  • 1942-1944: Bruce Elliott (until issue 72)
  • 1944-1954: Bruce Elliott & Walter B. Gibson
Written by Bruce Elliott, Walter B. Gibson
Work of Various
1,201 pages (Hardcover), published by unknown publisher
Illustrated with drawings
Language: English
1,556 entries
This publication has been reviewed by
Cover photograph
Creators Title Comments & References Issue Year Page AA Categories
Paul Curry Curry Favors on advertising and one way principle
Also published here 138 Nov. 1947 556
Bruce Elliott The Back Room on Roy Benson, Ed Marlo, Blackstone, Audley Walsh, Peter Warlock, H. P. Graham
138 Nov. 1947 556
Edward Clinkscale, Eugene Taylor Billet Catching thought divination
139 Nov. 1947 557
Billet Switch
139 Nov. 1947 558
Bruce Elliott Match? match book refills
139 Nov. 1947 559
Paul Curry Curry Favors
139 Nov. 1947 560
Paul Curry Two Together spectator and performer think of a card in their half and note them on a business card, halves are put together back to back and two cards slipped of together, the noted cards are slipped of at the same time
Related toVariations 139 Nov. 1947 560
Bruce Elliott The Back Room on Dai Vernon, Kolma
139 Nov. 1947 560
Wm. T. Beadles Psychokinesis three card monte, where spectator always finds the card to prove psychokinesis
140 Dec. 1947 561
John Hamilton Heaps again spectator finds his own card, with just eight cards, sort of Tantalizer
Inspired byVariations 140 Dec. 1947 562
James F. Herpick Camel Walk camel on cigarette pack moves
140 Dec. 1947 563
Bruce Elliott The Back Room on Dai Vernon, Jack Chanin, Al Wheatley, Bert Allerton, Frank Taylor
140 Dec. 1947 564
Paul Draylin, Mike Bornstein The Impossible Television Frame! card appears in social security card case, wrapped with rubberbands
141 Dec. 1947 565
Paul Curry Curry Favors
141 Dec. 1947 568
Paul Curry Mindreading? red backed card is put into blue deck, this card is selected
Related to 141 Dec. 1947 568
C. L. Boarde Stop Press! letter sent beforehand, never touched again
142 Jan. 1948 569
Vern Schoneck Spellbound two variations of a speller, spectator thinks of a card in the deck, performer puts cards on by one on spectator's hand, who spells his card in his mind, the last letter is his card
142 Jan. 1948 570
Harry Solomon Betcha coin appears in match box, then a losing bet is made
Also published here 142 Jan. 1948 571
Bruce Elliott The Back Room on Jean Hugard, Dr. Stanley Jaks, Clayton Rawson, Richard Himber, Roy Benson
142 Jan. 1948 572
Monte by "Bertram", told by Dai Vernon
143 Jan. 1948 573
Milbourne Christopher Decked Out billet switch, while taking cards out of the case
143 Jan. 1948 574
Bruce Elliott The Back Room on C. L. Boarde, Ronald Edwards
143 Jan. 1948 576
Howard A. Adams Adams Coins coin is dropped in glass under handkerchief, coin shown again then it vanishes
143 Jan. 1948 576
Dr. Stanley Jaks Go Fish cards shuffled and placed in hat, selection is fished out
Also published here 144 Feb. 1948 577
George Blake Time Will Tell with Full Hunter Pocket Watch, gaffed
Related to 144 Feb. 1948 578
Vern Schoneck Ad-O-Matic playing card is moved over ad section in newspaper, force, prediction
144 Feb. 1948 579
Bruce Elliott The Back Room on hypnotism books, Jean Hugard, George Karger
144 Feb. 1948 580
Gerald Kosky Matchaskill miraskill with matches
Related toAlso published here 145 Feb. 1948 581
Bruce Elliott The Back Room
145 Feb. 1948 584
Steve Miaco Tip on Bill in Lemon
145 Feb. 1948 584
Paul Draylin Double Lite
145 Feb. 1948 584
Cy Endfield Astounding! with Brema Tube, for prediction
146 Mar. 1948 585
Jack (?) Larkin Larkin's Throw Palm
146 Mar. 1948 586
George Blake How' the Time?
146 Mar. 1948 587
Bruce Elliott The Back Room on Peter Warlock, Frank Taylor, Greer Marechal, invisible deck pantomime idea by Frank Taylor
Related to 146 Mar. 1948 588
Edward Clinkscale, Eugene Taylor The Coin of Chomo Gama coin transforms vanishes and reappears, buddha papers
147 Mar. 1948 589
Edward Clinkscale, Eugene Taylor Clear Gone! coins vanish from glass, glass belly servante
147 Mar. 1948 591
Bruce Elliott The Back Room on, the winners of the contest, Bill Larsen, Dariel Fitzkee, Clayton Rawson, Cy Endfield
147 Mar. 1948 592
Greer Marechal Jr. Clipped Psyche writing appears on paper on clipboard, flap
148 Apr. 1948 593
Bill Simon Tnuoc two selections, one is found by cutting to indicator card, second reverses in the middle of the deck
148 Apr. 1948 594
Bruce Elliott Aces??? magician vs. gambler, doing all the moves but getting all four aces, magician's joke
148 Apr. 1948 595
Bruce Elliott The Back Room on Al Baker, Frank Garcia, Lou Tannen, Greer Marechal, Roger Barkann, L. Vosburgh Lyons, C. L. Boarde, Roy Benson, Dariel Fitzkee, Milbourne Chrisstopher, Jack Chanin
148 Apr. 1948 596
Edward Clinkscale, Eugene Taylor Thru the Looking Glass spectator writes something on paper and the paper is rolled into a ball, that ball is pressed into a mirror and removed again, now the writing of the spectator is backwards
Related to 149 Apr. 1948 597
Ronald B. Edwards Dis-Illusion
149 Apr. 1948 598
John A. M. Howie Dotty Dice gaffed dice
149 Apr. 1948 599
Bruce Elliott The Back Room
149 Apr. 1948 600
Harvey P. Graham Inside Job forcing a page by putting a magazine in a paper bag and stabbing a knife somewhere in it
149 Apr. 1948 600
Harvey P. Graham Cards Across Tip
Related to 149 Apr. 1948 600
Harvey P. Graham Needle Trick Tip
Related to 149 Apr. 1948 600
Tom Fitzgerald Penny Anted coin slide, penetration of a match
149 Apr. 1948 600
Howard A. Adams Cheap Look into the Future flap
149 Apr. 1948 600
James G. Thompson Jr. Pocket Seance blank cards, name is divined and message appears
150 May 1948 601
Bruce Elliott Slate of Mind flap that can be palmed off
150 May 1948 602
Bruce Elliott Treasure Trail map is crumbled and spectator holds on to it, marked coin is put on a plate and sand is poured on top, coin travels inside the map
150 May 1948 602
Bruce Elliott The Back Room on Jarrow
150 May 1948 604
Ed Heyl Cork Coin coin that swims
150 May 1948 604
Bruce Elliott Annemann Issue anecdotes of Ted Annemann
151 May 1948 605
Roger Barkann Parallels two decks, two predictions placed in books, as well as selections of spectator
Also published here 151 May 1948 606
Criss Cross Force
151 May 1948 606
L. Vosburgh Lyons Triphecy triple card prediction with three different colors
Related to 151 May 1948 607
Dr. Stanley Jaks Pendle with male/ female and a pendulum
VariationsAlso published here 151 May 1948 608
Bruce Elliott Lu-Site box to exchange cards
151 May 1948 609
James G. Thompson Jr. XX one of four cards is selected and packet wrapped with a rubber band, medium divines card
151 May 1948 610
Dr. Theodore Sack Sack's Spotted Sorcery three phase routine with dice, pips on dice change
Related toVariationsAlso published here 152 June 1948 615
Bruce Elliott The Back Room on Dr. Jaks, Finley-Jordan controversy
152 June 1948 618
Paul Draylin Tip on Tonguing eating a cigarette, tip on paper
152 June 1948 618
Al Baker Sugar Cube quickly unwrapping a sugar cube, bar bet
152 June 1948 618
Bob Somerfeld Serial Number Prediction
152 June 1948 618
John A. M. Howie + or - ? using two four of a kinds, transformation kicker
Related to 153 June 1948 611
Trevor H. Hall, John A. M. Howie FKO Sleight turnover switch on packet, face up card under top face down card, double lift
153 June 1948 611
Bob Somerfeld Telepaphone phone numbers are written on billets, one is selected, person at other end divines chosen card
Inspired by
  • Howard Savage's "The Phantom Phone" in "The Sphinx", June 1929
Related toAlso published here
153 June 1948 612
Franklin V. Taylor Looped telephone book test, where card is put in book to chose page, method that extra card does not fall out
153 June 1948 613
Bruce Elliott The Back Room on Roy Benson, the Jarrow dinner, Dr. Jaks and a bar bet by Ron Edwards
153 June 1948 614
Bruce Elliott The Back Room
154 July 1948 619
Russell "Rusduck" Duck No Misdirection trick to play on people who want to show performer a trick, heckler gag
154 July 1948 619
Tommy Dowd Two For Three two coins, sort of han ping chien move
154 July 1948 620
Bob Somerfeld Dead Letters on business cards, cards are not touched again, using assistant
154 July 1948 620
Bruce Elliott Cut Up method to cut bottom card to top, cards on the table, small trick, where several cards come back to the top as a gambling demo
154 July 1948 621
John Hamilton Top Force card is exchanged while removed
154 July 1948 622
R. M. Jamison Half Dollar in the Bottle coin starts in bottle
154 July 1948 622
Herb Runge Arranged
154 July 1948 622
Aage Darling Tele-Hypnose girl sits on one of seven chairs
Also published here 155 July 1948 623
George Braund Stout Fella content of two beer bottles change places, then glasses are covered with handkerchiefs and both become the same kind of beer
155 July 1948 624
Milbourne Christopher Where There's Life torn and restored cigarette paper
155 July 1948 624
Bruce Elliott The Back Room story of a Rupert's drop, on Milbourne Christopher, Roy Benson, Orson Welles, Lloyd Jones, Dr. Jaks
155 July 1948 626
Roy Benson It's Magic Benson bowl routine
Related toVariationsAlso published here 156 July 1948 627
Roy Benson Spongeball Vanish with a wand
156 July 1948 627
Bruce Elliott The Back Room on Roy Benson, Audley Walsh, Dr Stanley Jaks
156 July 1948 630
James G. Thompson Jr. Specious Specie lengthy coin transposition routine, then multiple coin production and vanish, with handkerchief
157 Aug. 1948 630
Coin Steal heel clip steal
157 Aug. 1948 632
Bruce Elliott The Back Room an idea for a transformation of a ball into an egg, and a haunted deck idea by Ed Cannon
157 Aug. 1948 633
J. B. Bobo Bobo Switch
157 Aug. 1948 651
Dr. Kolma, Bruce Elliott Po-She-Lo cards in basket, rope rises with chosen card attached
158 Aug. 1948 634
Dr. Kolma, Bruce Elliott Poor Man's Snake Trick snake in basket finds selection
158 Aug. 1948 635
Russell "Rusduck" Duck Eeny-Meeny see also p. 757
Inspired by 158 Aug. 1948 636
Bruce Elliott The Back Room letters from Bruce Elliott to Lloyd Jones, Art Lyle, Johnny Platt and Bob Nelson
158 Aug. 1948 637
Bill Simon Minicam image of card appears on little "photographic paper"
Also published here 159 Sep. 1948 638
Bill Simon Simon-Ease simple cut control
Also published here 159 Sep. 1948 639
Bill Simon Two Blades with two knives
Related toAlso published here 159 Sep. 1948 640
Bill Simon Tabled single card through table
Also published here 159 Sep. 1948 640
Bruce Elliott The Back Room on Clayton Rawson, Bill Simon, Jay Marshall
159 Sep. 1948 641
George Braund Swallowing Razor Blades
159 Sep. 1948 641
Pin through Coin more a bar bet
159 Sep. 1948 641
Felix Greenfield Brained! spectator divines a phone number from another spectator
160 Sep. 1948 642
John Hamilton Folder! coding a card by a folded sheet of paper
160 Sep. 1948 643
Bob Spencer E-Z! gaffed envelopes
160 Sep. 1948 644
Bruce Elliott The Back Room on Kruger and Starke, Dr. Jaks, Martin Gardner, Roy Benson, Paul Draylin, Hal Haber, Bill Simon
160 Sep. 1948 645
Harvey P. Graham, Bob Somerfeld Future Minus sum divination with slates, flap
161 Oct. 1948 646
James G. Thompson Jr. Pip Pip cutting at a thick card, pips
161 Oct. 1948 647
Fred Fletcher Bottoms Up off-beat card at small number
161 Oct. 1948 647
Ronald B. Edwards X-Spell-I-Mental mental speller
161 Oct. 1948 648
Bruce Elliott The Back Room on Hen Fetsch, Frank Taylor, Karrel Fox, Paul Fleming, Milbourne Christopher
161 Oct. 1948 649
C. L. Boarde 50-50 or 9 Out of 10
162 Oct. 1948 650
C. L. Boarde, Theodore Annemann Magician's Choice with books
162 Oct. 1948 651
Herb Runge Hi-Lo as Herb Rungie, prediction of two amounts of cards and selection is found
162 Oct. 1948 652
Bruce Elliott The Back Room on Jay Marshall, Phil Upton on "ghoti", Tom Osborne
Related to 162 Oct. 1948 653
Ronald B. Edwards ScissorAction rubberband on scissors
162 Oct. 1948 653
Art Lyle Cock-Eyed card to breast pocket , visible/ invisible ploy
162 Oct. 1948 653
Dr. Stanley Jaks Locked Room handkerchief is ripped out of locked tube, bill tube
Also published here 163 Nov. 1948 654
Martin Gardner Hand to Hand two card location, similar to Hofzinser's two card catch, deck half face up, half face down
Also published here 163 Nov. 1948 655
Franklin V. Taylor Shoulder Card card to inside pocket or wallet, no palming
Also published here 163 Nov. 1948 656
Karrell Fox Jam Auction one dollar bill to five dollar bill, then five transforms into a dime
Also published here 163 Nov. 1948 656
Bruce Elliott The Back Room on Jay Marshall, Senator Crandall
163 Nov. 1948 657
"Senator" Clarke Crandall Nothing At All! gag prediction, no card seen, blank card
163 Nov. 1948 657
Karrell Fox Loaded Dice loaded dice gag, die explodes
163 Nov. 1948 657
Hen Fetsch Not Far Fetsched ideas for the pop up tie
  • Pop Bell (spirit bell)
  • Pop Spots (luminous paint)
  • Pop Brush (spectator feels ghost brushing on face)
164 Nov. 1948 656
Audley Walsh Hold Out card vanish and reproduction, needle hold out gimmick
164 Nov. 1948 657
Martin Gardner Die-Vination two dice, sum divintion
164 Nov. 1948 658
Kenny Grosse Flashpaper idea
164 Nov. 1948 658
Bruce Elliott The Back Room on Jay Marshall, Robert Harbin, Martin Gardner
164 Nov. 1948 659
Bill Simon Cig-Card-Rise from cigarette case
164 Nov. 1948 659
Steve Eskow Eskow's Act long routine, cut and restored rope, handkerchief penetrates rope, bill travels into knot of handkerchief and torn-off corner into a rope, see p. 690 for tips and ideas by Hen Fetsch
Related toAlso published here 165 Nov. 1948 660
Bruce Elliott The Back Room on Newton Hall, Roger Barkann, Dr. Jaks, Bobby Baxter, Bill Woodfield and reviews in magic magazines
165 Nov. 1948 663
Hen Fetsch Fetsch's Grandpopper ideas with Popper
  • Popper Silk
  • Three Silk Popper
  • Popper Blendo
  • Popper Color Change
  • Popper Expanding Silk
  • Popper Card Silk
  • Popper Cig to Silk
  • Popper Gloves to Flower
  • Popper Gloves to Silk
  • Popper Flash Silk
  • Popper Flash Flowers
Inspired by 166 Dec. 1948 664
Karrell Fox Sucker!! buddha papers joke for magician's
166 Dec. 1948 665
Dr. Ben B. Braude De-Sleever coin on half of the deck is sleeved while other half is put on top
166 Dec. 1948 666
Bruce Elliott The Back Room on Jay Marshall, Roy Benson, Dai Vernon
166 Dec. 1948 667
"Senator" Clarke Crandall Four Pips gag prediction, blank cards and pips in pocket
166 Dec. 1948 667
Will Spoof Predict-Die sum prediction, with rolled die
166 Dec. 1948 667
Wally Dean FANciful egg on fan
167 Dec. 1948 668
Bruce Elliott Joker spectator sees selection from other spectator on a joker, punched card
167 Dec. 1948 669
Lee Noble Click card vanishes and appears in cigarette case
167 Dec. 1948 670
Bruce Elliott The Back Room on Ricciardi Jr., Wally Dean, Roger Barkann, Kuda Bux
167 Dec. 1948 671
Dai Vernon, Paul Curry, Martin Gardner, John Scarne, Audley Walsh Ten Card Deal jonah card
Related toAlso published here 168 Jan. 1949 672
Hamid Sayani HJS single card rise from book
168 Jan. 1949 673
Karrell Fox Tip
168 Jan. 1949 674
Bruce Elliott The Back Room on Maurice Fogel, Hubert Lambert, Arthur Helliwell
168 Jan. 1949 675
Bill Simon Again! in spectator and performer's pocket, signed, duplicate
Inspired byRelated toAlso published here 169 Jan. 1949 676
Fred Fletcher ABC three cards, falsely credited to Rusduck, see p. 687
169 Jan. 1949 677
Ken Krenzel, Don Costello Miracle named card turns over
169 Jan. 1949 678
Bruce Elliott The Back Room on Jimmy Herpick, Fred Keating, Max Katz, Martin Gardner
169 Jan. 1949 679
Bruce Elliott (reviewer) Cyclopedia of Magic by Henry Hay 169 Jan. 1949 679
Lee Noble Watch the Birdie! disappearing bird cage
170 Feb. 1949 680
Martin Gardner, Edward Marlo, Bert Allerton Ten Card Deal P.S. further ideas on the ten card poker deal
Related toAlso published here 170 Feb. 1949 681
Clayton Rawson Under the Table cards under table, one selected, shuffled and found, three methods
Related toVariations 170 Feb. 1949 682
Bruce Elliott The Back Room on Dante, Milbourne Christopher, Audley Walsh, John Scarne, Dr. Stanley Jaks
170 Feb. 1949 683
Edward Clinkscale, Franklin V. Taylor Shades of Houdini selection is put back and deck hidden in other room, performer is tied to a chair and lights turned off, after some seconds the spectator gets the hidden deck and found the selection reversed and signed by the performer
171 Feb. 1949 684
Stabbing Force with cards
171 Feb. 1949 685
Deck Switch
171 Feb. 1949 685
Art Lyle Cigarette Through Pocket
171 Feb. 1949 685
Art Lyle Pocket Location four card location, two thick cards
171 Feb. 1949 685
Ken Krenzel, Don Costello Another Miracle ungaffed method
171 Feb. 1949 686
Bruce Elliott The Back Room on Maurice Fogel, Arthur Helliwell, Hubert Lambert, Dante
171 Feb. 1949 687
Dr. Wiener Not At All! rope is cut twice and knotted together
Also published here 172 Mar. 1949 688
Tony Lopilato Baker's Dream bread is produced from a box, baker
172 Mar. 1949 689
Hen Fetsch Tearing the Corner From Two Bills making identical corners with two bills
172 Mar. 1949 690
Bruce Elliott The Back Room on Jay Marshall, Richiardi, Jr., Russ Walsh's appearing cane, Dr. Jaks
172 Mar. 1949 691
Dr. Stanley Jaks, Bruce Elliott Mortell selected card appears on a paper under skull, flash paper
Also published here 173 Mar. 1949 692
Harry G. Franke Rise!! ball with a hole rises and sinks on a straw
Also published here 173 Mar. 1949 693
Vern Schoneck Pursepose bill wrapped in a paper and put in envelope transforms into stage money
173 Mar. 1949 694
Bruce Elliott The Back Room on Russel Swann, Lee Noble, Dai Vernon, Walter Gibson, Frances Ireland
173 Mar. 1949 695
Cy Endfield Time Must Tell using natural imperfection
Also published here 174 Apr. 1949 696
John R. Boyko Snap two coins
174 Apr. 1949 697
George Blake Under More! Table several methods for finding a card selected under a table
Related to 174 Apr. 1949 698
Bruce Elliott The Back Room
174 Apr. 1949 699
Bob Hummer Hot Head with flash paper under cover of a hat
Also published here 174 Apr. 1949 699
John A. M. Howie Pyromaniac with two paper matches and flash paper
175 Apr. 1949 700
William Ruesskamp 15 to 30
175 Apr. 1949 700
Bob Somerfeld Flipper! under handkerchief cut force, clever gimmick
175 Apr. 1949 701
Howard A. Adams Burn billets are burnt, name divined at the end
175 Apr. 1949 701
Harvey P. Graham Bagged! poker routine for stage, with a stand
175 Apr. 1949 702
Bruce Elliott The Back Room on Devano's rising card, Jay Marshall, Frank Taylor, Wally Dean
175 Apr. 1949 703
John Hamilton Diamond Mystery card with hole in envelope, ribbon penetrates card and ends up threaded on card
176 May 1949 704
Edward Clinkscale, Franklin V. Taylor Djinn's Journal divination of selected word
176 May 1949 705
Bruce Elliott The Back Room on Dai Vernon, John Boyko
176 May 1949 707
Ronald B. Edwards Subtlety-Fuge
176 May 1949 707
Bruce Elliott Fate male and female names are selected, one by sliding a paperclip on a list, second by rolling the dice, the names match and represent a famous pair from history
Related toVariations 177 May 1949 708
John R. Boyko Snap II
177 May 1949 709
John Hamilton Of the Phoenix
177 May 1949 710
Bruce Elliott The Back Room on Jay Marshall, Dante, Bobby Baxter, Carl Balantine, Bill Nord, Wally Dean, Tony Slydini
177 May 1949 711
Herb Runge Fifty-Two to One
177 May 1949 711
Bruce Elliott The Back Room on Ken Allen, C.B. Yohe, Richard Himber, George Jason, Ballantine, Ted Anneman, Robert Harbin, Jinx
Variations 178 May 1949 712
Fred Fletcher Lexicon-Found alphabet cards, selected cards form a name
178 May 1949 712
Stuart P. Cramer Parlour Yoga
  • pulse stopping
  • blood flow
  • hand turns white
  • pin smashed in table with palm
  • hand removed from skunk trap
Related to 178 May 1949 713
John R. Boyko Cards Up the Sleeve Presentation
178 May 1949 714
Robert Lund Grub Street Telepathy with thesaurus books
179 June 1949 716
Cy Keller Shmoology ideas for comic figure "Shmoo", imp bottle, sponge rabbits
179 June 1949 717
Bruce Elliott The Back Room on Fred Braue, Dai Vernon, Jack Crimmins, Carl Ballantine, Stewart Judah, Norman Jensen, hand caring
179 June 1949 719
John Murray Take Ten finale for ten card poker deal, all cards are put in separated envelopes
Related toAlso published here 180 June 1949 719
Peter Warlock Rhinegold by spectator, with card stand and envelopes
180 June 1949 720
John R. Boyko Catch catching a ball between two fingers
180 June 1949 721
Bruce Elliott The Back Room on Jay Marshall, Lee Noble, Carl Ballantine, Mike Bornstein, Jerry Cohen, Dai Vernon, Cy Endfield, Milbourne Christopher
180 June 1949 722
U. F. Grant Lady Luck multiple prediction, coins heads and tales, sum of thrown dice and selected card, tossed out deck
Related to 181 July 1949 723
Ronald B. Edwards Spellcast spelling to named card
181 July 1949 724
Harvey P. Graham X prediction of selected word from a newspaper, torn piece on clipboard marked with an X
181 July 1949 725
James F. Herpick Ropelbow
181 July 1949 725
Bruce Elliott The Back Room on Max Holden, Joseph Dunninger, Richard Himber, Jay Marshall
181 July 1949 726
John A. M. Howie Eyes Right spectator writes his name on a paper and balls it up, performer divines name but written reversed and when the paper is opened the spectator's name is also reversed with his handwriting
Related to 182 July 1949 727
Fred Fletcher Telexicon spectator cuts to several ABC cards and forms a word with them, performer divines it
182 July 1949 728
Cut Deeper Force
182 July 1949 728
Bruce Elliott Falsie! draw shift variation
182 July 1949 729
Bruce Elliott The Back Room on Clayton Rawson, Jerry Lukins. L. Vosburgh Lyons, Lu Brent, Tony Kardyro, Oscar Weigle
182 July 1949 730
Dr. William T. Palchinas Skill-Nil! combination of several routines, here as Palchanis
  • Pay Off (Walter Gibson)
  • One Good Trick (Walter Gibson)
  • A Total Mystery (Tony Kardyro)
  • Total Mystery / Sensational Sensitive Finger Tips (Tony Kardyro)
  • Card-Incidence (Charles Terraneau)
Related to 183 Aug. 1949 731
Bruce Elliott The Back Room on Fred Keating, Ralph Read, Jay Marshall
183 Aug. 1949 734
Howard A. Adams A Penny For Your Thoughts! performer is blindfolded divines date of a coin and two selected words from a dictionary
184 Aug. 1949 735
Tony Lopilato Vegetable & Mineral razor blade switch with a carrot, for blade swallowing
184 Aug. 1949 736
Carroll Darnay Mixup spectator shuffles a suit, suit is then again in order
184 Aug. 1949 737
Packet Switch small packet, lap
184 Aug. 1949 737
Bruce Elliott The Back Room on Medium Margery, Fred Keating, Aleister Crowley, Ouspensky, Roy Benson, Jay Marshall, Kuda Bux
184 Aug. 1949 738
Dr. Stanley Jaks Pinned ripped page from magazine is pinned, word is divined, see p. 762 for ideas by Al Baker
Related toAlso published here 185 Sep. 1949 739
Bruce Elliott See Saw slap vanish with two coins, one coin vanishes
185 Sep. 1949 740
Stewart Judah The Hard Way coin in handkerchief, ends threaded through a ring, coin penetrates ring
Also published here 185 Sep. 1949 741
Bruce Elliott The Back Room on James Bartlett, Arthur Helliwell
185 Sep. 1949 742
George Schindler Tic-Tac-Toe prediction of a field
186 Sep. 1949 743
Robert Lund A Story Goes With It one of four match boxes is predicted
186 Sep. 1949 744
Alan Barnert Dead Man's Chest trick with the "15 Puzzle", impossible arrangement
186 Sep. 1949 745
Bruce Elliott The Back Room on Norman Jensen, Cardini, Vinn Boyar
186 Sep. 1949 746
Audley Walsh Rubber Finger Mike one handed flourish, dealing the cards
187 Oct. 1949 747
Audley Walsh Cut Up one handed cutting the Aces, Aces reversed
187 Oct. 1949 748
Audley Walsh Brush It
187 Oct. 1949 748
Audley Walsh Off Hand
187 Oct. 1949 749
Bruce Elliott The Back Room on Lee Noble, Roy Benson, Robert Lund, Dante
187 Oct. 1949 750
Gerald Kosky Outwaited
Related to 187 Oct. 1949 750
Bruce Elliott Fillip! card production, looks like a precursor of Jerry K. Hartman's Popover Move
Related toVariationsAlso published here 188 Oct. 1949 751
Cy Keller Say it with Music!!! record is selected and medium divines it, interesting presentation
188 Oct. 1949 752
Roy Walton ABC
188 Oct. 1949 752
Leon M. Dick Boy Meets Girl four queens and four jacks
188 Oct. 1949 753
Bruce Elliott The Back Room on Dai Vernon, Steve Miaco, Richard Himber, Robert Harbin
188 Oct. 1949 754
Martin Gardner Beery salt spilled in beer rises to top, see also p. 758
188 Oct. 1949 754
Russell "Rusduck" Duck Build Up (Streamlined)
Inspired by 189 Nov. 1949 755
Gilbert Wolk Monte Climax pips end up on a coin and card is blank
189 Nov. 1949 756
George Schindler Newspaper Test carbon paper in newspaper
189 Nov. 1949 757
Bruce Elliott The Back Room on Bill Woodfield, Jay Marshall, Dr. Jaks illustration
189 Nov. 1949 758
Louis Tannen Squeeze 'Em two of diamonds turns into ace of diamonds
189 Nov. 1949 758
Tom Fitzgerald ABECEDARIAN stunt where alphabet is written alternately forwards and backwards
Variations 190 Nov. 1949 759
Vynn Boyar Blind! blindfolded card location
190 Nov. 1949 760
Charles Lantz Spook Silk handkerchief penetrates other handkerchief
190 Nov. 1949 761
Bruce Elliott The Back Room on Martin Gardner, Erdnase, Al Baker, The Great Jasper, Clayton Rawson
190 Nov. 1949 762
Dai Vernon, Jack McMillen Just Injog plunger Aces, handling
Also published here 191 Dec. 1949 763
Paul Curry, Bill Woodfield Pocketed card to watch pocket, with reflex beginning
Inspired byRelated toAlso published here 191 Dec. 1949 764
Data entered by Lorenz Schär, July 2015.