68 entries in Rope / Knot Effects / Real / Puzzle & Impossible Knot
Creators Title Comments & References Year Source Page AA Categories
Der Knoten im Taschentuch No. 6, putting a knot in a handkerchief without letting go of the ends (knotting the arms first)
1900 159
To Take Two Corners of a Handkerchief, one in each Hand, and Tie a Know in it Without Removing either Hand
1902 292
Joe Berg Knot From Nowhere without letting go of each end in both hands
Variations 1937 12
G. W. Hunter G. W. Hunter's Puzzle Knot making a knot without letting go of ends, with ring on rope as addition
Related to 1941 ca. 17
The Knot of Enchantment rope tied on wrists of performer, knot is made on middle of rope
1941 ca. 21
Adolph Ferber Adolph Ferber's Spectre Tie knot appears on tube on rope, under handkerchief
1941 ca. 25
G. W. Hunter Puzzle Knot knot without letting go of the ends
1943 101
Laurie Ireland Tying and Untying Knots in a Cord without Letting Go of the Ends one and two knots
Ireland's Yearbooks (Issue Yearbook 1947)
Milbourne Christopher Spectacles to Monocle action with rope which spectator cannot imitate, two loops to one loop
Apr. 1948
Hugard's Magic Monthly (Vol. 5 No. 11)
Milbourne Christopher Nautical Puzzle rope knotted to circle, puzzle spectator cannot imitate
Apr. 1948
Hugard's Magic Monthly (Vol. 5 No. 11)
Francis J. Rigney Five Knots - One Impossible!
Variations July 1948 441
Martin Gardner The Magic Knot knot tied in rope, ends held by spectator, scissors threaded
Dec. 1948 495
Tom Monroe "Impossible" Knot impromptu
Inspired by Jan. 1949 503
Tony Slydini Knots impossible knot, ends of rope tied together
Also published here Jan. 1950
The Phoenix (Issue 195)
Ein alter Trick u. seine Fortsetzung knot is made over ring, ends held by spectator
Related to 1952
Hokus Pokus (Vol. 13 No. 5)
Dr. William Weyeneth Der Wunderknoten im Seil! knot is made over ring, ends held by spectator, different method
Related to 1954
Hokus Pokus (Vol. 15 No. 1)
Tony Slydini Knots impossible knot
Also published here 1956 81
Martin Gardner Knotty Problems
  • The Impossible Knot
  • Knot Box
Apr. 1962
The New Phoenix (Issue 368)
Bert Allerton Variation on the Hunter Knot variation on G. W. Hunter's Puzzle Knot, described by Martin Gardner
Related to 1968 68
Martin Gardner Martin Gardner's Magic Knot scissors on rope, ends held by spectators and performer is able to make a knot around scissors under handkerchief
Also published here
  • in "Hugard's Magic Monthly*
1968 34
Martin Gardner Martin Gardner's Impossible Knot rope pulled through hole of newspaper, knot appears
1968 36
Arthur Setterington Chinese Rope Routine story routine about Confucius and a magician
  • appearance of a knot
  • one handed knot
  • dissolving and appearing knots
  • to "dissolve" a knot
  • to make two knots appear
  • the appearance of two knots
  • to tie a knot in a rope without letting go of the ends of the rope
  • to cause a number of knots to appear
1972 31
Robert E. Neale New Hunter Knot never-letting-go-knot, string
Also published here Feb. 1973 597
Horace E. Bennett Ghost Knot knot while the spectator holds both ends, in the end the rope is linked to performer's buttonhole
Inspired byAlso published here May 1973 619
Karl Fulves Knot Possible knot tied in loop of rope, in the end the knot drops off as ring, three phases
Inspired by
  • Milbourne Christophe Routine in The Sphinx
June 1974 746
Tony Slydini On The Gambler's Knot performer demonstrates knot in slow-motion, spectator cannot duplicate it
Related toAlso published here Mar. 1975
The Pallbearers Review (Vol. 10 No. 5)
Philip Reed Willmarth The Impossible Knot and Ring without letting go of ends
1975 38
The Impossible Appearing Knot without letting go of the ends
1976 138
G. W. Hunter Hunter's Impossible Knot without letting go of the ends
1977 50
Karl Fulves, Milbourne Christopher Knot Possible three phases (first phase by Milbourne Christopher, other two by Fulves), knot routine with loop of ring, ring appears without letting go of the sides of the loop, knot comes off at the end
1977 114
Tony Slydini The Gambler's Knot performer demonstrates knot in slow-motion, spectator cannot duplicate it
Also published here 1977 117
Tan Hock Chuan A Very Tight Knot How to untie a knot in a human hair, bar bet
1977 18
Tony Slydini Slydini und der Spielerknoten performer demonstrates knot in slow-motion, spectator cannot duplicate it
Also published here Jan. 1984
Intermagic (Vol. 10 No. 3 & 4)
Robert E. Neale Der neue "Hunter-Knoten" never-letting-go-knot, string
Also published here Jan. 1984
Intermagic (Vol. 10 No. 3 & 4)
Ray Hyman The Zoellner Phenomenon knot appears in cord while ends are held together
1985 92
Danny Korem Figure-Eight for Connoisseurs flourish knot without letting go of the ends
1985 107
Knot Conversion "to change a reef or square knot into two overhand knots, and to change these back again"
Also published here
  • The Ashley Book of Knots
1986 35
Desintegration knot pulled off rope, spectator cannot duplicate it
May 1986
Intermagic (Vol. 12 No. 2)
Al Forsythe The Scissor Knot knot puzzle
1990 593
Betcha Knot No. 3, spectator cannot tie a knot the same way the magician can
1990 6
Half a Square No. 18, knot appears in rope under impossible conditions with the ends tied
1990 38
G. W. Hunter A Possible Impossibility No. 47, knot without letting go of the ends
1990 99
Fooling the Expert No. 48, giving the ends to spectator in the middle of Hunter knot
1990 101
Robert E. Neale Neale's Knot No. 49, Hunter knot variation
Also published here 1990 102
Double Cross No. 50, Hunter knot variation in which ends are secretly switched
1990 103
Hunter Killer No. 51, knot without letting go of ends, preparation
1990 105
Robert E. Neale The Hanging No. 57, one spectator is murderer, chosen with cards, noose tied from rope, it tightens only at guilty spectator
1990 120
Fourth-Dimension Knot No. 63, rope tied between both wrists of performer, he makes a knot when out of sight
Related to 1990 132
Joe Berg, Martin Gardner Knot from Nowhere & Variations thing where you don't let go of ends and still make knots
Arcane (Issue 14)
Mitsunobu Matsuyama The Knot Scam puzzle
Arcane (Issue 14)
Rajneesh Madhok Bachelor's Thread Threading the Needle with appearing ring climax
June 1996
The Minotaur (Vol. 8 No. 2)
Karl Fulves Knot There "Unsolved Mysteries"
Hunter knot mentioned (without letting go), knot is in tie instead, posed as a problem
1997 146
Bill Spooner Snapknot performer holds rope on both ends, it is flicked and knot appears, credit information
Nov. 2000
Magic (Vol. 10 No. 3)
Francis Tabary Appearance and Vanish of a Knot knot made in rope with ends in pocket
2004 68
Barrie Richardson The Impossible Knot Routine routine and presentation knot sequence
  • G. W. Hunter's Puzzle Knot
  • The Slow-motion Knot
  • The Bradbury Knot (reel)
Also published here
  • Concepts & Deceptions Lecture Notes, 1999
2005 179
Karl Fulves Knotornot not letting go
Inspired by
  • "To Tie a Knot on the Left Wrist Without Letting the Right Hand Approach it" (The Magician's Own Book, 1857)
Prolix (Issue 2)
Arthur Trace Circular routine with extra piece and solid ring
  • Part I: Knot in Loop (Tabary)
  • Part II: The Knot Vanishes
  • Part III: Loop to Ring
Apr. 2006
Genii (Vol. 69 No. 4)
The Knot of Enchantment Each end of a rope tied to each wrist, magician manages to tie a knot in the rope
Also published here
  • "The Knot of Enchantment" (Boy's World, 1915-16)
2007 3
Martin Gardner, Joseph K. Schmidt Riddle Rope knot appears or not
  • The Chefalo Phase
  • Schmidt's Fake Chefalo
Related to 2008
Prolix (Issue 4)
Juan Tamariz How to Win Impossible Bets several bar bets
  • The "I"
  • Smoking without Consuming a Cigarette
    • Making a knot into a cigarette
  • Tying a Knot in a Rope without Releasing the Ends
  • Eating without Touching the Hat
  • Tearing a Deck of Cards
  • The Flat Match
  • Steel Bridges
  • To Catch a Thief
  • The Multiplication of Bread
  • Flying Food
  • Trip to the Moon
2008 107
Martin Gardner Berg-Hunter Knot not letting go of the ends
Variations 2009
Prolix (Issue 6)
Karl Fulves Sting Theory not letting go of the ends
Inspired by 2009
Prolix (Issue 6)
J. W. Sarles Knot To Be Found not letting go of the ends
Inspired by 2009
Prolix (Issue 6)
Robert E. Neale The Pitter Patter Trick Hunter Knot routine
2009 197
Joseph K. Schmidt Sliding Hunter Knot without letting go of ends
Prolix (Issue 7)
Jim Steinmeyer The Anomaly ends of a rope are tied to performer's wrist, yet he forms a knot in the rope under cover
Inspired by 2015 14
Knot in Rope Bar Stunt
Hidden Agenda (Issue May 29)
Technique Wherein A Rope Is Passed Through The Sleeves, The Ends Held By A Spectator, and The Rope Knots Itself in a Square Knot
  • Dan Sherer (additional comments)
Also published here
  • Hōkasen, 1764
May 2016
Genii (Vol. 79 No. 5)