Written by Laurie Ireland
Work of Laurie Ireland, Various
1,440 pages (Stapled), published by The Ireland Magic Co.
Illustrated with drawings
Language: English
1,259 entries
Cover photograph
Creators Title Comments & References Issue Year Page AA Categories
Eugene Gloye Stamp Transposition ala Bran Glass stamps in tumbler transform
Yearbook 1963-64 1964 19
Eugene Gloye Trading Stamp Bank Nite several stamp books, one is full, two methods
Yearbook 1963-64 1964 20
Eugene Gloye S&H Green Stamp Silk silk looks like stamp
Yearbook 1963-64 1964 20
Bert Douglas Safety Magic series of tricks / presentations about safety and accident prevention
  • A Safety Introduction
  • The ABC of Safety (paper cutting routine)
  • Think (ABC card manipulation)
  • Don't Take Chances (Brent's Bill to Matches & Atomic Candle Trick)
  • How Come? (Blow book)
  • We All Do Crazy Things - Sometimes (Milk Pitcher routine)
  • Safety Begins at Home (Multiplying Thimble)
  • Don't Gamble with Safety (Die Box)
Yearbook 1963-64 1964 21
Terry Nosek The Four Fours glide and redeal
Yearbook 1963-64 1964 27
Jack Yeager Yeager's New Ones chapter intro
Yearbook 1963-64 1964 29
Jack Yeager Tipsy Turvy Pencils using Blake's Rotating Pencil, do as I do presentation
Yearbook 1963-64 1964 29
Jack Yeager Convincing Cut Rope
Yearbook 1963-64 1964 29
Jack Yeager Tuning Up #2 two card monte with Jumbo cards
Inspired by Yearbook 1963-64 1964 30
Jack Yeager Crazy Cards pips on card are disordered
Yearbook 1963-64 1964 31
Jack Yeager Sponge Balls under Glas sponge ball travels under covered glass, then glass vanishes
Yearbook 1963-64 1964 32
Eugene Boyd Sucker Knife Finale
Yearbook 1963-64 1964 32
Frances Ireland Marshall Brief Selection from a Coming Book excerpt from an upcoming book
Yearbook 1963-64 1964 34
Frances Ireland Marshall What To Do When You Arrive
Yearbook 1963-64 1964 34
Allessandro Allessandro's Christmas Book
Yearbook 1963-64 1964 35
Allessandro Six Card Repeat children Christmas presentation
Yearbook 1963-64 1964 36
Allessandro Vanishing Wand Christmas themed
Yearbook 1963-64 1964 36
Allessandro Cut and Restored Christmas Ribbon Christmas themed
Yearbook 1963-64 1964 37
Allessandro Torn and Restored Christmas Napkin Christmas themed
Yearbook 1963-64 1964 37
Allessandro Multiplying Golf Balls Christmas themed, as balls for Christmas tree
Yearbook 1963-64 1964 37
Allessandro Miracle Ball Christmas themed
Yearbook 1963-64 1964 38
Allessandro Good Deed Container candy produced from cannister
Yearbook 1963-64 1964 38
Allessandro Magic Christmas Letters letters placed in a bag form Merry Christmas
Yearbook 1963-64 1964 39
Allessandro Grant's Cow Trick glass of milk produced from card with cow, only presentation
Yearbook 1963-64 1964 40
Allessandro Merry Ideas from My Notebook Christmas themed presentation ideas for Pin Cushion Balloons and The Color Changing Ribbon
Yearbook 1963-64 1964 40
Allessandro Humpty Dumpty Paper Tear Christmas themed
Yearbook 1963-64 1964 40
Allessandro Santa Production from two large cardboards
Yearbook 1963-64 1964 42
Allessandro Further Reading on Christmas Tricks
Yearbook 1963-64 1964 43
Faro: The Game with a Past excerpt about the game of Faro from the book "Amusements of Old London" (1900), photo of Mark Wilson & Jay Marshall
Yearbook 1963-64 1964 44
Our Profile: Bob Arno
Yearbook 1963-64 1964 48
John F. Mendoza The Zombie by John (aka Carendi, Our Teen Age Contribution), ball floats through a ring inside a hat and disappears
Yearbook 1963-64 1964 52
Norman Houghton "Other Magicians..." a satire, selection is not found
Yearbook 1963-64 1964 57
Preface chapter intro
Yearbook 1963-64 1964 58
The Anna Eva Fay Act spirit cabinet type, playing instruments
Yearbook 1963-64 1964 59
Kirk Stiles Magic Coloring Book illustrations to color, with humorous text
Yearbook 1963-64 1964 63
John Gannaway New Wrinkles for Torn Cards creased card, missing peace is not a corner
Yearbook 1963-64 1964 70
Howard Berman Miki's Methods
  • P&L Vanishing Wand Routine
  • Methods for Professor's Nightmare & Linking Ropes
Yearbook 1963-64 1964 72
Eugene Bernstein The Fun Bottle gag item, bottle is squeezed and string jumps out to
Yearbook 1963-64 1964 74
Our Album of Working Professionals with pictures of Harry Blackstone jr., Rene Lavand, Silvan, Clarence Slyter, The Keeners, Barclay Shaw
Yearbook 1963-64 1964 75
Our Cover
Yearbook 1963-64 1964 81
Ken Diamond, Louise Jack Gwynne with pictures
Yearbook 1965-66 1966 3
Jack Gwynne The Turn-Over Vanish The Gwynne Flip Over Box, vanish of animal
Also published here
  • "The Turn-Over Vanish" in "The Sphinx" Vol. 34, No. 1. March, 1935.
Yearbook 1965-66 1966 6
Jay Marshall, Jack Gwynne Houdini and Ponzi Gwynne anecdote of the rooster called Ponzi Gwynne, pictures of correspondence from Houdini to Jack Gwynne
Yearbook 1965-66 1966 9
Gerald Kosky Penny-Thru two effects with steel pennies and postcard with magnet, coin to glass and coin assembly
Yearbook 1965-66 1966 12
Burl Sparks Tricky Farmer routine with golf story using several effects, multiplying golf balls, egg bag,
Yearbook 1965-66 1966 14
Burl Sparks Tips on Ball Handling tip when using a small box or hat for steals
Yearbook 1965-66 1966 17
North Bigbee Severed Silk using Ireland' Magnetic Rubber Strips
Yearbook 1965-66 1966 18
John Morrissy Balloon Trix tricks and ideas with balloons
  • Color Changing Balloon
  • The Boy and The Balloon
  • The Bouncing Balloon
  • The Rocketship Balloon
  • Electric Balloon
  • Article in Balloon
Yearbook 1965-66 1966 19
Bert Douglas The Safety Salesman Trouble Wit with safety presentation
Yearbook 1965-66 1966 21
Jane Jarrow Following Directions humorous article, test
Yearbook 1965-66 1966 24
Jack Gwynne in U.S.O. picture of Jack Gwynne, Oswald Rae and Eddie Joseph in India
Yearbook 1965-66 1966 24
Herman L. Weber Linking Rings complete routine with nine rings and various moves
  • Wrist Count
  • Drop Count
  • Audience Routine
  • Collecting
  • Adding the Key Again
  • The Solo Linking
Yearbook 1965-66 1966 25
Herman L. Weber Figures or Designs
  • One in Two
  • Two in One
  • Shamrock
  • Tete-A-Tete Chair
  • See-Saw
  • Basic Move (Second Group)
  • Hour Glass
  • Two in Two
  • Ladies Handbag
  • Cannibal Head Dress
  • Four Leaf Clover
  • Doll Swing
  • Dinner Chair
  • Parlor Chair
  • Butterfly
  • Boy Riding a Bicylce
  • Automobile Goggles
  • A Block
  • Baseball Mask
  • Football
  • Rosebud
  • Opening Rose
  • Gladiator's Shield
  • Chinese Dinner Gong
  • Basic Move (Third Group)
  • Basket
  • Stirrup
  • Propeller
  • Park Bench
  • Hammock
  • Watch Fob
  • Arm Chair
  • Lantern
  • Cascade
  • Jacob's Ladder
  • Improved Ladder (Silent Mora)
  • The Firebell (Earl Miller)
  • Engine Governor
  • Necklace
  • Bunch of Keys
  • Famous Paintings
  • The Drop
  • The Getaway
Yearbook 1965-66 1966 28
Herman L. Weber Appendix I. Methods of Adding the Key, Old and New
  • Handkerchief
  • From Body Clip
  • Assistant's Back
  • Behind Chair
  • From Table Top
  • Newspaper
  • Nickeled Tray
  • Chautauqua Method
Yearbook 1965-66 1966 38
Herman L. Weber Appendix II. Mechanical Key Rings
  • Springs Together
  • Namreh's Phantom Key
Yearbook 1965-66 1966 38
Herman L. Weber Appendix III. Sucker Gags
  • Switches
Yearbook 1965-66 1966 39
Herman L. Weber Appendix IV. Flourishes
  • Silent Linking (Easy Method)
  • Sam Paul's Sucker Throw-Out
Yearbook 1965-66 1966 39
Herman L. Weber Appendix V. Club and Lodge Work
  • Colonial Door Knocker
  • What Is It?
  • Ladder
  • Compass
  • Square
  • The Three Links
  • The Royal Seat
  • Keeper of the Keys
Yearbook 1965-66 1966 40
Herman L. Weber Appendix VI. More Patter and P... The Picnic... P
Yearbook 1965-66 1966 41
Terry Nosek Stock Market Manipulations cards with companies and their price of the stock, selected stock checked in the newspaper loses and performer's stock is worth more
Yearbook 1965-66 1966 42
Bob Lewis Bob Lewis' Top Hat Illusion glass under silk penetrates silk and hat slowly
Yearbook 1965-66 1966 43
Kirk Stiles Banging the Bang Gun Around ideas with a bang gun
Yearbook 1965-66 1966 44
Ann Bishop, Billy Bishop "It's So Nice to Have a Ham Around the House" lyrics for magician themed song
Yearbook 1965-66 1966 46
Cuffy Hancuff When the Flag Goes By poem presentation for marketed trick "Flagstaff"
Yearbook 1965-66 1966 47
Mike Rogers From the Desk of Mike Rogers idea for Kirk Styles Boy Meets Girl cards, cards join in pairs
Yearbook 1965-66 1966 47
Gerard "Bruno" Bruning The Invisible Match Box color of silk is chosen and invisible silk placed inside invisible matchbox, both appear inside handkerchief held by performer
Also published here Yearbook 1965-66 1966 49
Oran Bailey Dent X Marks the Card! chosen card has X on back
Inspired by Yearbook 1965-66 1966 51
Golden Wedding Anniversary with picture of Jack and Ann Gwynne
Yearbook 1965-66 1966 54
Everett Lyda On the Establishment of Comedy on comedy and various comedy props
Yearbook 1965-66 1966 55
Everett Lyda Giant Ones and Fives assembly with bills, double faced bills
Yearbook 1965-66 1966 56
James Dickson Krazy Kumpass two squares used with arrows
Yearbook 1965-66 1966 57
Will Starr Stronger Than Dirt the word dirt vanishes from handkerchief, only holes of letters remain, then handkerchief is intact again
Yearbook 1965-66 1966 58
Tip on Florio idea for Ireland's Florio, the clowning flower
Yearbook 1965-66 1966 59
James Dickson Tip on Weisenheimer Coin Trick rings on paper, one covered with business card, coin vanishes
Related to
  • "The Weisenheimer Coin Trick" in Jay Marshall's "Jay's Jinking Rings" P. 21.
Yearbook 1965-66 1966 59
Beauty of Magic on Celeste Evans, with picture
Yearbook 1965-66 1966 60
93 Years Ago - A Lady Magician on Madame Cora
Yearbook 1965-66 1966 61
Picture from the Jack Gwynne collection picture with True Duvall, Anne Gwynne and Swan Cardini
Yearbook 1965-66 1966 64
Paul Stadelman Secrets of Sandu introduction to booklet, original by Nelmar Publications
Yearbook 1965-66 1966 67
Paul Stadelman Unique Live Stock Production from roll of paper
Yearbook 1965-66 1966 68
Paul Stadelman Simplified Telepathy cards are divined, publicity stunt, person brings deck to the show
Yearbook 1965-66 1966 68
Paul Stadelman The Spider Box box to make small animal disappear
Yearbook 1965-66 1966 69
Paul Stadelman The Dizzy Die large die with hole penetrates ribbon
Yearbook 1965-66 1966 71
Paul Stadelman Western Union watch is destroyed and appears restored with telegram
Yearbook 1965-66 1966 71
Paul Stadelman The Demon Tubes Phantom Tube routine
Yearbook 1965-66 1966 72
Paul Stadelman The Climax Rising Cards with houlette
Yearbook 1965-66 1966 74
Paul Stadelman Modern Mind Reading with assistant
Yearbook 1965-66 1966 75
Paul Stadelman Production Box For Live Stock
Yearbook 1965-66 1966 75
Paul Stadelman Gravity Defied billiard ball rolls up on board
Yearbook 1965-66 1966 76
Paul Stadelman Clever Card Variations intro to section
Yearbook 1965-66 1966 77
Paul Stadelman Finger Vibrations blindfolded spectator finds selection
Yearbook 1965-66 1966 77
Paul Stadelman Burning A Lady Alive signed card is torn, burnt and eventually found restored in the deck
Yearbook 1965-66 1966 78
Paul Stadelman Pocket to Pocket signed card travels from one of performer's pockets to another
Yearbook 1965-66 1966 78
Palm Change brief
Yearbook 1965-66 1966 79
Paul Stadelman Cards Read in Pocket shuffled deck in pocket, performer names card, sucker ending
Yearbook 1965-66 1966 79
Paul Stadelman Elimination card is selected and placed in packet of the deck, performer eliminates all cards but selection
Yearbook 1965-66 1966 80
Paul Stadelman Explaining the Color Change with sucker element
Yearbook 1965-66 1966 80
Paul Stadelman Watch the Ace sucker effect, Three changes to Ace and back, then it changes inside spectator's pocket
Yearbook 1965-66 1966 81
Paul Stadelman Who Can Yell the Loudest? several spectators select same card, humorous revelation
Yearbook 1965-66 1966 82
Paul Stadelman Phenomenal Memory deck cut in two halves, card placed from one half to the other face down
Yearbook 1965-66 1966 82
Paul Stadelman Involuntary Telepathy spectator locates selected cards
Yearbook 1965-66 1966 83
Paul Stadelman A H--- of a Trick verbal gag using cards, for dealing with heckler
Yearbook 1965-66 1966 84
Paul Stadelman The ACME Rising Cards
Yearbook 1965-66 1966 84
Paul Stadelman Always Force the Card tips on the classic force
Yearbook 1965-66 1966 85
Our Album with pictures of Richard Suey, Truxa, Fantasio & Monica, Marshall Brodien & Judy, Dany Ray, Bob Downey, Joe Dunninger, Jimmy Davis, Ken Diamond, Johnny Paul, Paul Le Paul,
Yearbook 1965-66 1966 86
Karrell Fox with pictures
Yearbook 1967-68 1968 3
How to Be a Comedian in One Easy Lifetime
Yearbook 1967-68 1968 10
Duke Stern Thoughts on Magical Comedy
Yearbook 1967-68 1968 12
Jay Marshall, Karrell Fox, Duke Stern, Ali Bongo, "Senator" Clarke Crandall An ABC of Magicomedy Bits various comedy bits
Yearbook 1967-68 1968 17
"Senator" Clarke Crandall Magic Isn't Funny essay on comedy magic
Yearbook 1967-68 1968 20
Our Sense of Humor
Yearbook 1967-68 1968 24
Bob Brown If it's Laughter you're After... various comedy bits and lines
Yearbook 1967-68 1968 25
Laurie Ireland 3 Oriental Boxes lanterns produced from boxes
Also published here Yearbook 1967-68 1968 32
Magic Slept Here on the mattress in the Charlie Miller Suite
Yearbook 1967-68 1968 35
Ray Prehn Pretty Snaky snake in hat finds selection
Yearbook 1967-68 1968 36
John Gannaway Red White & Blue three different colored silks are produced
Yearbook 1967-68 1968 37
John Gannaway Foam Plastic and Magic building props from styrofoam block
Yearbook 1967-68 1968 39
Gerard "Bruno" Bruning Flight Thru Space color of silk is chosen and invisible silk placed inside invisible matchbox, both appear inside handkerchief held by performer
Also published here Yearbook 1967-68 1968 39
David Hoy Hoy Deploy Q&A using gaffed matchbook to switch and steal billet, two methods
Yearbook 1967-68 1968 42
Mack E. Velli Transesp brainwave with ESP cards
Yearbook 1967-68 1968 47
Ali Bongo Tisch Kebob three balls from tissue paper vanish and appear on dagger held by spectator, with tube
Yearbook 1967-68 1968 48
Joseph M. White Betty Hal-Astra Gal combination of several tricks, Grant's See Thru Cylinders, Ireland's Dove Thru Glass, Fabjance Miniature Levitation
Yearbook 1967-68 1968 51
Bert Douglas Make Safety Your Watchword watch vanishes from handkerchief and appears on wrist, safety presentation
Yearbook 1967-68 1968 53
Bert Douglas A "Drop" of Coffee Milk Pitcher routine with safety presentation
Yearbook 1967-68 1968 54
Bert Douglas Lines for Safety lines for shows about safety first
Yearbook 1967-68 1968 54
Walter J. Gydesen Ball that Went On A Trip ball vanishes from glass and appears inside other glass, covered with other inverted glass and handkerchief
Yearbook 1967-68 1968 56
Walter J. Gydesen Flying Carpet Card Trick prediction of chosen card, using a small carpet and doll on top
Yearbook 1967-68 1968 57
Everett Lyda Openers patter idea to start show
Yearbook 1967-68 1968 58
Everett Lyda Teeth and Fish Idea wind-up teeth and rubber fish placed inside bag, fish skeleton is removed
Yearbook 1967-68 1968 59
Everett Lyda Large Coin Routine jumbo coin ideas
Inspired by Yearbook 1967-68 1968 59
Harry G. Franke The Abacus and Eknarf small copy of selection appears on Abacus, repeated with different card, third card is found with small computer, deck is placed inside computer which switches it to a Brainwave deck
Yearbook 1967-68 1968 60
Guy Jarrett A Taste of Jarrett! reprint of parts of Guy Jarrett's "Jarrett, Magic and Stage Craft" 1936 with annotations
Yearbook 1967-68 1968 65
Tom Batchelor The Card Artist
Yearbook 1967-68 1968 77
Tom Batchelor Multiple Card Lifts chapter intro
Yearbook 1967-68 1968 78
Tom Batchelor The Doubling Lift
Yearbook 1967-68 1968 78
Tom Batchelor The Shuffle Get-Ready getting a break after tabled riffle shuffle
Yearbook 1967-68 1968 79
Tom Batchelor The Faro Shuffle comment on Hugard & Braue description of Charlie Miller's table Faro
Related to Yearbook 1967-68 1968 79
Tom Batchelor The Batchelor Side Faro Shuffle to simulate an amateur card shuffle
Yearbook 1967-68 1968 79
Tom Batchelor Cardipulation chapter intro, difference between Flourishes and Visual Deceptions
Yearbook 1967-68 1968 81
Tom Batchelor The Vee-Drop Flourish incomplete Faro flourish
Yearbook 1967-68 1968 81
Tom Batchelor Taken In Pairs faroed deck is spread on arm
Yearbook 1967-68 1968 81
Tom Batchelor The Double Backed Fan all backs faro fan
Yearbook 1967-68 1968 82
Tom Batchelor The Perpetual Cut three packets
Yearbook 1967-68 1968 83
Tom Batchelor The Direction-Changing Hindu Shuffle hindu shuffle variation
Yearbook 1967-68 1968 84
Tom Batchelor The Wobbly Overhand Shuffle overhand shuffle flourish
Yearbook 1967-68 1968 85
Tom Batchelor The Backhand Cut cards placed on back of the hands
Yearbook 1967-68 1968 86
Tom Batchelor Across Come the Kings two phases
Yearbook 1967-68 1968 87
Tom Batchelor From Behind the Back Jacks and Queens are lost in the deck, performer selects one value and performer produces them with one hand, other hand behind back is show to hold the other four-of-a-kind
Yearbook 1967-68 1968 90
Tom Batchelor The Ambitious Kings
Yearbook 1967-68 1968 91
Tom Batchelor The Bottom to Top Swivel card transferred from bottom to top while closing fan
Yearbook 1967-68 1968 92
Tom Batchelor Ace Transportation
Yearbook 1967-68 1968 93
Tom Batchelor The Push-Cover Steal
Yearbook 1967-68 1968 93
Tom Batchelor The Breakdown Routine four Fours, one is placed in the deck and other three Fours change into Threes, repeated until one Ace remains
Variations Yearbook 1967-68 1968 94
Tom Batchelor The Number and Value of the Cards cards add up to fourteen, using the Fourteen of Spades card
Yearbook 1967-68 1968 96
Dick Jarrow Work Sheet for the Performer sheet to fill in information for gigs
Yearbook 1967-68 1968 99
"Senator" Clarke Crandall Triad-A-Maze
Yearbook 1967-68 1968 99
Ed Balducci Cut Deeper Force with a short card to set-up
Yearbook 1967-68 1968 99
Our Album with pictures of Bruce Armstrong, Scalzo & Co., Bob Brown, Ted Serios, Randi, Charlie Miller, Clifford Guest, Dell O'Dell, Helena & Arthur Buckley, Elmar Jones, Mr. Gustafson, Ali Bongo, Kio
Yearbook 1967-68 1968 102
Salute to Our Collectors on collectors and collections, Dr. Albo, James Findlay, Senator Crandall, Milbourne Christopher, Houdini
Yearbook 1969-70 1970 3
Frances Ireland Marshall Love & The Magic Collector on Jay Marshall's collection, with picture
Yearbook 1969-70 1970 9
Harry Houdini The Romance of Magical Collecting on his collection
Also published here
  • in "Magic" Vol. 2n No. 9. December, 1910
Yearbook 1969-70 1970 12
Frances Ireland Marshall The Brotherhood of Magic pictures of the Marshall collection, a young Harry Blackstone sr., Houdini, Davenports, Compars Hermann, Alexander Hermann, Theo Hardeen, Nicola, Howard Thruston, Harry Thurston, Von Arx
Yearbook 1969-70 1970 17
Jack Bateman Wild Magic
Yearbook 1969-70 1970 19
Jack Bateman Floating Witch's Broom dancing cane, with broom
Yearbook 1969-70 1970 19
Jack Bateman Fire Bowl From Paper Bag with rubber chicken production
Yearbook 1969-70 1970 20
Jack Bateman The Super Duper Safety Match head of match jumps from end to end
Yearbook 1969-70 1970 21
Jack Bateman Indian Maid Escape rope penetrates assistant
Yearbook 1969-70 1970 23
Jack Bateman Flaming Torch to Cane
Yearbook 1969-70 1970 25
Jack Bateman Red the Crook ball placed in tumbler, silk changes into ball and inside tumbler the silk is found
Yearbook 1969-70 1970 26
Jack Bateman Clock Vanish Idea for the Presto Clock Vanish
Yearbook 1969-70 1970 28
John Brown John Brown's Snow White Dove Production harness design
Yearbook 1969-70 1970 29
John Moehring Topper Production dove appears in top hat
Yearbook 1969-70 1970 31
John Moehring Cane to Dove
Yearbook 1969-70 1970 32
Larry Dangerfield A Tip for producing doves from sleeve
Yearbook 1969-70 1970 33
John Brown John Brown's Split dove from flash of flame from cigarette
Yearbook 1969-70 1970 33
John Brown John Brown's Instant Silk silk changes to dove
Yearbook 1969-70 1970 34
James Auer From A Mentalist's Notebook chapter intro
Yearbook 1969-70 1970 36
James Auer From A Mentalist's Notebook two glimpsed cards vanish from deck and appear inside envelope on Insurance Policy
Yearbook 1969-70 1970 36
James Auer Mental Masquerade five men on stage, names written down on cards and one selected, same man is selected by other spectator by covering him with a covering sheet
Also published here Yearbook 1969-70 1970 38
James Auer Do As I Do (Platform Version) Peek Deck, hole in one index
Yearbook 1969-70 1970 39
James Auer Torn Corner Ideas destroyed card found restored in lighter or pencil
Yearbook 1969-70 1970 40
James Auer More Visual Ideas floating medium and message materialize in toy goldfish
Yearbook 1969-70 1970 40
James Auer Time Bombs on preparing tricks at friends' homes, book tests
Yearbook 1969-70 1970 41
Van Cleve Aristocratic Finger Chopper Routine
Yearbook 1969-70 1970 42
Bruce Armstrong Prof. Cheer Bits ideas for Cheer's Rope Routine
Yearbook 1969-70 1970 46
Bruce Armstrong Paper Plate Caper various ideas with paper pie plates
  • Flying Saucers
  • Mod Glasses
  • Party Mask
  • Strongman Barbells
  • Jolly Green Giant's Button
  • Giant Yo Yo
  • Mod Earrings
  • Spring Bloomers
Yearbook 1969-70 1970 46
Pete Biro Professor's Nightmare Seit Up cutting piece of rope in front of spectators intro three pieces
Yearbook 1969-70 1970 46
Ernest W. Brady Tea-Lepathy For Two divination of chosen tea brand, with assistant and solo method
Yearbook 1969-70 1970 48
John Gannaway Flower Production Box construction details
Yearbook 1969-70 1970 51
William J. Smith Supersonic Silks silk knotted between two other silks vanishes and appears knot between two more silks
Yearbook 1969-70 1970 53
William J. Smith How Did You Do That? with a changing bag
Yearbook 1969-70 1970 54
Pete Biro Pete Biro on Magic chapter intro
Yearbook 1969-70 1970 55
Pete Biro Comedy Production for Magicians mirror glass gag with comb, for magicians
Yearbook 1969-70 1970 55
Pete Biro Inspected By Number 27 gag with inspection tags
Yearbook 1969-70 1970 55
Pete Biro Sock Purse Gag
Yearbook 1969-70 1970 55
Pete Biro Funkenring Fun
Yearbook 1969-70 1970 55
Richard W. Marsh Special Svengali rough & smooth svengali deck that can be spread to be all different or all the same, different pressure points
Yearbook 1969-70 1970 56
Richard W. Marsh Snap Out Card card flies from deck when snapped
Yearbook 1969-70 1970 57
Ken Wojtas Little Stinker torn paper restored in form of a skunk, then flower jumps out of lapel
Yearbook 1969-70 1970 61
Frank Travis The Ball Bounces using Slotted Glass, coins placed in handkerchief and in tumbler, rubber ball on top and silk with coins are extracted
Yearbook 1969-70 1970 61
Tommy Evans Santa Claus Card card vanishes and appears inside christmas tree ornament, torn corner
Yearbook 1969-70 1970 62
Richard G. Anderson Milk to Silk milk vanishes in paper bag, replica of selection appears on silk
Yearbook 1969-70 1970 63
Wilf. Huggins Why Not? shell game with three thimbles
Yearbook 1969-70 1970 64
Everett Lyda No Mess Dove Pan
Yearbook 1969-70 1970 66
Geoffrey Buckingham Twelve Cards to Pocket solution for the last three cards, duplicates
Yearbook 1969-70 1970 68
Walter J. Gydesen Matches! Matches!
Yearbook 1969-70 1970 70
Walter J. Gydesen Gimmick Went Thatway method to ditch gimmick for silks from newspaper trick
Yearbook 1969-70 1970 71
Jimmy Williamson Caught Short panties appear between two knotted silks
Yearbook 1969-70 1970 72
Jimmy Williamson How To Quit using Ireland's How to Quit Smoking
Yearbook 1969-70 1970 73
Bob Paul Pips Quick climax for picking of the pips, lots of pips fall from deck
Yearbook 1969-70 1970 74
Bob Paul Dime & Penny coin changes inside bottle, marked
Yearbook 1969-70 1970 76
Gary Darwin Darwin's Dove Production steal behind box
Yearbook 1969-70 1970 77
Bob Zraick Color Change Knife Finale with handkerchief
Yearbook 1969-70 1970 78
Bob Zraick Zraick's Chop Cup Move
Yearbook 1969-70 1970 79
Dr. Morris Gerry Flying High coins on newspaper gather in one corner, covered with two magazines, bill production climax
Yearbook 1969-70 1970 81
Tom Hubbard The Sliding Knot
Related to Yearbook 1969-70 1970 83
Tom Hubbard Climax Twisting The Aces all Aces turn over except last one
Inspired by Yearbook 1969-70 1970 85
Tom Hubbard Multiple Card Forces hindu shuffle force with multiple cards
Yearbook 1969-70 1970 85
Ken Samoray Feats of Human Endurance chapter intro
Yearbook 1969-70 1970 86
Ken Samoray The Human Blowtorch gasoline swallowing presentation, flame from pipe and thumb
Yearbook 1969-70 1970 86
Ken Samoray A Lesson in Karate gag, while trying to chop two boards of wood by hand, hand flies off
Yearbook 1969-70 1970 86
Ken Samoray Shot From A Cannon foot placed inside small cannon, foot flies out and is caught by performer with a net
Yearbook 1969-70 1970 87
William Humphries Off Beat Ideas various ideas
  • flag appears on wand
  • Gravity Glass
  • Anti Gravico
  • vase and cord
  • Milk Pitcher
  • orange silk changes into lemon
  • Bang Gun
  • Magic Con Block & Coin Slide
Yearbook 1969-70 1970 88
Jimmy Ritchie Quit Smoking II using Ireland's How to Quit Smoking
Yearbook 1969-70 1970 90
Harry G. Franke Apollo Coin Slide design of coin slide
Yearbook 1969-70 1970 91
Harry G. Franke Orbiting Card Frame card in frame vanishes, three parts are visible
Inspired by
  • "The Imprisoned Card" in "Houdini's Magic"
Yearbook 1969-70 1970 93
Saverio Russo Out of My Hat puppet rabbit in hat routine, various effects
Yearbook 1969-70 1970 95
Johnny Baron Baron's Popcorn Box popcorn are produced from empty box
Yearbook 1969-70 1970 100
Johnny Baron The Baron Blindfold partially transparent blindfold
Yearbook 1969-70 1970 101
C. J. Brown My Favorite Card Trick card thrown into the air lands next to selection
Yearbook 1969-70 1970 101
Tom Palmer Book of Illusion person appears from giant book
Yearbook 1969-70 1970 103
Sigmar Mon-Key Biz table to switch key
Yearbook 1969-70 1970 105
Sigmar Milky Way glass filled with milk, silk penetrates bottom of glass, tube glass
Yearbook 1969-70 1970 107
Sigmar Magic Fisherman method for aerial fishing
Yearbook 1969-70 1970 110
Gerald Kosky Dupli Pad special design of impression device
Yearbook 1969-70 1970 112
Fred Stocke Freddie's Funny Tie Trick comedy routine with assistant, tie is cut, then partially and eventually fully restored
Yearbook 1969-70 1970 114
Gene Anderson Gene Anderson's Fantastic Routine variation of Roydon's Fantastic, four cards penetrate two pieces of cardboard one by one
Yearbook 1969-70 1970 116
Kirk Stiles Exchange Extraordinaire combination of Block-Kord and Marshall's Jinking Rings, block and rings on rope transposition
Yearbook 1969-70 1970 118
The Not-Impossible Dream picture of Fantasio's name on billboard
Yearbook 1969-70 1970 118
Floyd Shotts, Frank Novotny Twist & Slants Magical
Yearbook 1969-70 1970 119
Floyd Shotts, Frank Novotny A Visit From Space coin vanishes in water and starts to bubble, knife is placed inside and glass with water can be liftet with knife, then water vanishes in tube (Liquidair)
Yearbook 1969-70 1970 119
Floyd Shotts, Frank Novotny Mind Projection image of chosen card appears on blank card, under handkerchief, plastic placed in front of blank card
Yearbook 1969-70 1970 120
Floyd Shotts, Frank Novotny Target Shooting, Anyone? easy method for Jumbo Sidekick, gun shot on table and vase falls over, then bullseye change into picture of selection
Yearbook 1969-70 1970 121
Floyd Shotts, Frank Novotny Holdout sleeve holdout, special design
Yearbook 1969-70 1970 122
Floyd Shotts, Frank Novotny Magic Camera mirror production box that looks like a big camera
Yearbook 1969-70 1970 124
Floyd Shotts, Frank Novotny Wilbur's Home large gag worm appears from box
Yearbook 1969-70 1970 125
Floyd Shotts, Frank Novotny I Predict: You Pock prediction of two cards, one written down and one is spelled to
Yearbook 1969-70 1970 126
Floyd Shotts, Frank Novotny Math Teacher three cards are selected, values of two added equal value of third card, with large card stand
Yearbook 1969-70 1970 128
Floyd Shotts, Frank Novotny Inflation penny changes to dime, quarter, fifty cent piece and into dollar bill, bill placed inside money maker machine turns into blank paper
Yearbook 1969-70 1970 129
Floyd Shotts, Frank Novotny All Tied Up selection is found, rest of the deck turns out to be an Electric Deck
Yearbook 1969-70 1970 130
Floyd Shotts, Frank Novotny Hot-Banana banana changes to hot dog
Yearbook 1969-70 1970 130
Data entered by Denis Behr & Lorenz Schär, July 2013.