40 entries in Cards / Effect Themes / Penetration / With Other Objects / Rubber Band
Creators Title Comments & References Year Source Page AA Categories
Jack Avis Houdini Card deck sealed with crossed rubber bands, yet selection extracted underneath handkerchief, p. 241 for further reference, p. 246 for idea by Harrison Beale
VariationsAlso published here Winter 1968
The Pallbearers Review (Vol. 4 No. 2nd Folio)
Clark Wirthlin Snap card jumps from deck encircled with a rubber band, cut and twist
Magick (Issue 1)
Harry Lorayne Two Rubber-Band Ideas (that I don't know what to do with!) magically (?) removing a card from a banded deck & lapping move as rubber band is removed
1973 144
Karl Fulves Not Even Houdini card inserted in banded deck penetrates it and drops to table
1975 182
Karl Fulves Banded Deck Problems
  • Jump In (rubber band around case penetrates inside around chosen card)
  • Puzzling Passage (card inserted in banded deck through rubber band)
  • Hooked (after previous trick card is pulled out again with band only around card)
Related toVariations 1975 184
Karl Fulves Puzzling Passage card penetrates rubber band around deck, problem
Related to 1979 105
Father Cyprian Cyprian's Passage rubber band around case, card visibly pushed through
Related to 1979 106
Karl Fulves Jacks And Jill cards penetrate rubber band around case
1979 110
Karl Fulves Unexplainable Footnote wrapping handling for previous effects
1979 113
Paul Harris Stretch rubber banded deck, top card pulled through and penetrates rubber band
Variations 1979 148
Criss-Cross deck wrapped both ways with rubber band, thrown to other hand, selection remains in hand
1979 24
John F. Mendoza S-T-R-E-T-C-H Stretched
  • The Startling Appearance of Two Selected Cards
  • Color Change
Inspired by 1980 36
Stephen Tucker Banned one card penetrates encircled deck, see also p. 269 for additional ideas by Bill Worsley
Inspired byAlso published here June 1981
Spell-Binder (Vol. 1 No. 2)
Michael Weber Upward Mobility card rises, then card rises through rubber band of banded deck and stops halfway with band through center of card
Also published here 1983 11
Michael Weber Upward Mobility card rises, then card rises through rubber band of banded deck and stops halfway with band through center of card
Also published here 1984 8
Bandit Aces No. 78, named Ace penetrates rubber banded deck
1984 117
Jack Avis Houdini Card No. 79, deck sealed with crossed rubber bands, yet selection extracted underneath handkerchief
Also published here 1984 118
Michael Weber Upward Mobility card rises, then card rises through rubber band of banded deck and stops halfway with band through center of card
Also published here 1985 [12]
Francis Carlyle The Houdini Card deck is wrapped with a rubber band in both directions, selection is pulled out
1985 ca. 7
Ben Harris Sleight of Band! rubber band is around the deck lengthwise, the bottom strand penetrates upwards so it encircles half the deck, then down again and up again and stops at selection
Also published here 1987 13
Ben Harris Rubber Twins rubber band is widthwise around deck, card is pushed into deck from the side and penetrates the band
Related to 1987 18
Dai Vernon Caught in the Stretch card is extracted
1989 63
Doug Edwards Out of Bondage
Nov. 1989
Apocalypse (Vol. 12 No. 11)
Stephen Tucker Gebannt! one card penetrates encircled deck
Also published here Oct. 1989
Intermagic (Vol. 15 No. 1)
Ben Harris Sleight of Band rubber band is around the deck lengthwise, the bottom strand penetrates upwards so it encircles half the deck, then down again and up again and stops at selection
Also published here 1989 5
Edward Marlo Simplex Banded Card to Cardcase rubber band around cased deck, it vanishes, spectator removes deck and finds rubber band around selection in deck
Inspired byRelated to 1991 28
Michael Weber Gaffect card rises, then card rises through rubber band of banded deck and stops halfway with band through center of card
Also published here 1994 9
Stewart Judah The Really(?) Wrapped Deck extraction, credit correction see p. 2784
Sep. 1996
Apocalypse (Vol. 19 No. 9)
Larry Jennings Houdini Card Escapes Again interesting structure
Inspired by 1997 79
Nathan Kranzo Invisible Elasticity Invisible rubberband suddenly appears wrapped around deck, selection penetrates deck and rubberband
Variations 1999 135
Karl Fulves Bandini QD & KD in banded deck, king penetrates rubber band visually together with butter knife, queen pops out
2004 14
Karl Fulves Aces From Where dealing bottoms from rubber banded deck, one aces pops out from center
2004 37
Karl Fulves Locket Up Deck dealing bottoms from rubber banded deck, using Dr. Elliott deal
2004 40
Jack Avis The Houdini Card deck sealed with crossed rubber bands, yet selection extracted underneath handkerchief
Also published here 2006 77
Salvador Sufrate Cartas y Elasticos four cards wrapped cross-wise with rubber band, one pulled through to penetrate it, paper clip gaff that simulates band
Also published here 2014
El Manuscrito (Vol. 7 No. 30)
So Sato Warp Wrap deck rubber banded, selection penetrates from center and drops to table, back to center, it vanishes and reappears in wrapped deck in spectator's hands
2016 99
Ignacio López La Banda Inquieta rubber band appears around deck, selction is trapped by band and eventually hand of spectator and deck is placed inside rubber band and all cards except selection fall
2018 23
Nathan Kranzo Invisible Elasticity II Invisible rubberband suddenly appears wrapped around deck, selection penetrates deck and rubberband
Inspired by 2021 65
Salvador Sufrate Unbanded four cards wrapped cross-wise with rubber band, one pulled through to penetrate it, paper clip gaff that simulates band
Also published here 2022 382
Marcus Eddie B And E card penetrates cross-wise banded deck, glued cross-wise rubber-band gaff
Also published here
  • MAGIC, Aug. 2010
2022 968