No. 3)
Arturo de Ascanio The Burning Double
Also published here 2006 51
Arturo de Ascanio The Studio Lay-Down while dealing cards in a row from a small packet, double laydown
2006 52
Arturo de Ascanio By the Waist after Ascanio Spread
Also published here 2006 53
Arturo de Ascanio The Rubbed Lay-Down from Ascanio Spread, with variation
Also published here 2006 54
Arturo de Ascanio Rubber and Overlapped from Ascanio Spread
  • Second Variant
  • Third Variant - Rubbed, Overlapped and Shifted
  • Fourth Variant - Rubbed with Two Doubles
2006 55
Arturo de Ascanio The Scattered Lay-Down after Tenerife Spread
2006 59
Arturo de Ascanio The In-Transit Lay-Down after vertical Ascanio Spread
Also published here 2006 60
Arturo de Ascanio Petal Pickin' after Ring-Finger Grip Ascanio Spread
2006 61
Arturo de Ascanio Sweeping Pick-Up picking up tabled double card
2006 199
Dai Vernon Double Laydown nail finesse
Aug. 2006
Antinomy (Vol. 2 No. 3)
Howard Schwarzman Impeccable Double shooting double across surface
Also published here Aug. 2006
Antinomy (Vol. 2 No. 3)
Larry Jennings Free Fall Double three as two are dropped onto table and they turn over as they fall
Nov. 2006
Antinomy (Vol. 2 No. 4)
Justin Higham IDF Plus Tabled Double
2007 12
Tabling a double brief
2007 275
David Ben, Bernard Bilis Tabled Spread Turnover
Also published here 2007 18
Edward Marlo Double Flip Down onto tabled packet
Mar. 2008
Antinomy (Vol. 4 No. 1)
Larry Wilmore The Flop-Over Double for hard surface, for one double, or a fan configuration
Mar. 2009
Genii (Vol. 72 No. 3)
David Ben, Bernard Bilis Tabled Spread Turnover
Also published here 2011 74
Gabi Pareras Dejada simultánea double laydown and pick-up, while putting several cards on the table in a row
  • Expansión
  • Recogida
2012 107
Edward Marlo Marlo's Two Card Throw three cards tabled as two, one-handed
Also published here 2013 85
Father Alex The D.L. Muck Load palmed card under tabled card, perfectly aligned
2014 4
Father Alex Return of the D.L. Muck Variation on D.L. Muck, different laydown method
2014 6
Double Card Laydown
2014 42
R. Paul Wilson Wilson Tabled Double slides across table
2014 24
Book Turnover on Table spread turnover, Bilis/Ben
2014 43
Chris Beason Laydown after Stuart Gordon Double onto another tabled card
Dec. 2015
Genii (Vol. 78 No. 12)
Vanni Bossi Buckle Fan Hideout one-handed fanning of small packet with one double card, with lay-down, two handlings
Also published here 2016 76
Vanni Bossi The Bossi Four-as-Three Display with one-handed lay-down
Also published here 2016 80
Vanni Bossi Double Toss throwing several cards on table, one which are a double, vacuum
Related to 2016 95
Dan Tong The Pad Spread
2016 13
Yves Carbonnier La Pirouette combination of the Pad Spread and Liardet's turnover move, sandwich flicked off a glass without splitting
Variations 2016 15
Yves Carbonnier, Jacques Tandeau La Pirouette Variations two methods with a card case
Inspired by 2016 17
Dan Tong Pad Spread
2018 200
Double Card Laydown
2019 14
Double Laydown double flippd face up on the table, brief
2019 68
Dan Tong The Pad Spread credited to Jerry Mentzer
2019 158
Yves Carbonnier La Pirouette combination of the Pad Spread and Liardet's turnover move, sandwich flicked off a glass without splitting
Variations 2019 159
Yves Carbonnier, Jacques Tandeau La Pirouette Variations two methods with a card case
Inspired by 2019 162
Yves Carbonnier Snap Pour une Double double laydown, three as two
Related to 2019 232
Lay-Down three as two
2019 122
Arturo de Ascanio Ascanio Spread with laydown
2020 161
Richard Kaufman When the Double Card Leaves the Hands intro
2020 180
Larry Jennings First Method: Bounce Double double turned over unto tabled packed, it bounces off other hand's finger, packet display application which hides several cards
2020 180
Larry Jennings Second Method: The Free-Fall Double double spins in the air and lands on table, described with three as two cards
2020 182
Larry Jennings Third Method: Warp and Drop
2020 184
Larry Jennings Fourth Method: Marlo’s Two Card Throw (Jennings Finesse) from deck
Inspired by 2020 186
Arturo de Ascanio The Rubbed Lay Down from Ascanio Spread
Also published here 2020 77
Arturo de Ascanio The Burning Double
Also published here 2020 77
Arturo de Ascanio Rubbed Lay Down from Ascanio Spread
Also published here 2020 94
Arturo de Ascanio The Petal Picking (“El deshoje”) after Ascanio Spread, lay down in pile
2020 101
Arturo de Ascanio In-transit Lay Down brief, after vertical Ascanio Spread
Also published here 2020 104
Florian Brooks Reliable Double
  • Variation 1: one handed double - table double
  • Variation 2: right handed double
  • Variation 3: Lift / Bob White Display
  • Variation 4: Stud
  • Variation 5: Display
  • Variation 6: Triple
  • Variation 7: Static Double
Related to 2022 16
Arturo de Ascanio Lay-Down Sequence four as three
Also published here 2022 112
Victor Piña Double Laydown using Stewart Gordon Double Lift, one is double card
2022 31
Victor Piña Dejada simétrica desde culebreo laydown from Ascanio spread, hiding one card
2022 68
Bernard Bilis Three-as-Two Laydown two cards placed down one-handed, one is a double
Mar. 2024
Genii (Vol. 87 No. 3)
Rafael Benatar The Benatar Slippery Double Turnover
Related toAlso published here Nov. 2024
Genii (Vol. 87 No. 11)