101 entries in Watch / Set Time is Predicted or Changed
Creators Title Comments & References Year Source Page AA Categories
Henri Decremps Cadrans Sympathiques two dials with letters, needle is placed on one letter and needle moves by its own on other dial
1785 150
To indicate on the Dial of a Watch the Hour secretly thought of by any of the Company arithmetical procedure
1876 213
To Bend a Borrowed Watch Backwards and Forwards optical illusion
1876 214
Charles T. Jordan The Mesmerized Alarm Clock No. 1, alarm clock set at any time by spectator and covered with napkin, hour divined
Also published here 1920 3
Theodore Annemann Impromptu Frame Ups feeling time behind back, knowing what is drawn on slate, instant stooge
Also published here Mar. 1935
The Jinx (Issue 6)
Dr. Edward G. Ervin Telling the Time on a Watch time on wrapped watch divined
1937 53
Martin Gardner Watchistry spectator calculates number from hours on watch, divined by performer
Variations Dec. 1938
The Jinx (Issue 51)
Theodore Annemann Impromptu Frame-Ups feeling time behind back, knowing what is drawn on slate, instant stooge
  • 1. Envelope Test
  • 2. Watch Test
  • 3. Slate Test
  • 4. Another Slate Test
  • 5. Shirt Test
Also published here 1944 113
George Blake Time Will Tell with Full Hunter Pocket Watch, gaffed
Related to Feb. 1948
The Phoenix (Issue 144)
George Blake How' the Time?
Mar. 1948
The Phoenix (Issue 146)
Paul V. Mullen Prediction Chest Spoof spectator can say stop anytime during the show, the exact time is predicted inside a box, more as a gag
Aug. 1949 570
U. F. Grant Slate-of-Clock alarm clock set to any time by spectator, chalk clock face on slate becomes the same time
June/July 1949 10
Karl Fulves The Time Keeper spectator sets any time on his own watch and gives it to performer behind his back, there the performer sets his own watch to the same time
Nov. 1964
Ibidem (Issue 30)
Ronnie Gann It's About Time time set on pocket watch is predicted on card
Apr. 1964
The New Jinx (Vol. 2 No. 24)
Felix Greenfield The Time Will Come when someone asked the time performer points to watch and a piece of paper is apparently printed with the exact time
Mar. 1965
The New Jinx (Vol. 3 No. 35)
Don Nielson Clocks spectator sets his watch to any time which is then divined
Related to
  • p. 71 for Diaconis idea
Nov. 1966 66
Karl Fulves Clocks spectator sets his watch to any time, time duplicated on performer's watch
Related to Nov. 1966 66
The Amazing Maurice Time Force
Related to Feb. 1967 82
Sandy Vogel Clocks Variation
Inspired by Feb. 1967 82
Don Nielson, Karl Fulves Time Out of Mind medium divines setting on watch in bag in dark room, then actually wears the spectator's watch
Nov. 1968 218
Paul Siegel In Good Time times set with watches, prediction
1972 27
Walter B. Gibson, Joseph Dunninger Time Will Tell prediction of drawn time, handles of performer's watch are set correctly
Variations 1973
Magick (Issue 90)
John D. Pomeroy A Matter of Time forcing a time with a watch, spectator spins stem
Related toVariations 1973 37
Karl Fulves Variation in Handling
Related to 1974 10
Karl Fulves The 12¢ Solution "Math Trix"
twelve pennies, two dice, pocket watch, dice total divined along with dates on chosen coin and setting on watch
Inspired byRelated to Oct. 1975
The Pallbearers Review (Vol. 10 No. 12)
Uriah Fuller 5. Changing the hands on watches
1975 29
Charles T. Jordan The Mesmerized Clock alarm clock set at any time by spectator and covered with napkin, hour divined
Also published here 1975 219
Dr. Barlow Wagman Alarm! time is set of two watches is turned face down, they match
Magick (Issue 146)
Ronnie Gann It's About Time! time is set behind back and put in envelope, time is divined
Magick (Issue 147)
Frederick M. Shields Coincidence prediction with kitchen timer, two timers ring at the same time
Magick (Issue 166)
Robert Cassidy An Experiment with Time watches are collected and placed inside a bag, later they are found that all handles have moved and they don't show actual time anymore
1977 20
Roy Johnson Time Bomb spectator changes time on pocket watch, performer divines it, repeat with prediction
Variations 1977 84
Leslie Anderson, Harry Anderson Time Warp divination of set time of a pocket watch
Related to 1978
Magick (Issue 202)
Karroll Priest Karroll's Watch Thing! two borrowed watches, performer predicts set time on one watch, gimmick
Variations 1978
Magick (Issue 204)
Todd Karr Karr Watch two borrowed watches, set time is predicted, gimmick
Magick (Issue 209)
Dan Tong Time-X set time is matched
Inspired by 1978
Magick (Issue 212)
Al Mann The Three Watches prediction of one of three watches inside a box, Arca system in combination with Ned Rutledge's "Minding the store"
1978 12
Leslie Anderson Time Warp numbers are noted and one selected, matches set time by spectator on watch
Related toVariations 1979
Magick (Issue 246)
Time Will Tell No. 37, medium divines the time set on spectator's watch and the card he stopped at
1979 59
Karl Fulves The Time Pool No. 41, spectator's watch apparently speeded up when dipped into special glass
1979 66
El Duco Watch your Watch! spectator sets watch to a full hour and puts it in a paper bag, second spectator selects card with same number
1980 15
Sandy Spillman Watch It! matching of set time, special model wrist watch
Magick (Issue 251)
Uriah Fuller 3. Watches more on starting broken watches and altering time
1980 36
Danny Korem Stull-ess Watch Stunner spectator makes time out of numbers written by spectators, watch set by spectator, times match
Inspired by 1981 17
Peter A. McDonald Clocks No. 50, two watches, set time match
1981 62
Stephen Tucker Christmas Time time on watch changes, unusual method
Also published here Dec. 1981
Spell-Binder (Vol. 1 No. 8)
Leslie Anderson Time Piece "chosen" time appears on watch which was set unseen by spectator
1983 133
Martin Breese Playing with Time watch of spectator moves forwards or backwards as wished by spectator, name of card found engraved on performer's watch which also stops
Spell-Binder (Vol. 3 No. Special #3)
Thomas Alan Waters Chronologic two phased routine with pocket watch, first selected time is divined, then predicted
Inspired by 1984
Mind, Myth & Magick (Issue Thynk)
Michael Weber Swatch This spectator sets a watch, time is predicted, using property of swatch brand
Also published here Spring 1985
The Collected Almanac (Vol. 3 No. 25, 26 & 27)
Gene Nielsen Time Factor prediction of time on business card, when someone asks what time it is
Mar. 1985
Magick (Issue 348)
Gary Lee Williams De Kronos three hours are set and numbers added, prediction in envelope
Nov. 1986
Magick (Issue 381)
Barrie Richardson Time after Time several wrist watches with random times collected, one chosen, time and spectator predicted
Also published here Oct. 1987
Magick (Issue 396)
Terry Tyson Clockwork prediction of set time using a digital alarm clock
Aug. 1988
Magick (Issue 409)
Bev Bergeron The Miracle of Two Watches stem of a wrist watch is pulled out and handles turned without looking, performer sets the same time on a second wrist watch
1989 9
Bev Bergeron The Miracle of A Watch and Paper as before but time divination is made on a piece of paper
1989 11
Bev Bergeron The Miracle of 'Mental Epic' Prediction time prediction as the third prediction in a Mental Epic routine
1989 12
Bev Bergeron The Miracle of the Time Machine time machine presentation, original time is set on watch again
1989 13
Bev Bergeron The Miracle of the Mailed Letter sent prediction beforehand, set time during performance by spectator
1989 15
Bev Bergeron The Miracle of Synchronous Watches performer and spectator turn stem of wrist watches and stop wherever they want, same time
1989 17
Docc Hilford It's Still Ticking! divination of time by spectator setting time on watch
1990 9
Michael Weber Swatch This spectator sets a watch, time is predicted, using property of swatch brand
Related to
  • Heinz Gieppner's "Radarstrahlen" in "Magie" 1950, No. 9.
Also published here
1991 38
Michael Weber Q-Tip
Inspired by 1991 69
Christoph Borer Wem die Stunde schlägt two spectators can form a time on a cardboard clock, time is predicted on pocket watch
1991 10
Rich Bloch Time-X setting watch on time spectator secretly wrote on post-it note
May 1991
Magick (Issue 455)
Rich Bloch Watch Scam divination of drawn time, handles of spectator's watch are set correctly
Inspired by 1991 13
Davey Marlin-Jones Dr. Jak's Wallet-Handling ideas with the Jaks Wallet
  • Dr. Jaks and a Friendly Force
  • Dr. Jaks and Perfect Time
1991 44
Steve "Banachek" Shaw Psychokinetic Time handle on watch is moved by named number
1992/1999 3
Steve "Banachek" Shaw, Gerry McCambridge McCambridge Stage Routine
1992/1999 21
Chuck Fayne Broken, Restored and Set Watch borrowed watch is broken and restored with previously named time
1993 19
Harry Anderson Time Warp peek of a set time on a pocket watch
Related to 1993 80
Michael Weber Imperfect Time any time selected, pocket watch opened, watch face jumps out on a spring, it has named time on it
Ted Lesley News Time set time is divined by cutting news paper
Inspired by 1994 223
Stephen Tucker XMas Time time on watch changes, unusual method
Also published here 1995
Intermagic (Vol. 19 No. 3)
Patrik Kuffs Hands of Time two spectators select same time, using watch
Syzygy (Vol. 2 No. 6)
Paul Harris The Late-For-Lunch Miracle Maneuver coincidence with 2 watches that are randomly set, instant stooge
The Art of Astonishment — Book 3 (Issue Secrets of the Astonishing Executive)
Boretti, Ted Lesley Perfect Pocket-Watch spectator sets time on closed pocket watch, performer divines it
Also published here Oct. 1997 12
Boretti, Ted Lesley Perfect Pocket-Watch spectator sets time on closed pocket watch, performer divines it
Also published here 1997 17
Marc Salem Time Will Tell spectator sets time on a travel alarm clock which is held face down, time matches prediction
Syzygy (Vol. 4 No. 3)
Vincent Sabitino Time Matches On set time is predicted, time set under table, switching watch
Syzygy (Vol. 4 No. 11)
Barrie Richardson What Time Is It? several wrist watches with random times collected, one chosen, time and spectator predicted
Also published here 1999 281
Barrie Richardson The Test of Time performer and spectator set time on watches, they match, then named hour predicted on watch, using reversed-hands watch
1999 290
Roy Johnson Zeitbombe spectator changes time on pocket watch, performer divines it, repeat with prediction
Inspired by 1999
Intermagic (Vol. 23 No. 1)
Richard Mark Sympathetic Synchronicity spectators select time by turning handles of watch in combination with Tarot cards and Astrology, tossed out principle
2000 108
Gregory Wilson Baking Time spectator turns stem of wrist watch to set time, time is predicted as tan line on performer's wrist with watch hands
Also published here 2001 7
David Berglas Synchro Time spectator selects a time and turns the handles on a clock, performer divines it
Also published here 2002 390
David Berglas The Quizzing Glass selected time and object are predicted and engraved on sculpture
2002 494
David Berglas Synchro Time spectator selects a time and turns the handles on a clock, performer divines it
Also published here Nov. 2002
Magic (Vol. 12 No. 3)
Rob Wood Watch Test pulling stem out only one click
Related to 2003 306
Patrik Kuffs Temporal Anomaly two wrist watches borrowed, spectator and performer each set random time behind their backs, times written on notepads, they match
Also published here 2004 12
Robert Cassidy Eternally yours... prediction of chosen initials and time, inside pocket watch
Inspired by
  • Don Wayne's "Room Service"
2004 235
Wonder Man Fred Watch Out! handles on two watches are twisted unseen, they end up set at same time
2004 193
Trevor Lewis Time Will Tell time set by spectator matches time constructed with number cards
2009 161
Karl Fulves Time On My Hands "Unexplained"
spectator sets wrist watch to any time and puts it on performer's wrist, second watch on his other hand predicts time, posed as a problem
Prolix (Issue 7)
Andy Nyman Back to the Future spectator turns stem of pocket watch, resulting time is forced
2010 167
Alberto de Figueiredo El Reloj a spectator writes a time on a business card, second spectator sets watch at that time
2013 31
Christian Scherer Der Hellseher und das Geisterschiff prediction of a a selected object and coincidence of set time and year
2014 84
Ted Karmilovich Target Time one spectator guesses correct time on watch, prediction describes spectator, using Richard Bloch's "Perfect Time"
2015 27
Gregory Wilson Baking Time Watch tan line predicts random time stopped on watch by spectator
Also published here 2021 98
Patrik Kuffs Temporal Anomaly two wrist watches borrowed, spectator and performer each set random time behind their backs, times written on notepads, they match
Also published here 2022 395
Richard Mark No Stull time set on watch and watch placed inside bag, time matches prediction
35 22