163 entries in Spongeball / Routines
Creators Title Comments & References Year Source Page AA Categories
Laurie Ireland Ireland's Three Sponge Ball Trick
Ireland's Yearbooks (Issue Yearbook 1936)
A Sponge Ball Routine several phases, hollow egg or lemon finale
1938 654
Henry Gordien Another Sponge Ball Routine
Variations 1938 656
A Sponge Ball Speciality phase with spectator's hand
1939 73
The Three Wandering Sponge Balls spectator's hand and two in the hand, one in the pocket
1941 163
The Four Traveling Balls sponge balls to hat, final load, extra ball
1941 170
William S. Houghton Sponge Ball Routine large ball climax
1943 49
Robert A. Nelson Peter Rabbit Goes to Town Sponge rabbit routine, with offspring climax
1945 182
Matt Schulien The Fifty Sponge Balls
Also published here 1949 30
Ronald B. Edwards Spongball Levitation in a glass
June 1950
The Phoenix (Issue 206)
Charles R. Blyth, Jr. Chameleon Sponge Ball! red and blue sponge ball change places in spectator's and performer's hand, then ball in performer's hand vanishes and spectator has two green balls in his hand
Oct. 1950
The Phoenix (Issue 214)
Edward Marlo Three Ball Routine "same principles and ideas can be applied to sponges"
Related to 1951 9
Dr. Stanley Jaks Sponge Ball Routine three sponges two in spectator's hand, third vanishes and when spectator opens his hand, fifty small ones appear
Related toAlso published here 1951 4
Milbourne Christopher Sponge Ball Routine four balls, one change to coin as climax
  • Two and One
  • One, Two, Three
  • Go
  • The Fourth
  • Climax
  • Variations
Related to Sep. 1951 837
Oscar "Oscarelli" Rey 1x Aesthetisch three spongeballs and a thread are placed inside fist, balls end up threaded on string
Hokus Pokus (Vol. 14 No. 2)
Bill Simon Sponge Surprise fifteen to twenty small sponge balls appear
1954 33
Lewis Ganson A Sponge Ball Routine
1954 117
Lewis Ganson Rabbit's Habits sponge bunnies
  • Routine 1
  • Routine 2
  • Routine 3
1954 121
Dr. William Weyeneth Vortrag zum "Chüngeli-Trick" patter for sponge rabbit routine
Hokus Pokus (Vol. 16 No. 6)
Tony Slydini Vanishing Sponge Balls four balls vanish and reappear, lapping
1957 19
Matt Schulien The Fifty Sponge Balls
Also published here 1959 114
Tony Slydini Sorcery With Spheres two sponge balls, one travels from the magician's hand to the spectator's hand. Next a third appears and then a fourth. At the end two balls transform in many tiny balls in the spectator's hand.
1960 88
Tony Slydini Spherical Switchcraft Four sponge balls are put in the right hand and then they disappear. To reappear from the spectator's pocket
1960 98
Dr. Stanley Jaks Die Schaumgummibälle three sponges two in spectator's hand, third vanishes and when spectator opens his hand, fifty small ones appear
Also published here 1961 18
Jack Yeager Sponge Balls under Glas sponge ball travels under covered glass, then glass vanishes
Ireland's Yearbooks (Issue Yearbook 1963-64)
Thomas M. Jacobsen Crazy Sponge black sponge ball changes into a red one, then it splits into smaller balls and one ball changes into a coin
Jan. 1964
The New Phoenix (Issue 386)
Robert "Bob" J. Gunther, Don Nielson On Nielson's "Problem in Prophecy" using sponge balls
Inspired by Feb. 1966 20
Remo Inzani Sponge Ball Routine potato as finale
1967 297
Fred Kaps Chinese Chow spongeball under bowl multiplies and then fruits appear, with chopsticks
Inspired by 1967 304
Phoa Yan Tiong Rice Bowl and Balls two final loads under bowl
1967 310
Robert E. Neale Insideout & Stretchit topological origami tube for several effects:
  • Stretchit
  • Insideout
  • The Chinese Wand
  • Additional Notes
  • With a Sponge Ball
  • The Square Circle
  • Flexible Transpo
for simplified folding method see reference
Related toVariationsAlso published here Mar. 1968
Epilogue (Issue 2)
Dan Tong Rabbits' Habits
1969 72
Eddie Joseph Converging Cubes chink-a-chink with sponge cubes, then more phases
1969 202
Roy Johnson Sucker Purse routine with sponge balls and purse frame
  • The Sucker Vanish (sponge vanish in purse frame without lapping)
  • The Routine
1970 17
Lawrence Steinhauer The Bottle from the Sea three spongeballs are produced from small bottle, they travel to spectator's hand and vanish again
Aug. 1970
Talisman (Vol. 1 No. 25)
Roy Johnson Sponges with purse frame, mini sponge ball climax
1971 27
Bob McAllister Cavorting Sponge Balls four small sponge balls, matrix routine
1972 365
Dr. Jacob Daley Daley's Note - 9) No. 247-9, Ireland Tube for sponge ball vanish
1972 62
Jerry Mentzer Something From Something production from sponge ball
1973 116
Jerry Mentzer Sponge Shenanigans
1973 119
Stewart Judah Metamorphic Sponge routine with ball-to-cube item
Autumn 1974
The Pallbearers Review (Vol. 9 No. 10th Folio (Part One))
Jerry Mentzer Sponge Shenanigans "two in the hands - one in the pocket" routine, with different ball or object as climax
1975 5
Robert E. Neale "Die Innere Außenseite" und "Ausgeflippt" topological origami tube for several effects:
  • Ausgeflippt
  • Die innere Außenseite
  • Der Chinesische Schnurstab
  • Fantasta
  • Platzwechsel
  • Anmerkungen
  • Mit Schaumgummibällen
Also published here Nov. 1975
Intermagic (Vol. 3 No. 1 & 2)
Milbourne Christopher Milbourne Christophers Schwammball-Routine sponge ball routine, four balls, one ball changes into coin as climax
Related to 1975 12
"The One, Two, Three Knock-Out Routine"
1976 22
Frank Garcia My Version of the "10" Count balls appear from purse frame
1976 95
Albert Cohn Al Cohn's Spongeball Routine
1976 97
"The Slow Motion Transposition and Impromptu Routine" sponge from purse frame, split in two, one in each hand, travel into one
1976 102
Frank Garcia Spur of the Moment Routine
1976 111
Frank Garcia Short and Sweet
1976 115
Frank Garcia The "Slick" Routine two in hand, one in pocket
1976 118
Frank Garcia, George Schindler My Routine, By George!
1976 125
Simply Commercial purse frame
1976 128
Bob Baxter Sleightly Superlative
1976 132
Peter Samelson The Peter Principle
1976 138
Frank Garcia Right Through through table
1976 142
Frank Garcia Hanky Panky with handkerchief
1976 147
John Francis Where Did They All Come From using Goshman cube sponge gaff
1976 156
Frank Garcia Veil of Darkness with handkerchief
1976 159
The Sacrosanct Routine flesh color ball as container
1976 161
Frank Garcia The Soft Chop-Chop or You Don't Have to Be Chinese to Do This Trick chop cup routine with sponge balls, magnet in sponge
1976 173
Father Cyprian Father Cyprian's Spongeball Routine
1976 178
Frank Garcia The Grand Finale purse frame, many small balls appear
1976 183
Frank Garcia Cute Opener
1976 191
Frank Garcia My Tradeshow Spongeball Routine
1976 198
Frank Garcia More Thoughts, Ideas and Reflections
  • Pop-Up Routine
  • Interesting Start
  • My Preferred Pop-Up Routine
  • Different Method
1976 212
Peter Wong Peter Wong's Spongeball Routine
1976 216
Tony Slydini The Purse Frame sponge balls appear from purse frame, spectator's hand phase, small balls finale
Related to 1976 54
Patrick Page Sponge Ball Routine No. 2 several balls travel to spectator's hand
1976 122
Rick Johnsson Raisin' Rabbits sponge rabbit vanishes and only leaves some dung in form of raisins
Related to 1976 75
Ron Baillie Würfelschwindel multi-phase sponge dice and cup routine
Also published here
  • The Gen, Nov. 1954
Feb. 1976
Intermagic (Vol. 3 No. 3)
Bill Tarr Mini Sponge-Ball Routine with spectator's hand
1976 150
John F. Mendoza The Bowl Routine longer combination
Inspired by 1978 92
Horace E. Bennett My Sponge Ball Routine with purse frames, with several smaller balls and large ball as climax
Inspired by 1978 51
Tony Slydini Encore Sponge Balls four balls vanish and reappear one at a time, follow up to "Purse Frame"
Related to 1979 10
Alan Wakeling The Pseudo Cup ungaffed cup, with sponges
1979 87
Albert Cohn Sponge Balls traveling into spectator's hand claimed by Cohn, see p. 1328 for further comment on the history (quote from Expert Manipulation Finale, Ganson)
The Chronicles (Issue 21)
Meir Yedid Sponge Balls: 2) Production stand-up, similar to billiard ball routine
Mar. 1980
Apocalypse (Vol. 3 No. 3)
Al Schneider Bar-None paper balls travel, vanish and reappear, inspired by Slydini, kind of sponge ball routine with crumpled napkins
1980 96
Ken Brooke The "K.B." Sponge Ball Routine
Also published here 1980 162
Steve Spillman Sponge Sphere Fantasy sponge ball penetrates handkerchief, vanishes and appears in pocket, then it changes to sponge cube
1980 3
"Joro" Bruno Hennig Routine für die Strasse mit 2 Bechern und grossen Schwammbällen three cups routine, using sponge balls
Also published here 1981 22
Daryl Martinez Peter Rabbit Hits the Big Time sponge rabbit routine
1982 11
Craig Keller SPCA sponge ball finds card
Aug. 1982
Apocalypse (Vol. 5 No. 8)
Jim Cellini Something for Nothing purse frame and sponge ball routine
1982 85
Stephen Tucker Goodness Gracious Great Balls of ......Sponge? sponge rabbit climax, routine with two in the hand, one in the pocket phase
Mar. 1982
Spell-Binder (Vol. 1 No. 11)
Meir Yedid Ribit-Rabbit sponge ball routine, with transformation to sponge rabbit climax
1982 23
Ron Fredrick The Sponge Routine routine with purse frame, "two in the hands one in the pocket", using cubes instead of balls/spheres
1982 24
Eugene Burger Sponges with spectator's hand, eighteen balls finale
Also published here 1982 49
Stephen Tucker Into the Third Dimension splitting a sponge ball into two halves and putting them back again
Feb. 1983
Spell-Binder (Vol. 2 No. 22)
Daniel Kalanowski Thriller eating sponge ball, first biting part out then rest
Nov. 1983
Spell-Binder (Vol. 3 No. 31)
Patrick Page A Spongeball Vanish & Reproduction with two spongeballs
1984 27
Danny Korem Malini On Stage two spectators on stage, sponge ball routine with paperballs over the head situation and balls appearing at spectator, then watch steal and coconut production from hat
1985 78
Albert Goshman A.G. Sponge Balls credit information, three different sized/colored sponge balls vanish and reappear in spectator's hand and under salt shaker.
1985 53
Peter Samelson Routine Finale
Aug. 1986
Apocalypse (Vol. 9 No. 8)
Ray Kosby One, Two, Three, 4 four sponge balls produced and put between fingers of the left hand, they change into a numeral four out of sponge
1986 1
John Carney Current Classic sponge ball appears, vanishes, reproduced from spectator's pocket, splitting in two, spectator's hand finish
Also published here 1987
Lecture Notes Collection (Issue Carney Uncovered)
Thomas Hierling Das ist die Nummer 1! routine with several phases and squeaker
Also published here 1987 88
Stephen Tucker The Ultimate Sponge-Ball Routine with two extra balls
1987 7
John Carney Current Classic sponge ball appears, vanishes, reproduced from spectator's pocket, splitting in two, spectator's hand finish
Also published here 1987 [1]
Thomas Hierling Das ist die Nummer Eins! routine with several phases and squeaker
Also published here 1988 36
Tom Ladshaw A Sponge or Two
Mar. 1989
Apocalypse (Vol. 12 No. 3)
Dexter Cleveland The Sponger three phase routine, with sponge 4
1989 530
Dave Dillon Pun-Ultimate Bunnies presentation and routine for Multiplying Rabbits
June 1990
The Minotaur (Vol. 2 No. 2)
Gary Ouellet The Odd Man Out Routine uses lapping
1990 65
Ken Brooke Meine Schwammball-Routine multi-phase routine
Also published here Oct. 1990
Intermagic (Vol. 15 No. 4 & 5)
Toyosane Sanada One Ball Routine with a Spongeball spongeball moves and routine with Sanada gimmick
  • One Hand Vanish
  • Direction Change of Gimmick
  • Ball Vanish
  • One Ball Routine
1990 60
Stephen Tucker Sponge Away
Also published here Apr. 1991
Apocalypse (Vol. 14 No. 4)
Jason Krumholtz Crystal Clear using Glass and Balls
Dec. 1991
Apocalypse (Vol. 14 No. 12)
John Carney Current Classic sponge ball appears, vanishes, reproduced from spectator's pocket, splitting in two, spectator's hand finish
Also published here 1991 3
Stephen Tucker The Ultimate Sponge Ball Routine
1991 2
Stephen Tucker The Musical Sponge Radios sponge ball routine, balls apparently make music, radio sound can be heard, controlled by performer with belt
1991 4
Chris Hurlbert Spot the Dot sponge ball vanishes and appears as red sticker on face of selection
Mar./Apr. 1991
The Magic Menu (Vol. 1 No. 4)
Steven Hamilton Silk and Sponge "Professional Routines"
silk vanishes, appear in rolled-up bill, changes into sponge ball which splits in two, sponge routine
Also published here Aug. 1992
Profile (Issue 9)
Norman Beck Hatzoo routine for children, named animal is apparently produced from a hat, sponge turtle changes into a sponge bunny
Mar. 1993
The Minotaur (Vol. 5 No. 1)
Bill "Dusty" Miller The Watch sponge routine cover for watch steal
Inspired by
  • Johnny Paul performance at Blackpool 1991
Oct. 1993
Profile (Issue 16)
Justin Higham The Money Eater theme of routine: coin put in hand, sponge ball pushed in, coin vanishes
1993 17
"Joro" Bruno Hennig Eine Schwammballroutine für die Bühne sponge ball routine for stage, using four balls, fez, wand and transparent bowl
1993 166
Chuck Smith Multiplying Rabbits small rabbits finale without need to go to pockets
Also published here 1994 6
John Northern Hilliard Hilliard's Note on Gordien's Sponge Ball Routine
Inspired by 1994 1144
Steve Dusheck Fruited Plain sponges are presented as cherries, attached to a green sprig, classic phase with spectator's hand
1994 64
Karl Norman Multiplying Rabbits foam rubber rabbits
1995 60
Chuck Smith Rabbit Rare Bits small rabbits finale without need to go to pockets
Also published here Jan. 1995
Magic (Vol. 4 No. 5)
Pablo Domenèch Falso Pulgar y Bola sponge ball vanish in rolled bill
1996 143
Aldo Colombini Throw in the Sponge sponge ball routine, referred to as clown noses, with half ball and half Dollar finish
1996 4
Lou Gallo, Eddie Fechter Fechter's Sponge Balls
1996 119
Dean Dill Real Magic Sponges walk-around routine, modified thumb-tip
  • Stage I: The Sponge Balls Are Produced
  • Stage II: A Ball Vanishes From Your Right Hand and is Reproduced From Your Pocket
  • Stage II: A Ball Vanishes From Your Right Hand and Appears in Your Left Hand
  • Stage III: A Ball Disappears From the Performer's Hand and Reappears in the Spectator's Hand
1997 22
Dean Dill Spotlight sponge routine with a laser pointer or flash light, using sponge ball with light inside (or D'Light)
1997 78
Eddie Ace Ultimate Multiplying Rabbits sponge rabbit routine
July/Aug. 1997
The Magic Menu (Vol. 7 No. 42)
Doug Conn Spongology sponge bunnies routine intro
1999 58
Eric T. Dockery Hot Sauce vanishes and productions with colored sponge balls (referred to as “peppers”), chili pepper is produced and then changed into small tabasco sauce bottle
Labyrinth (Issue 10)
Steve Taylor Rush Lintball short sponge ball opening routine, producing two balls, one travels into hand of spectator, growing ball
1999 162
Carey Heim E-Z Watch Steal watch steal during sponge ball routine with squeaker
1999 221
"Joro" Bruno Hennig Eine Routine für die Strasse mit zwei Bechern und grossen Schwammbällen three cups routine, using sponge balls
Also published here 1999 45
Tim Spinosa Sponge Ball Routine four balls, appearing sponge rabbit as climax
Jan./Feb. 1999
The Magic Menu (Vol. 9 No. 51)
Eugene Burger Sponges ending with eighteen sponges in spectators hand
Also published here 2000 36
Stephen Tucker Sponge Away to spectator's hand
Also published here 2000 10
Al Schneider Sly Napkin
  • The Schneider Technique
paper balls travel, vanish and reappear, inspired by Slydini, kind of sponge ball routine with crumpled napkins
Also published here Sep. 2000
Genii (Vol. 63 No. 9)
Gene Maze World's Greatest Sponge Ball Routine! sponge ball sequence with spectator's hands, golf ball as final load in spectator's hand
2000 [32]
Tony Slydini Slydini's Secret tan-colored sponge ball removed from bottomless cardboard box and vanished, repeated a few times, then box is lifted and there are only sponge balls in other colors
2002 225
Toyosane Sanada Sanada Sponge Special sequence with sanada gimmick and three sponge balls
2002 6
Shaun Robison Spots-A-Poppin' red spot on playing card changes to sponge ball and then appears back on selection
Summer 2002
The Magic Menu (Vol. 11 No. 63)
Tim Hanning, Dick Stoner Stand-Up Sponge Ball and Net Routine with net held by spectators, see reference for credit information
Related to Feb. 2002
Magic (Vol. 11 No. 6)
Lance Pierce Sponge! page 4, sponge ball routine, ten count
2005 70
Trevor Lewis Sponge Ball Routine with sponge 4 finale, lots of jokes
2009 147
Alberto de Figueiredo Bolas de esponja production of sponge balls, multiple balls in hand of spectator, with squeaker
  • La bola aparece y desaparece
  • Duplicación de la bola
  • Las bolas suenan
  • En manos de la espectadora
  • Las bolas se multiplican
2009 134
Tom Stone Benson Burner stand-up Benson Bowl routine with dozens of sponge balls as final load
Also published here 2010 195
Roberto Giobbi A Short Routine with Sponges using purse frame
Secret Agenda (Issue June 10)
Roberto Giobbi Subtleties for Sponge Ball Magic
Secret Agenda (Issue June 12)
Dan Sperry Boogers From Mouth Green spongeballs from mouth, multiply, and then produce a sponge donut from mouth as a finale
2010 8
Tom Stone Benson Burner stand-up Benson Bowl routine with dozens of sponge balls as final load
Also published here 2010 3
Al Schneider Sly Napkins paper balls travel, vanish and reappear, inspired by Slydini, kind of sponge ball routine with crumpled napkins
Also published here 2011 226
Patrick Page Professional Sponge Ball Routine with four balls, spectator involved
2011 160
Steven Hamilton Silk & Sponge silk vanishes, appear in rolled-up bill, changes into sponge ball which splits in two, sponge routine
Also published here 2013 154
Christian Scherer Der Meister der Kugeln ball and vase with sponge balls and wand, balls travel and change color, jumbo ball appears as a climax
Inspired by
  • Charlie Frye's "Ball and Vase" on DVD "Eccentricks 3"
2014 268
Dr. Stanley Jaks Multiball three sponges two in spectator's hand, third vanishes and when spectator opens his hand, fifty small ones appear
Also published here 2014 197
Kurti Freitag Die Routine full cups and balls routine
  • Vorbereitung
  • Phase I
    • Becher durch Becher
    • Bälle durch Becher
    • Anmerkung
  • Phase II
    • Die erste Wanderung
    • Die zweite Wanderung
    • Die plötzliche Wanderung
  • Phase III
    • Vorbereitung zum Charlie Miller Move
    • Die erste Durchdringung
    • Die zweite Durchdringung
    • Das Beseitigen des fünften Balles
  • Phase IV
    • Das Vorzeigen des Bechers
    • Der Horace Goldin Move
    • Das Laden des ersten Schaumgummiballes
  • Phase V
    • Ein Wechsel
    • Noch zwei Schaumgummibälle
    • Das erste Spiel
    • Die erste Abschlussladung
    • Der Ball in der Hand
    • Two in the hands
    • Die zweite Abschlussladung
May 2014 591
Joaquín Matas Un Juego para Acercarte a la Mesa spongeball routine, as an intro when doing strolling magic
2016 85
Johnny Thompson Sponge into Spectator's Hand
2018 239
John Guastaferro Silkworm silk produced and changed into sponge ball which is split into two, they change back to a silk which vanishes
Also published here
  • Second Storm, 2005 lecture notes
July 2018
Genii (Vol. 81 No. 7)
Roberto Mansilla Bolas de Esponja thorough spongeball routine, two balls with different color appear from purse frame, travel from hand to hand and vanish back in frame
  • Aparición de dos bolas
  • Ten Count
  • Sin la Cuenta
  • Interceptada
  • En la Mano del Espectador
  • A Guardar, A Guardar
Related to 2019 53
Lionel Gallardo Las bolas por encima de la cabeza 14-phases paper balls over the head routine using sponge balls
  • ¿Qué pasa si no han grabado al espectador?
  • Salidas ante posibles imprevistos, muy previstos
  • Rutina auxiliar, ¡Viaje mano a mano! + ¡Siempre tres!
  • ¿Y si el espectador conoce el juego?
  • Anécdota del espectador conocedor malintencionado
  • Fase extra y opcional
  • Versión con bolas de papel, en condiciones de magia de cerca
2021 173
Davide Fragione Wild Bolita multi-phase sponge ball routine
  • Part One: Color Change
  • Part Two: Transpositions
  • Part Three: Seeing Red
  • Part Four: Seeing Yellow
Inspired by
  • "Wild Comodines", Gabi Pareras
Feb. 2022
The Disclaimer (Vol. 1 No. 11)