2015 hardbound reprint used, 13 issues
Written by Stephen Hobbs
Work of Various
456 pages (Hardcover), published by Kaufman and Company
Illustrated with drawings by Kelly Lyles
Language: English
200 entries
This publication has been reviewed by
Cover photograph
Creators Title Comments & References Issue Year Page Categories
Stephen Hobbs Preliminary
1 1994 3
Don Banks, Jim Lambert, Steve Ehlers, Art Gross The Close-Up Billusion bill inserted between two Aces visually passes back and forth from middle to bottom, Aces change into Queens, monte theme, see "Errata" in Issue #3 (p. 31) for additional crediting info
Inspired byRelated to 1 1994 4
Herb Zarrow Zarrow Block Addition
1 1994 5
Jack Carpenter Fate or Free Will? tabled prediction card, spectator picks card and inserts it in deck, cards on both sides of it are black Sevens, inserted card is shown to be a red Seven and prediction is other red Seven
Variations 1 1994 8
Dai Vernon Ribbonspread Hideout credited to Marlo here, see "Errata" in Issue #3 (p. 31) where it's correctly credited to Vernon
Related to 1 1994 9
Steve Mayhew The Big Fat Hairy Con selection is "invisibly" picked out of deck between two cards, then tossed back into deck where it appears face up
1 1994 11
Riffle Force from peek position, using break
1 1994 11
Johann Nepomuk Hofzinser, Harry Lorayne, Richard Kaufman Deck Reverse Two-Card Catch as deck is tossed and reversed into other hand, see "Errata" in Issue #3 (p. 31) for crediting info
Related to 1 1994 12
Jack Carpenter A "Quickie" Revisited number of cards cut off and card selected are predicted, see "Errata" in Issue #3 (p. 31) for more references
Inspired byRelated to 1 1994 14
Gambler's Crimp multiple cards as a group, at inner end
1 1994 14
Jack Carpenter Carpenter's Cannibals cannibal cards eat and then change into all Eights (they "ate" a lot), see reference for a different longer version of routine, see "Errata" in Issue #3 (p. 31) for crediting info
Related to 1 1994 16
Card left on deck one card of four is ditched on deck after being displayed
1 1994 16
Jack Carpenter Multiple top switch cards are switched as top card of packet is peeled on deck, see "Errata" in Issue #3 (p. 32) for crediting info
Related to 1 1994 17
Jack Carpenter, Steve Ehlers, Steve Mayhew The Grippo Transpo signed card lost in deck, performer and spectator hold a card, performer's card visually changes into spectator's, spectator's card becomes signed card
Related to 1 1994 19
Stephen Hobbs Preliminary
2 1994 3
Jack Carpenter O'Henry Plays Jazz Aces and four Clubs-cards, Aces transpose with Clubs one at a time to gather in tabled pile, instead of last Ace traveling, all three other Aces transpose back all at once to join it beneath spectator's hand, see "Errata" in Issue #3 (p. 32) for crediting info
Inspired byRelated toVariationsAlso published here 2 1994 4
P. Howard Lyons Slipduc
2 1994 4
Al Leech Leech Pick-up move
2 1994 6
Edward Marlo Olram Subtlety
2 1994 7
Jack Carpenter Two Moves – The Carpenter Outjog Insertion four Aces displayed face up on deck, lowermost Ace(s) is stolen away beneath X-number of cards from top, applied in "Obliter-Ace-ion" (p. 22), see "Errata" in Issue #3 (p. 32) for crediting info on ATFUS
Related to 2 1994 11
Jack Carpenter Two Moves – The Tabled Elmsley Switch Elmsley Count done onto the table, applied in "Full Reverse" (p. 16), see "Errata" in Issue #3 (p. 32) for small crediting correction
Related to 2 1994 13
Jack Carpenter Full Reverse classic Assembly, one at a time Jacks vanish from their packets and appear in leader packet, then backfire back to their starting packets, see "Errata" in Issue #3 (p. 32) for small technical correction
Related to 2 1994 16
Jean-Pierre Vallarino Rumba Count with only two cards
2 1994 19
Push-Forward double using break, apparently pushed forward with finger, uncredited (Cliff Green?)
2 1994 20
Edward Marlo Marlo Glide variation out-jogged double, brief
2 1994 20
Paul Curry Curry Turnover "This action is like half of a Curry Turnover Change"
2 1994 21
Jack Carpenter Obliter-Ace-ion Ace vanish one at a time, four random cards are changed into Aces
2 1994 22
Herb Zarrow Zarrow Block Addition variation
2 1994 23
Stephen Hobbs Preliminary
3 1995 3
Ernest Earick The Real Deal spectator names any Royal Flush or high Four-of-a-Kind and performer can deal it, second deals
Variations 3 1995 4
Steve Mayhew Mayhew's Middle Deal Miracle deck shuffled face-up into face-down, all face-up cards are "center-dealt" out of the deck leaving only face-down cards, suggests a few variations, see Carpenter references for "a different write-up of this effect"
Related toVariations 3 1995 10
Doug Edwards Deal Easy performer deals himself good hand each successive round:
  • he receives four Tens
  • he receives Royal Flush
  • deals Four-of-a-Kind to any chosen hand, but beats it by dealing himself four Aces
  • deals Royal Flush to any chosen hand, but beats it with "Five-of-a-Kind" (four Threes and a Two, i. e. "wild")
Inspired by 3 1995 13
Jed B. Smith Hinge Cover Hermann Pass
3 1995 15
Harvey Rosenthal H. R. Aces Aces lost in deck, first Ace is cut to, then buried face up in middle and other three Aces turn face up next to it
3 1995 18
Edward Marlo, Alex Elmsley ATFUS brief, see p. 32 of "Errata" section for crediting info
3 1995 18
Thumb break with left thumb at outer left corner of deck hand, obtained beneath natural break
3 1995 19
Michael Friedland Double Lift Revolve Palm the face card of a displayed double is stolen into right-hand palm as double is turned face down (on deck), applied in "Fixed Thought" (p. 24)
3 1995 21
Michael Friedland Fixed Thought named card is only red card in deck and blue one is in pocket, new card is selected and red card and isolated blue card both change into new card
Inspired by
  • "Forced Thought" (Gary Kurtz, Let's Get Flurious [DVD], ca. 1992)
3 1995 24
Edward Marlo, Matt Schulien Card Case load
3 1995 26
Edward Marlo, Matt Schulien Card from case extraction visible card actually in case is switched for card on outside of case during extraction
3 1995 26
Jack Carpenter Pocket Interchange one by one the four Aces change into the Kings that were previously placed into pocket, Aces are shown to have jumped to both pockets (two in each), then Kings instantly vanish and are produced from both pockets, all Kings and Aces can be signed
Inspired byRelated toVariations 3 1995 28
Stephen Hobbs Errata
Related to 3 1995 31
Stephen Hobbs Preliminary
4 1995 3
Alan Nguyen Voodoo Redo spectator randomly chooses where three pins are pushed into a voodoo doll, performer has correctly predicted the locations on a second voodoo doll
Inspired by
  • "Voodoo II" (Christian Chelman, Capriconian Tales, 1993, p. 52)
4 1995 4
Alan Nguyen Stabbing Force variation variation of knife force (credits it to Annemann?) using pin
4 1995 8
Alan Nguyen Rune Speller Fortune Teller spectator thinks of a human interest and rolls special "rune dice" (dice with multiple letters) depending on the letters of that word, performer knows what human interest he is thinking of
Inspired by
  • Name? (Lou Boudreau, Vibrations [PEA's newsletter], Aug. 1991)
4 1995 11
Alan Nguyen Bender Ender spoon seems to move under cover of handkerchief, becomes bent
Inspired by 4 1995 16
Sleeving move sleeving a spoon
4 1995 17
Alan Nguyen On Books & Good Looks many trick ideas and techniques based around the Book Test theme:
  • Peek-to-Peek
  • Page Number Riffle Force
  • The Romantic Reader
  • The Silver Dollar Force
  • The Natural Anagram Principle
  • Peek Bank
4 1995 20
Alan Nguyen Peek-to-Peek two spectators think of words from book, performer divines both
Inspired by 4 1995 20
Alan Nguyen Book finger break obtaining little-finger break at page freely chosen
Also published here 4 1995 21
Book page glimpse
4 1995 21
Book page Riffle Force
4 1995 23
Alan Nguyen Page Number Riffle Force force a page number to turn to in another book
4 1995 24
Alan Nguyen The Romantic Reader revealing the gist of an entire page (not just a single word) of one or more spectators
Related to 4 1995 26
Alan Nguyen The Silver Dollar Force ploy to force a specific section or specific group of words on a page
4 1995 26
Alan Nguyen The Natural Anagram Principle narrowing down to a specific word that was thought of from a group of words (on a page)
Variations 4 1995 27
Alan Nguyen, Gene "Phantini" Grant Peek Bank fair choice of page for spectator (forcing bank), performer can divine thought-of word
Related to
  • Name? (Charles H. Miller, The Linking Ring, ca. 1960)
4 1995 30
Alan Nguyen Over-Draun Challenge three spectators peek at cards and deck can be shuffled, performer divines them all, uses Draun's Fan Glimpse (see references)
Inspired by 4 1995 32
Alan Nguyen The Red-Black Stack full-deck OOTW, deck can be seen mixed right before, instantly resets
4 1995 35
Alan Nguyen Invisibility Watch spectator mimes selecting and returning a card reversed in an imaginary deck, deck becomes real and chosen card is reversed, a watch appears on performer's wrist (he had previously called attention to his "invisible watch")
4 1995 38
Stephen Hobbs Preliminary
5 1995 3
Carl "Polaris" Melish Impossible Card Rise the classic pinky card rise, but card rises completely out of deck and hovers above it
Related to 5 1995 4
Larry Jennings, Steve Ehlers, Eric T. Dockery, Jack Carpenter Pocket Interchange Revisited handling variations of "Pocket Interchange" (see reference)
  • Dockery's Finesse (small touch)
  • Ehlers' Display Sequence (updated handling to set up)
  • Jennings' Reset Sequence (variation of entire Interchange sequence)
  • Final Observations (see p. 12)
Inspired by 5 1995 7
P. Howard Lyons Slipduc with four cards
5 1995 8
Larry Jennings Jennings' Reset Sequence see reference on p. 7
5 1995 8
Edward Marlo Olram Subtlety
5 1995 9
Larry Jennings Rhythm Count
5 1995 10
Stephen Hobbs Pocket Interchange Revisited - Final Observations response to Racherbaumer's critique of "Pocket Interchange" in Modus Operandi, see reference
Related to 5 1995 12
Doug Edwards American Express a credit card application form is shown to be blank, it's then shown to be filled out and a credit card (or dollar bill) is produced with it
5 1995 14
Bob Farmer Efficient Fishing
  • Overview: Two Fishing Rods
    • Binary Fishing
    • Majority Fishing
  • The Magic Combination
    • Combo Fishing
  • The Nguyen Anagram Revisited
    • Analysis
    • Conclusion
Inspired by 5 1995 17
William Goodwin The Floating Add-On cards added to packet from top of deck, gives impression packet never came in direct contact with top of deck, see reference for technical correction and how to get into it and how to proceed after it
Related to 5 1995 22
Kevin Bethea Ungaffed Triple Spellbound silver coin is produced, changed to copper and then to Chinese coin, changed back to copper and then back to silver
5 1995 24
Geoffrey Latta Curl Palm
5 1995 25
Dai Vernon Spellbound Change single coin exchanged for two coins (held as one)
5 1995 26
Kevin Bethea Coin Change coin in left-hand Spellbound position changes when right hand waves over it
5 1995 26
Sol Stone Tumble Switch
Also published here 5 1995 28
Steve Mayhew Mayhew's Mistake two-phase Center Deal demo, four face-up Aces are dealt from center, when attempted a second time four face-down cards are dealt out and apparently performer has failed, face-down cards are shown to be the Aces
Related toAlso published here 5 1995 31
Stephen Hobbs Preliminary
6 1997 3
Aaron Fisher The "Eight Four" Trick value of designated card in one half of deck dictates position of selection in other half of deck
6 1997 4
Aaron Fisher The Outjog Herrmann Pass & Variations Pass done while selection is out-jogged
  • The Basic Outjog Pass: controls card to bottom
  • The Double Lift Switchout (p. 10): variation, controls card to top
  • The Advanced Outjog Pass (see p. 10)
  • The Outjogged Center Reverse (see p. 11)
6 1997 7
Aaron Fisher The Advanced Outjog Pass improvement of "The Basic Outjog Pass" (p. 7), card is out-jogged normally, not angle-jogged as in original
6 1997 10
Aaron Fisher The Outjogged Center Reverse card is reversed in middle of deck immediately after being seen squared face-down into deck
6 1997 11
Aaron Fisher Fisher's Favorite Inversion selection turns face up in face-down deck, it's removed and dropped face up onto deck and entire deck instantly turns face up beneath it
6 1997 14
Aaron Fisher Simple Searchers spectator handles deck, each time he cuts deck the sandwich cards travel closer to middle of deck, finally sandwiching just one card - the selection
6 1997 16
Aaron Fisher Ace Mis-Show & Vanish an Ace is seen to clearly go between three indifferent cards, it vanishes leaving four indifferent cards, to be used in an Ace Assembly, Three as Ace
6 1997 18
Aaron Fisher Fisher Multiple Lift Sequence to show packet of four as all the same
Also published here 6 1997 21
Aaron Fisher Half-Pass mechanics with single card beneath packet
6 1997 22
Aaron Fisher The Covered Strip Out Switch
  • Face-Up Covered Strip Out Switch: out-jogged cards in face-up deck are switched for others as they are stripped out
  • Face-Down Covered Strip Out Switch (p. 27): done with deck face down
  • Controlled Covered Strip Out Switch (p. 27): similar to above handling, but retains control of switched-out cards in the deck
  • Quick Sync (see p. 29)
  • The Men's Club (see p. 30)
6 1997 24
Aaron Fisher Quick Sync performer and spectator each choose a card, they are matching mates, uses "The Covered Strip Out Switch" (p. 24) with two cards
6 1997 29
Aaron Fisher, Dan Harlan, Gordon Bean The Men's Club performer out-jogs five cards, spectator chooses one, it is the "odd card" as other four are shown to be a Four-of-a-Kind
6 1997 30
Aaron Fisher, Lee Asher, Mike Strange Basic Math spectator removes four cards from deck, values are added up to make "lucky number", deck is spread and Four-of-a-Kind that matches "lucky number" is face up in deck, force of number is essentially the Gilbreath principle although not credited as such
6 1997 31
Stephen Hobbs Preliminary
7 1997 3
Steve Mayhew Regressive Triumph: Part 1 - An Effect And A Problem deck is mixed face-up into face-down, a riffle causes some of the face-up cards to turn over, another riffle and all turn over except one - the selection, see reference for variation that ends clean
VariationsAlso published here 7 1997 4
Frederick Braue Braue Reversal variation
7 1997 4
Jamy Ian Swiss Free Association after playing a game of "free association" with spectator, performer can know what shapes and word spectator wrote on a piece of paper, full presentation and much detail on the scripting
Also published here 7 1997 7
Jamy Ian Swiss Center Tear finesse to make the glimpse of the pieces more subtle
Inspired by 7 1997 11
John Lovick Hot Pocket with left hand in pocket throughout, performer says he will do card trick with only one hand, after failing to find signed card, he removes left hand from pocket with card in hand, seven handlings
Inspired by
  • the description of "Pocket Nightmare" (Max Maven, finally published on Kayfabe DVDs, 2017)
VariationsAlso published here
7 1997 14
Jack McMillen McMillen's Card from Pocket card apparently removed from inside pocket with hand holding deck, really from deck
Also published here 7 1997 16
Ben Cohen Foiled Again! complete vanish of a coin from Spellbound position, homemade gaff
7 1997 20
Joe Rindfleisch Melt Down a penny literally melts into little gobs when held over a flame, homemade gaff
Variations 7 1997 24
Steve Mayhew A $100 Bill Switch Routine a $1 bill changes into a $5, a $20 changes to a $1, stack of $20 changes to $1s, then a $5 changes to a $20, presentation for all the changes
Also published here 7 1997 25
Noel Coughlin On the Numerical Prediction performer shows some large numbers he wrote down, audience generates a big number, when performer's numbers are added up they total the audience's number
7 1997 28
Karen Beriss, Stephen Hobbs Regressive Triumph: Part 2 - A Solution same plot as Part 1 (see reference), but end by making the Aces reverse in the deck, or have the Aces available for a future trick
Inspired byAlso published here 7 1997 33
Tenkai Ishida Tenkai Optical Revolve
7 1997 34
Stephen Hobbs Errata
Related to 7 1997 36
Stephen Hobbs Preliminary
8 - Part 1 1998 3
Steve Mayhew Mayhew's Aces using Riser Subtlety (uncredited)
Also published here 8 - Part 1 1998 4
Steve Mayhew Side Steal subtlety to cover Side Steal action, brief
8 - Part 1 1998 6
Steve Mayhew "Attitude" spectator cuts to an Ace and three indifferent cards, three cards changed into Aces
Also published here 8 - Part 1 1998 9
Paul Harris Card change back-to-back cards are changed on deck
"This is an old move, which Steve associates with Paul Harris"
8 - Part 1 1998 11
Larry Jennings T. N. T Bottom Deal brief, "Take and Turn Bottom Deal"
8 - Part 1 1998 12
Steve Mayhew Mayhew's Opener deck is continuously shuffled, spectator makes decisions about what pile to use and when performer should stop and finds the four Aces one by one, possible "encore phase" is to show the whole deck is only Aces of Hearts and three of them change back to indifferent cards and Ace of Hearts is in shirt
Also published here 8 - Part 1 1998 13
Derek Dingle Everywhere and Nowhere sequence
Related to 8 - Part 1 1998 17
Quick 3-Way sequence brief
8 - Part 1 1998 18
Steve Mayhew $100 Gag gag trick, a $100 bill and a few $1s are rolled into balls and all tossed into audience, no one comes up with the $100
Also published here 8 - Part 1 1998 19
Steve Mayhew Multiple Card Control multiple cards are controlled as they are separately lost via assembling multiple packets into full deck
8 - Part 1 1998 21
Edward Marlo Multiple Top Switch
Related to 8 - Part 1 1998 23
Steve Mayhew Flash Ace Production as four small packets are cut from deck, an Ace appears face up on top of each
Also published here 8 - Part 1 1998 25
Steve Mayhew Thoughts on the Dribble Pass
  • Dribble Pass Tips
  • Versatility (p. 30)
  • Tabled Spread Dribble Pass (p. 31)
  • Bluff Display (p. 32)
Related to 8 - Part 1 1998 28
Stephen Hobbs Preliminary
8 - Part 2 1998 3
Steve Mayhew Ultimate Blackjack spectator deals out many Blackjack hands between the performer and himself, performer always has a great hand (20 or 21) and almost always wins
Variations 8 - Part 2 1998 4
Steve Mayhew Lazy Man’s Ten-Card Poker Deal uses Snap Crimp, multi-phased:
  • performer deals Poker hands to himself and spectator and he wins
  • spectator repeatedly shuffles and deals those ten cards and performer without looking always knows whether he will win or lose
  • for finale performer (sometimes spectator) deals from deck and has option to exchange three cards for any three cards in deck, performer still wins
Related toAlso published here 8 - Part 2 1998 9
Steve Mayhew Snap Crimp putting in the crimp
8 - Part 2 1998 10
Steve Mayhew Keep Your Hands In Your Pockets with one hand in pocket, performer produces selection on top of deck while it is behind his back, a second card is selected and its three mates are produced behind his back in similar fashion, hand is brought out from pocket and it holds the three mates of first selection, no jacket
Inspired byRelated to 8 - Part 2 1998 14
One-handed card turnover reversing bottom card to top
8 - Part 2 1998 16
Steve Mayhew The Real World two spectators take many cards from deck (sometimes one spectator holds deck while other selects), one takes all red cards and other takes all black cards
Related to 8 - Part 2 1998 18
Steve Mayhew Vanishing Variations
  • The Vanishing Poker Deal: Aces vanish one at a time from top of deck, performer deals out five hands and Aces turn up face up in his hand (or they are “center-dealt” to performer from deck)
  • Topsy-Turvy Vanishing Poker Deal (see p. 24)
  • The Vanishing Fix (see p. 26)
Inspired byAlso published here 8 - Part 2 1998 23
Steve Mayhew Topsy-Turvy Vanishing Poker Deal Aces vanished as in original (p. 23), deck is shuffled face up into face down, hands are dealt out and all cards come out face up except performer’s, rest of deck becomes all face up, performer’s cards are the Aces
Also published here 8 - Part 2 1998 24
Steve Mayhew, Tenkai Ishida Tenkai Optical Revolve variation
8 - Part 2 1998 24
Steve Mayhew The Vanishing Fix Aces placed on bottom, one by one they are placed on top and vanish, following each vanish the others are seen still on bottom, trick can end as in previous variation (p. 24), or without the "Topsy-Turvy" aspect and performer just gets the only face down cards – the Aces
Also published here 8 - Part 2 1998 26
Stephen Hobbs Preliminary
9 1999 3
Dean Dill Time Flies Clock Trick plot, with red deck an hour is thought of and corresponding card of clock setup is noted by spectator, cards are re-dealt and there are only eleven, noted card appears reversed in blue deck
9 1999 4
Dai Vernon Vernon Transfer with card of different colored back
9 1999 7
Philip T. Goldstein Con-Clue-Sion “Clue” game theme, spectators think of a person, weapon and room, envelopes are randomly eliminated until down to one and inside is the correct prediction of all three items
Inspired by 9 1999 8
John Guastaferro The Trans-Pocket Switch and Applications a card-to-back-pocket methodology
  • Overview
  • First Application: named card vanishes from deck and appears in pocket (p. 17)
  • Second Application (“The Interlaced Mystery”): p. 17
  • Third Application: see p. 19
  • Fourth Application: see p. 19
Related to 9 1999 13
John Guastaferro Third Application spectator thinks of number and notes card at that position from top, behind back performer places a card into pocket, card is shown to no longer be at noted position, it is in pocket
9 1999 19
John Guastaferro Fourth Application Joker placed in back pocket, Spades are shown in order and spectator names one, they are dealt out and named Spade changes to Joker, named Spade is in back pocket
9 1999 19
Steve Silverman Dunbury Aces performer cuts to cards to help identify features of selection (an Ace), each time failing and one of the cards is actually the selection, a new card is changed into selection and the cut-to cards are changed into other Aces
9 1999 22
Double load-up and turnover card is secretly added onto out-jogged to create a double, then both are turned over as one, done with half the deck in each hand
9 1999 24
Out-jogged switch out-jogged card is switched for another (a double) in action of turning it face up as in previous technique
9 1999 25
Tom Ellis, Wesley James James/Ellis Loading move
9 1999 26
Push-out Double Lift right hand (holding top half) pushes forward and out-jogs a double on top of bottom half
9 1999 26
Steve Silverman Multi-Level Dealing follow-up to “Dunbury Aces” (p. 22), Aces are interlaced with Heart cards and false deals (second, third, fourth and bottom) are demonstrated, Heart cards change to Kings
Inspired byRelated to 9 1999 28
Steve Silverman Card reversal deck is fanned face out and turned over onto bottom cards
9 1999 28
Ray Kosby False interweave sequence brief
Also published here 9 1999 30
Anton van Helden Pinky Break performer bends his little finger 90 degrees
9 1999 32
John Lovick Multiplex Interchange Kings placed in pocket, one by one the Aces change into Kings, they change back to Aces, Kings are produced from both pockets, the Aces instantly vanish and are produced from both pockets
  • Silverman Alternate Display Sequence (p. 38): alternative procedure to get into trick
Inspired byRelated to 9 1999 35
Stephen Hobbs Preliminary
10 1999 3
Eric T. Dockery The Golden Chain Endless Chain done in the hands, spectator’s choice always catches on performer’s thumbs, finale is done in spectator’s hands
  • The Basic Technique (p. 5)
    • The Display Position
    • The Starting Position
    • The Right Thumb - No Catch (p. 7)
    • The Right Thumb - Catch
    • The Left Thumb - No Catch (p. 8)
    • The Left Thumb - Catch
    • Pulling the Chain Free
  • Advanced Subtleties (p. 9)
    • Displaying the Cross
    • The Pull-Out Variants (p. 10)
    • On the Spectator's Thumbs
  • Notes & Credits (p. 12): bonus idea for routine
Related to
  • Decennial Prelection lecture notes (Scotty York, ca. 1980)
10 1999 4
Eric T. Dockery The Rose rose sticker stuck onto card’s face, Ambitious Card sequence with it, real rose is produced from card and sticker is gone, uses dupe
10 1999 13
Eric T. Dockery Rose production production of rose on deck
10 1999 17
Eric T. Dockery Hot Sauce vanishes and productions with colored sponge balls (referred to as “peppers”), chili pepper is produced and then changed into small tabasco sauce bottle
10 1999 18
Sleeving technique inserting item into sleeve from inside jacket, holding at elbow until ready to produce
10 1999 19
Eric T. Dockery The Genie Bottle “Genie Vase”, wand hangs from bottle and bottle hangs from wand, spectator is allowed to pull hard on the wand, flash of fire from bottle for finale
10 1999 22
Eric T. Dockery No Camera Trickery three phases, a “No Camera Trickery” sign is torn and restored in flash of fire, a camera is produced, a signed card vanishes and reappears folded inside camera
  • variation to have card in camera with different colored back, implying spectator’s signature traveled to camera (p. 30)
10 1999 27
Sleeving technique camera dropped down sleeve from inside jacket and held at elbow to be produced later
10 1999 28
Jamy Ian Swiss Folded card in container finesse items falling from container enhance illusion
Also published here 10 1999 30
Eric T. Dockery Repeat Card to Envelope two signed selections, first appears inside envelope taken from wallet, after failing to find second one, first envelope is shown to be resealed and second one is inside
10 1999 31
Eric T. Dockery Paddle Routine Notes couple tips to make knife paddle routine (see reference) more deceptive and more practical
Inspired by
  • "Tricks with Common Objects - Knives" (Edwin Sachs, Sleight of Hand, 1877)
10 1999 36
Stephen Hobbs Preliminary
11 1999 3
Gordon Bean A Labyrinth in a Labyrinth cards are dealt out in a snake fashion, card is chosen based on spectator’s free choice and additional randomization, performer shows that the “snake” is in the shape of the card’s initials
Related to
  • "Koynini's Karpet" (Tony Koynini, The Magic Wand, March 1953, p. 42)
11 1999 4
John Guastaferro The Ballet Cut fancy false cut,
applications (p. 10):
  • false cut
  • card production (two variations)
  • force
  • transformation (see entry on p. 10)
  • Center Deal demo (p. 11)
11 1999 7
John Guastaferro Fifth Application: Visual Color Changing Deck Joker is produced from deck, entire deck changes color as deck is given flashy cut which brings reversed Joker to middle, face-up Joker is removed and its back has also changed
Inspired by 11 1999 10
Card production card is pivoted to top from middle of deck
11 1999 11
Steve Silverman Kings' Castle follow up to Steve's "Multi-Level Dealing" (see reference), Kings are dealt down into diamond formation, Aces placed in center, they change places
Related to 11 1999 12
Steve Silverman Action cover pass Cover Pass is executed during open action of turning over cards in packet
11 1999 12
Double Deal
11 1999 14
Steve Silverman Moment of Egress follow-up to “Kings’ Castle” (p. 12), selection vanishes from between Aces and reappears reversed in deck
11 1999 15
Tommy Wonder Wondereverse card displayed face up in spread deck is apparently turned face down, but really is retained hidden face up
11 1999 15
False count face-down card below three face-up Aces is shown as a face-down card between four Aces
11 1999 17
Lee Asher Card Case Cascade flashy way to remove deck from case
11 1999 19
Steve Silverman Silverman’s Outjog Insertion versatile, ex: four face-up Aces displayed at top of deck, one is left behind beneath top card of deck
Related to 11 1999 22
John Lovick On the Bottle Production different handlings:
  • First Technique: ketchup bottle held-out in pants, produced from handkerchief
  • Second Technique (p. 28): ketchup bottle held-out in unbuttoned jacket, produced from newspaper
  • Third Technique (p. 30): ketchup bottle or glass of liquid produced from buttoned double-breasted jacket
  • The Soda Bottle Kicker (p. 31): following the glass production (above), soda bottle produced from handkerchief
11 1999 25
Stephen Hobbs Preliminary
12 1999 3
Gregory Wilson The Name Tag Trick blank deck (“name tags”), spectator signs one, Ambitious Card sequence, signature vanishes and reappears, travels onto another card signed by performer on back
  • Alternative Final Phase: whole deck changes to spectator’s signed card, then changes back and card is produced from pocket
Related to
  • “Blank Ambition” (Seth Kramer, Ruminations, Vol. 1 No. 5, Nov. 1986, p. 4)
12 1999 4
Dribble Double brief, deck dribbled and last two held as one, leads into Stuart Gordon Double
12 1999 6
Two-card swap to make signature travel from one card to another
12 1999 8
Gregory Wilson, Michael Weber The Outjog Spread Pass Spread Pass executed while selection is out-jogged in deck bringing it to bottom, selection can also be face up
12 1999 9
Gregory Wilson Professional Card to Pocket card jumps to pocket three times, then deck goes to pocket leaving card in hand
Inspired byRelated to 12 1999 12
Break finesse spreading deck while retaining break in middle, casual and open display to delay a control
12 1999 12
Randy Wakeman, Jerry Sadowitz Miracle Move with Sadowitz finesse, brief
12 1999 13
Open card-to-pocket loading sequence using a double card, as you openly “explain” how you palm it into your pocket
12 1999 15
Gregory Wilson Single card masquerades as deck card inserted beneath it, Tilt illusion
12 1999 16
Gregory Wilson King-Size Travelers Travelers without jacket (Kings travel to front pants pockets and back pockets) and without deck, two Kings begin preloaded - see reference
Related to 12 1999 17
Gregory Wilson Jacks as Kings two Kings and two Jacks are shown in a fan as four Kings
12 1999 18
Gregory Wilson Card false transfer card false-transferred from right hand to left, used as vanish
Related to 12 1999 20
Gregory Wilson All-around Vanish used here to transfer card from right hand to left hand (behind back), also see p. 43
12 1999 21
Gregory Wilson Two-As-One Display Sequence double card is twirled around in a flashy manner and snapped to emphasize singularity
  • Stunt Double (see p. 26)
Also published here 12 1999 24
Gregory Wilson Stunt Double double snaps out of hand and spins/boomerangs in air
  • variation to make double split apart in mid-air (p. 28)
Also published here 12 1999 26
Gregory Wilson The Training Deck using deck numbered on backs from 1 to 52 in order, multiple phases:
  • number is named and performer demonstrates cutting straight to specific numbers
  • spectator names number and performer’s cut is off by one, performer produces named-number card from pocket
  • card vanishes from top of deck and reappears back in proper position
  • performer removes a card unseen, spectator names card and it is correct (last phase uses Mem Deck)
12 1999 29
Dribble in-jog to obtain break below dribbled cards
12 1999 30
Gregory Wilson Out-jogged double load-up card out-jogged on bottom of deck, culled card loaded beneath it and squared with it as deck is lifted away
12 1999 34
Gregory Wilson The Open Action Cull four Aces (e. g.) are culled to top of deck as deck is spread through and fronts and backs of cards are flashed numerous times during spreading
12 1999 35
Gregory Wilson Lethal Fours “four card trick”, many phases:
  • three cards continuously becomes four each time one is eliminated
  • becomes one card – a Four
  • it is lost in deck and then all four Fours are visually produced on top
  • the Fours multiply into many cards
  • the Fours and then card case are produced from under spectator’s arm
  • deck is shown to be thick due to all the produced cards, shrinks back to normal
Inspired by 12 1999 39
Al Leech Leech Pick-up move
12 1999 39
Edward Marlo, Tony Kardyro KM Move to reverse cards on top of deck in action of placing card face down on top
12 1999 41
Ben Harris Super-Flip to visually produce the four Fours face up on top at the end of a dribble
12 1999 42
Gregory Wilson All-around Vanish to transfer card case from right hand to left (behind back), also see p. 21
12 1999 43
Lin Searles Inflated Deck illusion
12 1999 44
Data entered by Yehuda Rauch, April 2022.