51 entries in Knife & Paddle / Routines
Creators Title Comments & References Year Source Page AA Categories
Edward Victor The "Rainbow" Penknife penknife routine with many color changes, vanishes, and traveling to pocket
1940 ca. 125
Knife and Paper Squares paddle move effect with paper pieces stuck to blade
1945 62
J. B. Bobo Chameleon Knives ungaffed, sleeving as switch
1947 79
Jack Chanin Paddled with paddle, rubberband and coins
Jan. 1950
The Phoenix (Issue 194)
Robert Lotz Bob Lotz' Color Changing Knives shrinking knife climax
1952 14
Roy Walton Knifed color change, transposition, travel to pocket, multiple phase routine
Related to 1953 23
Matt Schulien Matt's Color Changing Knife Routine full routine
  • Part I - Introductory Color Changes
  • Part II - The Fake Explanation
  • Part III - Explanation With Two Knives
  • Part IV - "Put One In The Middle"
  • Part V - "I've Got Six Knives"
  • Part VI - Finish
1959 116
Eugene Boyd Sucker Knife Finale
Ireland's Yearbooks (Issue Yearbook 1963-64)
Niberco Colour-Changing Knife Routine knife changes color twice, two knifes
1967 139
Bob Ostin A Novel Penknife Routine complete routine, with half-colored knife and small knife
Variations 1968 35
Paul Swinford Color Changing Knife Routine
1971 7
The Color Changing Knives
1972 209
Alf Goodwin, Harry Baron Twin Beds three paddles, story
Aug. 1975
Pabular (Vol. 1 No. 12)
Ralph W. Hull Juggling Knives routine for color changing knives, marketed in 1940
Apr. 1975
The Pallbearers Review (Vol. 10 No. 6)
Knives color changing knives
1975 126
Sol Stone Knife Interlude
May 1980
Apocalypse (Vol. 3 No. 5)
Ken Brooke Penknife Routine
Also published here 1980 50
Frank Garcia, Matt Schulien A Handful Of Entertainment color changing knives routine
1982 44
Stephen Tucker Excalibur color changing knife routines, holdout with sweatband in sleeve
July 1982
Spell-Binder (Vol. 2 No. 15)
Juan Tamariz Rutina Capicua capicua=palindrome, multiple phase routine
Also published here 1984 50
Walt Lees Färbemesser color changing knives
Also published here
  • Magic Info, 1973/1974
Nov. 1984
Intermagic (Vol. 11 No. 2)
T.C. Tahoe This is Only a Test color changing knife routine
Nov. 1986
Magical Arts Journal (Vol. 1 No. 4)
Juan Tamariz The Travelling Penknife chosen knife of two travels to the pocket
1989/91 269
Juan Tamariz In Which the Colored Penknives pass through a Handkerchief penetration routine with a lot of variations
Also published here 1989/91 272
Juan Tamariz Progressive Routine 1-2-3 - Blanca, the Indomitable three phase routine with one, two, then three knives
VariationsAlso published here 1989/91 281
Juan Tamariz Capicua Routine capicua=palindrome, multiple phase routine
Also published here 1989/91 284
Ken Brooke Meine Färbemesser-Routine
Also published here Oct. 1990
Intermagic (Vol. 15 No. 4 & 5)
Alex Elmsley The Elmsley Color-Changing Knife Routine
1991 175
Bob King Fantasy Knives
Jan. 1994
Apocalypse (Vol. 17 No. 1)
Meir Yedid Color-Changing Knife Interlude knife under wrist watch band transposes with knife in hand
1994 74
James G. Thompson Jr. Völlig Einseitig
  • Ken Allens Jumping Gems
  • Die Münzenkelle
Also published here May 1994
Intermagic (Vol. 18 No. 3)
Karl Norman Colour Changing Knives adaption of Matt Schulien's routine
1995 51
Bob King Lightning color changing knife, changes into lighter
1995 29
Karl Fulves The one sided paddle "Methods?"
paddle becomes invisible when other side is shown, posed as problem
Variations 1996 54
Philip Reed Willmarth, Ronald J. Dayton Letters with method for paddle problem
Inspired by 1997 155
Doug Conn Switch Blades five-phase color-changing knife routine
1997 29
Pit Hartling The ...-Idea knive removed from keychain, changes color, jumps back onto keychain
1998 102
Roy Walton Knifed color change, transposition, travel to pocket, multiple phase routine
Related to 1998 71
Robert McDaniel Technicolor Changing Knives
Feb. 2000
Genii (Vol. 63 No. 2)
Antonio Romero Rutina de Navajas color changing knife routine, brief explanation of "The Perfect Holdout"
2003 269
Luis H. Trueba Cartas y Navajas card apparently located by pocket knife, short routine with two knives, then knife changes to selection
2003 136
Bob King Color-Changing Knives
2005 18
Alberto de Figueiredo Con dos navajas color changing knives, transposition plot with two knives
  • La navaja desaparece
  • Repetición con sorpresa
  • Transposición de navajas
  • Segunda transposición
  • Tercera transposición, visible y en manos del espectador
  • Reseteo
  • Incluso sin enmangues
Inspired by 2009 150
Roberto Giobbi Climax for a Knife Routine transforming a knife into many small knives
Secret Agenda (Issue July 2)
Johnny Thompson The Smash Climax knife transforms into many small knives
Inspired by
  • Ascanio Smash Climax
2018 90
Alexander de Cova Färbemesser on the color-changing knives
  • Die richtigen Messer
  • Wie bringe ich die Messer ins Spiel?
    • Geldscheindurchdringung
    • Messer durch Taschentuch
    • Close-up-Kartenstechen
    • Tricks mit Fäden
    • Messer Monte
    • Matrix
2018 118
Roberto Mansilla Las Navajas color changing knife routine, transposition under handkerchief, in spectator's hands, dual reality suggestion routine and shrinking knife
2019 75
Danny Cheng Current Favorite color changing knife, fake explanation in which another knife is produced from a tiny purse, along with a fake finger and another knife
Inspired by July 2021
The Disclaimer (Vol. 1 No. 4)
Alexander Boyce Color Changing Knives presented as monte routine, with black and white knife
2021 10
Jeff Prace Erasable Marker logo on sharpie marker fades and comes back
Also published here
  • MAGIC, May 2010
2022 945
Juan Tamariz The Rainbow Knife "A Stand-Up Knife Routine"
card is found using pocketknife, then white knife changes to various colors and ends up as rainbow knife, then knife vanishes
2022 18