Written by Stephen Minch
Work of Stephen Minch
97 pages (Spiralbound), published by Micky Hades International
Illustrated with drawings by Paul Lenti
Language: English
22 entries
Cover photograph
Creators Title Comments & References Page Categories
Stephen Minch A Left-Handed Foreword written for left-handed magician
Stephen Minch Anthropophagic Jacks Jack put on card, card becomes blank with bone picture, more cards become blank between two Jacks, rubber-banded Three become miniature card, card with fly picture vanishes, Jacks transform in flap card case, partial rough-smooth
Stephen Minch Bookleaf Change center card of sandwich changes, here with double facer
Stephen Minch Added Note on the Bookleaf Change face-up card between two face-down cards changes into selection, see also p. 19
Martin A. Nash Instant Double Lift after picking up tabled spread
Stephen Minch A-Ten-Tion prediction on table, three cards removed, two spectators are shown the cards, one sees three Threes of Hearts, the other three Sevens of Hearts, prediction card is Ten and the three cards change to other Tens
VariationsAlso published here 23
Stephen Minch, Edward Marlo Quick Three-Way Display alignment move, with extra card
Also published here 24
Gambler's or Square-Up Cop from packet
Stephen Minch Variations on the Showing-Three-as-One Swindle Quick Three-Way type, with or without extra card
Stephen Minch Small Packet Double extracting double from center of four-card packet
Stephen Minch Prediculous cards dealt face-up, all cards are seen to be Kings of Hearts, only odd-backed card is stopped at
Also published here 34
Glide Force stop force
Stephen Minch A Light Fandango selection rises from fan, wiggles and goes back down, then vanishes from deck
Stephen Minch Fan Steal
Related to 39
Stephen Minch Swami Fly comedy routine with mind-reading plastic fly, buzzes at correct card from three cards, joy buzzer
Stephen Minch Fly-Catcher plastic flies in amber-colored plastic, two in the hands and one in the pocket routine, plastic frog finale
Stephen Minch Cups and Flies balls change into plastic flies one by one, plastic spider final load and bug aerosol can
Stephen Minch The Torn and Restored Fly miniature newspaper is torn and restored, with sucker explanation with falling pieces
Also published here 58
Stephen Minch Out of the Flying Pan... card chosen and put in pan, fire made, lid closed, giant flapping fly inside, it holds selection
Stephen Minch The Match Monster animated acrobatic matchbook, eyes stuck to it, thread
Variations 69
Stephen Minch The Ribbon That Was Something Ellis ribbon, small metal ring appears, penetration routine
Inspired by 76
Stephen Minch Milo the Magnificent comedy routine with puppet, comedy wands
  • ball & cone phase
  • milk pitcher
  • finds card after many failed tries, puppet assistant brings jumbo card
Data entered by Denis Behr, July 2018.