65 entries in Silk & Handkerchief / Ribbon / Cut & Restored
Creators Title Comments & References Year Source Page AA Categories
A very strange tricke whereby you may seeme to cut a piece of Tape into 2. or 4. parts, and make it whole againe with words
1634 43
Ruban coupé et reconstitué 1 Ribbon is cut into twenty pieces and restored using a small box
1786 24
Ruban coupé et reconstitué 2 Ribbon is cut and restored between two pieces of wood
1786 26
Ruban coupé et reconstitué 3 Ribbon is cut and restored several times without apparatus (measured each time)
1786 27
Ruban coupé et reconstitué 1 expliqué Explanation of the cut and restored ribbon from p. 24
1786 66
Ruban coupé et reconstitué 2 expliqué Explanation of the cut and restored ribbon from p. 26
1786 67
Ruban coupé et reconstitué 3 expliqué Explanation of the cut and restored ribbon from p. 27
1786 68
Friedrich "Fritz" Hügli VII. Seltsam, seltsam, sonderbar!
  • 1. Das Loch im Taschentuch (hole is cut in handkerchief and restored)
  • 2. Das verschwindende Geldstück (coin disappears under glass, and appears again)
  • 3. Katalepsie eines Taschentuchs (Silk balances on corner)
  • 4. Das Taschentuch als Zuckerbäcker (candy production from silk)
1903 107
Friedrich "Fritz" Hügli Die Schärpe der Kleopatra cut and restored ribbon
1922 26
Tom Sellers The Cut Tape and Match Box
1931 7
Tom Sellers Another Cut Ribbon Effect
1931 8
John K. Bays A Flash Ribbon Restoration ribbon floats, is cut, pieces float, then restored
The Jinx (Issue Summer Extra 1935)
Robert Parrish, John Goodrum P. and G. Cut and Restored Ribbon
1937 63
Dr. Edward G. Ervin Cut and Restored Turban
1937 48
Dr. Edward G. Ervin Restored Ribbon
1937 65
Franklin M. Chapman Hindu Turban cut and restored turban / ribbon
Aug. 1939
Chap's Scrapbook (Vol. 2 No. 2)
Edward Victor A Restored Tape and Ring Effect borrowed ring tied to end of ribbon, ribbon cut in center and tied back together, knot vanishes and ribbon is restored while spectator is wearing ring, “Introducing a Novel Principle”
1940 ca. 47
Rudy Reimer Ribbon of Eurus
Also published here 1941
The Jinx (Issue 130)
Tom Sellers Oriental Cut and Restored ribbon in wooden frame is cut and restored, gaffed
1941 5
G. Gloria Ruban de Soie coupé er réparé ribbon is pulled through coin with two slits, cut and restored
May 1941 6
Lloyd W. Chambers Transribbo signed ribbon is cut in half and tied together, knot is cut off and ribbon is restored
1941 26
Walter B. Gibson Cut To Measure cut and restored tape measure
Also published here Apr. 1942
The Phoenix (Issue 6)
The Cut and Restored Ribbon thumb tip
1945 317
Douglas Dexter The Ghostly Ribbon ribbon is cut in envelope but left undamaged
1945 326
Arthur Leroy The "Whamsy" Cut and Restored Ribbon
1945 337
F. H. Jeudevine "Pop's" Opener ribbon is cut and becomes circle which is cut in half in two circles, clippo variation
1945 314
Laurie Ireland Cut Ribbon Gag cut and restored ribbon, color freely chosen, index
Ireland's Yearbooks (Issue Yearbook 1946)
Harlan Tarbell, Joseph J. Kolar A Later Variation Clippo, credit information
1948 275
U. F. Grant Cut and Restored String, Ribbon or Rope thin rope or string looped around pencil, cut and restored, really cut off-center and short piece stolen away
Oct. 1948 10
Jean Hugard Cut and Restored Tapes
Aug. 1950 687
Unrehearsed Incidents anecdote of the burned and restored ribbons
Apr. 1951
Hugard's Magic Monthly (Vol. 8 No. 11)
Alton Sharpe Two Ribbon Cut using thumb tip and loops
1954 101
Walter B. Gibson Cut to Measure cut and restored tape measure
Also published here 1956 92
Sam "Cordé" Cohn Cut & Restored Ribbon Up-to-Date part of "Dress Up Your Oldies"
1957 12
Wie ist das möglich cut and restored ribbon, covered with paper, lose pair of scissors
Also published here
  • in "Magie"
Hokus Pokus (Vol. 18 No. 5)
Max Malini Cut and Restored Ribbon loop
1962 38
Paul "Mr. Nobody" Schwab Mysteriöse Reparatur ribbon through slits in playing card is cut and restored, flap gaff
Hokus Pokus (Vol. 24 No. 1)
Allessandro Cut and Restored Christmas Ribbon Christmas themed
Ireland's Yearbooks (Issue Yearbook 1963-64)
Rudy Reimer Ribbon of Eurus
Also published here Apr. 1964
The New Jinx (Vol. 2 No. 24)
North Bigbee Severed Silk using Ireland' Magnetic Rubber Strips
Ireland's Yearbooks (Issue Yearbook 1965-66)
Ein wunderbarer, aber kostspieliger Seidentuchtrick real cut and restored handkerchief, bluff restoration
Related toAlso published here
  • Magia Moderna
Hokus Pokus (Vol. 27 No. 2)
William S. Boylston Clean Cut with extra loop
1968 205
Marconick Cut and Restored Ribbon
Also published here 1970 22
Michael A. Perovich Mike Perovich's Undeniably Ruined Hindu Turban Trick cut and restored turban / ribbon
Feb. 1971
Talisman (Vol. 1 No. 49)
Ed Mishell Ribbon-Cut
1972 171
Theo "Okito" Bamberg Cut & Restored Ribbon in a frame, apparatus
1973 73
Steve Spillman Rated "X" cut and restored strip of motion picture film
  • Home Movies
  • Sawing a Woman in Half
1973 70
Amedeo Vacca Lebanese Ribbon cut & restored
1974 28
Cut and Restored Ribbon cut through paper
1975 155
Faucett Ross The Hindu Turban Cut and restored rope type of routine with turban material
1975 58
Joachim "Marnac" Wolf Der Turban cut and restored ribbon / silk
Hokus Pokus (Vol. 38 No. 4)
Lu Brent Eine zweifache Wiederherstellung cut and restored ribbon with repeat
Aug. 1979
Intermagic (Vol. 6 No. 2)
Marconick Ruban coupé et raccommodé
Also published here 1979 6
Silent Mora, Joachim "Marnac" Wolf Das Durchgeschnittene und Wiederhergestellte Band cut and restored ribbon, two methods
  • Silent Mora's Bandagezerschneiden
  • Marnac's zweifaches Bandzerschneiden
Hokus Pokus (Vol. 43 No. 2)
Roy Baker Squizzors Cut and restored ribbon
1983 19
Karrell Fox Cut N' Shake Rope quickie
1986 71
Meir Yedid Cut and Restored Scarf instant restauration
1986 31
Phoa Yan Tiong Zerschnittenes & Wiederhergestelltes Tuch bluff
July 1989
Intermagic (Vol. 14 No. 4 & 5)
Kuniyasu Fujiwara Slice! playing card with torn out hole in the center, ribbon placed on top, both cut with a knife, ribbon is restored
Also published here Nov. 1992
Magic (Vol. 2 No. 3)
Jack Bridwell Seidenband-Restauration ribbon restoration with tube
Intermagic (Vol. 21 No. 4 & 5)
Doug Edwards Cut And Restored Ribbon cut in Himber Wallet
1998 43
Al Baker Ribbon Trick using thumb tip
Also published here
  • marketed 1933
The Secret Ways of Al Baker (Issue Instructions)
Al Baker Burned Ribbon Trick thumb tip
2003 686
Silent Mora New Cut and Restored Bandage
Also published here
  • Genii, July 1950
Nov./Dec. 2012
Genii (Vol. 75 No. 11 & 12)
Kuniyasu Fujiwara Slice! playing card with torn out hole in the center, ribbon placed on top, both cut with a knife, ribbon is restored
Also published here 2013 106