some notes before the notes \n \n kostya kimlat
Kostya Kimlat
Some notes before the notes
orlando opener \n two selections, one is produced and then turns into second selection \n kostya kimlat
Kostya Kimlat
Orlando Opener
magic with cards \n on performing card magic \n kostya kimlat
Kostya Kimlat
Magic with Cards
just jokering \n two cards are selected one of them is a joker, other card is found and turns into the two selections \n kostya kimlat
Kostya Kimlat
Just Jokering
four the easy way \n impromptu version of tamariz' "all of a kind"
matching the cards, three random cards are turned over in the deck and then mates of unseen selection are found reversed \n kevin beaty \n all of a kind \n juan tamariz \n foursome fourall \n harry lorayne
Kevin Beaty
Four the Easy Way
Inspired byRelated to
larreverse \n brief \n larry jennings
Larry Jennings
your signed kung pao chicken \n presentation for hamman's "signed card" \n kostya kimlat \n brother john hamman \n the signed card \n brother john hamman
Kostya Kimlat, Brother John Hamman
Your Signed Kung Pao Chicken
Inspired by
marriage a la mode \n anniversary waltz variation
- the honeymoon \n kostya kimlat
Kostya Kimlat
Marriage a la Mode
undercover reverse \n larreverse type action, bottom card of face up double in center \n kostya kimlat \n undercover reverse \n kostya kimlat
Kostya Kimlat
Undercover Reverse
Also published here
undercover force \n cards are spread and one card touched and turned-over, force, very brief \n kostya kimlat \n undercover force \n kostya kimlat
Kostya Kimlat
Undercover Force
Also published here
flourishing away: combining skill with style \n on flourishes and magic \n kostya kimlat
Kostya Kimlat
Flourishing Away: Combining Skill with Style
single-double thought \n two cards, one freely thought of, one ahead, using one deck and predictions in form of mates \n kostya kimlat \n double thought \n edward marlo
Kostya Kimlat
Single-Double Thought
Inspired by
burger king card trick \n \n kostya kimlat
Kostya Kimlat
Burger King Card Trick
a ph. d. in magic \n on magic \n kostya kimlat
Kostya Kimlat
A Ph. D. in Magic
back into the nest - a trick for nuts, with nuts, by a nut \n peanut shell vanishes and only two peanuts remain, peanuts are eaten and appear back in hand and eventually back in shell \n kostya kimlat
Kostya Kimlat
Back Into the Nest - A Trick for Nuts, with Nuts, by a Nut
catch-## \n seven cards sorted to match prediction then they change into spectator's phone number \n kostya kimlat
Kostya Kimlat
packet switch \n \n kostya kimlat
Kostya Kimlat
Packet Switch
swindle switch \n \n paul curry
Paul Curry
Swindle Switch
magic, itself \n \n kostya kimlat
Kostya Kimlat
Magic, itself
license to steal, to amaze, to refrigerator \n numbers and letters are selected, spectator realizes that they form license plat from card, then plate is produced as a kicker \n kostya kimlat
Kostya Kimlat
License to Steal, to Amaze, to Refrigerator
cull-igula - the hardcore triumph \n with culling \n kostya kimlat
Kostya Kimlat
Cull-igula - The Hardcore Triumph
the roadrunner cull \n \n kostya kimlat
Kostya Kimlat
The Roadrunner Cull
the angle-cull-separation \n angle separation and spread cull combination
- separating sets of four of a kind
- four suit separation
- beep beep \n kostya kimlat
Kostya Kimlat
The Angle-Cull-Separation
the perfect combination revisited \n \n kostya kimlat
Kostya Kimlat
The Perfect Combination Revisited
schulien: reloaded \n schulien/marlo card case load, with repetition \n kostya kimlat \n reloaded cardcase \n kostya kimlat
Kostya Kimlat
Schulien: Reloaded
Also published here
pandora's card box \n three selections, one ends up under case, miniature box with miniature card of second selection found in case and third card ends up folded in miniature box \n kostya kimlat
Kostya Kimlat
Pandora's Card Box