Written by Christoph Borer
Work of Christoph Borer
286 pages (Hardcover), published by Spellcaster Verlag
Illustrated with photographs
Language: German
77 entries
Cover photograph
Creators Title Comments & References Page Categories
Michel Gammenthaler Vorwort
Jörg Alexander Weber Vorwort
Christoph Borer Einleitung
Christoph Borer Atelier21 und "Die Magie der Bücher"
Christoph Borer Die Entstehungsgeschichte des Zaubertheaters Atelier 21 on his magic theatre Atelier 21
Christoph Borer Die Magie der Bücher
Christoph Borer Das Konzept und der Ablauf von "Die Magie der Bücher" the structure of his show
Christoph Borer Erkenntnisse insights of performing a show where people can influence the order and the structure
Christoph Borer Die Magie der Bücher: Das Programm
Christoph Borer Das schöne Nahe (Close Up bis Salon)
Christoph Borer Die Catha-Zettel spectator selects one of five billets on which is written "may the show begin", on the other billets are humorous remarks
Related toAlso published here 26
Christoph Borer Psychologische Force magician's choice handling, "Vorforce"
Related toAlso published here 27
Christoph Borer Die Reiseprospekte out of this world with travel brochures, one have a cross the other a check mark
Related toAlso published here 30
Christoph Borer Positiv durchs Jahr front page from a small booklet is cut away and then restored but with the page reversed
Also published here 34
Christoph Borer Kloincidence matching routine with toilet signs, male / female
Also published here 39
Christoph Borer Die Zeitmaschine book put in envelope ages in two steps, time machine presentation
Christoph Borer Der Vertrag content of contract changes, signed by spectator
Related to 49
Christoph Borer Feuer von Troja coin burns through book ans stops on chosen page
Inspired by
  • Alexander Römer's "Kraft des Fluches"
Also published here
Ed Balducci Cut Deeper Force without credit
Christoph Borer Fifty Shades of Grey seven keys to Baldpate with handcuffs, handcuffed to spectator
Also published here 60
Christoph Borer Dice Stacking with both hands and stacking dice and smaller cup with smaller dice
Christoph Borer Buchrücken-Färbung wild cards plot adapted to books, printing on cover and inside are altered
Inspired byAlso published here 71
Andreas Rau, Christoph Borer Victor Lustig money printing machine with story about Victor Lustig selling the Eifel Tower
Christoph Borer Shuffle, Shuffle, Shuffle! (Kartenzauberei)
Christoph Borer, S. W. Erdnase, Jack Merlin Die echte Erklärung card stacking, Stacking Formula as Patter
Inspired byRelated to 84
Christoph Borer Romeo und Julia two cards folded in mouth transpose, with speech practice presentation, different colored backs, duplicate
Inspired by
  • Wayne Houchin's "French Kiss"
Also published here
Christoph Borer Mc Donalds
Brother John Hamman, Arturo de Ascanio Hamman Count
Top-Bottom Change
Christoph Borer Das Drei-Karten-Wunder prediction of three cards, half forcing deck, version with and without stooge
Related to 104
Der Mexican Turnover
Christoph Borer Das kleine Schwarze (Mentalmagie)
Christoph Borer Lea cards with tombstones, names written on them, selection was named before trick begun
Also published here 110
Christoph Borer Tarot Deap Out deep sea deck with tarot cards, tossed out deck
Christoph Borer Das Magische Quadrat focus on presentation, magic square with birth date
Christoph Borer Massenpendeln group pendulum experience, ideas, tips and a routine
Related toAlso published here 126
Christoph Borer Astropendel spectator locates his zodiac with a pendulum
Also published here 133
Christoph Borer Center Tear Handling with two billets
Also published here 134
Christoph Borer Im Rampenlicht (Salon und Bühne)
Christoph Borer Arsène Lupin five envelopes protrude from a book, last one contains money
Also published here 140
Christoph Borer Labrador prediction from chosen dog from a book, gag prediction
Number Force with calculator or cell phone
Christoph Borer Razored Deck - Für Salon und Bühne razor blade card trick
Also published here 149
Christoph Borer Die Musikdose booklet with music titles, selection is predicted with mechanical music box
Related to 153
Christoph Borer Geldschein in Zitrone lemon as surprise in paper bag
Related to 158
Christoph Borer Digitaler Cocktail cocktail is chosen from brochure, then glass appears and when brochure is turned over, chosen drink pours out
Also published here 169
Christoph Borer Die Buchseiten-Wanderung two books,chosen page vanishes from printed book and appears in blank book on correct page number
Also published here 172
Christoph Borer Die Buchseiten-Force forcing page from a book
Related to
  • Borodin's "Die Riffelforce" in "Ex Faustibus", 1999. P. 24.
Christoph Borer Orientalische Gewürze
Christoph Borer Orientalische Gewürze: Einleitung on performing magic with an oriental presentation
Christoph Borer Die gerechte Strafe sword jammed in arm
Christoph Borer Ali, der unglückliche Fakir three phases, rope routine
Christoph Borer Der Sultan auf dem Basar script for coin routine and vanishing liquid, storytelling presentation, fairy tale
Christoph Borer Die drei Wünsche five coins taken from purse, odd coin is found, storytelling presentation, fairy tale
Christoph Borer Die wahre Liebe glass puzzle, fits in box even when piece added, storytelling presentation, fairy tale
Christoph Borer Die neue Harems-Mutter prediction of a person, cards with pictures and names, storytelling presentation, fairy tale
Christoph Borer Picture Force one of seven photographs
Christoph Borer Die wichtigste aller Fragen spirit slates, symbols to name, storytelling presentation, fairy tale
Christoph Borer Reminiszenz an "Compilation"
Christoph Borer Die Anagramm-Wahl from a piece of newspaper two selected words are mixed up to form a message, anagram
Related toAlso published here 210
Christoph Borer Newspaper Snippet Force
Christoph Borer Pendulum spectator finds selection of other spectator with a pendulum
Also published here 217
Jay Ose Ose's Cut triple cut to table, without credit
Christoph Borer Dads Duft-Dreieck prediction of chosen fragrances
Also published here 221
Christoph Borer Runenmirakel one of several rune stones is selected, prediction of rune symbol on pendant
Related toAlso published here 224
Christoph Borer Tear Off corner is torn from selection, card is then restored and all the other cards have a corner missing
Also published here 228
Christoph Borer Theorie und Praxis: Themen und Beispiele
Christoph Borer Die Suche nach eigenen Präsentationen
Christoph Borer Rubiks Cube presentation, patter
Christoph Borer Drogen-Trance presentation, patter for card routine
Christoph Borer Shuffle-Borerd last prediction is sum of added numbers on cards
Christoph Borer, Edward Marlo I Cut to the Aces
Inspired by 242
Christoph Borer Bühnenpersönlichkeit - Präsentation - Bühnenpräsenz essay on character, presentation, presence and creativity
Christoph Borer Die Vor-Force pre-forcing objects, as an additional luck factor before the forcing process starts
Christoph Borer Starke Behauptungen using claims to enhance impact of the trick
Christoph Borer Die Zehner-Balance balancing effect impact and strength of story to reach ten
Christoph Borer Rund um den Auftritt tips on performing, being professional
  • Verhalten gegenüber dem Veranstalter
  • Zauberer als Zuschauer
  • Vor dem Auftritt
  • Konkrete Vorbereitungen zum Auftritt
  • Grundwissen
  • Praktische Gegenstände
  • Das MacGyver-Kit
  • Der Auftritt
  • Nach dem Auftritt
  • Fazit
Data entered by Lorenz Schär, March 2017.