Written by John Lovick
Work of Steve Mayhew
284 pages (Hardcover), published by Hermetic Press
Illustrated with photographs
Language: English
85 entries
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John Lovick Where We're Coming From - Where We're Going...
Chapter 1: How D'Ya Like Your Aces?
Steve Mayhew Mayhew's Opener deck is continuously shuffled, spectator makes decisions about what pile to use and when performer should stop and finds the four Aces one by one, possible "encore phase" is to show the whole deck is only Aces of Hearts and three of them change back to indifferent cards and Ace of Hearts is in shirt
Also published here 3
Derek Dingle Everywhere and Nowhere sequence to show same card at three positions in the deck
Inspired by 10
Edward Marlo Reverse Drop Sleight
Steve Mayhew Mayhew's Aces using Riser Gauge Subtlety
Inspired byAlso published here 17
Edward Marlo, Steve Mayhew Deliberate Side Steal finessed handling by Mayhew
Steve Mayhew Attitude spectator cuts to an Ace and three indifferent cards, three cards changed into Aces
Also published here 24
Father Cyprian, Al Smith, Steve Mayhew Flip-Flop Change Variation
Snap-Over Change
Larry Jennings T.N.T. Bottom Deal
Steve Mayhew, Toby Wessel Burn Out Your Blind Eyes without looking four cards are removed from the deck, eventually they change to Aces
Also published here 32
Jack Carpenter Howlin' Wolf Aces Aces lost, one cut to and placed on spectator's hand, it becomes all four after a bit of byplay
Inspired byAlso published here 36
Al Leech Add-On Move
Steve Mayhew Flash Ace Production as four small packets are cut from deck, an Ace appears face up on top of each
Also published here 38
Steve Mayhew Card Reverse cards placed inside deck are passed to bottom and reversed in process
Related to
  • W. G. Craigen in "The Magic Wand" 1929, p. 66.
Steve Mayhew, Jay Jayaraman Double-0 Soul Ace Production in the hands four Ace production, repeated instantly
Steve Mayhew Full Frontal Conus spectator touches Aces, then Conus Aces, with lots of sucker elements
Also published here 47
Derek Dingle Variation of Vernon's Strip Out Addition
Herb Zarrow Zarrow Block Addition
Chapter 2: Gambling and Games of Chance
Steve Mayhew Labyrinth Blackjack authentic and clean
Also published here 61
Steve Mayhew Blackjack Bluff four blackjacks are produced
Also published here 68
Steve Mayhew Mayhew Monte Explosion three cards transform into Royal Flush as climax, including variations where they become ten cards
Also published here 71
Ken Krenzel, Trevor Lewis Monte Plus Move
Arthur Hastings, David Bendix, Edward Marlo Talazac Switch Variation with a break, top card face up
Steve Mayhew Cuts Like A Mayhew spectator gives pack a riffle shuffle, winning at cutting to high card
Steve Mayhew Lazy Man's Ten-Card Poker Deal uses Snap Crimp, multi-phased:
  • performer deals Poker hands to himself and spectator and he wins
  • spectator repeatedly shuffles and deals those ten cards and performer without looking always knows whether he will win or lose
  • for finale performer (sometimes spectator) deals from deck and has option to exchange three cards for any three cards in deck, performer still wins
Also published here 83
Steve Mayhew, Jack Carpenter Uber-Ultimate Gardner-Marlo spectator shuffles between rounds, using the Angels May Shuffle Subterfuge
Inspired by 90
Jason England, Tomas Blomberg Take It or Sleeve It no-touch poker deal, spectator shuffles and deals off the bottom openly, performer's and spectator's hand are completed with previously "sleeved" cards
Related toAlso published here 96
Chapter 3: Not Dealer Demos - Dealing Demos!
Steve Mayhew Freedom Mayhew Poker Deal, face-up cards shuffled in face-down cards, then all reversed cards dealt out, four Ace kicker, with alternative presentation
Also published here 103
Allan Ackerman, Simon Aronson, Steve Mayhew Mayhew Poker Again Mayhew Poker Deal, mistakes turn out to be a Royal Flush
Also published here 109
Steve Mayhew Mayhew's Mistake two-phase Center Deal demo, four face-up Aces are dealt from center, when attempted a second time four face-down cards are dealt out and apparently performer has failed, face-down cards are shown to be the Aces
Also published here 111
Steve Mayhew Journey to the Center of the Deck false dealing routine, first bottom then mock center, instead of repetition Aces found together on top after losing them
Inspired by
  • Jack Carpenter's "Perfect Center Deal" on "An Evening with Jack Carpenter: The Seattle Sessions, Night One." DVD, 2008.
Steve Mayhew, Tony Cabral The Way of All Flesh with entire suit
Also published here 117
Steve Mayhew The Bugs Bunny Deal performers hand suddenly has over fifteen cards, in the next round the spectator's hand grows and performer has Royal Flush
Inspired byAlso published here 123
Chapter 4: Ceci N'est Pas Un Tour de Cartes
Steve Mayhew On the Dribble Pass
  • Dribble Pass Basics
  • Additional Tips and Advice
  • Sham Display
  • Table-Spread Dribble Pass
  • Multiple Card Control
Related to 129
Steve Mayhew Double Dribble producing selections while dribbling cards from hand to hand
Steve Mayhew Check Your Deck strategy to give the deck to a spectator and it seems like deck is shuffled
Steve Mayhew Old Lazy Fat Guy Cull culling four-of-a kind to the top by cutting deck in piles and shuffling them together
Also published here 143
Steve Mayhew Old Lazy Fat Guy Deck Switch deck switch during vanish of pen, behind ear
Also published here 146
Chapter 5: Nerd Alert: Tricks for Magicians
Steve Mayhew Tacoma Opener card is selected and signed, then card with odd back turns up and front changes to selection with signature half/half
Related to 151
Steve Mayhew Keep Your Hands In Your Pockets with one hand in pocket, performer produces selection on top of deck while it is behind his back, a second card is selected and its three mates are produced behind his back in similar fashion, hand is brought out from pocket and it holds the three mates of first selection, no jacket
Related to 154
One-handed card turnover reversing bottom card to top
Steve Mayhew Utopia spectator holds fanned cards and lets other spectator select a card, eight cards stack
Steve Mayhew Sloppy Seconds vanish of a card during humorous second deal routine
Steve Mayhew Stuck in the Middle with Mayhew humorous second and center deal routine
Chapter 6: Cream of the Crap
Steve Mayhew Let's Get Physical boyfriend divines woman's selection (thought of one of eight) and cuts to it
Also published here 173
Steve Mayhew If five selections, performer always produces Joker first and then changes it into selection, deck vanish as climax
Audley Walsh Long Distance Spinner
Steve Mayhew Pop-Out Move with a swing cut, card ends up face up between halves
Ben Harris Super Flip top card turns over at end of dribble
Arthur Finley Tent Vanish
Steve Mayhew A Balloon, A Cartwheel, and a Pony Ride three selection are found three times
  • Phase One (deck is dropped and cards turnover one by one)
  • Phase Two (flashy location, last one in mouth)
  • Phase Three (Cards to pocket, all cards to pocket finish)
Also published here 184
Air-Pressure Turnover
Steve Mayhew Unusual Location simplified Lennart Green top shot production
Steve Mayhew Mayhew World two spectators take many cards from deck (sometimes one spectator holds deck while other selects), one takes all red cards and other takes all black cards
Related to 193
Jack Carpenter, Steve Ehlers, Steve Mayhew The Transpo Grippo signed card lost in deck, performer and spectator hold a card, performer's card visually changes into spectator's, spectator's card becomes signed card
Related to 199
Steve Mayhew, Stephen Hobbs, Karen Beriss Regressive Triumph deck is mixed face-up into face-down, a riffle causes some of the face-up cards to turn over, another riffle and all turn over except one - the selection
Also published here 202
Tenkai Ishida Optical Reverse
Steve Mayhew The Vanishing Poker Deal Aces vanish one at a time from top of deck, performer deals out five hands and Aces turn up face up in his hand (or they are “center-dealt” to performer from deck)
Inspired byAlso published here 213
Steve Mayhew The Vanishing Topsy-Turvy Poker Deal Aces vanished as in original deck is shuffled face up into face down, hands are dealt out and all cards come out face up except performer’s, rest of deck becomes all face up, performer’s cards are the Aces
Also published here 215
Steve Mayhew, Stephen Hobbs The Vanishing Fix Aces placed on bottom, one by one they are placed on top and vanish, following each vanish the others are seen still on bottom
Also published here 217
Steve Mayhew Hungry Now? visual sandwich, selection transforms into sandwich when thrown on deck, Flippant
Also published here 223
Looy Simonoff Flippant
Steve Mayhew Crack Ho Monte just three cards, selection vanishes and appears sandwiched between Aces
Steve Mayhew Snozbury Delusion
Bluff Pass
Steve Mayhew The Standing Demonstration card comes to top, instead of to bottom the deck reverses
Inspired byAlso published here 236
Pass/Half Pass Combination
Steve Mayhew Look At Me, Look At Me selection jumps to top, middle, bottom as desired, then Aces are produced
Related to 240
Bill Simon, Steve Mayhew Cut Control Variation Swivel Cut
Inspired by 240
Edward Marlo, Daryl Martinez, Steve Mayhew For the Unambitious
Inspired by 245
Steve Mayhew, Toby Wessel Dolores in a Meadow ambitious card, in the end whole deck are double backers
Also published here 249
Steve Mayhew Top Change while card is turned over
Related to 252
Steve Mayhew Bring In Da Noise, Bing In De Ruckus deck is sprung onto glass and selection slides underneath (apparently)
Also published here 254
Steve Mayhew Wet or Black? spectator cuts deck into eight packets and choses red or black, all cards on top of the packets turn out to be of that color
Inspired by 257
Chapter 7: One For the Money....
Steve Mayhew Das Kapital a $1 bill changes into a $5, a $20 changes to a $1, stack of $20 changes to $1s, then a $5 changes to a $20, presentation for all the changes
Also published here 271
Steve Mayhew Production of a Flower producing a flower from flash paper
Also published here 273
Steve Mayhew $100 Gag gag trick, a $100 bill and a few $1s are rolled into balls and all tossed into audience, no one comes up with the $100
Also published here 277
Data entered by Lorenz Schär, July 2023.