Written by Karl Fulves
Work of Karl Fulves
136 pages (Paperback), published by Dover Publications
Illustrated with drawings by Joseph K. Schmidt
Language: English
111 entries
Cover photograph
Creators Title Comments & References Page AA Categories
Karl Fulves Introduction
Karl Fulves Impromptu Card Trick chapter intro
Karl Fulves Gemini Twins No. 1, two cards inserted where spectator stops dealing, both next to mates
VariationsAlso published here 1
Herb Runge, Karl Fulves Gemini Twins Placement
Also published here 2
Computer Dating No. 2, four cards, spectator turns one over, packet is cased, when removed again the mate is face-up instead, self-adjusting set-up
Karl Fulves The Dating Game No. 3, spectator turns cards over, at the end only a King-Queen pair is face-up
Inspired by 4
Karl Fulves, Alex Elmsley Penny Plain No. 4
Inspired by 6
Joseph K. Schmidt, Karl Fulves Miraskil No. 5
Inspired byRelated to 7
The Seven-Up Mystery No. 6, "Seven Up" is spelled so a selection in a small packet shows up
Karl Fulves The Open Prediction No. 7, using cut-deeper force
Variations 9
Ed Balducci, Lin Searles Cut Deeper Force
Karl Fulves Flip Top No. 8, air pressure turnover to locate an Ace, with top and also bottom card, also as switch of top card
Related to 10
Television Dice No. 9, card chosen by dice roll and it ends up at position of the rolled dice
Deckspert No. 10, four dice thrown, two used to select a card at a position, sum of all four to count down to selection
Fred G. Taylor Crazy Clocks No. 11
Also published here 14
Jack Avis To Lie or Tell the Truth No. 12, impromptu
Karl Fulves Red-Black Mysteries chapter intro
Chromatic Caper No. 13, coincidence with number of cards of given suits in a face-up/face-down shuffled deck
George Pierce, Charles T. Jordan, Karl Fulves Flying Colors No. 14, deck riffle shuffled twice by spectator, yet it separates into colors
Oil and Water No. 15, involving dealing, 4&4
Karl Fulves Checkers No. 16, off-beat dealing and turnover of packets, 3&3
Roy Walton, Karl Fulves Influential Pairs No. 17, two decks dealt in several piles, red black separated, see Pallbearer's Review for references
Also published here 24
Karl Fulves Red Magic No. 18, spectator places some red cards in his left and right jacket pockets, performer divines numbers
Also published here 26
Karl Fulves Odd Color Out No. 19, cards shuffled face-up/face-down via CATO by spectator, two selections made, performer handles cards and all face-up cards are red with a black selection and vice versa
Variations 27
Martin Gardner The Color of Thought No. 20
Inspired by 28
Karl Fulves Telephone Tricks chapter intro
John Northern Hilliard Twentieth-Century Telepathy No. 21, name code
Variations 31
Karl Fulves The Percival Code No. 22, alternate code systems
Inspired by 33
William H. McCaffrey Calling Ms. Wizard No. 23
Also published here 34
The Great Phone Mystery No. 24, spectator turns top and bottom card over behind his back and pushed them in, the cards face to face with the reversed cards are removed and one of them named by medium on phone
A Remote Miracle No. 25, spectator deals some cards to select one and later calls off order of cards, performer on phone names selection
Poker by Phone No. 26, one of five cards chosen and one turned over, phoned medium knows hole card and selection when other four are called off
Karl Fulves Shylock's Card No. 27, one of three Kings selected and divined over phone
Inspired byAlso published here 37
Richard Himber No Questions Asked No. 28, location over phone
The Connection No. 29, any card chosen, medium phoned instantly names it, ringing recorded
Related toAlso published here 39
Karl Fulves Linear Blackjack No. 30, game of Blackjack over the phone, performer knows which card to select to win
Also published here 41
Karl Fulves The Ultra Code No. 31, spectator chooses any flush and reads off four of the cards to a medium at the phone, fifth card named, problem by Fitch Cheney
Father Cyprian Time Squared No. 32, over the phone method for mathematical three-card monte, spectator removes cards according to current time
Inspired byAlso published here 43
Karl Fulves Riffle-Shuffle Setups chapter intro
Karl Fulves Stack a Pack No. 33, explanation of Gilbreath principle with only the top and bottom two cards of the deck
Norman Gilbreath Magnetic Colors No. 34, "This routine was independently devised by Gene Finnell, Norman Gilbreath and others"
Self-Matching Colors No. 35, alternated red-black stack shuffled, when a pair matches, the performer knows the color, kind of opposite Gilbreath
A Devilish Secret No. 36, deck riffle shuffled once, pairs turned up, when a color match occurs, the next pair is a match of opposite colors
Karl Fulves ESP + Math No. 37, packet of cards is shuffled and distributed, performer knows who has a pair in his cards
Related toAlso published here 48
Gene Finnell Color Prophecy No. 38, performer predicts which red-black pairs will match when two halves are dealt after a shuffle
Also published here 49
Roy Walton Blind Choice No. 39, first publication, spectator and performer successfully guess colors of four-card packets that are handed out after one riffle shuffle
Variations 50
Karl Fulves Replica Poker No. 40, ten cards, five are removed by spectator, remaining five cards are in same value-order, self-duplicating set-up
J. W. Sarles Posi-Negative Cards No. 41, Magnetic Colors variation
Also published here 53
Karl Fulves Incorporated Color Control No. 42, number of color-matching pairs kind of predicted after riffle shuffle
Also published here 54
Karl Fulves Why You Can't Win No. 43, deck riffle shuffled and dealt into four piles, top cards turned over by player simultaneously and red-black outcome used for betting game
Karl Fulves Two-Deck Card Tricks chapter intro
Hypnotisn't No. 44, two spectators with a deck each, both select two cards with expanded cut-deeper procedure and they match
Dr. Stanley Jaks The Jaks Two-Deck Trick No. 45, with three or two decks
Also published here 58
J. W. Sarles Jaks Two-Deck Trick Variation
Inspired by 60
The Dream Deck No. 46, from two packets, performer and spectator each select a card behind the back, they are black mates and all other cards are red
Inspired by 60
The Clueless Card Trick No. 47, two cards chosen by spectators, performer finds them
Inspired byRelated to 61
George Sands, Karl Fulves Criss Cross No. 48, simplified, Nines through Aces removed and sorted in reds and blacks, dealing procedure on table mixes and then sorts the colors again, spectator cannot duplicate it
Inspired by 62
Karl Fulves Jumpback No. 49, card signed in red-backed deck and returned, then blue-backed card is chosen from second deck and it has the signature
Related to 65
Karl Fulves Topological Card Tricks chapter intro
The House that Jack Built No. 50, card house folded with three cards, card chosen, it travels to case and the house is made from its three mates, duplicate
Ten-Twenty Force
Moving Parts No. 51, four cards torn and then laid out face-up and face-down, halves that do not match suddenly match, cards interlocked with slits before tearing
Karl Fulves The Linking Cards No. 52, with partial handkerchief cover
Related to 74
Karl Fulves Card-Forcing Secrets chapter intro
The X-Force No. 53, criss-cross force presented as a freely chosen card that changes into Jack between two Jacks
Hornswoggled No. 54, twenty-one cards are removed and a card chosen with a counting procedure
Karl Fulves Coloroto No. 55, spectator cuts and removes four cards, performer divines it
Lin Searles "So Simple" Force straight cut and turn over
Karl Fulves Suit Fishing
Ed Balducci Cut Deeper No. 56
Karl Fulves On the Lam No. 57, number prediction on card gives position of later selection
Inspired by 82
Speak of the Devil No. 58, spectator ends up with losing value, PATEO
Variations 83
Roy Baker PATEO Force
Karl Fulves The Stapled Card No. 59, signed card transposes with one of two Jokers that are stapled together
Inspired by 85
Karl Fulves Cross-Cut Force Handling
Karl Fulves Telepathy with Cards chapter intro
The Prediction Deck No. 60, number of face-down cards after face-up/face-down shuffle predicted
Last October No. 61, spectator pockets some cards and buries a selection in rest, card on top after some counting
Variations 90
L. Vosburgh Lyons Mental Rescue No. 62, two spectators have five cards each and exchange one, performer divines it
Also published here 91
Karl Fulves Past and Future No. 63, card predicted and birthday of spectator divined which he wrote on a card
Inspired by 93
Harry Houdini Houdini's Secret No. 64, from Houdini's notebooks, two cards selected by counting to numbers, both predicted, one-ahead
Karl Fulves Hex Squared No. 65, 4x4 layout, spectator moves around according to fixed rules and ends on force card
Also published here 96
Karl Fulves, Sam Schwartz The Square Ring No. 66, 4x4 layout, spectator moves around according to fixed rules and ends on force card, only three instructions
Also published here 97
Karl Fulves, Roy Walton The Unmatch Game No. 67, piles made, suit pairs build and remaining cards predicted
, Karl Fulves The Master Mind No. 68, deck put in pocket and apparently removed from other pocket, odd-backed siamese
Karl Fulves Gambling Secrets chapter intro
Karl Fulves Flim Flam No. 69, chosen red card is only red card in black seven-card poker hand and vice versa
Inspired by 103
Monte Miracle No. 70, no bend, using optical illusion and handling cards at right angles
T. Nelson Downs Whiz Bang Poker No. 71, stack for any number of hands from two to six players
Michael F. Zens, Karl Fulves Any Hand Called For No. 72, double-deal stacking
Related toVariations 106
Karl Fulves The Omega Bet No. 73, card pushed face-up in center and deck dealt in pairs, pair with face-up card matches or not, multiple phases
Related toVariations 107
Aces for Experts No. 74
Karl Fulves Face-up Poker No. 75, poker hands drawn from face-up spread, yet performer wins, with variation
  • Revenge Poker
Related to 112
Karl Fulves Conjuror's Quartet chapter intro to a four-trick act
Invisible Con Man No. 76, die used to choose and locate card
J. W. Sarles The Calculator Card Trick No. 77, deck answers simple calculation after a spectator's cut
Variations 116
Bandit Aces No. 78, named Ace penetrates rubber banded deck
Jack Avis Houdini Card No. 79, deck sealed with crossed rubber bands, yet selection extracted underneath handkerchief
Also published here 118
Karl Fulves Though-Card Methods chapter intro
Gene "Phantini" Grant, Sam Schwartz Psychorama No. 80, one of five cards thought of, single-no fishing
Related toVariationsAlso published here
  • Gene Grant's "Phantini's Mental Key", 1956
Thot-Card Monte No. 81, one of three cards divined
Under-Belt Holdout
Howard A. Adams Hypnodeck No. 82, all quartets together, then dealing procedure according to though-of card
Karl Fulves Ritual of the Kings No. 83, named or freely written down card is produced after layout ritual with four Kings
Variations 124
Paul Swinford Duo Spell No. 84, two mentally chosen cards spelled out
Also published here 126
Karl Fulves Miracles with Aces chapter intro
Lin Searles Four-Star Aces No. 85, Kings dealt to table, they're Aces now
Ace Triumph No. 86, optional color-changing back kicker for Aces
Karl Fulves Eyewitness No. 87, bottom card of rubber banded deck shown to four spectators and removed, they change to Aces
Karl Fulves Automatic Glide with rubber banded deck
Martin Gardner Wild Aces No. 88, Aces vanish under handkerchief and reappear reversed in deck
Data entered by Denis Behr, December 2017.