introduction \n \n bob farmer \n introduction \n bob farmer
Bob Farmer
Also published here
stacked deck version \n spectator thinks of a card from half the deck, performer makes some statements and bets money, then five cards are put on table, spectator's card is among them and the other cards complete a good poker hand \n bob farmer \n real mindreading \n james swain \n the buddha bet \n karl fulves \n charles t. jordan \n joseph ovette \n u. f. grant \n what from whom \n karl fulves \n finesse \n bob farmer \n stacked deck version \n bob farmer \n the world series of poker (¿a dream?) \n don voltz \n lefty deck \n alexander de cova \n stacked deck version \n bob farmer
Bob Farmer
Stacked Deck Version
Related toVariationsAlso published here
special deck version \n same effect, duplicates in deck \n bob farmer \n special deck version \n bob farmer \n special deck version \n bob farmer
Bob Farmer
Special Deck Version
Also published here
impromptu version \n spectator shuffles deck and think of the highest of five random cards, performer places poker hand on table, it is a royal flush that contains thought-of card \n bob farmer \n mesmeric revelations: quoting the maven semaphore \n max maven \n impromptu version \n bob farmer \n sue? not me! \n bob farmer \n sue? not me! \n bob farmer \n high card force \n eddie joseph \n impromptu version \n bob farmer
Bob Farmer
Impromptu Version
Related toVariationsAlso published here
pentacle force \n forcing a ten to ace value on spectator, tsunami principle \n bob farmer \n "16-foot tsunami" \n jas jakutsch \n bob farmer \n pentacle force \n bob farmer \n before the thought \n ryan schlutz \n 3 - 4 - 1 \n david gemmell \n pentacle force \n bob farmer
Bob Farmer
Pentacle Force
Related toVariationsAlso published here
you can lead a gift horse to water but you can't look in its mouth \n different way to end the previous tricks, with only the selection \n bob farmer \n you can lead a gift horse to water but you can't look in its mouth \n bob farmer \n you can lead a gift horse to water but - you can't look in its mouth \n bob farmer
Bob Farmer
You Can Lead a Gift Horse to Water But You Can't Look in its Mouth
Also published here
five card versions \n "one no is once enough is not enough"
spectator thinks of one of five cards, majority fishing (one no) \n bob farmer \n p. howard lyons \n five card versions \n bob farmer \n p. howard lyons \n mental vibrations \n harry lorayne \n one no is once enough is not enough \n bob farmer \n p. howard lyons
Bob Farmer, P. Howard Lyons
Five Card Versions
VariationsAlso published here
impromptu impromptu version \n "one one no is once enough is not enough is not enough"
one of five cards \n bob farmer \n impromptu version \n bob farmer \n impromptu version: one no is once enough \n bob farmer
Bob Farmer
Impromptu Impromptu Version
Also published here
220 count location simplified \n \n bob farmer \n pentacle force \n bob farmer \n 220 count location simplified \n bob farmer \n 220 count location \n bob farmer
Bob Farmer
220 Count Location Simplified
Related toAlso published here
high card force \n five spectators remove cards from portions of the deck, then another spectator the highest one of those, card is forced \n bob farmer \n high card force \n bob farmer \n high-card mental revelation \n justin higham \n high card force \n bob farmer
Bob Farmer
High Card Force
VariationsAlso published here
finesse \n further ideas
- 1. koran 101 strategy
- 2. character of questions
- 3. five piles
- 4. overcon (ten-card stack for majority fishing with two nos)
- 5. credits (for one-no fishing) \n bob farmer \n stacked deck version \n bob farmer \n finesse \n bob farmer \n finesse \n bob farmer
Bob Farmer
Related toAlso published here
mesmeric revelations: quoting the maven semaphore \n suggestions \n max maven \n impromptu version \n bob farmer \n mesmeric revelations: quoting the maven semaphore \n max maven \n mesmeric revelations: quoting the maven semaphore \n max maven
Max Maven
Mesmeric Revelations: Quoting The Maven Semaphore
Inspired byAlso published here
chart #1 & chart #2 \n \n bob farmer \n tom ransom
Bob Farmer, Tom Ransom
Chart #1 & Chart #2