Written by Harry Lorayne
Work of Harry Lorayne
251 pages (Hardcover), published by Harry Lorayne, Inc.
Illustrated with photographs
Language: English
110 entries
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Cover photograph
Creators Title Comments & References Page Categories
Harry Lorayne Foreword
Harry Lorayne Tilt Sandwich Location simple sandwich
Tilt brief
Harry Lorayne HaLo Cut
Harry Lorayne Two Utility Shuffles - Overhand Injog Extension top and bottom block
Harry Lorayne Utility Mixer for small packets, Charlier Shuffle type action
VariationsAlso published here 21
Harry Lorayne Guess Quotient four four of a kinds are removed, spectator guesses if various pairs match in value or not, everything correct
Inspired by 24
Anti-Faro in Pairs
Harry Lorayne A-M-A-Z-I-N-G, Plus Aces lost, "amazing" is spelled and Aces found there, Royal Flush kicker
Inspired by 28
Harry Lorayne Royal Power selected card and Royal Flush are found, antifaro "programming"
Inspired by 31
Harry Lorayne Controlled Spelling Handling
Inspired by 34
Harry Lorayne A-C-E and Kings Aces are spelled to, then Kings are found as well, yet another non-faro handling
Inspired by 37
Harry Lorayne Double Duck down-under-deal in pairs instead of singly, to reveal Aces or Royal Flush
Inspired by 39
Harry Lorayne UR Sandwich naming two apparently random sandwich cards, selection appears reversed in deck and is between those cards
Harry Lorayne Universal Reversal cut and slip action
Harry Lorayne Two Strong Utility Items - A Sweet 4-Card Change
Also published here 45
Harry Lorayne The Lorayne Force force card under fan, card touched, sandwich application
Harry Lorayne Triumphant Cut-A-Way
Inspired by 50
Edward Marlo Perfect False Riffle Shuffle shuffling directly under top card, brief
Harry Lorayne Triumph Cutting Display Variation
Inspired by 51
Harry Lorayne Voice Print eight cards, programming, binary
Inspired by 53
Harry Lorayne It's Not Easy To Lie eight cards, programming, binary
Inspired by 57
Harry Lorayne Out Of Hand non-faro version
Inspired by 59
Edward Marlo Switch Cut Placement spectator cuts off portion of small packet, remembers bottom card and places this section on another pile
Harry Lorayne Magical Flight card travels from one half to sandwich in other half
Inspired by 63
Harry Lorayne Illogical Double Lift
Harry Lorayne Magical Match a card cut to in one half, the mate of it appears between sandwich cards in other half
Cross Cut Force
Harry Lorayne Revers-Able turning half over and back, two handlings (table or hands)
  • Revers-Able For Four
Also published here 68
Harry Lorayne A Card To Remember
Interlock Switch
Harry Lorayne Just In Case selection replaced, four packets made, spectator choses one, selection is on top, rest of packet is matching suit, other packets mixed, Juan Tamariz
Harry Lorayne Magician's Choice one of four
Harry Lorayne HaLo For Four multiple card lap, cutting action
Also published here 80
Harry Lorayne Aces Vanish Quickie
Also published here 81
Harry Lorayne Blackjack 21 Locator four Aces locate the four Jacks, using HaLo Cut and Lorayne Force
Harry Lorayne Weird Spread Palm selection in center is turned perpendicular
Also published here 85
Harry Lorayne, Michael Vincent Goin' Fishin' - With Friends four-of-a-kind to selection found with Goin' Fishin' production
Inspired by 88
Harry Lorayne Force Feed Again card chosen and lost, Two-Card Toss used to produce it with its mate, also for four-of-a-kind production
Inspired by 91
Stephen Minch Force Feed biddle count, spectator says stop
Harry Lorayne Together At Last all court cards, marriage effect
Inspired by 93
Harry Lorayne Relationships Plus deck of cards used to force letters A and D, Ace of Diamonds is found along with other Aces
Inspired byRelated to 97
Harry Lorayne Lost And Found backwards count as prediction, "Countdown Force", with Royal Flush revelation
Inspired by 101
Harry Lorayne Hail HaLo to Aces and Kings
Inspired by 104
Harry Lorayne Another Top-Level Test card removed (forced), performer finds the three mates via HaLo Aces
Related to 107
Harry Lorayne Display Reversal incomplete faro position
Also published here 111
Harry Lorayne, Paul Gordon (Gr)Eight wrong card spelled, right card comes out
Inspired by 113
Harry Lorayne Cal-Q-Lator with anti-faro programming
Related to 115
Harry Lorayne Royal Spelling Slowly Royal Flush production, optionally second royal flush
Harry Lorayne No-Get-Ready Double Turnover From 4-Card Packet
Related to 121
Harry Lorayne That Darn Four Of Clubs Royal Flush spelling effect with kicker, wrong card always shows up in the beginning
Inspired by 124
Harry Lorayne Simplified Swain, Plus Aces lost and found with free-cut principle, colors separated, two selections found
Inspired byAlso published here 126
Harvey Cohen Controlled Peek overhand shuffle control / peek combo
Also published here 130
Harry Lorayne Card to Pocket Sequence
Also published here 131
Harry Lorayne Force Feed Once More card stopped at, matching four-of-a-kind produced
Inspired by 132
Harry Lorayne Off-The-Rack 3-Piece Suit Aces are spelled out from four-Ace-packet, last one transforms into selection
Also published here 134
Harry Lorayne That's Fast
Harry Lorayne See/Hear/Feel three random cards chosen, spectator thinks of one, all face-down in a row, spectator puts hand on his card, it's secretly switched and can be produced any way one likes, miscalling
Variations 140
Harry Lorayne S/H/F Killer pure miscalling
Inspired by 143
Harry Lorayne Obvious Collectors simplified
Inspired by 157
Harry Lorayne Spread Control cards dropped on tabled spread
Harry Lorayne An Impossible Location
Red-Black Shuffle center pull-out
Harry Lorayne, Richard Vollmer Easy Prediction involving counting a packet and then down in the rest, with Ace production
Related to 163
Slough-Off Faro
Harry Lorayne Head-To-Head Poker ten cards, performer received royal flush even though it was not part of the packet in beginning
Inspired by 165
Harry Lorayne Twisted Appearance selection appears as climax
Also published here 168
Harry Lorayne, Richard Vollmer Sum Hummer Explored packet mixed face up and down by spectator, number of reversed cards and their total predicted, CATO principle
Inspired by 170
Harry Lorayne Three New TOACS TOAC = Turn Over And Cut, all with twelve-card packet
  • Prediction
  • One To Twelve (named value of a suit only reversed at end)
  • Incredible 2-Card Location
Harry Lorayne "That's Impossible!" only four Aces reversed after CATO procedure with sixteen cards
Inspired by
  • "Really!" (Harry Lorayne, Lecture Notes)
Harry Lorayne Faster Triumph
Harry Lorayne RTP - Reverse To Position Braue Reversal variation
Harry Lorayne, William Goodwin, Gordon Bruce Useful Force block turnover
Related to 178
Harry Lorayne Tenkai Turnover Variation
Harry Lorayne Seven seven-card packet, spectator thinks of one and its position, spectator has to move cards around before card is found
Related to 181
Harry Lorayne Eleven eleven-card packet, spectator thinks of one and its position, spectator has to move cards around before card is found
Related to 183
Harry Lorayne Miraculous Oil & Water 4&4 or 5&5
Harry Lorayne Direct Collect three unknown cards between Aces turn out to be later selections
Inspired byAlso published here 188
Harry Lorayne Pretty Strong spectator removes three cards and remembers one of them, all shuffled back, card located, one of three
Also published here 193
Harry Lorayne Slip-Shuffle 3-Card Control bottom two and top card
Alignment Move
Harry Lorayne Perhaps Stronger Royal Flush production, begins by openly taking out two of the Royal Flush cards
Inspired by 196
Harry Lorayne To The Point four Aces on table, one pointed to, three cards on top, others lost in deck, assembly
Also published here 198
Harry Lorayne Discrepancy Sandwich
Also published here 200
Harry Lorayne Platinum Discrepancy two halves, spectator and performer select a card from each which goes reversed in other half, mates
Also published here 203
Harry Lorayne Angle Spread step in tabled spread, two handlings
Harry Lorayne Delayed Braue Reverse
Harry Lorayne Counted Out four Royal Flush cards shown, missing card appears between them
Inspired by 206
Harry Lorayne New Sandwich red Aces find black Aces
Also published here 209
Harry Lorayne Better Overhand-Shuffle Stack
Also published here 211
Harry Lorayne Mated Updated spectator finds two Royal Flush cards by putting cards next to them in deck
Related toAlso published here 214
Harry Lorayne Pleasing Combination two card location with Reverse Faro Ending and down-under deal
Also published here 216
Harry Lorayne Two To Four two cards chosen, wrong card found, changes into right card, other card is its mate, other two matching cards found as well
Related to 218
Harry Lorayne Double Cross-Cut Force two spectators simultaneously
Harry Lorayne Impromptu Setup excuse to go through deck and set up some cards
Harry Lorayne Eight To Fourteen spectator names number and adds digits, card found at that position, risky
Harry Lorayne 68 Force asking for a number with even digits between fifty and hundred
Harry Lorayne Side-Slide Control simplified side-steal, clip steal to bottom or second from bottom
Also published here 224
Harry Lorayne Eight/Great - Nine/Fine
  • one of eight-card packet remembered (force), found with CATO
  • one of nine-card packet remembered, found with reverse faros
Harry Lorayne Ramblings chapter intro
Harry Lorayne Fishing Expedition shuffled deck cut into three piles, spectator remembers top card while the performer does not look, found
Harry Lorayne Row Choice packets on table, spectator choses the one with Aces
Inspired by 236
Harry Lorayne Set For Spell selected card is simply spelled to
Harry Lorayne Three Does It Three-spot as multiple out indicator card
Harry Lorayne Fourcefully spectator selects four cards from four packets of four cards each - four-of-a-kind
Inspired by 241
Harry Lorayne My Lucky Numbers Royal Flush production
Harry Lorayne Location Supreme Anytime from shuffled deck
Inspired by 245
Harry Lorayne Impromptu Divided Deck strategy of upjogging necessary arrangement
Related to 245
Harry Lorayne One Locates Two spectator puts locator card between two selections, Lorayne Force application
Harry Lorayne Last Word
Data entered by Denis Behr, July 2018.