Written by Nick Trost
Work of Nick Trost
280 pages (Hardcover), published by H&R Magic Books
Illustrated with drawings by Tony Dunn
Language: English
140 entries
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Roy Walton Foreword
Nick Trost Introduction to Volume 4
Nick Trost Chapter 35 - Gemini Twins Effects chapter intro
Nick Trost Selected Gemini two spectators find mates to selections with Gemini Twins procedure
Nick Trost Three-Way Gemini deck cut into three piles, one card removed from each packet, all three are mated with Gemini Twins procedure
Inspired by 583
Nick Trost Triple Gemini three cards are mated with Gemini Twins procedure, impromptu, also with ESP cards
Nick Trost Gemini Meets Gilbreath three cards are mated with Gemini Twins procedure, spectator does a riffle shuffle before the deal
Nick Trost Red-Faced Gemini I two black cards are mated with Gemini Twins procedure using only half the deck, all other used cards are shown red as climax
Variations 588
Nick Trost Red-Faced Gemini II three black cards are mated with Gemini Twins procedure using only half the deck, all other used cards are shown red as climax
Nick Trost Three-Way Gemini Meets Sibbernsen spectator puts three cards in deck during dealing procedure into other hand, the cards end up next to their mates
Inspired byVariations 590
Nick Trost Face Your Neighbors (A Variation) three selections are placed face-up in deck, face to face with mates
Inspired by 592
Nick Trost Four-Way Gemini Meets Sibbernsen spectator puts four cards in deck during dealing procedure into other hand, the cards end up next to their mates
Inspired by 593
Nick Trost Rising Crime and Gemini Royal Marriages Kings rise to top, then are found next to the Queens in second phase
Inspired by 596
Nick Trost Calling the Ladies spectator touches four cards and finds the four Queens next to them
Inspired by 598
Nick Trost Gemini with Lucky Sevens I two predictions, Gemini Twin type procedure, four-of-a-kind kicker
Inspired byVariations 600
Nick Trost Gemini with Lucky Sevens II three predictions, Gemini Twin type procedure, four-of-a-kind kicker
Inspired by 601
Nick Trost Lucky Gemini I three predictions, Gemini Twin type procedure, four-of-a-kind kicker
Inspired by 604
Nick Trost Lucky Gemini II three predictions, Gemini Twin type procedure, four-of-a-kind kicker
Inspired byRelated to 606
Nick Trost Chapter 36 - More Royal Marriages
Nick Trost Another Royal Marriages Routine Kings and Queens removed, spectator pairs them twice, then performer does so under table
  • Phase One - Opposites Attract (Fulves)
  • Phase Two - Color Scheme (Weigle)
  • Phase Three - Matching Kings and Queens
  • Phase Four - Separating Kings and Queens
Inspired byRelated to 611
Nick Trost The Spectator's Royal Marriages I four cards cut to and four more cards make King/Queen pairs, Poker Player's Pincnic
Nick Trost The Spectator's Royal Marriages II two cards chosen, then three thirds are cut and crossed, spectator cuts to three Kings matching one of the initial cards, the Queens are there as well
Inspired by
  • "Total Unity" (Peter Duffie, website publication May 2002)
Nick Trost You Do As I Do Royal Marriages Poker Player's Picnic done with two halves simultaneously, locating all Kings and Queens
Inspired by 618
Nick Trost Royal Assembly face-to-face cuts, a center section of deck is removed and dealt into four piles to locate all Kings and Queens on top and bottom
  • Second Method
Inspired by 620
Nick Trost Revolving Marriages four times Christ Force to locate Kings, Queens are found together face up in center
Inspired by 623
Nick Trost Courtship Plus Cupids Kings placed on top of Queens with Jacks and squeezed, instantly dealt off in triples
Inspired by 625
Nick Trost Royal Weddings
  • Phase One (Poker Player's Picnic)
  • Phase Two (four Kings cut in four packets, the Kings suddenly are in the hand of the performer, Queens found at bottom of packets, rehandling of "Just Friends")
Inspired by 627
Nick Trost Aristocratic Assembly
  • Phase One - The Castle Elevators
  • Phase Two - Marriages
Inspired by 629
Nick Trost Free-Cut Marriages four Kings lost in four packets, then they are found again by counting to four small named numbers, Queens are found next to Kings
Variations 633
Terry LaGerould Backwards Count Force counting backwards from ten until thought-of number is reached, then counting down that number as well
Nick Trost Royal Roundup four cards counted to with thought-of numbers, they lead to all four Kings, Queens and Jacks
Inspired by
  • "A Reading" (John Mendoza, The Mendoza Series of Personal Instruction, 1979)
Terry LaGerould Backwards Count Force counting backwards from ten until thought-of number is reached, then counting down that number as well
Nick Trost Chapter 37 - Gilbreath Plays Poker - Part 1 credit information
Nick Trost Six-Handed Draw Poker Demonstration spectator riffle shuffles deck, performer deals six-handed game, a partner draws five new cards and gets a straight flush
Inspired by 640
Nick Trost Spectator Finds a Straight Flush spectator riffle shuffles the deck, deals a pile, then deals into five piles and top cards of each pile are a straight flush
  • Second Version (inspired by Duffie reference)
Inspired by 641
Spectator's Ose Cut
Nick Trost I Wouldn't Play Cards With You spectator shuffles and deals, royal flush
Inspired by 643
Nick Trost Double Duke re-deal stacking for double duke after a spectator's riffle shuffle
Inspired by 645
Nick Trost Trost Poker Demonstration spectator riffle shuffles deck, performer deals five bad hands, then he deals again, everybody has a good hand and performer wins with straight flush
Nick Trost Lead-In: Spectator Cuts to the Aces
Nick Trost Roll-Over Straight Flush spectator riffle shuffles deck and deals piles, CATO procedure, performer deals four piles and rolls them over onto each other, five face-up cards are a straight flush
Inspired byVariations 651
Nick Trost Give It To Me Straight riffle shuffle by spectator, then he deals deck into five piles, good poker hand is turned over on top, then deck assembled and cards next to reversed cards are a straight flush
  • Second Version
  • Third Version (inspired by Gene Gordon reference)
  • Fourth Version (inspired by "Prediction", 1937, reference)
Inspired by 652
Nick Trost The Dishonest and Honest Gambler spectator riffle shuffles deck and deals six hands with sixth hand openly from bottom which turns out to be a good hand, then he deals again without cheating and gets a straight flush
Inspired by 660
Nick Trost The Crooked Dead Man's Hand two-phase deal after an honest riffle shuffle by the spectator, bottom deal demonstration and then fair deal, story presentation
Inspired by 662
Nick Trost You Do As I Do Poker Deal contest presentation, spectator and performer each riffle shuffle half a deck and then deal five hands, spectator gets better hand first, then performer later
Inspired by 664
Nick Trost Do As I Do Blackjack And Poker I spectator and performer each riffle shuffle half a deck, good blackjack and poker hands follow
Variations 667
Nick Trost Crooked and Straight Dealing spectator deals half the deck into five hands and can bottom deal openly anytime, then performer deals fairly, everyone has a straight but the performer a royal flush
Inspired by 670
Nick Trost Producing Poker Hands deck is riffle shuffled in halves by spectator, the performer produces consecutively better poker hands with deck below table starting from a straight
Related to 672
Nick Trost Chapter 38 - More Revealments
Nick Trost Mistakes Will Happen! performer wants to cut to selection one-handed, it's the wrong card which is tabled, he tries again and cuts to same wrong card, tabled card is now selection
Also published here
  • The New Tops, Oct. 1982
Nick Trost No-Clue Eliminator chosen card ends up as last card in anti-faro elimination procedure, Karl Fulves's "Riffle Shuffle Control" meets Oracle
Inspired byAlso published here
  • The New Tops, Aug./Sep. 1979
Nick Trost Discover by Elimination chosen card ends up as last card in anti-faro elimination procedure
  • Second Version (inspired by "It's Impossible" reference)
Inspired by 681
Nick Trost Cabalistic Countdown three numbers lead to discovery of freely chosen card, using Karl Fulves's "Riffle Shuffle Control"
Inspired by 683
Nick Trost Royal Revealment card is lost, a Six spot ends up reversed after push-through failure, counting down to selection, the five counted cards are a Royal Flush
Inspired by 685
Nick Trost The Black Queens in two packets two cards are chosen with cross-cut procedure, they are then found with down-under deal and are the black Queens, all other cards are red
Nick Trost Diamond Cut Diamond glide instead of second deal
Nick Trost Four For The Money four selections in four packets are cut to and lost, they are found with LaGerould/Mendoza's "Backwards Count Force"
Inspired by 688
Nick Trost Pseudo Princess
Inspired by
  • "Four-Way Mind Reading" (Nick Trost, The New Tops, July 1964)
Nick Trost Chapter 39 - Spelling Tricks
Nick Trost Eight-Card Lie Speller thought card revealed with eight-card-packet as computer
Inspired by 695
Nick Trost Lie Speller - An Easy Method three answers to questions are spelled out from deck and lead to selection, credit information for lie speller plot
Also published here
  • Cardman's Packet, 1964
Nick Trost The All-Fair Mental Spell with credit information on spelling though-of cards
Also published here
  • The New Tops, June 1965
Nick Trost Chapter 40 - Tricks With Two Decks
Nick Trost Kings and Queens Royale four blue-backed Kings are mixed with four red-backed Queens, performer brings out marriage couples from under table
Inspired by
  • "The Sympathetic Kings and Queens" in Hatton and Plate's "Magicians' Tricks: How They Are Done", 1910
Related toAlso published here
Nick Trost Kings and Queens Oil and Water 4&4
Nick Trost The Four Red-Backed Aces with credit information
Also published here
  • Card Problems, 1964
Nick Trost Triple Coincidence I two selections from two decks by spectator and performer match, then two more cards match, also possible with one deck
Also published here 707
Nick Trost Triple Coincidence II two selections from two decks by spectator and performer match, then two more cards match, also possible with one deck
Related to 710
Martin Gardner False Cut
Nick Trost Triple Coincidence III two selections from two decks by spectator and performer match, then two more cards match
Also published here 713
Nick Trost Update on Eddie Joseph two decks, one chosen and reversed, when cards are turned over in unison only the chosen one matches
Inspired byAlso published here
  • The New Tops, Oct. 1991
Nick Trost The Poor Man's "Odd Card" odd-backed card put in deck, spectator names card from the face, it's the odd-backed one, color-changing deck surprise
Inspired by
  • "The Color-Changing Deck with the $100 Bill" (The Bob Kohler Lecture, video, 2002)
Nick Trost Chapter 41 - Cards and Dice
Nick Trost Swindle Switch with Cards and Dice three dice thrown, two spectators remember top and bottom total of throw and then cards at these positions, after a swindle switch procedure the cards are at opposite positions
Inspired by 719
Paul Curry Swindle Switch
Nick Trost Four Dice and Two Mates four dice used for backwards count to get to a predicted card
Nick Trost Acey-Dicey Poker Player's Picnic with dice to decide how many cards to count off
  • Impromptu Version
  • Royal Flush Version
  • Poker Dice Version
Nick Trost "Babylon" Simplified two chosen cards match with some packet-cutting and dice
Inspired by 727
Lin Searles "So Simple" Force portion cut and turned over, then deck secretly turned over
Nick Trost The Dice Decider four packets are counted off according to four thrown dice, dice are turned with number one up and all packets have an Ace on top
  • Second Effect (with royal flush)
  • ESP Card Version
Inspired by
  • "Trade Show Dice" (Jerry Sadowitz, The Conjuror, Feb. 1997)
Related to
  • "Dice Aces" (Jerry Sadowitz, The Crimp, No. 34, 1994)
Nick Trost Die-abolical Aces four piles made with dice throws, Aces are found on the bottom of them
Inspired by 732
Nick Trost Dice Will Tell More selection found by roll of two dice, then cards with values that match the rolled numbers are produced
Inspired byRelated toAlso published here
  • Precursor No. XXXIV, Feb. 1992
Nick Trost Cards and Dice-ceptions I three pairs of dice, numbers rolled and counted to backwards with LaGerould's Backwards Count Force, four Kings found
Inspired byVariations 735
Nick Trost Cards and Dice-ceptions II spectator chooses three cards that match predictions, four Aces kicker, LaGerould's Backwards Count Force
Inspired by 736
Nick Trost Chapter 42 - Special Decks - Part 3
Nick Trost Color Eureka - A New Handling color changing deck Triumph, credit information
Inspired by
  • "Color Eureka" (Nick Trost, The New Tops, Aug. 1965)
Nick Trost Truly Unbelievable! deck shuffled and dealt into pairs, spectator puts three poker chips on pairs which match, others don't match
Related toAlso published here
  • The New Tops, Feb. 1974
Nick Trost Marked Kards blue-backed deck, four Jokes are removed and backs change to red with Xs on them, then whole deck changed back color to red with Xs, twenty-six red/blue double backer
Inspired byAlso published here
  • marketed ca 1987
Wild Card Move turnover
Flushtration Count
Nick Trost Further Than That! with cards that have letter on them to spell selection, blank faces finale
Inspired by 751
Nick Trost Elmsley Plus 1-0-1 Arith-Mate-Ic followed by Koran Five-Star type prediction (with credit information on p. 757)
Inspired by 754
Nick Trost Chapter 43 - Packet Tricks - Part 4
Dan Block, Nick Trost Dan Block on "Trick-Kards" four-of-a-kind turns face down one by one, then change backs, then change suits, cards for packet trick removed from normal deck
Inspired by 759
Nick Trost Jumbo Split - Original Version ten jumbo cards cut in half, three dice rolled and one spectator remembers top and one bottom sum and the half-cards are counted to, they match
Inspired by
  • "Split Second" (Stewart James, The New Tops, Dec. 1962)
Related toVariations
  • "Jumbo Two-Way Split" (Nick Trost, marketed 1974)
Also published here
  • The Precursor No. VIII, June 1985
  • The James File, Volume 2, 2000
Nick Trost Double Cross four Jokers shown on both side, large Xs appear on their backs
Inspired by
  • "Marked Cards" (Jerry Mentzer, marketed 1976)
Francis Carlyle False Turnover
Nick Trost, Mack Picknick Pop-Eyed Poker five double-blank cards transform to poker hand and back
Also published here
  • marketed 1981
Paintbrush Move brief
Nick Trost Blanko Wild Card
Variations 770
Shigeo Takagi Takagi Turnover Count
Also published here 771
Herb Runge Herb Rungie's Version
Inspired by 774
Nick Trost No-Sleight Wild Card
Also published here 776
Nick Trost Gambler's Dream five-card poker hand shown, one card discarded for a joker, then all change to jokers
Inspired by
  • "In-Space" (Joseph Zering, marketed by Don Lawton in 1961)
Also published here
  • marketed in 1964
Nick Trost Fadeaway 4 fan of Four-spot and three blank cards cards shown and a blank card placed aside, Four turns over, then changes to blank card, placed aside blank card is then the missing Four
Related toVariationsAlso published here
  • marketed in 1974
Mack Picknick Mack Picknick's Routine fan of Four-spot and three blank cards cards shown and a blank card placed aside, Four turns over, then changes to blank card, placed aside blank card is then the missing Four
Inspired by 783
Nick Trost Mississippi Monte four-card monte with paper clip, spectator cannot clip money card
Inspired by
  • "Four Card Monte" (Sam Schwartz, marketed ca. 1975)
Alfred Lee Cohen Al Cohen's Routine four-card monte with paper clip, spectator cannot clip money card
Inspired by 790
Nick Trost Twisting the Aces gaffed
VariationsAlso published here
  • marketed 1966
Warren Hamilton Warren Hamilton Addition idea for Trost's routine
Inspired by 796
Del Ray Del Ray Addition idea for Trost's routine
Inspired by 796
Nick Trost The Unknown Card spots on three Fours and three Tens vanish and appear all on another specially printed card
Also published here
  • marketed 1987
Nick Trost Chapter 44 - Special-Deck Gambling Effects
Nick Trost The Four Kings gambling routine with four extra Kings and honest riffle shuffle
  • Phase One - Spectator Cuts to the Kings
  • Phase Two - Controlling the Kings in Poker
Nick Trost Neighborhood Euchre Deal Euchre demonstration with duplicates and riffle shuffle
Nick Trost Trost on Hudson's "Two Grand Slams" duplicate Spades, eliminating faro
Inspired byRelated to 809
Nick Trost Card Crap's Demonstration card craps game with special short-long deck
Also published here 813
Nick Trost Multiple Blackjack duplicates
Inspired by 815
Nick Trost Fan Tan Deal with special short-long deck
Nick Trost Hearts Deal with special short-long deck
Nick Trost Kaluki Deal with special short-long deck
Nick Trost Chapter 45 - ESP Cards - Part 4
Nick Trost ESP Paradox Papers Tapestry trick with ESP layout, four Circles end up reversed after folding procedure which matches a previously selected card
  • Two Selected Symbols Version
Inspired by 825
Nick Trost Pair-A-Dox after some CATO procedure, four cards that match chosen ESP symbol are the only face-up cards
Inspired by 829
Nick Trost Coincidence by Design I LaGerould's Backward Countdown Force leads to five matching symbols
Inspired by
  • "A Reading" (John Mendoza, The Mendoza Series of Personal Instruction, 1979)
Nick Trost Coincidence by Design II LaGerould's Backward Countdown Force leads to five matching symbols
Inspired by 832
Nick Trost Coincidence by Design III LaGerould's Backward Countdown Force leads to five matching symbols
Inspired by 834
Nick Trost A Blind Matching Test spectator guesses ESP symbols correctly
Inspired by 835
Nick Trost Another Blind Matching Test spectator guesses ESP symbols correctly, using Müller/Avis Dealing Procedure (top few cards presented, chosen one dealt, rest placed underneath, repeated)
Related to 838
Nick Trost Telethesia two ESP card packets, one arranges in the same suit order as the other, self-duplicating set-up
Inspired byVariations 840
Nick Trost Ten-in-a-Row Double ESP Coincidence
Inspired by 842
Nick Trost An ESP Routine
  • Phase One (pairs after klondike shuffle of two piles, "Second Law")
  • Phase Two (Swindle Switch handling, "Future Shock")
  • Phase Three (prediction with reverse Gilbreath, drawing five cards from two piles)
Inspired by 843
Nick Trost Trost on "Grant's E.S.P." Touch version with ESP cards
Inspired by
  • "Dr. Rhine Outdone" (U. F. Grant, undated manuscript, also as "Grant's E.S.P.")
Nick Trost Subliminal Perception spectator apparently matches sets of ESP cards, proven by later showing complete ESP sets
Inspired by
  • "E.S.P. Outdone" (Tilford, Hugard's Magic Monthly, Oct. 1960)
Related to
Nick Trost Choice, Chance, Coincidence
  • Phase One (two packets dealt in unison, match at a previously reversed card)
  • Phase Two (two packets match after Curry Swindle Switch procedure)
Nick Trost Chapter 46 - Special Props
Nick Trost The Card Between Cardboards selection appears between two rubber-banded cardboard pieces
Also published here
  • The New Tops, July 1969
U. F. Grant Grant's Switch as card is removed from cardboard which is simultaneously turned over
Related to
  • "One Chance in Five" (U. F. Grant, marketed 1959)
  • "Big Deal Switch" (Don Alan)
Nick Trost Card-O-Matic card is turned over in a blue-backed deck, it is pocketed, then a red-backed deck is brought out and same card is reversed, actually the same deck in a three-sides-red/three-sides-blue case
Also published here
  • "Hours Ago Card Test" (marketed by U. F. Grant ca. 1962)
Nick Trost Pizza Poker ten cards pasted on a round disk in a circle
Also published here 860
Data entered by Denis Behr, August 2024.