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Creators Title Comments & References Year Source Page AA Categories
U. F. Grant "Million Dollar" Bill Mystery two bills are torn, one half of each vanish and appear in envelope
Related toVariationsAlso published here 1943 112
Bruce Elliott The Back Room on flames from the finger tips, Bob Hanko, Annemann, Dunninger, John Scarne, Houdini's library, Arthur Lloyd, Warner Perry, Harry Baker and Russel Swann
Mar. 1943
The Phoenix (Issue 30)
Franklin V. Taylor, Warner Perry, James G. Thompson Jr., R. C. Buff Peek Deck with several ideas and handlings
Related to 1945 111
Warner Perry Ball to Silk
July 1945
The Phoenix (Issue 87)
Warner Perry To the Top with stranger card (which is not the selection)
July 1945 133
Bruce Elliott The Back Room on Fu Manchu, John Hamilton, Abracadabra, a riddle by Warner Perry, Richard Himber
Apr. 1946
The Phoenix (Issue 103)
Telepathy without Tears medium reveals number or playing card, non-verbal code with positioning of coins on a magazine
Variations Feb. 1946 191
Warner Perry Telepathy Without Tears medium reveals number or playing card, non-verbal code with positioning in a room
Inspired byVariations Apr. 1946
Hugard's Magic Monthly (Vol. 3 No. 11)
Gerald Lynton Kaufman Telepathy Without Tears medium finds hidden object in room, match on paper as indicator for medium
Inspired by July 1946 235
Frank Joglar Backstage on Al Baker, Lee Noble, Norman Jensen, Zovello, Jay Marshall, Vic Perry, Devano, Russ Swann
  • Intimately Speaking
  • Puzzle Deparment
  • TV Topics
  • Seen and Overheard
  • In Print
  • More in Print
  • Memory Book
  • Tricks of the Trade
Nov. 1949 602
Warner Perry, Edward Dart, John Scarne Einstein and the Magician No. 154, novel and unorthodox prediction of a playing card using a substitution cipher.
1950 301
Gerald R. Blount The Lair on IBM Ring 21 convention, Jack Boschan, Larry Jennings, Pete Biro, Dick Zimmerman, Charlie Miller, Bev Bergeron, Joe Berg, Leon, Roland Hill, John Gilbert, Eric Lewis, , Wally Boag, Emile Clifton, George Voorhils, Mark Gregory, Ken Benge, Vic Perry, Ken & Roberta Griffin, Bruce Cervon, Al Lamkin, Jules Lenier, Al Goshman, Mike Skinner, Paul Green
Mar. 1970
Talisman (Vol. 1 No. 2)
John A. Novak Calcu-Total! cards with four-digit numbers and dates are added on a calculator, total is divined/predicted
Related toVariations 1973
Magick (Issue 91)
Vic Perry, Al Koran The Man Called Al Koran apparently by Al Koran, two bills are torn, one half of each vanish and appear in envelope
Related to 1974
Magick (Issue 100)
Bascom Jones The Mystic Word on Senator Crandall, J. G. Thompson, Bob Ellis, Vic Perry, Marvyn Roy
Magick (Issue 101)
Vic Perry Dice-Cipher six-figure number is multiplied with one to six, dice, divination, 142'857
Magick (Issue 102)
Vic Perry The Effect is the Thing - Part 1
  • Showmanship Plus Effect
  • Magic for Magicians
  • 'Like a Flamenco Dancer'
  • Master the Audience
  • Illusions Don't Make a Showman
Magick (Issue 103)
Bascom Jones The Mystic Word on Vic Perry, Gerald Kosky, Nathan Stark
Magick (Issue 105)
Vic Perry The Effect is the Thing - Part 2
  • You Can't 'Copy' Showmanship
  • Audiences Want to be Entertained
  • The Mind of the Man in the Street
  • You are 'On' Even When You're Offstage
  • Build Toward 'Effect'
  • Use Your Own Brand of Humor
  • Sell Yourself
Magick (Issue 105)
Bascom Jones The Mystic Word on the Magic Castle, Vic Perry. David Hoy, Ricki Dunn, Falkenstein, Eric Levinson, Cicardi, Jack Kent Tillar
Magick (Issue 106)
Vic Perry Eggs-Press for 'Milady' card is selected with a wind-up toy chicken, paper is found in chosen egg with name of spectator and name of card
Magick (Issue 108)
Bascom Jones The Mystic Word on Vic Perry's death
Magick (Issue 108)
Vic Perry The Last Miracle divination of total from calculator, misplaced buttons
Inspired by 1974
Magick (Issue 114)
Vic Perry The Perry Pen! x made in book, force, special two-sided pen
Magick (Issue 118)
Vic Perry Judge and Jury on promotion and promotional material
Magick (Issue 119)
Vic Perry The Man From Tomorrow deck cut by spectators, card is named and position in deck revealed
Variations 1975
Magick (Issue 122)
Bascom Jones The Mystic Word on Eric Levinson, Bob Brown, Vic Perry, promotional material
Magick (Issue 125)
Vic Perry, Al Koran Envelope Switch prediction of coin in envelope, envelope to switch coin
Magick (Issue 143)
Bascom Jones The Mystic Word on Gene Marvin, Vic Perry
Magick (Issue 161)
Vic Perry Nur der Effekt Zählt on presentation
Mar. 1978
Intermagic (Vol. 5 No. 1)
Peter Wilker St. Gallen - Kongress und Generalversammlung des Magischen Rings der Schweiz on the magic convention and general assembly of the Swiss magic circle, Pavel, Almeico, Garance, Künzler, Schmiedeberg, Perry & Eve, Alain Noel, Ronnay, Piet Forton, Jean-Luc, Rico Leitner, Retonio, Bobby Tenaris, Arian, Tran Quoc tien, Willy Peter, Rolf Andra, Olaf Spell, Paul Maurer
Hokus Pokus (Vol. 39 No. 2)
Vic Perry Behind the Language of the Agents
  • Learning their Language
  • The Cheap Shot
  • And the Special Approach
  • The Favor for a Friend
  • And Being All Wet
  • Try Booking Yourself
Related to 1981
Magick (Issue 285)
Olaf Spell The Magic Hands Fachkongresse - Böblingen 8.+9.+10.1'82 convention report, Flip, Henk Driessen, Richard Ross, Joro, El Duco, Lubor Fiedler, Alberto Sitta, Jean Garance, Rudi Heuer, Jojos, Dixon, Ludificus, Perry & Eve, Gaston Dumont, Wolfgang Winckel, Manfred Thumm, Eberhard Riese, Lou van Burg, Jean Madd, Bob Brown & Brenda, Lev Blaha, Christian Fechner, The New Houdinys, Zelpy, Véronique
Hokus Pokus (Vol. 42 No. 2)
Vic Perry The Big Con two effects done at performer's home
  • prediction of chosen card, envelope removed from book
  • drink chosen from a drink book is produced in a bag
Jan. 1982
Magick (Issue 301)
Craig Karges The Agent: Every Coin Has Two Sides
  • Vic Perry Said It All
  • Agents Allow You to Broaden Your Field
  • Where Do You Find Agents?
  • Stay In Touch With Your Agents
  • On the Care and Feeding of Agents
  • How Much To Pay An Agent?
  • The 'Secret' Arrangers
  • And Fee Cutters
Related to May 1984
Magick (Issue 331)
Vic Perry Ring Challenge spectator use pendulum to divine names of male and female written on business cards
Oct. 1985
Magick (Issue 359)
Eberhard Riese 10 Jahre Magische Schatztruhe on the jubilee of the "Magische Schatztruhe", Günter Klepkes, Manfred Geiss, Lo Button, Tamara, Andreas Wahler, Gorm Sautter, Hardy, Walter Diettrich, Eckhard Böttcher, Nivello, Helmut Schwank, Michiko, Martin Michalski, Ivan Starcevic, Nils Sautter, Topas, Perry, Josef & Andrea, Eberhard Riese, Maskarill, Sandra & Janine
Hokus Pokus (Vol. 49 No. 4&5)
Paul Hallas Not So Remote Viewing! card is named and performer names its position in the deck
Inspired by 1990 2
Richard Busch Perspectives credits for the David Robbins' Peek Deck aka Frank V. Taylor's Peek Deck
Related to July 1992
Vibrations (Vol. 15 No. 1)
Warner Perry Ein Visitenkarten-Reklametrick spectator's birth month is filled into grid, as business hand-out
Intermagic (Vol. 21 No. 4 & 5)
Michael Close (reviewer) Harkey on Video by David HarkeyRelated to Mar. 1997
Magic (Vol. 6 No. 7)
Dr. Michael Perry Fooler
  • Letters
Related to Apr. 1997
Magic (Vol. 6 No. 8)
Marlin Perry Eggs to Silk
Also published here
  • Practical Magic, p. 46
2002 215
Pat Perry Taschenrechner made in Italy result of a calculation appears on arm, ashes on arm
2007 46
Dan Sperry Introduction
2010 1
Dan Sperry Go Eat Worms Bag of gummy worms is poured out onto spectator's hands, the gummy worms transform into real worms
2010 2
Dan Sperry Boogers From Mouth Green spongeballs from mouth, multiply, and then produce a sponge donut from mouth as a finale
2010 8
Dan Sperry Dove From Sketch Pad Magician draws bird on sketchpad, paper is crumpled and dove is produced
2010 13
Dan Sperry Made in China Gag, "Made in China" watermark appears on a borrowed bill
2010 21
Dan Sperry H1N1 Gag, magician sneezes and a lot of mucus is produced, magician then eats the mucus
2010 24
Dan Sperry Pin Striped Pants Two different buttons fastened on trousers switch places with a wave of the hand
2010 26
Dan Sperry Always Remember to Floss Swallow razor blades and dental floss, they come out threaded
2010 30
Dan Sperry Oh! Magician concentrates and makes a balloon burst remotely
2010 36
Dan Sperry Cookie Cutter Russian roulette with razor blade hidden in Oreo Cookies
2010 39
Richard Kaufman Genii Speaks Dan Sperry, iPads, Murray Hatfield
July 2011
Genii (Vol. 74 No. 7)
David Regal, Dan Sperry Dan Sperry
July 2011
Genii (Vol. 74 No. 7)
Perry Optical Shuffle Handling
2018 225
David Regal (reviewer) Chained by Perry Maynard Dec. 2021
Genii (Vol. 84 No. 12)