33 entries in Cards / Principles / Coding / Study in Stud
Creators Title Comments & References Year Source Page AA Categories
Al Baker Baker's Eight-Card Trick any eight cards taken and one chosen, other seven called out to assistant who then names selection, effect "Study in Stud" related but not the method
Also published here 1949 34
Russell "Rusduck" Duck Study in Stud system for coding/designating a card with four cards, for a stud deal
Related toVariations Sep. 1957
The Cardiste (Issue 4)
Max Katz M. K. Telephone Code System coding a card with four cards, see Interlocutor reference for credit information
Inspired byRelated toVariations Feb. 1958
The Cardiste (Issue 5)
Russell "Rusduck" Duck Stud Students Stumped another approach for coding/designating a card with four cards, for a stud deal
Mar. 1958
The Cardiste (Issue 6)
Tom Ransom Theoretical & Practical Solution to an Impossibility "to indicate with four cards the suit and value of a fifth card"
Dec. 1961
Ibidem (Issue 24)
George Sands 1-3-9 System method to transmit a card using four cards and one is turned over
Related to 1971 ca. 1
George Sands 3 Card Improvement of 1-3-9 System, coding card using three Aces, one is face down
1971 ca. 1
George Sands Lucky 7's coding chosen card using two Sevens
1971 ca. 4
Karl Fulves Double Binary "Fone Trix", phone number out from the start, selection and three other cards read to medium
Apr. 1975
The Pallbearers Review (Vol. 10 No. 6)
Jack Graver, James Robertson Shadow Line 1
Mar. 1979
Ibidem (Issue 36)
Jack Graver, James Robertson Shadow Line 2
Mar. 1979
Ibidem (Issue 36)
Karl Fulves Quint four cards removed by spectator, fifth one by performer, any card selected, other four read over phone, medium names selection
1980 28
Karl Fulves Name-O-Quint spectator pockets any card, then any three cards, performer adds fourth card, those are read to medium in any order who then names pocketed card
1980 31
Karl Fulves Five Card Stud four cards code fifth one
Related to 1980 32
Karl Fulves Fill The Blank three cards removed by spectator, fourth by performer, fifth by spectator and signed, read off to medium in any order which names the fifth card
1980 33
Karl Fulves Selectrik four cards outjogged by spectator, one by performer, any card is turned over, assistant comes in the room and names selected card
Related to 1980 34
Karl Fulves Cubic Coding any five cards removed by spectator, then one chosen, other four cards read to medium over phone which names selection
1980 35
George Blake Introduction on Rusduck's problem
Related to 1980 1
George Blake The Rusduck Enigma
Inspired by 1980 2
George Blake The Rusduck Enigma - Solutions One and Two
1980 6
Poker by Phone No. 26, one of five cards chosen and one turned over, phoned medium knows hole card and selection when other four are called off
1984 36
Karl Fulves The Ultra Code No. 31, spectator chooses any flush and reads off four of the cards to a medium at the phone, fifth card named, problem by Fitch Cheney
1984 41
Max Katz Ein Telephon-Kartencode
Related to Jan. 1984
Intermagic (Vol. 10 No. 3 & 4)
Alex Elmsley The Other Card six cards are removed from a deck and five are inserted into the computer, computer program names remaining card
1996 22
Alex Elmsley Card Coding by Permutation coding a card by arrangement of four or five other cards
  • Reversible Counting
  • Four-Card Coding
  • A Hole in Four (The Second Gap)
  • Camel Poker
Variations Winter 1998 161
Al Baker Baker's Eight-Card Trick any eight cards taken and one chosen, other seven called out to assistant who then names selection, effect "Study in Stud" related but not the method
Also published here 2003
The Secret Ways of Al Baker (Issue Mental Magic)
Karl Fulves Mental Fone with idea to use cell phone to code and send picture of spectator
Inspired by
  • Fitch Cheney trick in Math Miracles (Wallace Lee)
2003 305
Karl Fulves Calling Ms. Modulo two poker hands, performer and spectator each decide on a hole card, medium tells hole card after hearing other four cards
Inspired by
  • "Telephone Stud" (Wallace Lee, Math Miracles, 1950)
Related to
2005 15
Karl Fulves Telephone Stud further credits for "Calling Ms. Modulo"
Related to 2005 66
Karl Fulves Age Related four cards chosen, additional card placed in box, medium names hidden card after some of the others are called, inspired by Age Cards trick
2005 6
Michael Powers Code 5 five cards removed from deck, one hidden, assistant is shown other four cards and names fifth one, repeat in which a card is cased and divined
Inspired by 2006 119
Gene Taylor BINdication
Nov. 2006
Antinomy (Vol. 2 No. 4)
Stewart James Card V Four cards in a group of five will secretly code the identity of the fifth card, done over telephone
Inspired byAlso published here
  • New Tops, Dec 1961
2007 139