  • 1942-1944: Bruce Elliott (until issue 72)
  • 1944-1954: Bruce Elliott & Walter B. Gibson
Written by Bruce Elliott, Walter B. Gibson
Work of Various
1,201 pages (Hardcover), published by unknown publisher
Illustrated with drawings
Language: English
1,556 entries
This publication has been reviewed by
Cover photograph
Creators Title Comments & References Issue Year Page AA Categories
John Hamilton Cant angly
191 Dec. 1949 765
Bruce Elliott The Back Room on Robert Harbin, John Ramsay's Cylinder and Coins, Lee Noble, hamsters and the atom bomb
191 Dec. 1949 766
Edward Marlo, Carmen D'Amico Push Through Failure face up cards shuffled in face down cards, open push-through, selection is reversed in other half, three versions, see p. 773 for corrections
Variations 192 Dec. 1949 766
George Blake Imp-Ossible bill travels from under handkerchief into a bill tube
Related to 192 Dec. 1949 767
Bruce Elliott The Back Room on Martin Gardner, Bert Allerton, Bob Hummer
192 Dec. 1949 769
J.C. Whyley Elusive Lady with three cards, see p. 781 for credit information by Sid Lorraine
Related toVariationsAlso published here 193 Dec. 1949 770
George Blake Imp-Aled Brema bill tube with holes, threaded on a needle, bill travels inside
Related to 193 Dec. 1949 771
John Hamilton POP card jumps from top of the pack up in the air
193 Dec. 1949 771
C. B. Yohe Number Divination
193 Dec. 1949 772
Gerald Kosky Letter from Gerald Kosky to Bruce Elliott ideas on Pocketed
Related to 193 Dec. 1949 772
Bill Woodfield Seconds one-handed second deal
193 Dec. 1949 772
Edward Marlo Card Thru Table lapping a short card method
193 Dec. 1949 772
Bruce Elliott The Back Room on Dai Vernon, Jack Chanin, Bill Simon, Milbourne Christopher, Bob Hummer, Dr. Stanley Jaks, Robert Harbin
Related to 193 Dec. 1949 773
Verne Chesbro Half a Butt is Better Than One
193 Dec. 1949 773
Jack Chanin From the Private Files of Chanin paper napkin bursts into flame and restores again, three variations
194 Jan. 1950 774
Jack Chanin Paddled with paddle, rubberband and coins
194 Jan. 1950 775
Jack Chanin Jap Jape cigarette and two drawer boxes, bill to cigarette finale
194 Jan. 1950 776
Bruce Elliott The Back Room on Jack Chanin, Dai Vernon, Clayton Rawson, George Karger, Wally Dean
194 Jan. 1950 777
Tony Slydini Knots impossible knot, ends of rope tied together
Also published here 195 Jan. 1950 778
Jack McMillen, Charles Nyquist Pimpernel
195 Jan. 1950 779
Frank Shields Card Switch
195 Jan. 1950 779
Bruce Elliott The Back Room on Tony Slydini, Dr. Stanley Jaks, Jay Marshall, Sid Loraine letter on Elusive Lady, Milbourne Christopher
Related to 195 Jan. 1950 781
Ed Mishell Mishell's Move hidden bill packet is transferred from one hand to the other behind second bill
Related toVariationsAlso published here 196 Feb. 1950 782
Clayton Rawson In One Second Flat saliva, two cards are found
Also published here 196 Feb. 1950 783
Murray Sumner Torn Bill Trick
196 Feb. 1950 784
Bruce Elliott The Back Room on Frank Garcia, Puzzle by Charlie Arbuthnot, Dunninger, Carlo Menotti, Fred Keating, Martin Gardner, Bill Simon, Jean Hugard, Robert Harbin, Art Lyle, Frank Joglar
196 Feb. 1950 785
George Schindler Lights Out lit cigarette goes out
Also published here 196 Feb. 1950 785
Franklin V. Taylor Double Stop two cards, see p. 793 for additional ideas by Al Forsythe
VariationsAlso published here 197 Feb. 1950 786
Fred Fletcher Mystery card put between red threes, ends up between black threes, in the pack
197 Feb. 1950 787
George Blake Your Deal
197 Feb. 1950 788
Bruce Elliott The Back Room on Richard Himber, Jean Hugard, C.L. Boarde, Jay Marshall
197 Feb. 1950 789
Harris Solomon Solomon's Minds in envelope, psychology of the divination
198 Mar. 1950 790
Ed Mishell Mishell's Mite get ready for Tom Osborne's "Passing the Buck", with bills
Related to 198 Mar. 1950 791
Audley Walsh After Sach after a move in Edwin Sachs' "Sleight of Hand"
198 Mar. 1950 792
Bruce Elliott The Back Room on Richard Himber, Jimmy Herpick, Jackie Flosso, Jay Marshall, Jean Hugard
198 Mar. 1950 793
Dai Vernon 12 Outs court card is found
Related to 199 Mar. 1950 794
Cy Endfield Tacked Extra Corner-Piece. Variation with specially printed card
Related to 199 Mar. 1950 795
Martin Gardner, Bill Simon It's A Natural with matches, seven outs
VariationsAlso published here 199 Mar. 1950 796
Bruce Elliott The Back Room on Richard Himber, Hubert Lambert, Frank Taylor pendulum experiment
199 Mar. 1950 797
Nepomuk Nepomuk's Necromancy two coins penetrate cigar box
Related toAlso published here 200 Aprs 1950 798
Nepomuk Nickleplated bending spoon convincer
Related toAlso published here 200 Aprs 1950 799
Nepomuk Banger wire coat hanger vanish, wrapped in paper, see also p. 849
200 Aprs 1950 800
Bruce Elliott The Back Room on Russell Swann, Cy Endfield, Dr. Stanley Jaks, Martin Gardner, Dai Vernon, Lee Noble, Richard Himber
200 Aprs 1950 801
Royal Vale Heath Tap Tap Tap selection and five other cards are put in envelopes, performer taps the envelopes and spectator mentally spells his card, when he stops the performer his hand is on the correct envelope, using deck with different backs (rainbow)
201 Apr. 1950 802
Cy Endfield Sub Aqua image of card appears on little "photographic paper"
201 Apr. 1950 803
John Hamilton Loaded prediction of a word in a book
201 Apr. 1950 804
Bruce Elliott The Back Room on Fred Keating, Wally Dean, Ballantine, Cy Endfield, Martin Gardner, George Schindler
201 Apr. 1950 805
Wally Dean Deanball drop ball vanish
202 May 1950 806
Bert Fenn Jokerneurosis rainbow deck of jokers, four cards transform into aces, then the faces into a normal deck
202 May 1950 807
Hugh Carroll, Charles Hopkins Out!
202 May 1950 808
Bruce Elliott The Back Room on Carl Rosini, Bill Simon, Audley Walsh, Victor Jorey
202 May 1950 809
Victor Jory Jory's Verdict! presentation for center tear
203 May 1950 810
Alexandro Dagger in the Mind blindfolded card stab, two cards, two decks
203 May 1950 811
John Hamilton Hamilton's Idea sliding knot, that can also be picked off the rope
Also published here 203 May 1950 812
Bruce Elliott The Back Room on Scarne, John Hamilton idea for the newspaper tear, Martin Gardner, George Karger, Max Andrews
203 May 1950 813
Bruce Elliott The Back Room on Jay Marshall, Kuda Bux, Richard Himber, Rosenbloom, Victor Jory, Cardini, Fred Keating, Blackstone, Al Flosso, Johnny Paul
204 June 1950 814
Roy Benson Vanish! billard ball vanish sequence
204 June 1950 815
Charles Hudson Switch Back way to find the bridged card
204 June 1950 815
Art Lyle Art-Istic
204 June 1950 816
John A. M. Howie Ambitious Transpo
Variations 204 June 1950 816
George Schindler Note to Hand billet switch with matchbox
Inspired by 204 June 1950 817
Vern Schoneck Sic Transit selected cards visibly appear in beer glass
205 June 1950 818
Harvey P. Graham Gloria Mundi deck is placed in a glass, cards fall out except selection
205 June 1950 818
Greer Marechal Jr. Coloss-Index ideas for an index, with bigger billets than usual
205 June 1950 819
Robert Lund Lucifers! several spectators get different books of matches to hold, they turn out to be all the same
205 June 1950 820
Bruce Elliott The Back Room on Dr. Stanley Jaks, Audley Walsh, Lee Noble, Bobby Baxter, a card to pocket and a rainbow deck gag by Gerald Kosky
205 June 1950 821
Edward Marlo Marlo's Janus some red and ten cards are mixed, spectator deals them on face-up cards on table, all color match, double facers, see also p. 837
Variations 206 June 1950 822
Bill Woodfield Simplo saliva method
206 June 1950 823
George Schindler Dial phoned person names selection, number is formed by writing letters on a business card
Inspired by 206 June 1950 823
Ronald B. Edwards Spongball Levitation in a glass
206 June 1950 824
Bruce Elliott The Back Room on Bill Simon, Ted Messenger, Cleopatra, Sorcar, Frank Garcia, John Scarne, Dr. Stanley Jaks, Greer Marechal, Jimmy Herpick, Frank Joglar, Larry Weeks, Cy Endfield
206 June 1950 825
L. Vosburgh Lyons Lyons Den paper puzzle, solution on p. 833
207 July 1950 825
A. Deleport Pocket It reprint from Grant's "The Trixter" from 1933, spectator puts deck in his pocket and picks out his selection
207 July 1950 826
U. F. Grant Grant's Card Trick three cards change places, two under hand of the spectator one in performer's pocket, duplicate
VariationsAlso published here
  • "Grant's Card Trick" (marketed 1929)
207 July 1950 827
Oke Strom A Worthwhile Tip tip for rubber billard ball holders
207 July 1950 827
U. F. Grant Visible: Invisible Thread invisible thread gag, thread appears
207 July 1950 827
U. F. Grant The Impossible Knot knot routine with a handkerchief
207 July 1950 828
Bruce Elliott The Back Room
207 July 1950 829
U. F. Grant A New Coin Fold
207 July 1950 829
Frank Garcia Garcia's Gaff balancing a coin on the edge of another
208 July 1950 830
Bill Talent Mirage see also p. 841
208 July 1950 831
Bruce Elliott Math performer names selection of position, sort of early anti-faro
208 July 1950 832
Bruce Elliott The Back Room on Keith Clark, Richard Himber
208 July 1950 833
Royal Vale Heath Retrospecs card is held behind performer, who divines it, mathematical, see also p. 841, glasses sight gag, Fibonacci sequence
209 Aug. 1950 834
Bruce Elliott Full! empty matchbook turns into a full one
209 Aug. 1950 836
Harvey P. Graham Peas two in the hand one in the pocket routine, with peas, Mendel's laws of genetic presentation
209 Aug. 1950 836
Bruce Elliott The Back Room on Fred Keating, Dai Vernon
209 Aug. 1950 837
Bob Somerfeld Outmaneuvered one of five cards is predicted
209 Aug. 1950 837
Bill Woodfield Automatic Writing automatic writing turns out to be the selected card, way to write in mirror writing, see also p. 842
VariationsAlso published here 210 Aug. 1950 838
Larette A Close-Up Indian Rope Trick
Also published here 210 Aug. 1950 839
L. Vosburgh Lyons, James A. Fowler Howdy Knowit! with 27 cards, three piles, performer knows selection and position
210 Aug. 1950 840
Bruce Elliott The Back Room on Vernon, Martin Gardner, Mike Bornstein
210 Aug. 1950 841
Bruce Elliott The Back Room on Charles Nyquist, Hofzinser, Compars Hermann, George Jason, Max Holden
211 Sep. 1950 842
Bill Nord Hairy Flare moving match box, with burning match
211 Sep. 1950 842
Franklin V. Taylor Reader's Digest idea for Annemann's magazine test
Inspired by 211 Sep. 1950 842
Johann Nepomuk Hofzinser Different Books with Same Content books made to look differently have the same content
Related to 211 Sep. 1950 842
John Hamilton Variant thimble penetrates handkerchief
Also published here 211 Sep. 1950 843
Cy Keller Pip Pix card appears on photo paper
211 Sep. 1950 844
Milton Kort Kort Kard fingerprint card trick, see also p. 855 for cryptic credit information
Related to 211 Sep. 1950 845
Oscar Weigle Poison Trick chosen / poisoned glass is found, see also p. 849
Related toVariations 211 Sep. 1950 845
Elizabeth Warlock Linklater with a piece of wood, similar working to Dean's Box
Inspired byAlso published here 212 Sep. 1950 846
Bill Nord Bill Nord's Purse handkerchief appears in invisible purse / purse frame
Related toAlso published here 212 Sep. 1950 848
Bruce Elliott The Back Room on Harry Blackstone, Martin Gardner, Dr. Jaks, Audley Walsh, Bobby Baxter, gag by Bob Hummer
212 Sep. 1950 849
Alex Elmsley Elmsley's Puncture! hole moved on business card
Related to 213 Oct. 1950 850
Vern Schoneck Bluff & Challenge four aces change into jacks, aces found in pocket of performer, challenge presentation
213 Oct. 1950 851
The Great Maurice The Cards and the Handkerchief three selections fall out of the deck when covered with handkerchief
213 Oct. 1950 852
The Great Maurice Multiple Card Control adding palmed cards
213 Oct. 1950 852
Bruce Elliott The Back Room on Dr. Daley, Dudley Fossum, Ade Duval, Milbourne Christopher, Dr. Jaks, Roy Benson
213 Oct. 1950 853
Robert Lund Levencenter dime is put in matchbook and does not fall out
213 Oct. 1950 853
Bruce Elliott The Back Room on Willard Smith, Jack LeDair, Max Katz, Sid Lorraine, Maurice Fogel, Audley Walsh, Frances Ireland, Al Baker
214 Oct. 1950 854
Ken Beale, Frank Garcia Wormy Gags! gags with a plastic worm
214 Oct. 1950 854
John R. Boyko Strike Three and Out Variation card found by counting down three times to apparently random values
Inspired by
  • "Strike Three and Out!" (Bob Longe, The Invisible Deck, 1948, p. 9)
Related toVariationsAlso published here
214 Oct. 1950 855
Eugene L. Bulson Scotch Purse coin from purse frame
214 Oct. 1950 856
John A. M. Howie Caught Knot knots appear on rope
Also published here 214 Oct. 1950 856
Charles R. Blyth, Jr. Chameleon Sponge Ball! red and blue sponge ball change places in spectator's and performer's hand, then ball in performer's hand vanishes and spectator has two green balls in his hand
214 Oct. 1950 857
Audley Walsh, Ken Allen, Gerald R. Blount, Leslie Spiewak, Mike Millet, Ken Beale Given Goblet chosen / poisoned glass is found, several methods
Related to 215 Nov. 1950 858
Bruce Elliott The Back Room on Si Stebbins (newspaper article), Maurice Fogel, Frank Garcia, Bill Simon
215 Nov. 1950 861
Norman Jensen Half a Jit vanish of one half of a coin, context trick
215 Nov. 1950 861
Ronald B. Edwards Problems in Prophecy
216 Nov. 1950 862
U. F. Grant Grant's Secret
216 Nov. 1950 863
Gerald R. Blount Tombé
216 Nov. 1950 864
Bruce Elliott, Martin Gardner The Back Room anecdotes left out of Martin Gardner's "Argosy" article, on John Mulholland, Paul Fleming, Rudy Miller, Milbourne Christopher, Blackstone, Paul Stadelman, Carl Ballantine, Roy Benson, Dr. Jaks, Norman Jensen
Also published here 216 Nov. 1950 865
Dr. Jacob Daley, Dr. Stanley Jaks Daley's Device bill switch while putting it in envelope
Also published here 217 Dec. 1950 866
Gerald Kosky The Plot's the Thing two plots and routine for murder game
Inspired byAlso published here 217 Dec. 1950 867
Bruce Elliott The Back Room on Dr. Rhine
217 Dec. 1950 869
Herbert Milton Sympathetic Clubs two decks, reprint from The Jinx
Also published here 218 Dec. 1950 870
Dr. Jacob Daley Letter to Bruce Elliott on the sympathetic clubs
218 Dec. 1950 870
Jack Miller Discless coin under handkerchief is dropped in glass and vanishes, impromptu method
Related to 218 Dec. 1950 871
Dr. Jacob Daley Thoughts on Sympathetic Clubs
218 Dec. 1950 872
Bruce Elliott The Back Room on Dr. Rhine part 2
218 Dec. 1950 873
Cy Keller The Cat's Whiskers cat finds correct envelope
218 Dec. 1950 873
Harry Lorayne Quinella two cards revealed via air pressure turnover
Related toAlso published here 219 Dec. 1950 874
Slip Cut
219 Dec. 1950 874
Air Pressure Turnover
219 Dec. 1950 874
Don Tanner On a Business Card signed business card in coin envelope with a hole, message appears
219 Dec. 1950 875
Cyril Marriott An Amazing Demonstration five cards are selected, medium finds all and gives them to the people who originally selected them
219 Dec. 1950 876
Bruce Elliott The Back Room on Senator Crandall, Gerald Kosky, Jacob Daley, Ken Beale
219 Dec. 1950 877
Dr. Jacob Daley Daley's Delight with extra cards, false switches and the delight switch
Related toVariationsAlso published here 220 Jan. 1951 878
James G. Thompson Jr. Jocko - The Great routine with hand puppet, puppet makes handkerchief vanishes and appear and disappear, performs a mini die box and eventually finds selected card
Also published here 220 Jan. 1951 879
Don Tanner Death's Angel billets are burnt, with a hat
220 Jan. 1951 880
Bruce Elliott The Back Room on Andy Furlong, Bob Orben
220 Jan. 1951 881
Fred Peterson Puzzle of the Pages word isa selected with the aid of a business card, that has a hole punched through to read one word, card is moved on page and stopped
Variations 221 Jan. 1951 882
John A. M. Howie Changeable card changes four times, with sucker elements
221 Jan. 1951 883
Cy Endfield Jack in the Box triple prediction, selected color, number on penny and card on top of the deck
221 Jan. 1951 884
Bruce Elliott The Back Room on Doc Weiss, Johnnie Murray, Djin, Dr. Jaks, crooked card
221 Jan. 1951 885
Big Skull pack placed in spectator's mouth, who is then tapped on the head. All cards, except selection fall out
Also published here 221 Jan. 1951 885
John Hamilton Rip It handkerchief tied on rope, is pulled free
Related toAlso published here 222 Feb. 1951 886
Bruce Elliott A. P.
Also published here 222 Feb. 1951 887
Fred Peterson Pins forcing word on newspaper, pushing a pin through
Related to 222 Feb. 1951 888
Bruce Elliott Two Fold Folderol billets in envelope, subtlety
Inspired by 222 Feb. 1951 888
Bruce Elliott The Back Room on Dorny, Leon Maguire, Jimmy Drilling, Dai Vernon, Norman Jensen, Johnnie Murray, Cy Keller, Pat Terry, Bill Larsen, Frank Jogglar, Feank Garcia
222 Feb. 1951 889
Dr. Stanley Jaks Jaks' Subtlest Secret word is encircled on clipboard, duplicate page under carbon paper
Related toVariationsAlso published here 223 Feb. 1951 890
Purvis W. Miller Both Ways two cards transpose twice and eventually travel to performer's pocket
223 Feb. 1951 891
Taman Bacio imprint of a kiss travels from cheek of a spectator to an other man's cheek
223 Feb. 1951 891
Fred Fletcher Eye Cue code for cards
223 Feb. 1951 892
Bruce Elliott The Back Room on Ken Brooke, Johnny Paul, Jim Thompson
223 Feb. 1951 893
Johnny Paul Devano Card Rise Ideas
223 Feb. 1951 893
John Murray Murray's Muse matchbook gag
223 Feb. 1951 893
Bill Simon Biddled with just ten cards, without selection
Related toAlso published here 224 Mar. 1951 894
Elmer Biddle Biddle Steal
224 Mar. 1951 894
Orville Wayne Meyer Clubbed
224 Mar. 1951 895
George Blake Interchange
Inspired by 224 Mar. 1951 896
Bruce Elliott The Back Room on George Schindler, Dr. Jaks, Jak Ledair
224 Mar. 1951 897
Dr. Ben B. Braude Balloon Buster card in on of selected balloon, for magicians, three stooges (!)
224 Mar. 1951 897
Bruce Elliott No Five five dollar bill put on one dollar bill, five dollar bill vanishes
Also published here 225 Mar. 1951 898
Bob Somerfeld Whose Hue prediction of two words
Inspired byRelated to 225 Mar. 1951 900
George Goldberg Matchum
225 Mar. 1951 900
John Murray Dancing Dollar communicating with medium, thread
225 Mar. 1951 900
George Schindler Six Sided Spirit named geometrical figure appears on paper
225 Mar. 1951 900
Bruce Elliott The Back Room on Dr. Elliott, Vernon, Jay Marshall, Jack Gwynne, Ross Bertram, Clayton Rawson
225 Mar. 1951 901
Dr. Jacob Daley Lipop card is pushed in center and comes out by itself transformed, it helps to have a belly
Related toVariations 226 Apr. 1951 902
Bill Simon Sitting Bull seated, coin on leg is vanished and reproduced
Related toAlso published here 226 Apr. 1951 903
Nile Rothenbach Wet Cent small balls in tube filled with water are extracted without spilling the water, also with coins
226 Apr. 1951 904
Bruce Elliott The Back Room on George Kaplan, Milbourne Christopher, Martin Gardner, Mike Millet, Bill Simon, Dr. Jaks, Francis Carlyle, Faucett Ross, Dai Vernon, John Boyko, Sid Lorraine, Leo Rullman, Keith Clark, Fu Manchu
226 Apr. 1951 905
John R. Boyko Registered Mail city names on stamp matches person
226 Apr. 1951 905
Jack Miller Miller's Mighty Mite flourish with ball, rubber cement
227 Apr. 1951 906
John Hamilton The Australian Deal two cards are found twice by means of the down under deal
Variations 227 Apr. 1951 907
Bruce Elliott The Back Room on Martin Gardner, Richard Himber, Clayton Rawson, Dr. Elliott, Wallace Dibble, Audley Walsh, Bill Simon
227 Apr. 1951 909
Dai Vernon, L. Widdop, Arthur Finley Thanks to Finley, Vernon, Widdop
Inspired by 228 May 1951 910
John A. M. Howie Cavorting Coins four coins are turned over several times, do as i do with coins, three phases
228 May 1951 912
Bruce Elliott The Back Room on Dai Vernon, Dr. Taylor, Widdop, Magicol
228 May 1951 913
Jay Lillis No T.V. magician turns off television by concentration
228 May 1951 913
Milbourne Christopher Popsicle ice cream taken from pocket, small explosion
229 May 1951 914
Dr. Theodore Sack Dr. Sack's Cent impromptu version for penny in wooden tube penetrates matchstick
229 May 1951 915
Bert Fenn Stud card mucking for reversed card in stud poker
229 May 1951 916
Bruce Elliott The Back Room on James G. Thompson Jr., Dai Vernon, Hugard's Magic Monthly, Al Baker, Harry Blackstone, Gali Gali, Washington Irving Bishop
229 May 1951 917
Jack Spalding Tiltable tips on building a table
229 May 1951 917
Bruce Elliott The Back Room on Emil Jarrow, Richard Himber, Milbourne Christopher, Larry Grey
230 June 1951 918
Norman Jensen Wet Ice Cream gag, water from cone of ice cream, fake
230 June 1951 918
Lee Noble (reviewer) Classified Comedy by Robert Orben 230 June 1951 918
Roy Benson Bizarre Bag bag is filled with six eggs as a climax
VariationsAlso published here 230 June 1951 919
Francis Carlyle Palm to Palm with cigarette, purse palm
230 June 1951 920
Al Baker Bar Trick Fooler finesse, coloring substance hanging from a thread
Also published here 230 June 1951 921
Dai Vernon Softy! angles
231 June 1951 922
Bruce Elliott Brrrrtttt! phase for ambitious card
Also published here 231 June 1951 924
Bruce Elliott The Back Room on the S.A.M - I.B.M. convention, Sid Lorraine, Dai Vernon, Dr. Jaks, Frank Garcia, Bill Simon, Ross Bertram, Johnny Platt, Chic Schoke, Leslie Barrie, Gene Bernstein, Tom Hanlon, Russell Swann, Audley Walsh, Del Ray, Jay Marshall
231 June 1951 925
Eugene Bernstein Shaker's Switch idea for old gag, pressing coin on forehead of spectator
231 June 1951 925
Sid Lorraine Off the Record card prediction on a record
232 June 1951 926
John A. M. Howie Silver Switch with edge palm, version with a handkerchief
232 June 1951 927
Tom Ransom Racing Aces! four Aces marked with an X on the back, covered each with three cards, Aces vanish and appear in pocket, vanishing ink
232 June 1951 928
Bruce Elliott The Back Room on Roy Benson, Richard Himber, Ande Furlong, Annemann's diary, Peter Warlock, Orson Welles
232 June 1951 929
Will Baffel The Girl with the Eggs puzzle with matches
Also published here 232 June 1951 929
Sam Leo Horowitz X-It! paper torn in eight pieces, performer draws an X on four of them, the marks disappear and appear on the other pieces
Inspired byAlso published here 233 July 1951 930
Tom Ransom New(er) View impromptu version of the Curry effect
Inspired by 233 July 1951 931
Cy Keller Brahman Bell stop trick, spectator rings a bell when he wants, with Burling Hull's PopEyed Popper Deck
233 July 1951 932
Bruce Elliott The Back Room on Pearson Mapes, Lou Tannen, Jack Spaulding, George Karger
Also published here 233 July 1951 933
Bruce Elliott The Back Room on Magicol, Larry Becker, Gerald Kosky, Orson Welles, Leslie Barrie, Tommy Martin, Bill Nord
234 July 1951 934
George Schindler One in a Million one card is marked with an X, spectator selects exactly that card
234 July 1951 934
Russell "Rusduck" Duck The Gambler with gambling theme, spectator has to deal from the bottom
234 July 1951 934
Cy Keller You Do As Cy Do both cards at same position
Variations 234 July 1951 935
Don Tanner Ashes to Ashes name written on a billet and burnt, ashes put on a second billet and eventually name appears
234 July 1951 936
Bill Nord Ex-straw-dinary paper from a straw twists like a snake when water is dropped on it, then when touched with a cigarette it vanishes
234 July 1951 937
Leslie Spiewak Lucifer's Sleight as "Les Spewack", coin is produced in a flash, matchbox
234 July 1951 937
Martin Gardner Spectacular name of card appears on lenses of glasses when breathing on them
234 July 1951 937
Don Tanner Reunion cut and restored cigarette
Also published here 235 Aug. 1951 938
John Hamilton Nested handling for nest of boxes
235 Aug. 1951 939
Tommy Vanderschmidt Cupro! copper and silver coins each wrapped in a silk and put in a glass each, then they change places
235 Aug. 1951 940
Bruce Elliott The Back Room on Cy Endfield, Jay Marshall, Roy Benson, Dr. Braude, Max Katz, Martin Gardner, Audley Walsh, Hen Fetsch, Cardini, Charlie Miller, Dai Vernon, T. Nelson Downs
235 Aug. 1951 941
Hen Fetsch Simulacrum spectator pushes needle through doll, performer knows where, voodoo
Related to 236 Aug. 1951 942
Hen Fetsch Only the Magician Nose! with envelopes and blindfolded, perfume marking
236 Aug. 1951 943
Hen Fetsch Perfume Presto! chosen / poisoned glass is found
Related to 236 Aug. 1951 943
Hen Fetsch Betcha!
  • reading the date of a coin through a paper
  • predicting the right card, gag (two versions)
  • showing five kings in a deck
Also published here 236 Aug. 1951 944
Bruce Elliott The Back Room on Ivan Sanderson, Audley Walsh, Magicol, Dr. Jaks, Norman Jensen, Martin Gardner, Jay Marshall, Al Cohn, Lee Noble
236 Aug. 1951 945
Bill Nord Magical Rorschach ink blot vanishes, Rorschach test presentation
236 Aug. 1951 945
Ross Bertram 10 to 1 dime is stretched until its a silver dollar
237 Sep. 1951 946
Bert Fenn I Win! several phases, see p. 953 for corrections
237 Sep. 1951 947
Bruce Elliott The Back Room on Norman Jensen, Milbourne Christopher, H. P. Graham, Clayton Rawson, Audley Walsh, Wilbur Kattner, Dariel Fitzkee, Bill Larsen
237 Sep. 1951 949
George Schindler Sealed Penetration deck is sealed and put in spectator's pocket, performer fishes card out very fast
Related to 237 Sep. 1951 949
Herb Runge C'Mon and Shine! idea and tips on the shiner
238 Sep. 1951 950
Herb Runge Effect #1 peeking a card
238 Sep. 1951 950
Herb Runge Effect #2 seeing with fingertips, name of cards
238 Sep. 1951 951
Bruce Elliott Tipsy Turvy
Related to 238 Sep. 1951 951
Herb Runge Effect #3
238 Sep. 1951 952
Herb Runge Effect #4 peeking a card
238 Sep. 1951 952
Hen Fetsch Date Man Duplication day on calendar sheet is encircled, divination
Related toVariations 238 Sep. 1951 952
Bruce Elliott The Back Room on Martin Gardner, Matt Schulien, Don Alan and his set, Clark Crandall
238 Sep. 1951 953
Bruce Elliott On A Tear monte, tearing up corner, false index
Related to 239 Oct. 1951 954
M. B. Schulman Up plunger principle, placement
239 Oct. 1951 955
Russell "Rusduck" Duck Solitaire stacking for an advantage in playing Solitaire
239 Oct. 1951 956
Bruce Elliott The Back Room on Chavez School, Jay Marshall, Sidney Lenz, Johny Albenice, Fred Keating
239 Oct. 1951 957
Lee Noble (reviewer) Comedy Technique by Robert Orben 239 Oct. 1951 957
Carlo Rossetti Carlo Rossetti's Rise thimble through handkerchief
Related toAlso published here 240 Oct. 1951 958
Twist coin vanishes from handkerchief, held by spectator
240 Oct. 1951 959
Ronald B. Edwards A 2.00$ Trick coin assembly with magazines, last coin found in magazine
Variations 240 Oct. 1951 959
Bill Pugley Bill Pugley's Sight! peek method with index cards, stack with a hole
240 Oct. 1951 960
Bruce Elliott The Back Room on hypnotism, Ormond McGill, Sphinx
240 Oct. 1951 961
James G. Thompson Jr. On the Elliot's Card Change
Related to 240 Oct. 1951 961
Martin Gardner, Bill Simon Similar Twins cards are shuffled face down into face up, spectator removes two face up cards and performer two face down card, same value
Variations 241 Nov. 1951 962
Bert Allerton Allerton's Biddled Card handling for the biddle trick
241 Nov. 1951 963
Bert Allerton New Papel Blanco blank card is signed, face of a card appears on its back, then blank card vanishes
241 Nov. 1951 963
Data entered by Lorenz Schär, July 2015.