320 entries in Cards / Sleights / Turnover
Creators Title Comments & References Year Source Page AA Categories
Deck Turnover crude by closing fingers
1786 125
To "Turn Over" the Pack
1876 37
To turn over the Pack
1889 111
Faced Deck Turnover Force
1897 176
Slip Reverse top card slipped reversed to bottom and deck turned over, brief
1909 46
Stanley Collins Secret Deck Turnover faced deck
1920 15
Eric F. Impey A Turn Over Move one of three card transforms, featuring the secret turnover of a packet
1928 9
Ralph W. Hull Deck Turnover (?) fake deck turnover
Related to 1933 18
Deck Turnover Switch turnover at side of body
1937 133
Deck Turnover brief
1937 33
Edward Victor A One-Hand Force in the hands, secretly revolving half
1937 7
Turnover Cut Force bottom cards reversed, spectator cuts off cards, bottom half secretly turned over
1937 46
Reversing Whole Pack - 1st Method
1938 215
Turning the Deck
1938 298
Clayton Rawson The Force That Couldn't Be Done spectator cuts, bottom pile secretly turned over
Also published here July 1938
The Jinx (Issue 46)
Charles T. Jordan Turnover Choreography card is chosen and both hands turn the packet in their hands over (they have backs at the bottom)
Also published here 1939
The Jinx (Issue Winter Extra 1938/39)
Faced Deck Turnover
Related toAlso published here 1940 112
The Faced Deck - The Secret Turn Over four methods, including one by Decremps & Prof. Hoffmann
1940 6
Tenkai Ishida Optical Revolve credit in "Cut the Cards", p. 24
Variations 1940 9
Tenkai Ishida Optical Revolve
Related toVariations 1941 216
Packet Turnover under misdirection
The Jinx (Issue 132)
Jean Hugard, Frederick Braue Apparent Reversal of the Whole Pack really only top card turned over
1943 29
Clayton Rawson The Force That Couldn't Be Done spectator cuts, bottom pile secretly turned over
1943 76
Tenkai Ishida Optical Reverse
1945 22
Dai Vernon Classic Triumph Rightening
Stars of Magic (Vol. 2 No. 1)
Clayton Rawson The Force That Couldn't Be Done
Aug. 1947
The Phoenix (Issue 133)
Tenkai Ishida Optical Revolve crude handling
1948 14
Packet Turnover hand revolves around packet
1948 85
Paul LePaul Covered Turnover under cover of half fanned pack
Related to 1949 187
Dai Vernon Paddle Move Turnover
Variations 1950 461
Francis Carlyle The Upside-Down Deck No. 3, spectator and performer each select card from half the deck and exchange it, then faced-deck Triumph without shuffle
Related toVariations 1950 11
George Delaney Perplexity No. 37, Selection is placed face up in deck, reappears face down between two black Aces in middle of deck
VariationsAlso published here 1950 67
Clayton Rawson The Impossible Force spectator cuts, bottom pile secretly turned over
Related toAlso published here 1951 53
Bill Simon Packet Turnover secret turnover of some cards, while pointing to the other half
1952 157
Jerry Andrus Unweave Turnover
1956 147
Matt Schulien Deck Turnover
1959 31
James Steranko Turnover of bottom half as top half is cut off
1960 61
James Steranko Pick-Up Turnover end-for-end as pack is picked up from table, approved by Dai Vernon
1960 85
Faced Deck Packet Switch packet shuffled, put on top of faced deck, deck turned over for switch
Nov. 1964
Ibidem (Issue 30)
Deck Turnover
July 1966 47
Faced Deck Turnover to reverse a packet
Also published here 1972 58
Mickey MacDougall Mickey McDougall Effects - 2) Twenty-one Trick Move No. 400-2, blackjack cheating via turnover of deck
1972 109
Tenkai Ishida Optical Revolve
1973 134
Robert Walker Wiley Turnover Wily Turnover
VariationsAlso published here July 1973
Kabbala — Volume 2 (Vol. 2 No. 7)
Derek Dingle Tenkai Reverse Variation
Innovations (Issue 2)
Faced Deck Turnover
Related to 1973 26
Rick Johnsson Tenkai Turnover Variation
Sep. 1974
The Pallbearers Review (Vol. 9 No. 11)
Jerry K. Hartman Snap Twist Reverse Secret reversal of packet during an all-round square up
Related to 1975 15
Charles T. Jordan Turnover Choreography card is chosen and both hands turn the packet in their hands over (they have backs at the bottom)
Also published here 1975 190
Bruce Cervon Reverse Sleight context - turnover to center
1976 15
Tenkai Ishida, Martin Gardner Twistover Optical Revolve
1976 42
Tenkai Ishida Optical Revolve
1976 12
Martin A. Nash Optical Revolve Handling
Also published here 1977 228
Dai Vernon Through the Fist Flourish
1977 77
Robert Walker Wily Turn
1977 6
Jon Racherbaumer On the Through-the-Fist Flourish credit information
1977 20
Dai Vernon Through-the-fist Flourish
Mar. 1978
Apocalypse (Vol. 1 No. 3)
Through-the-First Turnover
1978 1089
Robert Walker Wily Turn
Also published here 1978 4
Dai Vernon Thru-the-First Flourish
1979 72
Dai Vernon The Vernon Through-the-Fist Flourish
1979 2
Dai Vernon The Vernon Through-the-Hand Flourish
1979 1
Quadrophonic False Turnover
1979 2
Dai Vernon Through the Fist Flourish
Sep. 1979
The Talon (Issue 5)
Deck Flop
Arcane (Issue 1)
Tenkai Ishida Optical Revolve
1980 8
Father Cyprian Secret Turnover as deck is taken from spectator's hands
1980 28
Tenkai Ishida Optical Revolve
1980 47
Dai Vernon Through The Fist Flourish
1980 44
Packet Turnover
1980 94
Karl Fulves, Paul LePaul Small Packet Turnover behind Fan brief
Related to 1981 53
Through-The-Fist Turnover
1981 6
Karl Fulves Feet Notes with credit information on the Through-the-Fist Flourish
1981 7
False Turnover to show one side twice
Oct. 1981
Spell-Binder (Vol. 1 No. 6)
Variation on Vernon's Push Through through-the-fist flourish variation
1981 38
Tenkai Ishida Optical Revolve
1982 69
Geoffrey Latta, Robert Walker "Bass Ackward" Wily Turn twisting sequence
1982 423
Tenkai Ishida Optical Revolve
1982 523
Dai Vernon Through the Fist Flourish
Pabular (Vol. 7 No. 3)
David Solomon Packet Turnover as fingers of same hand adjust packet on table
1982 14
Gesture Turnover
1982 15
Dai Vernon Through-the-First Flourish
1982 8
Through-the-Fist Turnover
1982 1
Dai Vernon Through-the-Fist Flourish
1982 36
Through-the-Fist Flourish
1982 60
Edward Marlo Turnover Move
1983 212
Edward Marlo Subtile Fanover turning the deck over
1983 241
Dai Vernon Through-the-Fist Flourish
1983 2
Wrist Turn Reverse small packet
1983 123
Through-the-Fist Flourish
1983 16
Through-the-Fist Flourish
Spell-Binder (Vol. 3 No. Special #3)
Dai Vernon Through-the-Fist Flourish
1984 76
Jerry K. Hartman Tenkai Turn Variation
Jan. 1984
Apocalypse (Vol. 7 No. 1)
Larry Jennings The L.J. Flop version of a gambling subtlety known as the "Blackjack Roll"
Related to Winter 1984
West Coast Quarterly (Vol. 1 No. 1)
Dai Vernon Through The Fist Flourish
1984 16
Tenkai Ishida Optical Revolve
Feb. 1984
Spell-Binder (Vol. 3 No. 34)
Edward Marlo In Lieu of The Thru-The-Fist Change all-around square-up cover
Inspired by
  • "Pivot Color Change" (Noel Stanton, The Gen, June 1964)
Related toAlso published here
  • MUM, July 1983
1984 157
Wrist Turn Turnover small packet
1985 34
Ken Krenzel Deck Turnover in context of trick
1985 261
Francis Carlyle, Larry Jennings, Dai Vernon Vernon/Carlyle Turnover showing both sides as backs
1985 63
Dai Vernon Through-the-Fist Flourish
1985 151
Through the Fist Flourish
1985 42
Leg Turnover of Deck whole deck flopped
1985 21
Larry Jennings Packet Reverse (The Flop) version of a gambling subtlety known as the "Blackjack Roll"
1986 36
Tenkai Ishida Optical Revolve
1986 246
Tommy Wonder Turnover of whole Deck as deck is put from hand to hand
1986 41
Through-the-First Flourish
May 1986
Intermagic (Vol. 12 No. 2)
Dai Vernon Through the Fist Flourish
1987 132
Karl Fulves Turnover Move
1987 26
Turnover with Arm Cover
Lecture Notes Collection (Issue Conjuring con Carney)
Drop Turnover with rubber-banded deck, card appears on deck
Related to 1987 44
Gesture Turnover stand-up, both hands gesture
1987 46
Dai Vernon Through the Fist Flourish
1987 44
Turnover Choreography
1987 62
Dai Vernon Through the Fist Flourish
1988 145150
Dai Vernon Packet Flip-Over
Related to 1988 23
Larry Jennings, Francis Carlyle Carlyle Turnover with Deck as secret deck turnover
1988 96
The Roll hand turns around deck/packet
1989 3
Jim Patton The Flop added to later printing than 1989 (no year given)
1989 8
Bruce Cervon, Dai Vernon Fake Turnover Move through-the-fist handling
1989 5
Bruce Cervon The Novrec Turnover packet secretly turned over during all-around square up
  • The All Around Square Up
  • The Novrec Turnover
Related toVariations 1989 47
Bruce Cervon Sweeping Turnover as packet is swept off table edge into other hand
1989 84
Dai Vernon 2. Vernon's ending classic rightening
1989/91 219
Gary Kurtz Unidirectional Turnover
Related to 1990 19
Dai Vernon Through-The-Fist Flourish
1990 11
Ken Krenzel Hand Swing Turnover
1990 99
Edward Marlo Subtle Fanover brief, secret turnover
Related to 1990 49
Wesley James The Fake Reverse Reverse deck apparently turned face up after top card is removed
1990 52
Dai Vernon Through-the-Fist Flourish
1990 4
Tenkai Ishida, Shigeo Takagi Tenkai Optical Revolve Handling
1990 48
Pivot Toss deck tossed in other hand, top cards turn over, as transformation
1991 27
Dai Vernon Through-the-fist Flourish
1991 51
Turnover with Arm Cover
1991 167
Dai Vernon Through-The-Fist Flourish
1991 73
Dai Vernon Thru-the-Fist-Move
1991 28
Jerry K. Hartman Front and Center card removed from third, packet is placed reversed in center of rest, all cards turn in same direction but selection
Inspired by 1991 275
Jerry K. Hartman Packet Reverse similar to Tenkai's Optical reverse
1991 276
Faced Deck Turnover
Also published here 1991 286
Jerry K. Hartman Packet Turnover alternative for through the fist flourish
1991 303
Jerry K. Hartman Snap Over alternative for through the fist flourish
1991 306
Dai Vernon Through-The-Fist Flourish
1992 54
Tenkai Ishida Optical Revolve
1992 90
Peter Duffie Palmed Addition Utility Sleight "PAUS", apparently deck is turned over, but in reality a palmed card is added on top
Related toVariationsAlso published here 1993 30
Dai Vernon Through-the-Fist Flourish
1993 4
René Lavand Turnover of Deck of faced-deck
1993 81
Tenkai Ishida, Martin Gardner Gardner-Tenkai Reverse
1994 102
Michael Vincent Through-the-Fist Change
Variations 1994 88
Tenkai Ishida Optical Move brief
1994 231
Robert Walker Wily Turn Wily Turnover
Also published here 1994 19
Peter Duffie The Nulling Factor clean up for reversed deck under top card
Inspired by
  • "Nullifactor" (Stewart James, 1951)
1995 250
Peter Duffie P.O.U.S. (Palm Off Utility Sleight) in the act of apparantly turning packet over
Inspired by 1995 266
1995 8
Dai Vernon Through-the-Fist Flourish
1995 33
The Turnover Move
1995 100
Tenkai Ishida Optical Revolve
1995 26
Dai Vernon Push Through Fist Move
1995 78
Jerry K. Hartman Packet reversal done with body swing
1995 102
Dai Vernon Through-the-Fist Reversal
1995 133
Marc Serin One-Kai one-handed optical revolve
Inspired by June 1995
Magic (Vol. 4 No. 10)
Tenkai Ishida Optical Revolve
Spring 1996 73
Tommy Wonder Turnover of whole Deck as deck is put from hand to hand
1996 169
Tenkai Ishida, Martin Gardner Twistover (Optical Revolve)
The Art of Astonishment — Book 1 (Issue The Magic of Paul Harris)
Paul Harris Packet Turnover
The Art of Astonishment — Book 2 (Issue Close-up Fantasies 1 & 2)
Packet Flip-Over as it is placed into other hand
1996 38
Dai Vernon Through-the-Fist Flourish
1996 110
Dai Vernon Through the Fist Flourish
1996 28
Deck Turnover
1996 1161
Dai Vernon Through-the-Fist Flourish
1996 5
Turnover Move
1996 74
Baltazar Fuentes Vertigo Secret Deck Reversal spread half-pass followed by half-pass to turn over whole deck with previously reversed bottom card
Variations 1996 33
Deck Turnover
1996 91
Tenkai Ishida Optical Reverse
1997 146
Dai Vernon Through the Fist Flourish
1997 234
Tenkai Ishida Optical Revolve
1997 72
Tenkai Ishida Optical Revolve
1997 82
Tenkai Ishida Optical Revolve
1997 109
Tenkai Ishida Optical Revolve
1997 183
Dai Vernon Through the Fist Flourish
1997 213
Dai Vernon Through the Fist Flourish
1997 215
Frederick Braue Braue Reversal
Related to
  • "The Reverses - Fourth Method" (Jean Hugard & Frederick Braue, The Royal Road to Card Magic, 1948)
1997 307
Tenkai Ishida Tenkai Move Optical Revolve
Related to 1997 325
Tenkai Ishida Optical Reverse
1997 70
Bill Malone Card Reverse card in center turns face up, hole deck is turned secretly
Related to 1997 63
Simon Lovell Gesture Rightening top card of deck secretly reversed, rightened in up-and-down movement
1997 69
Dai Vernon Through-the-Fist Flourish
1997 5
Tenkai Ishida Tenkai Optical Revolve
Labyrinth (Issue 7)
Robert Walker Wily Turn
Nov. 1997
Magic (Vol. 7 No. 3)
Konnor A Neat Card Move through-the-fist flourish as kind of rising card from fist à la cigarette production, reprinted
Also published here
  • Thayer's Bulletin, March 1918
1998 195
One-handed card turnover reversing bottom card to top
Labyrinth (Issue 8 - Part 2)
Steve Mayhew, Tenkai Ishida Tenkai Optical Revolve variation
Labyrinth (Issue 8 - Part 2)
Wesley James The DeSouza/James Reverse using the Shape Shifter Change as a secret packet turnover
  • The Simulated DeSouza/James Reverse
Inspired by Oct. 1998
Onyx (Issue 5)
Dr. Jacob Daley Dr. Daley's Reversal
1999 39
Deck Flop
1999 26
Baltazar Fuentes Vertigo II apparently turning deck over but replacing palmed card instead
Inspired byRelated to
  • PAUS - Palm Addition Utility Sleight (Peter Duffie)
1999 1
Ellis Stanyon To Turn Over the Pack No. 7, with left thumb
1999 294
Jean Hugard Fake Deck Turnover
Feb. 1999
Genii (Vol. 62 No. 2)
Justin Higham All-Around Turnover with faced deck, credit information
Related to 1999 32
Turnover of Packet wrist turns around packet
1999 26
Roberto Giobbi Turnovers introduction
2000 1043
Bruce Cervon, Roberto Giobbi The All-around Square-up Turnover
Inspired by 2000 1045
Dai Vernon The Through-the-Fist Flourish
2000 1046
The Gamblers' Turnover
2000 1048
The Wristwatch Turnover
2000 1049
The Spectator Turnover
2000 1051
The Okito-box Turnover
2000 1051
The Transfer Turnover
2000 1052
Off-Beat Turnover
2000 1056
Dai Vernon Through The Fist Flourish
2000 37
Juno First Reversal Technique secretly turning over a deck
2000 85
Juno Second Reversal Techniqu secretly turning over a deck
2000 86
Frederick Braue Braue Reversal
2000 230
Gambler's Reverse For A Faced Deck
2000 7
Harry Lorayne Covered Deck Turnover deck turned over one-handed under cover card, under the table
2001 552
Jason Comeaux Strip Out Half Pass out-jogged faroed packet is openly stripped out of the deck and secretly turned over, described by Mark Aspiazu
Nov./Dec. 2001
Mr. Gadfly (Vol. 1 No. 4)
Tenkai Ishida Optical Revolve
2002 20
Aaron Fisher Misdirection Turnover
2002 26
Tenkai Ishida Optical Turn
2002 239
Peter Duffie PAUS Palmed Addition Utility Sleight, apparently turning deck over but replacing palmed card instead
2003 13
Peter Duffie POUS Palmed Off Utility Sleight, apparendly turning deck over but palming card off instead
2003 14
Tenkai Ishida Tenkai Optical Revolve
2003 20
David Williamson, Tenkai Ishida Optical Reverse Variation
2003 24
Paul Cummins Optical Revolve Handling with riffling
2003 24
Jerry Sadowitz Another Cut Reverse
Related to
  • Michael A. Perovich move in Lewis Ganson's Magic Book
2004 18
Tenkai Ishida Optical Revolve
2004 177
Wesley James Fake Reverse Reverse deck apparently turned over but not really
2004 24
Dai Vernon Through-the-Fist Flourish
2004 53
Bruce Cervon, Wesley James Semaj-Novrec Masked Packet Reverse for small packet
Inspired by 2004 57
Wesley James Hand Rotation Turnover
2004 449
Dai Vernon, Edward Marlo Through the Fist Flourish
2004 152
Through-The-Fist Flourish
2004 86
Jay Sankey Shanghai Change half the deck in left hand dealing position, face card changes when one-hand fan is waved over it
2004 143
Peter Duffie Palmed Addition Utility Sleight "PAUS", apparently deck is turned over, but in reality a palmed card is added on top
Also published here Jan. 2004
Genii (Vol. 67 No. 1)
Tenkai Ishida Optical Revolve
2004 47
Tyler Wilson, Tenkai Ishida Optical Revolve Variation
Inspired by 2006 72
Marc Serin Reverse secret turnover of faced-deck in process of Triumph routine
2006 137
Tenkai Ishida Optical Reverse
2006 181
Andi Gladwin All Around Turnover
Also published here 2006 10
Marc Gettmann Variation der Al Baker Force (...oder die "besondere" Visitenkarte) spectator cuts off some cards, secret turnover of bottom half
2006 25
Tenkai Ishida Optical Revolve
2006 38
Tenkai Ishida, Harry Lorayne The T/L Move variation of Tenkai move
2007 85
Dai Vernon Through-The-Fist-Flourish
2007 167
Andi Gladwin Flip Reverse It Alternative to Tenkai Optical Revolve move
Related to 2007 9
Tenkai Ishida Optical Revolve
2007 76
Deck reversal deck reversed as it’s dropped from one hand into other, done while wrapped in handkerchief
2007 146
Jerry K. Hartman Turnover Turnover “non-discrepant form of the Tenkai Optical Reverse”, also see p. 165
2007 160
Jerry K. Hartman Turnover Turnover also see p. 160
2007 165
Francis Carlyle, Douglas Dexter, Carl Herrmann Carlyle False Turnover credit information
2008 255
Nick Trost, Francis Carlyle Carlyle False Turnover - Second Method
2008 257
Tenkai Ishida Tenkai Move
2008 292
Dai Vernon Through-the-Fist Flourish
2008 294