Written by Nick Trost
Work of Nick Trost
230 pages (Hardcover), published by H&R Magic Books
Illustrated with drawings by Tony Dunn
Language: English
116 entries
Cover photograph
Creators Title Comments & References Page Categories
Aldo Colombini Foreword
Nick Trost Introduction to Volume 5
Nick Trost Perfecto Euchre Deal with Pinochle deck, twenty-five cards
Inspired by 58
Nick Trost Chapter 47 - Selected Card Effects
Nick Trost Blackjacked! red and black Aces, red Aces placed on table, then red Aces are shown in hand, both pairs change to blackjacks (Ace and Jack pairs)
Inspired byRelated toVariations 1133
Nick Trost Canasta and Poker packet of four red Threes shown, they change into four Jokers, then into four Deuces
Diminishing Count Rising Crime Display
Nick Trost The Jokers Are Wild four Jokers placed on four piles, when tapped with a fifth Joker they change to four Aces
Inspired by
  • "Jokers Wild" (Dan Alessini, The Linking Ring, Apr. 2005)
Related to
Nick Trost Triple Pinochle six cards shown as three pairs of Jack of Diamonds and Queen of Spades, they change to Aces, then one of the Aces to a previously selected card
Nick Trost Royal Flush Routine three tricks using two royal flushes
  • Ferris' Royal Flushes (two poker hands change to royal flushes)
  • Last Two Cards Match (Ramasee matching)
  • Royal Mind Reading (two Royal Flushes given to two spectators, they select one card and put it in the middle, hands gathered, mixed and re-dealt, spectators get their Royal Flush with chosen cards transposed, Fulves reference)
Inspired by 1141
Nick Trost Out of this World - Another Handling getting into it, spectator does a riffle shuffle
Also published here
  • The New Tops, Feb. 1994
Nick Trost An Oil and Water Routine 4&4, four phases, mixing finale
Nick Trost Half-Cut Coincidence two half-cards are selected by counting to two chosen numbers (by counting cut-off packets), they match and also match a prediction
Inspired by
  • "Split Second" (Stewart James, The New Tops, Dec. 1962)
Nick Trost The Mystic Jacks four-of-a-kind location by counting off numbers rolled with three dice
Inspired by 1151
Nick Trost The Dice Decider, Revisited four packets are counted off according to four thrown dice, dice are turned with number one up and all packets have an Ace on top
  • Second Effect (with royal flush)
  • ESP Card Version
Inspired by 1152
Nick Trost Chapter 48 - Coincidence or What?
Nick Trost Three Matched Pairs three selections are placed face-up in deck, face to face with mates
Inspired by 1155
Nick Trost G. W. Hunter's "Four of a Kind" Revisited values of three cards are counted to find mates of selection to form four-of-a-kind
Inspired by 1157
Nick Trost More Heaps of Coincidence deck cut into eight piles, poker player's picnic with spectator simultaneously leads to four mates
Inspired by
  • "Heaps of Coincidence" (Paul Clive's Card Tricks Without Skill, 1959)
Nick Trost Double Trouble two spectators select a card from sixteen-card packet, rest dealt into three piles, both matching three-of-a-kinds are found in rest of packet (one with dealing and one with CATO)
  • ESP Card Version
Inspired by
  • "Lasting" (Aldo Colombini, Card Trips, 2004)
Nick Trost A Paradoxical Coincidence tapestry folding, at the end all of one color are face-up except selection, same on face-down side
Inspired by 1162
Lin Searles "So Simple" Force portion cut and turned over, then deck secretly turned over
Nick Trost All-Fair Gemini Twins two selected cards (by thinking of a number from one to ten) are mated with Gemini Twins placement
Nick Trost A Good Match two cards selected (by thinking of numbers), deck cut into three piles and center one reversed when reassembling, two cards at separation points match selections
Inspired by 1165
Nick Trost Red-Faced Gemini III two black cards (selected with 10-20 force) are mated with Gemini Twins procedure using only half the deck, all other used cards are shown red as climax
Inspired by 1167
Nick Trost Double Coincidence card chosen, packet cut off and is counted, same number appears at criss-cross cut place and when counted down the mate of chosen card is found
Nick Trost Swindle Suits Extended deck shuffled and Spades and Hearts are removed (interlocking chains)
  • Phase One (one card matches)
  • Phase Two (all cards match, swindle switch procedure)
Inspired by 1169
Nick Trost Vernon-Judah Do As I Do With One Deck performer pockets card from one deck, spectator cuts and counts down according to value of bottom card, card arrived at matched card in pocket, Ace to King stack
Inspired by 1172
Nick Trost Red-Blue Do As I Do two cards are exchanged between two decks, they match
Chapter 49 - Royal Roundup
Nick Trost Elevator Marriages packet elevator meets marriage
Inspired by 1175
Nick Trost Four Happy Marriages deck dealt into four piles, four Kings are placed in the piles next to Queens
Inspired by 1177
Nick Trost Royal Marriages - Two More Phases
  • Phase One
  • Phase Two
Nick Trost Royal Gathering
Inspired by 1181
Nick Trost Royal Reunion couples shown mixed, then they match up
Inspired by 1182
Nick Trost English Tea, Revisited three Kings on table, four Queens shown, three are placed with Kings, they change into Jacks and Queens are together again, story presentation
Inspired by 1184
Nick Trost Order in the Court three packets of Jacks, Queens, Kings, assemble to three Jacks, three Queens and three Kings
Inspired by 1186
Nick Trost A Royal Routine using the twelve picture cards
  • Phase One (six mixed pairs match)
  • Phase Two (mixed face-up/face-down, then only one color is face-up)
  • Phase Three (6&6 oil & water)
  • Phase Four (follow the leader)
Inspired by 1189
Chapter 50 - Poker Tricks and Deals
Nick Trost Deal Me In deck dealt into five hands and all cards are bad, cards dealt into chosen number of piles, then again into five and chosen hand wins
Related to 1195
Nick Trost Royal Flush royal flush production with cut-deeper
Inspired by 1198
Nick Trost Aces and Eights performer has five cards in his hands, changes some and then has five Jacks
Nick Trost Triplets Royal Flush royal flush production with dealing procedure, Fulves Parity Principle
Inspired by 1200
Nick Trost Ten-Card Poker Idea
Also published here 1201
Nick Trost Duplex Poker Coincidence two poker hands are drawn from top of packets, they are the same type and also predicted
Inspired by
  • "Duplex Poker Deal" (George McBride, Cardville, 2002)
Nick Trost Deuces Wild magician deals himself winning poker hand from spectator shuffled deck (sharing shuffle) on the second dealing round
  • Spade Flush Version
Inspired byVariations 1204
Nick Trost Dealing a Flush magician deals himself winning poker hand from spectator shuffled deck (sharing shuffle) on the second dealing round
Inspired by 1205
Nick Trost First Draw - Expanded three hands and fifteen cards, ten-card deal type procedure, performer gets straight
Inspired by 1206
Nick Trost World Series Poker, Revisited disguised ten-card poker deal for four players with twenty cards
  • Two-Handed Poker Lead-In
Inspired by 1208
Nick Trost 20-Card Poker Deal using the Tens to Aces
Also published here 1212
Nick Trost Four Royal Flushes packet dealt into two to six piles as often as wishes, then five hands are dealt, four royal flushes and performer wins with five-of-a-kind
Inspired by 1213
Nick Trost Office Hours Poker poker deal from packet of high cards, spectators receive straights, performer gets Royal Flush, uses Gilbreath principle
Inspired by 1214
Nick Trost All-Fair Pokericulum spectators are allowed to switch hands with you before you deal the final card to everyone, but you still win, using Müller/Avis dealing procedure
Inspired by 1216
Chapter 51 - More Divinations
Nick Trost Divining the Total of Bottom Cards sum of bottom cards of three piles is divined
Nick Trost Face-Up Divination face-up and face-down cards are shuffled, performer separates cards behind back so one pile consists of same amount of face up cards as the other, repeat phase, last phase with prediction of number of reversed cards
  • Phase One
  • Phase Two
  • Phase Three
Inspired by 1220
Nick Trost "Scarne's $1,000 Card Trick" - Another Method deck shuffled face-up/face-down, performer cuts and bets how many more cards are face up in one group than the other, repeat
Inspired by 1222
Nick Trost Laying on the Hand
Inspired by
  • "Pre-Deck-Ability" version (Aldo Colombini, marketed 1996)
Nick Trost, Bob Hummer A Hummer Routine
  • Phase One (Hummer's 18 Card Mystery)
  • Phase Two (The Magic Separation)
  • Phase Three (Face Up Prediction variation)
Inspired by 1227
Chapter 52 - Tricks with Aces
Nick Trost Divin-Ace-tion Revisited dealing, count-back force
Inspired by 1229
Nick Trost Ace-Predicti spectator finds Aces with cutting procedure
Inspired by 1230
Nick Trost Revolving Queens and Aces four times Christ Force to locate Queens, then the Aces turn over
Inspired by 1231
Nick Trost Ten-Twenty Aces Aces found with Ten-Twenty force
Inspired by 1232
Chapter 52 - Gilbreath Plays Poker - Part 2
Nick Trost Filling a Straight Flush unknown card selected and placed aside, spectator riffle shuffles deck and deals it into four piles, top cards and selection make up a straight flush
Nick Trost Wild Bill's Dead Man's Hand dead man's hand shows up twice, with spelling, CATO, shuffling and dealing
Nick Trost Draw Poker for Five two phase poker deal, first open bottom deal, then honest shuffle and another deal
Nick Trost Nu-Way Intuitive Poker spectator chooses Straight Flush from spread deck after riffle shuffle
Inspired by 1240
Nick Trost Revolving Poker two ten-card packets are placed face-to-face, spectator revolves packets as often as he likes and takes top cards to from a poker hand, reverse Gilbreath
Inspired by 1242
Nick Trost Just Not Your Day! spectator shuffles twice, only high cards used for deal and CATO things to find two good hands
Inspired by 1244
Nick Trost The Top or Bottom Poker Deal with only high cards, spectator deals hands from either top or bottom, straights for everyone and four-of-a-kind for performer
Nick Trost Gemini Poker honest riffle shuffle, then Gemini Twins procedure to arrive at poker hands
  • A Second Method
Nick Trost Roll-Over Poker spectator riffle shuffles deck and deals piles with a strong hand on top, CATO procedure, performer deals four piles and rolls them over onto each other, five face-up cards are a straight flush
Inspired by 1249
Nick Trost Poker and Rummy Deal some shuffling and dealing and good hands
Nick Trost Subway Showdown Kings removed, spectator riffle shuffles deck, bottom deal demo with second phase in which performer wins
Inspired by 1252
Nick Trost Do As I Do Blackjack and Poker II spectator and performer each riffle shuffle half a deck, good blackjack and poker hands follow after exchanging cards
  • Blackjack Phase
  • Poker Phase
Inspired byVariations 1255
Nick Trost Blackjack and Poker Deal
  • Phase One - Blackjack
  • Phase Two - Poker
Nick Trost Do As I Do Queens and Poker
  • Phase One - Do As I Do Queens (Hamman)
  • Phase Two - Do As I Do Poker (Fulves, re-dealing)
Inspired by 1260
Chapter 54 - Still Further Gambling Tricks
Nick Trost All-Fair Euchre Deal spectator selects cards for four Euchre hands, performer wins with perfect loner hand
Nick Trost Revolving Blackjack spectator turns face-to-face packet over any number of times and deals himself top cards
Inspired by 1267
Nick Trost Blackjack With a Poker Follow-Up Müller/Avis dealing procedure
Inspired by
  • "The Circle" (Peter Duffie, Abra No. 2645, October 5, 1996)
Nick Trost Nu-Way Omega Bet spectator pushes card face-up in deck, performer knows whether paired card matches in color when cards are dealt off in pairs, repeats, then three spectator at once
  • Phase Two - All Three Spectators Lose
Inspired by 1272
Nick Trost Gil's Game - Odd and Even spectator cannot win in red-black game in which he has to select pairs of one color
Inspired by 1277
Nick Trost Exchange Bridge Deal cards are exchanged during deal according to spectator's wishes, grand slam in one hand with all of one suit
Inspired by 1279
Nick Trost Bridge Memory all cards of one suit are given to performer, memory presentation
Inspired by 1281
Nick Trost Psychic Blackjack portions of two decks are shuffle together, pairs dealt, performer divines sum of each pair, perfect blackjack finale
  • Phase One
  • Phase Two
  • Single Deck Version
Inspired by 1282
Chapter 55 - Further Predictions
Nick Trost Double Prediction two cards predicted with mate, ten-twenty count selection
Inspired by 1289
Nick Trost Christ Meets Gilbreath spectator riffle shuffles once, then backwards count procedure to arrive at a predicted card
Inspired by 1290
Nick Trost Duplex Prediction two prediction cards are removed, spectator stabs them between cards which match in suit and value
Inspired by 1292
Nick Trost Synchronicity Revisited two piles are dealt in unison, two selections are at the same position and that position is predicted
Inspired by 1295
Nick Trost Prediction and Coincidence three cards chosen, then three piles made with backwards count procedure, sum counted to predicted Queen, other Queens found at bottom of three piles
Also published here
  • "The Prediction and Location of Four Matching Card" (Nick Trost, The New Tops, Feb. 1970)
Nick Trost Triple Predicti three prediction cards, three times the performer counts off a named number between five and ten, ten and fifteen and fifteen and twenty, the arrived at selections match predictions
Inspired by 1298
Nick Trost Eleven-Eleven two chosen pairs of cards adds to eleven which is predicted, using mixing dealing procedure
Inspired by 1301
Nick Trost Face-Up, Face-Down Routine
  • Phase One (Miraskill)
  • Phase Two (Chaotic Mixed Reaction)
  • Phase Three (Pre-Deck Ability)
Inspired by 1303
Nick Trost Predicting Pairs
  • Phase One (Double Roulette, Miraskill with actual number of matches predicted, Omega Bet principle)
  • Phase Two (Acquiescence, number and color of matching red-black pairs predicted)
Inspired by 1307
Nick Trost Omega Prediction two Jokers placed in two spread-out halves, two cards next to it are used to make up a card via suit and value, card predicted, Omega Bet principle
Inspired by
  • "Point of No Return" (Aldo Colombini, Linking Ring, Aug. 1999)
Nick Trost Have a Heart card made out of suit and value from two chosen cards is predicted
Inspired by
  • "Point of No Return" (Aldo Colombini, Linking Ring, Aug. 1999)
Related to
Chapter 56 - Further Revealments
Nick Trost Four-Tunate Choice spectators receive some cards, shuffle and think of top one, combined packet is given back
Inspired by 1315
Nick Trost Bannon's Triumph Revisited ordered suit reversed & distributed as finale
Inspired by 1317
Nick Trost My Lucky Card single card location with reverse-faro procedure, Royal Flush kicker on eliminated packets à la Moracle
Inspired byRelated to 1318
Nick Trost Three-Way Mind Reading deck shuffled, three twelve-card piles dealt, top cards noted and found
Inspired byRelated to 1320
Chapter 57 - ESP Cards - Part 5
Nick Trost Australian ESP three spectators locate their chosen symbols, involving counting, spelling, down-under deal
Inspired by 1325
Nick Trost ESP By Coincidence spectator uses some cards of sixteen-card packet to find his selection with down-under deal, then reverse faros until down to one brings same symbols on top of packets
Inspired by 1326
Nick Trost Quadruple ESP Match-Up four ESP cards are predicted/matched, spectator deals and stops
Inspired by 1327
Nick Trost A Powerful Swindle
  • Phase One (coincidence when two ESP packets are dealt in unison)
  • Phase Two (swindle switch coincidence of two ESP packets)
Nick Trost The Power of Money nine ESP cards on table, spectator places three poker chips on cards, nine more are dealt on top of the tabled cards, only the pairs with the poker chips match
Inspired by
  • "Marka-Thought" (Bob Mason, marketed 1972)
Related to
  • "Figgerow" (Stewart James, Stewart James in Print, 1989)
Nick Trost Triple ESP Prediction involving counting in ESP deck, sum and difference
Inspired byRelated to 1332
Chapter 58 - More Pinochle Puzzlers
Nick Trost Trost on Fulves' "Playing Best Hand" with Pinochle deck
Inspired by 1337
Nick Trost Ultimate Psychic Poker with Pinochle deck, performer divines types of dealt poker hands after a riffle shuffle
Inspired by 1340
Nick Trost Pinochle Psychometry three packets dealt and top cards remembered by spectators, they are found, with Pinochle deck
  • Second Method
Inspired byRelated to 1344
Data entered by Denis Behr, August 2024.