  • 1942-1944: Bruce Elliott (until issue 72)
  • 1944-1954: Bruce Elliott & Walter B. Gibson
Written by Bruce Elliott, Walter B. Gibson
Work of Various
1,201 pages (Hardcover), published by unknown publisher
Illustrated with drawings
Language: English
1,556 entries
This publication has been reviewed by
Cover photograph
Creators Title Comments & References Issue Year Page AA Categories
Tommy Dowd, Milbourne Christopher Model Asrah! wand levitates under handkerchief and vanishes, breakaway wand
90 Aug. 1945 365
Tommy Dowd John Doe ... Magician speller, miscalling selected card, for magicians
VariationsAlso published here 90 Aug. 1945 366
Tommy Dowd Half A Buck rolling a cigarette with one hand and putting a bill inside
90 Aug. 1945 366
Frederick Mosteller Fred Mosteller's Solution to No. 87 logic word puzzle, weight problem with a fake coin
90 Aug. 1945 366
Bruce Elliott The Back Room on Ed Marlo, George Karger, Hen Fetsch
90 Aug. 1945 367
Dr. William E. Belanger Clippo Routine
90 Aug. 1945 367
Edward Marlo One-Way Sorting with Slop Shuffle
Related to 90 Aug. 1945 367
James G. Thompson Jr. The Phoenix Routine #3 program with tricks from Phoenix
91 Sep. 1945 368
Ronald B. Edwards Surprise! bill (stage money) to silver coin
91 Sep. 1945 369
Russell "Rusduck" Duck Gin! as Rusduck, strategy and subterfuge to win at Gin Rummy
91 Sep. 1945 370
Bruce Elliott The Back Room on Richard Himber, Al Baker, Bill Gresham, Bill Henderson
91 Sep. 1945 371
Bruce Elliott Make the Pulse Go Faster
91 Sep. 1945 371
Bruce Elliott 3c Worth of Magic two different stamps on two cards, one card on the table one on the face of the deck, two rubber bands to hold everything in place, stamps change places
Variations 92 Sep. 1945 372
Bert Easley Coiner! ideas for a miser's dream structure
92 Sep. 1945 374
Milbourne Christopher An Oldie with a New Twist coin travels into empty matchbox
92 Sep. 1945 374
Bruce Elliott The Back Room on Dell O'Dell, Ken Crossen, Paul Curry
92 Sep. 1945 375
George Armstrong Avatara borrowed deck, card is selected one is thought of, selected is burnt, and the other card vanishes from borrowed deck, both appear in a nest of envelopes in the performer's wallet held by spectator
93 Oct. 1945 376
Jerry Sorensen No Swami in envelope, slit
Variations 93 Oct. 1945 377
John Hamilton Hamilton's Hoax! four cards are thrown into a book on different places, performer names page number and cards, svengali book
93 Oct. 1945 378
Clyde Cairy Coin Vanish
93 Oct. 1945 378
Bruce Elliott The Back Room About the Life, Hard Times and Unseemly Death of Shaman, Shaman was invented by Annemann and Bruce Elliott
93 Oct. 1945 379
Don Medley This Is It! reading mind over phone, see Back Room #96 for correction
Related toVariations 94 Oct. 1945 380
Ronald B. Edwards El Ropo Cutto
94 Oct. 1945 382
Russell "Rusduck" Duck From the Middle as Rusduck, side palm, card is returned and cards pushed together
Related to 94 Oct. 1945 382
Bruce Elliott The Back Room on Dariel Fitzkee, Annemann
94 Oct. 1945 383
Bert Easley Heads or...
95 Nov. 1945 384
Popper! from fold in sleeve
Related toVariations 95 Nov. 1945 386
Johnny Albenice Light Up! pantomime rolling of a cigarette, appearance
Related to 95 Nov. 1945 386
Bruce Elliott The Back Room on how to win half the games at simultaneous chess, Tangram
Related to 95 Nov. 1945 387
(reviewer) John Calvert Show 1943 by John Calvert 95 Nov. 1945 387
Jack Miller Dis-Cards spectator puts amount of cards on the table and removes some again, the rest is named by the performer
Related toVariationsAlso published here 96 Nov. 1945 388
Jack Miller Count Ten! on from ten cards is divined, also possible over the phone
96 Nov. 1945 389
Jack Miller Pick Up coin drops, after being picked up it vanishes
Related to 96 Nov. 1945 389
Jack Miller Twist It! coin starts flat between first and second fingers
96 Nov. 1945 390
Bruce Elliott The Back Room on Bill Neff, George Karger, Jingo Jones, Kolma, Tom Fitzgerald
96 Nov. 1945 391
John Hamilton Date? Name? triple prediction
97 Dec. 1945 392
C. L. Boarde In His Hands spectator riffles cards himself and thinks of one, card is located
97 Dec. 1945 393
Tom Fitzgerald Advertising Stunt two lines printed on a card, one with letters one with numbers, number divined
Related to
  • see also "The 'Q' Trick" in Hoffmann's " Modern Magic" p.560
97 Dec. 1945 394
Bruce Elliott The Back Room
97 Dec. 1945 395
Clayton Rawson Letter to Bruce Elliott on Popper and Light Up
Related to 97 Dec. 1945 395
Elray On Clippo routine idea
97 Dec. 1945 395
Phil Huckabee Money Money Money six coins are produced and vanish again, on spectator's lapel
98 Jan. 1946 396
Russell "Rusduck" Duck Heaps as Rusduck, spectator finds his own card, a lot of dealing, Tantalizer
Variations 98 Jan. 1946 397
R. N. Lee Lit-Switch switch of cigarette with a lighter
98 Jan. 1946 398
Bruce Elliott The Back Room on "Le Magicien" Milbourne Christopher, Larry Arcuri, Mardo, Stewart James, Orson Welles, Loring Campbell
98 Jan. 1946 399
Bruce Elliott Odds On spectator guesses picture in buddha papers, color of handkerchief in a bag, which card is reversed in the deck, and which number is written on a paper, in a locket
99 Jan. 1946 400
Bruce Elliott The Back Room on Felix Greenfield, Bill Henderson, R.C. Duff, Senor Mardo, Richard Himber's list of his personal favorite magicians
99 Jan. 1946 403
Clayton Rawson Double-Lift Deceptions double-lift description
Related toAlso published here 100 Feb. 1946 404
Clayton Rawson 1: Right in Front of Your Nose!
Also published here 100 Feb. 1946 405
Clayton Rawson 2: Magic Taught in One Easy Lesson card transforms into selection, apparently spectator does the transformation
Also published here 100 Feb. 1946 405
Clayton Rawson 3: Stream-Lined Hypnotism duplicate
Also published here 100 Feb. 1946 405
Bottoms to Top to shuffle two cards on top, thumb break
100 Feb. 1946 406
Theodore Annemann Riffle Force with break
100 Feb. 1946 406
Clayton Rawson 4: The Absent-Minded Spectator one person "forgets" card (he was shown a blank card), other can not find it, duplicate and blank
Also published here 100 Feb. 1946 406
Bruce Elliott The Back Room on the Phoenix, C. L. Boarde, the brain guys
100 Feb. 1946 407
King Stevenson Clipped x-ray eyes, seeing through cards and card on the face is divined
101 Feb. 1946 405
King Stevenson Cigarette Shiner paper clip in cigarette
101 Feb. 1946 405
Bruce Elliott 142857 with the feature of fractions of seven, see page 412 and 416 for more ideas (Clyde F. Cairy and unknown)
101 Feb. 1946 406
R. M. Jamison Thumble! short routine with jumbo thimbles
101 Feb. 1946 407
James G. Thompson Jr. Homing Eagle marked half dollar and english penny change places, with handkerchief
101 Feb. 1946 407
Bruce Elliott The Back Room on Hardin Jr., Audley Walsh, Jay Marshall
101 Feb. 1946 408
Bruce Elliott (reviewer) At the Table by George Snyder 101 Feb. 1946 408
Roger Barkann Follow the Leaders routine with red/black effects
  • prediction of red / black relationship (Phoenix No. 1)
  • Out of this World (not explained)
  • Follow the Leader (not explained)
  • Slop Shuffle Color Separation
Related to 102 Mar. 1946 409
L. Vosburgh Lyons Discus Chinese compass, arrows on circle point always in same direction
Related to 102 Mar. 1946 410
Bruce Elliott The Back Room on Alexander, Nelmar, The Magic Wand, Paul Morris, Jay Marshall, Hardeen Jr., Bobby Bakter, Greer Marechal
102 Mar. 1946 412
Orson Welles The Town Skryer thought of card is revealed by another spectator while looking into a glass of water
Related toAlso published here 103 Apr. 1946 413
Reversed Fan to force a card, credited to Dunninger
Related to 103 Apr. 1946 414
John Hamilton Hamilton's Pointer with Aviator design
103 Apr. 1946 414
Cyril Marriott Facsimile content from billet is reproduced on a slate
103 Apr. 1946 415
Cyril Marriott Billet Switch with Hat
103 Apr. 1946 415
Bruce Elliott The Back Room on Fu Manchu, John Hamilton, Abracadabra, a riddle by Warner Perry, Richard Himber
103 Apr. 1946 416
Harvey P. Graham Gut Fold center is stolen later with waxed match, instead of a circle he draws a tic tac toe cluster
104 Apr. 1946 417
Ronald B. Edwards For the Future two decks, prediction is written on face of a card, free choice
104 Apr. 1946 419
C. L. Boarde 1001st Location card revelation, spectator does the crimp
104 Apr. 1946 419
Bruce Elliott The Back Room on Sachs, Fleming, Melbourne Christopher, Chet Miller, King Stevenson, Ace Gorham
104 Apr. 1946 420
Milbourne Christopher Color Code coding colors
Inspired by 105 May 1946 421
James G. Thompson Jr. Thompson's Discontented Card
105 May 1946 422
Samuel Berland Pinched pieces are broken of from a half dollar, last piece transforms into a quarter
105 May 1946 423
Art Lyle Aces Up card is selected, deck dealt in three piles and on top are the other cards of the same value
105 May 1946 423
Bruce Elliott The Back Room on Paul Fleming, John Hamilton, Jean Hugard, Magicana, magazine tricks and salable tricks
105 May 1946 424
John Scarne Mystery B. C: Pickups picking up coins, which are flat on the table
Related to 106 May 1946 425
John Scarne Slam It! coin is slapped on the table several times and then vanishes, sound is made with hand
Variations 106 May 1946 426
Joseph Dunninger Coin in Bottle Convincer for the sound
106 May 1946 426
John Scarne Reverse English coin rolls away and back into the hand
106 May 1946 427
John Scarne The Eagle Speaks coin whispers the position, where the selection is in the deck, then the coin vanishes and appears above the selection
Variations 106 May 1946 427
Bruce Elliott The Back Room on Le Magicien, Ralph Read, Wilbur Kattner, Burling Hull, Hen Fetsch
106 May 1946 428
James F. Herpick Inner Tube handkerchief with tube, to produce and vanish coins and small objects
107 June 1946 429
James F. Herpick Coin Transposition with two "Inner Tube" handkerchiefs
107 June 1946 430
Cyril Marriott Affinities thought of card and unknown selection in envelope are predicted, with mental masterpiece card case and Pop-Eyed Popper cards
Related to 107 June 1946 431
Bruce Elliott The Back Room on Bat, Paul Felming, Jules Dhotel, H. P. Graham
107 June 1946 432
C. Steffenson Sherlock Holmes' Card Trick fingerprint appears on selection
107 June 1946 432
Al Valenti A Top Palm one handed top palm, with ring finger action
107 June 1946 432
King Stevenson Card on Light Bulb electric light bulb, cards are sprung against the light bulb and the silhouette of the card appears on it
107 June 1946 432
Alan Barnert Phoney person on telephone knows card three times, three different methods
Related toAlso published here 108 June 1946 433
Bruce Elliott The Back Room on Paul Duke, Al Baker, Dell O'Dell, Dr. Belanger, Alan Barnert, Braue, Orson Welles in the show "Around the World"
108 June 1946 436
Bruce Elliott No Time Lost back in time presentation, a match is broken in a handkerchief, the other matches are ignited in the box, then everything is back to normal, the match used to ignite the other matches burns a second time
109 July 1946 437
Harvey P. Graham Slate Plate slate effects using a dinner plate, brief explanation of a living and dead routine, appearance of a writing and a design duplication
109 July 1946 438
Russell "Rusduck" Duck 32 selection process with square layout
Variations 109 July 1946 439
Bruce Elliott The Back Room on the Pop Up Tie, R. C. Buff, Jay Marshall, John Booth, Audley Walsh
109 July 1946 440
Mike Shulman Blindfold Idea blindfold with Band-Aids
109 July 1946 440
C. L. Boarde Vest Pocket Seance seance program with a stack of business cards, coin appears, living and dead test, writing appears
110 Aug. 1946 441
Bruce Elliott The Back Room on R. C. Buff, Paul Palfrey, Joe Ovette
110 Aug. 1946 444
Card in Wallet
110 Aug. 1946 444
Don Medley Ring A Bell spectator thinks of a card in the fan (several cards are more exposed and the target cards), then he writes his card und a paper along with four other cards, card is divined
Related to 111 Aug. 1946 445
The Great Fataque Shock Absorber as Fataque Sanders, vanishing cane treatment so it can be thrown and used for juggling without breaking
111 Aug. 1946 446
Fred Fletcher Cherry Red Blues same card from red and blue deck are exchanged and put reversed in the other deck, then they travel back to the original pack, red-blue double backer
111 Aug. 1946 447
John Hamilton All Wet moves and subtleties for coin in bottle
111 Aug. 1946 447
Bruce Elliott The Back Room on Leo Rullman and Stuart Robson, Sorcerer's Serpent
111 Aug. 1946 448
Russell "Rusduck" Duck Utilitarian move to reposition a card in the deck, while counting cards from hand to hand
112 Sep. 1946 449
John Hamilton Faro two cards
112 Sep. 1946 450
John Hamilton Placement placing a card at twenty-sixth position with milk shuffle procedure
112 Sep. 1946 450
Herb Runge Face Down several times a card is selected and found, spelling, stopped at and with "next card I turn over, will be your card" gag
112 Sep. 1946 451
Bottom Card Glimpse pointing on a card on the table
112 Sep. 1946 451
Bruce Elliott The Back Room
112 Sep. 1946 452
Bruce Elliott (reviewer) Stars of Magic by Louis Tannen 112 Sep. 1946 452
Hen Fetsch Spirit Bumps ghost in handkerchief with Pop Up Tie
112 Sep. 1946 452
R. M. Jamison Ykcowrebbaj effect with mirror and the reflection of words
Also published here 113 Oct. 1946 453
John Hamilton Bill-Et
113 Oct. 1946 454
Herb Runge Shorty performer knows how many cards are in spectator's pocket
113 Oct. 1946 454
Jay Marshall, Russell Swann Half Soled shoes appear on table under handkerchief
113 Oct. 1946 455
Bruce Elliott The Back Room on Bill Gresham, Orson Welles, Richard Himber, Erdnase, Paul Fleming, Jay Marshall
113 Oct. 1946 456
Ronald B. Edwards Box Fight Prediction with bill tube
113 Oct. 1946 456
Greer Marechal Jr. Purse Pastry cake in the hat with spectator's purse
114 Oct. 1946 457
James F. Herpick Safety Wallet wallet gag, noise like opening a safe
114 Oct. 1946 458
Bert Easley My Key loading a bag with hotel key or money
114 Oct. 1946 459
Bruce Elliott The Back Room on Walter Gibson's "Bunco Book", L. Vosburgh Lyons, Oscar Weigle, Jack Hughes, Dai Vernon, Bob Reinhart
114 Oct. 1946 460
William Lindsay Gresham Nightmare Allez torn and restored tarot card, with menetekel deck and a way to copy the signature
115 Nov. 1946 461
Bill Becher Brain Buster with Brema's bill tube, sealed in envelope
115 Nov. 1946 463
Carl Hunkins Four Ace Routine four aces are put into the deck, four indifferent cards change places with aces
115 Nov. 1946 463
Dai Vernon Multiple Shift
115 Nov. 1946 463
Bruce Elliott The Back Room on Dai Vernon's lecture, Richard Himber, Frank Taylor
115 Nov. 1946 464
Franklin V. Taylor, Joseph Dunninger Black Magic with playing cards and slit in book
116 Dec. 1946 465
Ronald B. Edwards Side by Side two spectator's cards are found next to each other
116 Dec. 1946 466
Ronald B. Edwards Silver Vanish sticky tape
116 Dec. 1946 466
Dr. William E. Belanger No Rubber Cement three methods for clippo without rubber cement
116 Dec. 1946 467
Bruce Elliott The Back Room on Mike Bornstein, Karrel Fox, Stuart Jules, Martin Gardner, Burling Hull
116 Dec. 1946 468
Mike Bornstein Zombino as Kolma, floating ball, thumb tip with wire and ball
Related to 117 Jan. 1947 469
Frederick Mosteller Ambiguous numbers are selected by throwing dice
117 Jan. 1947 470
Russell "Rusduck" Duck The Gambler five people build a poker hand, after the cards are apparently mixed and the deck cut, all get the same cards again in the next round
117 Jan. 1947 471
Bruce Elliott The Back Room on Silent Mora, Joe Karson, The Great Virgil, Sid Lorraine, Walter Floyd, Bill Grasham, Arnold Grubin, Jamison, J. G. Thompson, L. Vosburgh Lyons
117 Jan. 1947 472
Harvey P. Graham Fanzee The Kick Fan
118 Jan. 1947 473
Frederick Mosteller Thesis named number appears on burnt match
Related to 118 Jan. 1947 475
Ronald B. Edwards Remainder? card is selected and the value used to calculate a result which is predicted
118 Jan. 1947 475
Bruce Elliott The Back Room on Farelli, Jay Marshall, Si Stebbins, Brunel White, W. C. Fields, Russell Swann, Richard Himber, Wilfred Jonson
118 Jan. 1947 476
Stuart P. Cramer Mortmain book test, word is written by a puppet hand, which moves on its own, thread
Also published here 119 Feb. 1947 477
James G. Thompson Jr. Hoiman the Spirick comedy presentation for spirit buzzer, spirit bell, rapping hand etc.
Also published here 119 Feb. 1947 479
Bruce Elliott The Back Room on Bill Larsen, Cecil Lyle, card fans
119 Feb. 1947 480
Paul Curry New View deck in new deck order, spectator has the deck under the table and puts one card reversed in the middle of the deck, it is placed exactly where it belongs in the new deck order
Variations 120 Feb. 1947 481
Herb Runge Among Friends routine
Inspired by 120 Feb. 1947 482
Floyd Jones Key or Coin? key and coin change places
120 Feb. 1947 483
Bruce Elliott The Back Room on Dai Vernon, Bill Larsen, E. B. Moore, Greer Marechal, Roy Benson
120 Feb. 1947 484
Match Puzzle
120 Feb. 1947 484
Greer Marechal Jr. 500 Ltd. three digits are named to form a number, ruse to break it down to four possibilities
Also published here 121 Mar. 1947 485
John Hamilton Top It card is controlled from middle to top
121 Mar. 1947 487
Bruce Elliott The Back Room on Paul Fleming, Paul Curry, L. Vosburgh Lyons, Bill Grace, Richard Himber
121 Mar. 1947 488
Harvey P. Graham Idea for Cards Across with torn card
Related toVariations 121 Mar. 1947 488
Harvey P. Graham Idea for Swallowing Needles with straw
Related to 121 Mar. 1947 488
L. Vosburgh Lyons Inhale This! with benzedrine inhaler, spectator drops amount of different colored candies in the inhaler and performer knows how many from each color
122 Mar. 1947 489
Herb Runge Duo
Inspired by 122 Mar. 1947 491
Bruce Elliott One Hand Cop with whispering queens and reversing card to illustrate the move
123 Apr. 1947 493
Paul Curry Curry Favors
123 Apr. 1947 496
Paul Curry Cigarette Switch
Related to 123 Apr. 1947 496
Paul Curry Linked two ropes hanging on performer's shoulder link, see also ring & tape sequence in "Sefalaljia"
Related toVariationsAlso published here 123 Apr. 1947 496
Bruce Elliott The Back Room on Peter Warlock, Jay Marshall
123 Apr. 1947 496
Clayton Rawson Strip Tease undressing a man's vest without taking off the jacket, then removing someone's tie and shirt, stooge
124 Apr. 1947 497
Ronald B. Edwards Predic-2 see correction on p. 506
124 Apr. 1947 498
Howard A. Adams Interstices piece of glass is put in envelope and pierced with pencil and knife, stays unharmed
124 Apr. 1947 499
Paul Curry Curry Favors
124 Apr. 1947 500
Paul Curry One Down card is inserted face up in the pack behind spectator's back and divined
Related to 124 Apr. 1947 500
Bruce Elliott The Back Room
124 Apr. 1947 500
Dr. Stanley Jaks In the Ring spectator sees selection from an other spectator in a finger ring
Related toVariationsAlso published here 125 May 1947 501
R. M. Jamison 57 two times performer knows where selection is, when spectator turns up cards and names them
125 May 1947 502
Jack Potter 3 Jacks Every Time three Jacks are laid alternated with indifferent cards and come to the top, as a prelude to "3 Jack & a Pat" by Weisbecker
Related toVariationsAlso published here 125 May 1947 503
Paul Curry Curry Favors
125 May 1947 504
Paul Curry Two Minutes from Now spectator thinks stop at his selection when performer names the cards, position is predicted too
125 May 1947 504
Bruce Elliott The Back Room on Dai Vernon
125 May 1947 504
Paul Curry Curry Favors
126 May 1947 505
Paul Curry Do As I Do
Related toVariations 126 May 1947 505
E. H. Borden Horses - A Number Quickie illogic puzzle, dividing horses under three sons
Related to 126 May 1947 506
Bruce Elliott Static borrowed bill sticks to other bill, static electricity presentation, gaffed
Also published here 126 May 1947 507
Bruce Elliott The Back Room on Jay Marshall, Dr. Stanley Jaks, Clayton Rawson, Milbourne Christopher, Richard Himber
126 May 1947 508
Frank Garcia Garcia's Grand two cards are found, with napkin and knife, reinvention of "The X-Ray Knife", see also p. 515
Related to 127 June 1947 509
Frank Garcia Halvies pass as false cut
127 June 1947 510
Frank Garcia, Dai Vernon Quick Silver continuous coin production, with coin roll, based on a Vernon idea
127 June 1947 511
Frank Garcia H2O lit cigarette is dunk into glass of water and then rolled between the hands, transformation into rolled wet bill
127 June 1947 511
Paul Curry Curry Favors on the Indian rope mystery
127 June 1947 512
Paul Curry On and Off two ribbon rings threaded through a nut and lowered into a hat, under a handkerchief the selected ribbon penetrates the nut
Related to 127 June 1947 512
Bruce Elliott The Back Room
127 June 1947 512
Bruce Elliott The Back Room on Dai Vernon, Walter Gibson, Bill Woodfield, Cy Endfield, Dr. Stanley Jaks, Richard Himber, H. P. Graham, Ben Braude
128 June 1947 513
Bruce Elliott Misdirection for Rabbit-From-The-Hat with false finger
128 June 1947 514
Bruce Elliott Anagram's Awful Aid letters in ABC deck are turned over according to selected words
128 June 1947 515
Bill Woodfield Attaboy, Jr.
128 June 1947 516
Phil Weisbecker, Ed Mishell Cosmic Comics with magnets
128 June 1947 516
Dai Vernon 123
Related toVariations 129 July 1947 517
Clayton Rawson Everyone Take A Card six or more people select a card
129 July 1947 519
Paul Curry Curry Favors on Touch and variations of it
129 July 1947 520
Paul Curry Ripping, Eh, What! for Annemann's Pseudo Psychometry, as a two person mental stunt, coding idea for assistant's tearing of the envelopes
Related toAlso published here 129 July 1947 520
Paul Curry Thar She Blows! presentation idea for revealing a card
Also published here 129 July 1947 520
Bruce Elliott The Back Room
129 July 1947 520
Bruce Elliott Bending Coin Idea head on coin pops out and back
129 July 1947 520
Bruce Elliott Chance Stunt prediction of three psychological forces (color, number up to ten, flower) with appearing writing, white on red writing on red cardboard under red celluloid filter
129 July 1947 520
Robert Fairthorne The Malkin voodoo effect, two paper dolls are rolled up and pinched with a needle, at the same places
Related toVariationsAlso published here 130 July 1947 521
George Armstrong Miracle - Impromptu Book Test with borrowed book and borrowed deck of playing cards, information glimpsed on the fly and that page number forced with cards
Related to 130 July 1947 522
Paul Curry Curry Favors
130 July 1947 524
Paul Curry The Perfect Miracle
Related toVariationsAlso published here 130 July 1947 524
Bruce Elliott The Back Room on Al Wheately, Paul Curry, Bill Larsen, Vernon, Felix Greenfield
130 July 1947 524
Dr. Ben B. Braude Tally Ho! spectator write numbers on a pad, under a handkerchief performer feels the numbers and names the total, see also p. 540
131 Aug. 1947 525
George Sands Gone! signed card travels from case held by spectator to performer's pocket
131 Aug. 1947 527
Bruce Elliott Changeable three cards, queen in center turns over
131 Aug. 1947 527
Paul Curry Curry Favors
131 Aug. 1947 528
Paul Curry The Whispering Jokers card is removed, all card named and removed one named instead of joker, selection is named
Related toVariations 131 Aug. 1947 528
Bruce Elliott The Back Room
131 Aug. 1947 528
Louis Tannen Flash Flower match to flower routine
132 Aug. 1947 529
Louis Tannen No Shoes! producing shoes from a box, everybody recognizes that performer did not wear shoes before
132 Aug. 1947 529
Louis Tannen Canny Cane! opening, table with cane and hat, gloves are thrown in the air and they come down with small parachutes, then the cain is put into the hat, where it vanishes
Related to 132 Aug. 1947 529
Louis Tannen, Mac McDonald Just a Thumb Tip how McDonald performed the vanishing cigarette with one arm and handling tips for the thumb tip
132 Aug. 1947 530
Louis Tannen Straight Through! thimble through handkerchief
132 Aug. 1947 530
Bruce Elliott Dice Tip sort of two in the hand one in the pocket routine, with small dice
132 Aug. 1947 531
Paul Curry Curry Favors
132 Aug. 1947 532
Paul Curry Gutter Magic card is found on the street, destroyed and vanished, then found again at the same spot as in the beginning
Also published here 132 Aug. 1947 532
Paul Curry Think of a Card spectator cuts thought-of card to face of stacked deck and then loses it
VariationsAlso published here 132 Aug. 1947 532
Bruce Elliott The Back Room on Walter Gibson, Clayton Rawson, Bums - Brotherhood of Useless Magicians
132 Aug. 1947 532
Harvey P. Graham Your Song! pianist plays the songs people select, songs written on white cards
133 Aug. 1947 533
Edward Clinkscale, Eugene Taylor Gambler's Ghost name of selection appear on card fan
133 Aug. 1947 534
Clayton Rawson The Force That Couldn't Be Done
133 Aug. 1947 534
Bruce Elliott The Back Room on Frakson, Dr. Stanley Jaks, Hen Fetsch, Max Katz
133 Aug. 1947 536
Peter Warlock Pieces of Slate writing appears, version without a flap, chalk can write permanent and nonpermanent
134 Sep. 1947 537
Paul Curry Curry Favors on Ed Marlo
134 Sep. 1947 540
Paul Curry Haunted Pack Variation
134 Sep. 1947 540
Bruce Elliott The Back Room on John F. Hamilton, R. C. Buff
134 Sep. 1947 540
John Scarne Rapid Transit two decks, performer matches selection then both deck change back color
135 Sep. 1947 541
Bruce Elliott No Skill gaff with a bill
135 Sep. 1947 542
Paul Curry Curry Favors
135 Sep. 1947 544
Paul Curry Miscalled
Related toVariations 135 Sep. 1947 544
Bruce Elliott The Back Room on Carl Ballantine, Bill Larsen, Paul Fleming
135 Sep. 1947 544
Ronald B. Edwards Strong Man Stunt apparently tearing a phone book in two, then holding two books
135 Sep. 1947 544
John Hamilton Bloomin' Silk silk is produced and vanished several times, then it turns into a rose
Also published here 136 Oct. 1947 545
Herb Runge Formula cards are divined with a crystal ball, based on Mutus Nomen
136 Oct. 1947 546
Ronald B. Edwards Predic 222 method for calculating quicker than spectator
136 Oct. 1947 547
Bruce Elliott The Back Room on the Phoenix Prize Contest, James G. Thompson Jr, Jay Marshall
136 Oct. 1947 548
Harvey P. Graham Jersey Rope idea for cut and restored rope
136 Oct. 1947 548
Edward Marlo Flight of Time card is chosen by counting procedure, then card travels to top or to other packet
137 Oct. 1947 549
Edward Marlo Ten Years Ago aces placed reversed in pack, change to kings, aces in envelop, double facers
137 Oct. 1947 550
Edward Marlo Not Quite Sure card is selected, then all cards of same value turn over
Related to 137 Oct. 1947 550
Edward Marlo That Joker! joker thrown in hat changes to selection
137 Oct. 1947 551
Throw Change
137 Oct. 1947 551
Paul Curry Torn Center Billet Improvement
Related toAlso published here 137 Oct. 1947 552
Bruce Elliott The Back Room on watching other performers and behaving at the show
137 Oct. 1947 552
Harvey P. Graham Perfection serial number, free choice of lemon, no switch of bill
Also published here 138 Nov. 1947 553
Audley Walsh Sleever practical sleeving technique
138 Nov. 1947 555
Data entered by Lorenz Schär, July 2015.