Written by Karl Fulves
Work of Various
437 pages (Stapled), published by Selfpublished
Illustrated with drawings by Joseph K. Schmidt
Language: English
366 entries
Cover photograph
Creators Title Comments & References Issue Year Page Categories
Karl Fulves Introduction on David Copperfield's failed restaurant chain, magic set built around The Discoverie of Witchcraft, Alice's Adventures in Wonderland, Rhett Bryson's "The Devil's PrayerBook"
1 1999 1
Karl Fulves (reviewer) Mental Magic by Martin Gardner 1 1999 2
Karl Fulves (reviewer) Commercial Classics of Magic by Johnny Thompson 1 1999 2
Tony Bartolotta Tale of the Q half the deck used, card chosen by making three piles, card located by spelling through the alphabet with the cards
Inspired byVariations 1 1999 3
Karl Fulves Cheat Feat twenty-card packet, two cards selected in spectators's own hands by dealing two poker hand and remembering top card, selections and up as only red in black half and vice versa
Inspired by
  • Peter Duffie trick
Related to
1 1999 4
Karl Fulves Repeat Cheat fourteen-card packet, three cards selected in spectators's own hands by dealing two poker hand and remembering top card, another spectator finds all, all three are the same unknowingly
Variations 1 1999 4
Sam Schwartz Chain Link four packets shuffled and combined, every suit spelled out and last card is of that suit, packets themselves are all from another suit in each case, two methods
Inspired by 1 1999 5
Michael Lewis Match Lite several matchbooks, spectator chooses one to light candle, performer looks at flame and divines matchbook, repeated
1 1999 6
Karl Fulves Hooked Aces deck cut, two Aces are on faces, Slip Force application
1 1999 7
Karl Fulves The Flash two selections placed under half the deck each, they rise to top, Ace production finale, Slip Force application
Inspired by 1 1999 8
Karl Fulves Cause an Effect card chosen, next selection named before it is made even though no faces have been seen by performer, Slip Force application
Inspired byVariations 1 1999 10
Karl Fulves Bounce Back card chosen, next selection named before it is made, actually same card is chosen and they transpose
Inspired by 1 1999 10
Stanley Best Silk Squeeze glass with milk covered with red silk, white silk appears and vanishes, in glass is now shot glass with white silk inside, lead-in for Chanin's TV Production
1 1999 11
Tony Bartolotta Third Sight seven random objects, one object touched, medium knows the object when list of object is called out
1 1999 12
Dai Vernon Mind Game number from five to ten named, deck shuffled by spectator, top four cards taken by performer and arranged under table, placed back, card at position remembered by spectator and named by performer, repeat
Related to 1 1999 13
Karl Fulves Ghost Knot four handkerchiefs in paper bag, one with a knot, finger ring borrowed and tossed in bag, ring now inside knot, dummy and switch
1 1999 14
Karl Fulves Notebook on Howard Adams, quote from S. H. Sharpe und Robert Lund
1 1999 15
Karl Fulves (reviewer) OICUFESP & MINDSPA by Howard A. Adams 1 1999 15
Howard A. Adams Tulefta ten ESP (or regular) cards, eight eliminated, remaining two cards match, eliminated cards match as well as kicker, involving spelling, Ramasee Principle
Related toVariationsAlso published here 1 1999 17
Karl Fulves Numero Uno "Three Tricks"
digits written on both ends of four pieces of paper, torn in half, pairs made, totals predicted, Ramasee Principle
1 1999 19
Karl Fulves Romeo and Carol "Three Tricks"
names written on both ends of four pieces of paper, torn in half, pairs made, matching people are combined, Ramasee Principle
1 1999 20
Karl Fulves The Horse Right Here "Three Tricks"
unusual race setting, cards in circle, outcome predicted, Ramasee Principle
Variations 1 1999 21
Karl Fulves Introduction on legal battle of "largest and oldest magic group", clairvoyants, atom pearls, movie "The Blair Witch Project", auction of Martin Gardner material on Erdnase by H&R Books, on Erdnase being a woman
2 2000 23
Martin Gardner The Balancing Deck deck sands upright on back of hand, with comment by Joseph K. Schmidt
Related to 2 2000 25
Jack Avis Jack Avis balancing deck with rubber band around it, clings to hand when hand is turned
2 2000 26
Tony Bartolotta Educated Dice routine for Sachs/Sack's Dice, credit information on paddle move
2 2000 27
Sam Schwartz X-Vision ten spot cards, spectator reverses one and shuffles, he notes the number of cards above and below reversed card and makes a two-digit number of those numbers, adds value of reversed card, performer divines card and position from sum
2 2000 30
Walter Brusa Lizbeth engraved old queen on coin becomes young woman
Inspired by 2 2000 31
Michael DeMarco A Number of Ladies production of four Queens by counting to a named number four times in a row
Inspired by
  • "Transient Aces" (Stewart James, New Tops, Sept. 1966)
2 2000 32
Derek Dingle Push-Drop Switch cards picked up with deck from above and transferred to top, see also note by Joseph K. Schmidt on p. 34
2 2000 32
Karl Fulves Final Four impromptu
Inspired byRelated to 2 2000 34
Leonard Hevia, Ron McCroby, Walter Brusa Letters on Slydini's "Water Fantasy"
Related to 2 2000 37
Tony Bartolotta Synchro Thot do-as-I-do ambitious card, spectator's card rises to top of performer's half and vice versa
2 2000 38
Hindu Pick-Up Hindu Shuffle control to top
2 2000 38
Howard A. Adams Notes on Ramasee historical comments
Related to 2 2000 41
David Luenberger Birthday Spell letter cards used to spell names, name of birthday girl shows up, Ramasee principle
Inspired by 2 2000 42
Karl Fulves Game of Life Kings and Queens are mated with two dice and counting procedure, Ramasee principle
2 2000 43
Karl Fulves Database further comments and credit information on the referenced items, Electronic ESP
Related to 2 2000 45
Karl Fulves Pass/Don't Pass "Problems"
faced deck, two cards selected from both halves, they're the same and now reversed in deck, posed as a problem
2 2000 47
Karl Fulves The Rink "Problems"
performer ice skates on normal stage, posed as a problem
2 2000 47
Karl Fulves Twin Towers "Problems"
tower of hanoi type puzzle with three red and three white dice, posed as a problem
2 2000 47
Karl Fulves Intoduction on Fox TV shows, passing of Doreen Valiente, Jon Racherbaumer, Jazz
3 2000 48
Karl Fulves (reviewer) Life, Death & Other Card Tricks by Robert E. Neale 3 2000 48
Laws of Psychic Hotlines reprinted from NY Daily News
3 2000 49
Fred Goodman Vanishing Writing moist paper put in copying machine, copied text apparently disappears when touched
3 2000 50
Worst Performance by a Car from radio show "Car Talk" about worst cars
3 2000 51
Ronnie Lee X-Ray Mind different ropes on board with hooks, performer holds rope and duplicates magically the condition of the selected ropes via color change, appearing knots, and so on
3 2000 52
Bob Still Color View spectators draw pictures on different-colored papers, torn up and tossed in clear plastic bag with more already torn up pieces, four matching pieces of chosen picture taken out by performer
Related to 3 2000 53
A Card Trick four red-backed Kings, one changed for blue-backed Ace and others change along
Also published here
  • a back issue of Linking Ring
3 2000 54
Karl Fulves Hofzinser + Math Aces shuffled reversed into packet, another card chosen, face-up/face-down mix, all cards right except a chosen Ace but selection instead
Inspired byRelated to 3 2000 55
Karl Fulves Symmetry comment on the Fujiwara effect, two card location
Related to 3 2000 56
Karl Fulves Place The Aces twenty-card packet mixed face-up/face-down, all cards right except Aces
3 2000 56
Karl Fulves, U. F. Grant Freeze! on liquid/water to ice effect, metal statue travels across (melts at room temperature)
Related to 3 2000 57
Karl Fulves Stuck Up staple of magazine bent open for levitation or hook-up
3 2000 58
Karl Fulves Little Futures three envelopes, two chosen, in last one is money
Inspired by 3 2000 59
Aldo Colombini Y2K Deck "Double Signature Transpo"
deck of double-blank cards, spectator and performer each sign a card, they transpose, then both signatures on one card
Related toAlso published here 3 2000 60
Jerry K. Hartman Blow-Away Change card secretly turned over when blowed on
3 2000 61
Slap Change double-facer pushed off into right hand and turned over with a slap
3 2000 62
Sam Schwartz Mystery Mix 3&3, three red-backed Kings and three blue-backed Aces
Inspired byRelated to 3 2000 63
Karl Fulves Database further comments and credit information on the referenced items, Card Spelling credit information
Related to 3 2000 66
Chas. Shepperd The Magic Spell early spelling trick
Also published here
  • The Sphinx, March 1908
3 2000 66
Philip T. Goldstein Han Ping Chien Credit Information
3 2000 67
Karl Fulves Stanley Collins intro to a section of Collins' tricks
3 2000 68
Stanley Collins Banker & Broker three piles made, the one with the highest card on the bottom wins, spectator thinks he saw an Ace on the bottom of one, Given the Slip
Related to 3 2000 68
Stanley Collins Collins Ace Vanish
Related to
  • Magazine of Magic, Oct. 1914
3 2000 69
Stanley Collins Flip Switch switch with cardboard cover, use in assembly routine
VariationsAlso published here 3 2000 70
Stanley Collins Tipover Change
Related to 3 2000 71
Stephen Minch Infallible certain conditions posed as a problem, double-blank cards
3 2000 72
Joseph K. Schmidt, David Meyer Letters
3 2000 73
Dr. Raymond L. Beebe Mexican Handcuffs rope around spectator's wrist tightens in unusual way
Related toAlso published here
  • Genii
3 2000 73
Mel Bennett Horse Of The Same Color unusual race setting, cards with five different backs in circle, outcome predicted, Ramasee Principle
Inspired by 3 2000 74
Howard A. Adams Change In Mind six cards torn in half, dealt for three players, top cards removed and coins placed on top, rest in one pile, coin values spelled to arrive at mates, Ramasee Principle
VariationsAlso published here
  • Mindespa Vol. 6 (1992)
3 2000 76
Karl Fulves Unification Aces "Problems"
unexpected assembly, three packets cut off and Ace shown at bottom, four cards remain and they're the Aces, posed as a problem
Variations 3 2000 78
Karl Fulves Double Brainwave "Problems"
five-card brainwave version with transformation element, posed as a problem
Related to 3 2000 78
Karl Fulves Title Only - Genii In A Bill Tube "Problems"
title given without effect, posed as a problem
3 2000 78
Karl Fulves Single Ceiling "Problems"
throwing a single card to ceiling and it sticks, posed as a problem
3 2000 78
The Houdinis - Another Metamorphosis illustration
3 2000 79
Karl Fulves Introduction on Erdnase on Wall Street Journal cover, illustrations in Erdnase's book & authorship, J. K. Rowling's Harry Potter, Neale's Life, Death and Other Card Tricks, Gospel Magic, Houdini, Video Trix, Hayward Cirker, Stewart James, The James File & Allan Slaight, Mary Maskelyne's passing
4 2000 80
Karl Fulves Tips on the Perfect Riffle Shuffle
Related to
  • last ten minutes of Video Trix
4 2000 81
Karl Fulves Smudge Prediction open prediction by predicting smudge on the card's face
4 2000 83
Tony Garza Glass Hypnosis milk in glass changes into rolled-up white paper
4 2000 84
Howard A. Adams Predicnic ESP deck, piles made according to values of three coins, selection found with match in the end
VariationsAlso published here 4 2000 86
Mel Bennett Thrifty Aces values of four coins used to count down to four Aces
Inspired byRelated toVariations 4 2000 87
Karl Fulves Pennywise values of three coins used to count down to three Aces
Inspired by 4 2000 88
John E. Mintz Remote Redux card lost in small packet, it appears on top of rest of deck instead
Inspired by 4 2000 89
John E. Mintz Steal after Count cards counted off the top of the deck into right hand, squared on deck, one card stolen back
4 2000 89
Karl Fulves Twin Effect borrowed wrist on wrist, first letter of spectator written on t-shirt under regular shirt, arms tied in crossed condition (sprit tie), then watch is on other wrist and letter on shirt is in mirror writing
Related to 4 2000 91
Karl Fulves Flip Trap sandwiched card changes
4 2000 93
William P. Miesel Unified Aces unexpected assembly, three quarters cut off and Ace shown at bottom, four cards remain and they're the Aces, three double facers
Inspired by 4 2000 94
Piet Forton Popper Move with credit information
4 2000 95
Robert Kraft Letters on the stripper and Ten Card Deal in the Inner Secrets book
Related to 4 2000 97
Karl Fulves Switch Poker Solution outline of effect
Related to 4 2000 97
Karl Fulves On Home-Made Stripper & Ten Card Poker Deal credit information
4 2000 98
Alen Richie Still More Letters
4 2000 99
Karl Fulves Trick Play Sevens vanishes from deck and reappear, poker deal, spectator gets Sevens and performer the Aces
Inspired byRelated to 4 2000 100
J. T. Knight Hue Clue three different-colored silk in three glasses, one chosen, another spectator divines the choice
Related to 4 2000 102
Sam Schwartz Fourtell prediction of four cards chosen in different ways, one thought-of, cut-deeper handling
Variations 4 2000 103
Karl Fulves Ahead of Time predictions written on billets, one of the billets vanishes from hat and travels to card case
Inspired by 4 2000 104
Karl Fulves Star Trap five containers with personal objects of spectators in star configuration, one canister pocketed by spectator and others moved around according to rules, content of one container divined
4 2000 105
Karl Fulves Matrix With Words "Problems"
matrix force with words, composing something like a card or a condition "red kings are reversed", posed as a problem
4 2000 107
Tony Bartolotta Mark Down three dimes and three pennies in paper cup, out come a quarter, a nickel and three pennies, three "penny and dime" sets
4 2000 108
Tony Bartolotta, Karl Fulves Mark Down II four nickels on table in row, dates in numerical order, four cards with positions mixed, coins exchanged according to cards's order, performer rearranged coins in numerical order without looking by sense of touch, optional appearance of another coin or wedding ring
4 2000 109
Karl Fulves Open Invitation "Three Trix"
repeat version of Open Prediction, predictions written on backs of previously stopped-at cards, all four cards shown at end
4 2000 110
Karl Fulves Spectator Cuts To Whatever "Three Trix"
also as four-card prediction
4 2000 111
Al Leech Double Cut using table
4 2000 111
Karl Fulves Stabbed By Thought "Three Trix"
  • The Double Stab
  • The Thot-Card Stab (thought-of card from three cards is stabbed to when named)
4 2000 112
Carmen D'Amico Impromptu Edge Marking as card is replaced in deck, see also end notes on p. 114
Related to 4 2000 113
Karl Fulves Database further comments and credit information on the referenced items
Related to 4 2000 115
Karl Fulves Paul Curry's Touch credit information on Paul Curry's "Touch"
  • Touch-A-Card Prediction (U. F. Grant)
  • Touch
  • Predicto
  • Mainson's "Touch"
  • Ottokar Fischer's Letter
4 2000 116
Karl Fulves Optic Topic three optical illusions
4 2000 119
Karl Fulves Ten Reasons To Procrastinate
4 2000 121
Karl Fulves Introduction on presidential election, "human popsicle" David Blaine in ice block, brain fingerprinting, magazine Discoverie, postage stamps with David Copperfield
5 2001 122
Karl Fulves Election Themed Tricks list of effects
5 2001 122
Karl Fulves Notebook on fiction writers, Ava Gardner, Joan Crawford
5 2001 125
Theo "Okito" Bamberg, Prof. Dr. Kolmann Okito on Kolmann's Glass Vanish glass made from ice melts under cover, story reprinted
Related toAlso published here
  • The Sphinx, Oct. 1949
5 2001 126
Cardini Spring Break holding break while springing, spelling trick application
Related to 5 2001 127
Karl Fulves Totalizer "An impromptu trick with four dice"
four dice put on table with One-Two-Five-Six sides up, spectator follows some instructions or not while back is turned and covers dice, performer arranges dice so that two left dice have same total as right dice
5 2001 128
Karl Fulves Decoder Dice dealing of packet according to die throw twice, top card matches prediction and thrown number divined
5 2001 129
William J. Hilliar Stolen Thoughts method guess of mindreading act by Hilliar, accidental tripping
Related toAlso published here
  • The Sphinx, Dec. 1945 (written by Bill Frazee)
5 2001 130
Reinhard Müller Taxi Dice die thrown and turned according to rules, final number predicted, presentation for the effect
Inspired by 5 2001 131
Michael DeMarco Mate Separate spectator cuts off packet, performer shuffles the same number of cards between two mates
Variations 5 2001 132
Karl Fulves Pointing Out multiple one-way location without the need to sort the deck in advance
Related to 5 2001 133
Walter Brusa Flip Cap bar bet with beer cap, turning it over on table, other solutions
Related to 5 2001 134
Mel Bennett The Honeymooners Queens mates by spelling names from deck
5 2001 135
Michael Esposito Golden Girl coin transforms into gold coin under bill that is removed from wallet
Inspired by 5 2001 137
Reinhard Müller Surprise Ace Triumph Aces shuffled reversed into packet, face-up/face-down mix, all cards right except the Queens
Inspired byRelated to 5 2001 139
Gene Raye Radar Coin pencil answers questions with sound in glass, glass in which billet is put in divined, secret sugar in glass, radar pencil
5 2001 139
Walter Brusa, Vernon Winiecke, Karl Fulves Letters on magic organizations and politics, cd-rom version of Jack Potter's Index, the Sphinx
5 2001 140
Divided Deck System
Related to 5 2001 140
Karl Fulves Mate In 5 5x5 layout, two spectators move poker chips according to rules, outcome predicted
  • Psychic Sub (variation as Battleship game)
  • Mate Finesse
Inspired by 5 2001 141
Karl Fulves Second Mate predicting outcome of two players in instruction game, posed as a problem
Related to 5 2001 143
Karl Fulves Predicquik "2x Howard Adams"
match with ESP cards involving the spelling of coin values
Inspired by 5 2001 144
Karl Fulves Predicquick-2 "2x Howard Adams"
match with ESP cards involving the spelling of coin values
Inspired by 5 2001 144
Karl Fulves 3 On A Match "51 Faces North" solution in three phases, packet version of Open Prediction
5 2001 146
Bill Frazee Stabbed In Back description of catching card between two selections behind back as seen from Jean Irving
Also published here
  • The Sphinx (Feb. 1944)
5 2001 148
Karl Fulves Kid Silks color changing silk routine with change back and two children that see different colors in in
Inspired by
  • Bruce Posgate column in New Tops
5 2001 150
Sam Schwartz Twister four Aces, backs change, then named Ace is only odd-backed one, presentation by Karl Fulves
Related to 5 2001 151
Karl Fulves Turnaround Silk "Problems"
ring held in mouth, silk between hands, performer turns around and now silk is knotted with ring in center, then condition reverses again, posed as a problem
5 2001 153
Karl Fulves The Elevator Effect "Problems"
performer and spectator walk in different elevators on same floor and come out transposed, posed as a problem
Also published here 5 2001 153
Karl Fulves Special Delivery "Problems"
only flap from envelope in hand, a smaller envelope produced à la purse frame, posed as a problem
5 2001 153
Karl Fulves Stranger #1
Stranger #2
Stranger #3
two straights/suits, value named, card moved from packet to packet and then some sort of coincidence or transposition occurs, posed as a problem
Related to 5 2001 153
Joseph K. Schmidt To Whom It May Concern credit claims about items in Cardshark
Related to 5 2001 154
Grant Stuart Sphinx Perpetual Calendar table in which the day of any date can be looked up
Related to 5 2001 157
Karl Fulves Bulgarian Solitaire four coin piles with one, two, three and four coins, coins moved around, outcome predicted, card application posed as a problem
Related to
  • August 1983 column "Mathematical Games" (Martin Gardner)
5 2001 159
Karl Fulves MM Force more on the working of Mitsunobu Matsuyama's petal force
Related to 5 2001 159
Karl Fulves Red Control an Ace and a Two on the table, single cards dealt on Ace, pairs on Two, performer and spectator take one of the dealt piles each under the table, performer is able to match spectator's colors
Inspired by 5 2001 160
Karl Fulves Pik Tac Toe on 4x4 layout
Variations 5 2001 160
Karl Fulves Database further comments and credit information on the referenced items
Related to 5 2001 163
The Instantaneous Knot
Related toAlso published here 5 2001 163
Voting For Dummies flow chart
5 2001 166
Karl Fulves Introduction on David Copperfield's "Tornado of Fire" special, camera tricks and mirrors, Joseph Dunninger's radio magic, Ken Burns, jazz, two Martin Gardner titles that have an identical chapter by editorial mistake, psychic healing techniques, John Edward
6 2001 167
Karl Fulves Notebook excerpts from articles/interviews about Psychic John Edward
6 2001 170
Dr. Stanley Jaks The Dictionary Trick short bio of Stanley Jaks (with help of Reinhard Müller), then three-part prediction of page number, a card and word from French-English dictionary
  • The Three-Part Test
Related toVariationsAlso published here
  • The Sphinx, 1949
6 2001 171
Karl Fulves, Joseph Dunninger, Theodore Annemann, Peter Warlock On One-Ahead & Mental Epic comments, quotes and references
Related to 6 2001 173
Reinhard Müller The Glide Vanish
  • The Side-Glide Vanish
  • The Deal Vanish
  • The Spectator's Glide
Inspired by 6 2001 180
Reinhard Müller RM's Aces spectators hold the packets
6 2001 182
Wilson Reed Cell Block spectator chosen and some birthdays added, medium called on cell phone and it divines the spectator and the number
6 2001 182
Karl Fulves 10¢ Worth page number chosen with procedure with coin change, forcing a set of possible numbers
6 2001 183
Scott Coffey Synchron-2 half deck distributed among two spectators, five-pile layout, matches occur, only half the deck stacked and used
Inspired by
  • Peter Duffie effect
6 2001 184
Samuel Bertran, Neal Elias, Vernon Winiecke, Walter Brusa Letters on lecture at Cal Tech that exposed tricks, David Copperfield on tv
Related to 6 2001 186
Vernon Winiecke Which Ace? two Aces shown, spectator has to guess the location of one, it changes into selection
Inspired by 6 2001 187
Karl Fulves Pull-Out Trap red Aces placed in different parts of deck but backjogged, pulled out, sandwiched selection is between them
Variations 6 2001 187
Dai Vernon Double Cut Break Handling double cutting with jog, then deck turned over and break retained
Also published here 6 2001 188
Ray Engle Seeing Grant ghost image appears on bill, using feature of new bills
6 2001 190
Karl Fulves Bill Bet bar bet using feature (ghost image) of new bills
6 2001 190
Fred Lessor Card Not In Wallet card chosen freely from face-up deck, joker in wallet has same back as chosen card, rest is rainbow deck
Inspired by 6 2001 191
Karl Fulves Orderly Conduct deck in new deck order, named card removed and placed on top, spectator inserts this card behind his back in center, it is back at its correct position
Related to 6 2001 194
Karl Fulves Catch Card Catch named mates find the red Aces and change into the black Aces themselves
Inspired byVariations 6 2001 195
Karl Fulves Jack The Knife Jacks find the red Aces and change into the black Aces themselves
Inspired by 6 2001 196
Karl Fulves 4-Card Jive one Ace of two thought of, that Ace travels to packet, or the other one does
6 2001 197
Karl Fulves Center Pull-Out
Also published here 6 2001 198
Sam Schwartz Color Changing Jokers back of four cards change one by one from blue to red, chosen card then back to blue, red/blue double backer
Related toVariations 6 2001 199
Karl Fulves Steel To Ink knife stabbed in deck next to selection, then it is seen that the blade is printed on this card and only the knife handle remains, posed as a problem
6 2001 201
Karl Fulves Joker Monte color changing backs, red/blue double backer
Inspired by 6 2001 202
Kurt Weiss Ghost Detector red and white silk tied together, they untie by themselves, apple in paper bag transforms into two oranges, rubber apple
6 2001 204
Norman Osborn A Magical Journey on The Magical Trading Post, selling used books
6 2001 205
Karl Fulves O. Henry Tale card chosen, Ace of Spades pushed face-down in face-up deck where spectator wants, it turns out that the card changes into selection and found the Ace of Spades instead, two methods:
  • SameBothSolution (SBS Ace)
  • Impromptu Method
Inspired byRelated to 6 2001 206
Jerry K. Hartman Underturn kind of wrist-turn second deal turnover as switch/reverse
6 2001 208
Karl Fulves Progressive Ambition "Problems"
credit information, effect variations, posed as a problem
Related to
  • The Crimp #30
6 2001 209
Karl Fulves Progressive Ambition II "Problems"
effect variation of Ambitious Classic, posed as a problem
6 2001 210
Karl Fulves Upside Okito "Problems"
box turns right side up under lid, posed as a problem
6 2001 210
Karl Fulves The Stranger #4 "Problems"
two straights/suits, value named, card moved from packet to packet and then some sort of coincidence or transposition occurs, posed as a problem
Related toVariations 6 2001 210
U. F. Grant Film To Life "Problems"
fan of five card on photograph, named card is taken out, only four remain on photo, posed as a problem
6 2001 211
Karl Fulves No Needles "Problems"
performer mimes knitting, a scarf appears, posed as a problem
6 2001 211
Karl Fulves Zig Zag Card "Problems"
tabled coin travels from one end of torn card figuration to other end, posed as a problem
6 2001 211
Karl Fulves Multi Lev "Problems"
three people levitate under cloak and vanish, posed as a problem
6 2001 211
Karl Fulves Multi-Stack shuffled deck, performer takes out Aces and loses them again, immediately deals out two poker hands and performer gets Aces
Related to 6 2001 212
Karl Fulves Jacks Are Better shuffled deck, performer takes out named value and loses them again, immediately deals out two poker hands and performer gets Jacks and spectator his value
Related to 6 2001 213
Karl Fulves William, Tell two red Aces face up in deck, spectator pushes card in deck behind his back, it's between the Aces
Related to 6 2001 214
Tony Bartolotta Jigsaw Puzzle clear plastic bag with torn colored paper pieces, three spectators take three paper pieces and write word, number and picture, pieces torn up and mixed with the rest, performer reaches in and locates the right pieces that combine to the spectators's writing
Related to 6 2001 215
Karl Fulves Database further comments and credit information on the referenced items
Related to 6 2001 216
Karl Fulves Magic Thrust Credit Information
Also published here 6 2001 216
Karl Fulves Introduction on Francis Haxton comment about World War II, psychics on tv, David Blaine, publications by Fulves, Binary Count Notes, Futagawa Rope-Card Trick, new euro coins, magic as a living, Houdini
Related to 7 2002 218
Karl Fulves Notebook number prediction anecdote about Fr. Cyprian
7 2002 221
Tony Bartolotta Bill of Health Gag paper folds out accordion style
7 2002 221
Tony Bartolotta Ashes Gag urn with "Ashes of Disgruntled Spectator", ashes to palm follow-up
7 2002 221
The Baron The Baron's Drop Vanish hand secretly drops in other hand, with silk or cigarette, credit information
  • The Baron's Move
Related to 7 2002 222
Tony Slydini Slydini's Secret tan-colored sponge ball removed from bottomless cardboard box and vanished, repeated a few times, then box is lifted and there are only sponge balls in other colors
7 2002 225
Karl Fulves Named Dropper four different-colored poker chips in hand, named color vanishes, or named chip vanishes and reappears in stooge's hand
7 2002 226
Karl Fulves Dice Duo blue and yellow dice transform into larger green die, pendulum pull
7 2002 227
Egg Vanish and Appearance "Keech Egg Bag"?, pendulum holdout
7 2002 227
Karl Fulves Notebook on 9-11-01 and dollar bill fold that shows the attack
7 2002 229
Peter Warlock Miracle Slate sliding section on slate, part of slate covered with paper, can be filled in from behind for any prediction
Related to 7 2002 230
Vernon Winiecke Problem Solved 51 Faces North solution
Inspired by
  • Kardyro's Kard Kontrol
7 2002 233
Tony Kardyro Kardyro's Kard Kontrol partial, glimpsing top card of left hand half as bottom card of right hand spread is pointed to and shown to spectator
7 2002 233
Coffee Cup Bet rubber band around wrist and one finger, cup hanged on same finger, rubber band has to be maneuvered into cup, spectator has to close eyes and touch finger
Related to 7 2002 234
Frank Garcia Clip Art copper and silver coin, one given to spectator, performer's coin travels into spectator's hand
7 2002 235
Dai Vernon No Replacement Double Lift same as Bruce/Tamariz replacement, credited to "The Gen"
7 2002 236
Michael Weber, Matthew Field, Tom Costas Letters Toyota-Yoda story by Michael Weber
7 2002 238
Matthew Field The Stranger #4 Solution two straights/suits, value named, card moved from packet to packet and then some sort of coincidence or transposition occurs
Inspired by 7 2002 238
Karl Fulves, Don Spurrier On Periodicals quote from Genii Online Forum and comment on what constitutes a periodical
7 2002 239
Tom Costas Picture Cards Coincidence probability coincidence using cards with images on them
7 2002 240
Karl Fulves Unknown Numbers card named, performer upjogs three cards and loses them again, card chosen by counting to two named numbers, named card and its mate found
Inspired by
  • "Coincidence Or What" (Stuart Judah)
Related to
7 2002 241
Dai Vernon Vernon Multiple Shift sliding block
7 2002 242
Neal Thomas Without Numbers bet that performer can change number on calculator to named number without pressing certain keys
Inspired by 7 2002 243
Karl Fulves Lady In Red one of ten cards selected by putting paper clip on it, "You will choose the only red card"
Inspired by 7 2002 244
Dennis Green Coincidence By Design two chosen cards match when two decks are turned up one by one simultaneously
Related to 7 2002 246
Bob Ostin The 'Lucifer' Load dice stacking with only outside cover of match box bent into tube, final load many matches
Also published here 7 2002 247
Theodore DeLand DeLand's King Trick formula for position of King of same suit as bottom card of deck
Also published here
  • The Magician, Feb. 1916
7 2002 249
John Rule The Dice Deal two dice rolled and piles dealt according to numbers, in the end the four Aces are on bottom of piles
7 2002 250
J. W. Sarles Egg Bag Combo outline of egg bag routine, egg jumps around between hands, silk combination
7 2002 250
John J. Beck III, John A. Beck Hex In Color "John A. Beck III"?!, instructions on colored post-its
Inspired by 7 2002 251
Sam Schwartz The Magician ten red-blue double backers are openly shown, then one side changes to letter cards spelling MAGICIAN
Variations 7 2002 252
Hamman from Elmsley Grip
7 2002 253
Karl Fulves An Opening two card Open Prediction type trick, card where spectator stops determined by numbers
Related to 7 2002 254
Paul Curry Self Seal anecdote about presentation of rubber dam trick
7 2002 255
Karl Fulves, Ted O'Loughlin Cannonball Run "Problems"
cannonball changes into balloon and flies away, also reverse effect in which balloon becomes cannonball, Paul Curry, Rick Johnsson, credit information by Stephen Minch, posed as problem
Related to 7 2002 256
Karl Fulves After Jack "Problems"
half deck vor spectator and performer, a card is chosen and exchanged, they transpose back and are reversed, posed as problem
Inspired by
  • Jack Vosburgh two-deck effect
7 2002 257
Karl Fulves Pokertrik "Problems"
spectator reverses five random cards in deck, performer and spectator take the cards on either side, poker hands, posed as problem
7 2002 257
Karl Fulves Arf "Problems"
keychain beeper to find hidden object, looking for other uses, posed as problem
7 2002 257
Peter Warlock Twin Thoughts two decks, unknown freely chosen card put in wooden frame, named card from other deck as well, they match, one deck composed of only hinged double cards
Related to 7 2002 258
Karl Fulves Could You Spell That? spelling ideas from Si Stebbins stack
  • Si Spell
  • Die Spell
  • Sly Spell
  • Lie Spell
Inspired by 7 2002 260
Karl Fulves The Rule For Red different handling than CATO, switching two cards
Inspired by 7 2002 262
Martin Gardner Match Ace layout puzzle
7 2002 264
Jay Ellis Lemon Aid bill in envelope, in lemon is only a note to look in the wallet
7 2002 264
Charles Waller The Aerial Knot silk thrown up and caught, knot appeared
Also published here
  • "For Magicians Only"
7 2002 265
Michael Bailey The Aerial Vanish Billy McComb anecdote
Also published here
  • The Magic Circular, 1955
7 2002 266
Michael DeMarco Semiquaver spectator counts cards, down-under-deal, final card used to count to prediction, sixteen-card principle, with variation by Karl Fulves
Inspired by 7 2002 267
Luc Sante Three Card Monte Note
Also published here
  • New York Times, 4-15-02
7 2002 268
Karl Fulves 5ive 6ix "Techniques for the multiple shift"
Related to 7 2002 269
Karl Fulves One-Hand Palm Glimpse & Crimp top card palmed and immediately replaced, glimpsed and curved
7 2002 269
Karl Fulves Bait shuffled deck, card named, a sandwich outjogged and pushed back, top three cards are the sandwich now with named card, multiple shift application
7 2002 270
Karl Fulves Multiple Choice four cards outjogged, spectator choses how many are used, they are removed and added up and used to count to selection, multiple shift application
7 2002 270
Sliding or Moving Block Multiple Shift
7 2002 271
Karl Fulves Color Control multiple shift application idea
7 2002 273
Karl Fulves (reviewer) Paul Curry Tricks by Paul Curry (written by Stephen Minch)
with credit discussions
7 2002 274
Karl Fulves Database further comments and credit information on the referenced items
Related to 7 2002 274
Karl Fulves, Tony Bartolotta OOTW without Packet Switch comments
7 2002 276
Stephen Minch 1-2-3-4 credit information
Related to 7 2002 277
Karl Fulves Introduction memory championship, Hofzinser's work, Robert-Houdin, S. H. Sharpe, history of card magic, Martin Lewis, Paper Engine, Harvey Rosenthal, George Kaplan's The Fine Art of Magic
Related to 8 2003 278
Data entered by Denis Behr, September 2018.