hidden agenda 2 \n \n peter duffie
Peter Duffie
Hidden Agenda 2
folded and stapled \n two cards signed and lost, matchbook vanishes, when deck is cut the matchbook is found on lower half stapled to signed selection with second selection inside, hollow block gaff \n peter duffie
Peter Duffie
Folded and Stapled
no fantasy cards to pocket \n two cards to pocket \n peter duffie
Peter Duffie
No Fantasy Cards to Pocket
spread stop force \n spreading through deck in the hands and stopping at break \n peter duffie
Peter Duffie
Spread Stop Force
as easy as 1-2-3 \n predictions written on three blank cards \n peter duffie \n the alternative murder mystery \n peter duffie
Peter Duffie
As Easy As 1-2-3
the alternative murder mystery \n variation with murder theme \n peter duffie \n as easy as 1-2-3 \n peter duffie
Peter Duffie
The Alternative Murder Mystery
Inspired by
the untouched \n spectators count themself, two (duplicates) travel across, with envelopes \n peter duffie \n "three cards pass" (tom sellers, the gen, vol. 22 no. 8, dec. 1966, p. 211)
Peter Duffie
The Untouched
Inspired by- "Three Cards Pass" (Tom Sellers, The Gen, Vol. 22 No. 8, Dec. 1966, p. 211)
carter's fooler \n deck shuffled by spectator, deck cut into four piles, performer removes one from each pile, values are spelled and mates found \n peter duffie \n arthur carter \n face-to-face coincidence \n nick trost \n three-way gemini \n nick trost \n "impossible coincidence" (arthur carter, magigram, nov. 1975) \n carter's esp fooler \n nick trost
Peter Duffie, Arthur Carter
Carter's Fooler
Inspired by- "Impossible Coincidence" (Arthur Carter, Magigram, Nov. 1975)
the gathering \n one double facer \n peter duffie \n collectors item \n peter duffie
Peter Duffie
The Gathering
Inspired by
the travelling wilburys \n four coins, no extra, using a thumb crotch palm instead of classic palm \n peter duffie \n coins across \n peter duffie
Peter Duffie
The Travelling Wilburys
Inspired by
thumb crotch palm \n \n unknown
Thumb Crotch Palm
on location \n out-of-hand selection procedure \n peter duffie
Peter Duffie
On Location
the incredible cover-up \n four-digit number written on piece of paper is divined \n peter duffie \n impressed \n roy johnson
Peter Duffie
The Incredible Cover-Up
Inspired by
the problem in mind \n deck cut in two halves, spectator thinks of a card in one half and spell-counts it into other half to arrive at mate \n peter duffie \n helensburg speller \n roy walton \n a card problem \n steven hamilton
Peter Duffie
The Problem in Mind
Inspired by
the flight (plight?) of the missionaries \n thieves & sheep with miniature cards, or coins \n peter duffie \n cannibals & missionaries \n dave campbell
Peter Duffie
The Flight (Plight?) of the Missionaries
Inspired by
the 5-point-5 trick \n also "five and a half?" in some editions, variation of three-and-a-half of clubs in which five and a torn-in-half card match a calculated number \n peter duffie
Peter Duffie
The 5-Point-5 Trick
number force \n digit thought of, value of card at that position added to number \n bob ostin
Bob Ostin
Number Force