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Creators Title Comments & References Year Source Page AA Categories
Carl Willmann Dr. Wiljalba Frickel
Oct. 1897
Die Zauberwelt (Vol. 3 No. 10)
Carl Willmann Dr. Wiljalba Frickell
Nov. 1903
Die Zauberwelt (Vol. 9 No. 11)
Vincent Dalban Something to Work on lie detector effect posed as a problem, spectator deals through cards and lies anytime, performer instantly knows
Variations Jan. 1935
The Jinx (Issue 4)
Charles Nyquist The Solution of "Something to Work on" stacked deck, two chains, solution
Inspired by Feb. 1935
The Jinx (Issue 5)
Stuart Robson The Lie Detective solution
Inspired by Feb. 1935
The Jinx (Issue 5)
Theodore Annemann September 1935 on Vincent Dalban, Gordon Peck
Sep. 1935
The Jinx (Issue 12)
Vincent Dalban "How Did He Know?" puzzle
The Jinx (Issue Winter Extra 1935/36)
Vincent Dalban The Miracle Speller using short card
VariationsAlso published here Mar. 1936
The Jinx (Issue 18)
Al Baker With Prepared Cards "Albaka", name of a red card is written on every black card in stacked deck
Related toVariations 1938 343
Vincent Dalban Mental Numbers chosen number from stack of number cards divined, fibonacci system
VariationsAlso published here 1938
The Jinx (Issue Summer Extra 1938)
Alban's Transmission de Pensée carts with various numbers, numbers are divined, key number to begin calculation
Oct. 1941
Hokus Pokus (Vol. 3 No. 10)
Dr. William Weyeneth (reviewer) Zaubersoirée im Kaufleuten Zürich am 28-30 November 1941 on the public show in Zürich, Oscarelli, Gissler, Berchtold, Trio Sabebo, Gaston Borgeaud, Schreck, Marfini, Jong-Fu, Karli Schmdit, Albani, Stanley Jaks, Hans-Paul Wipf Dec. 1941
Hokus Pokus (Vol. 3 No. 12)
Alban's Equilibre instable par attraction magnétique chair suspension, person placed on two chairs
Related to Dec. 1941
Hokus Pokus (Vol. 3 No. 12)
Alban's La Montre Pilée spectator's watch is destroyed and pestled with mortar, rest is shot with pistol and watch found repaired in bag
Feb. 1941 3
Charles-Emile "Prof. Rex" Sauty Alban's on Alban's
Feb. 1941 4
La Baguette aux Nouvelles on M. Denice, G. Gloria, A. Vantur, Alban's. Rousseau, Mayette, Veno, Ceillier, D'Hotel, picture of Oscar Rey
Feb. 1941 6
Alban's L'écriture de la parole named words appear on paper in envelope, presentation apparently using modern technique, wires etc.
June 1941 7
Alban's Finael pour la Pêche a la Ligne ending for aerial fishing
Jan. 1942
Hokus Pokus (Vol. 4 No. 1)
Rectification correction
Related to Jan. 1942
Hokus Pokus (Vol. 4 No. 1)
Alban's Le lait, l'encre l'eau et le vin milk changes into ink, water and wine
Feb. 1942
Hokus Pokus (Vol. 4 No. 2)
Charles-Emile "Prof. Rex" Sauty La manifestation de l'Amicale Robert Houdin de Lyon on Paul Barney, Colliard, Aimé Rouer, Berthier, Freddy Rey, Lilian Marey, Houdi, Carl D'Ius, Andreano, Alfred Demont, Alban's, Kermann
Feb. 1942
Hokus Pokus (Vol. 4 No. 2)
Alban's Un mystérieux voyage three chosen cards vanish and appear in envelope, using card star to select cards
Mar. 1942
Hokus Pokus (Vol. 4 No. 3)
(reviewer) Der Abend des Cercle Suisse Robert Houdin (Section Lausanne) 27-28 März 1942 perfomance of magic circle, Claude, Rettys, Pierval, Chaussett, Dr. "Albani" Münch, Paulus II, Magirus, Bovet, Ben-Hit Apr. 1942
Hokus Pokus (Vol. 4 No. 4)
Vincent Dalban The Miracle Speller
Also published here 1943 41
Vincent Dalban Mental Numbers chosen number from stack of number cards divined, fibonacci system
Also published here 1944 299
Heinz "Durox" Rüegg Ortsring Winterthur - Ortszirkel Konstanz on the magic circles of Winterthur and Konstanz, Ludino, Mohlitz, Max Giebe, J.Benz-Benzaro, Borgeaud, Durox, Ravelli, Galbas, Klaus
Hokus Pokus (Vol. 26 No. 5)
Edwin Leist-Bernini Hermann Münch (Albani), Bern
Hokus Pokus (Vol. 28 No. 5)
Al Baker Al Baka - Effect With Nikola Deck No. 458, very brief
Also published here 1972 129
Claude Pahud (reviewer) Spectacle W. Hornung au Bernhard-Theater de Zürich on the Werner Hornung show in Zürich, Mirakel um Fee Eleisa, The Keeners, Jack Alban, Bialla, Les Andreals, Prof. Olgo, Tonny van Dommelen, Pan-Zero & Gisela, 1973
Hokus Pokus (Vol. 34 No. 1)
Paul Rylander Word Test! cards with words written on, chosen words are divined
Variations 1978
Magick (Issue 214)
Michael Skinner The Miracle Speller spelling name of magician
Inspired by 1980 11
Peter Wilker (reviewer) Die Werner-Hornung-Show oder Die Nacht der Tausend Wunder on a performance in Zürich, Fee Eleisa, Werner Hornung, Orsani & Martina, Jack Alban, Bruno Rodrigues, Robert Lundell, Barbara, Chris & Paul Maurer 1985
Hokus Pokus (Vol. 46 No. 5)
Bascom Jones Your Voice - Secret Weapon or Albatross? on having a good voice to perform
  • It Takes Work
  • Voice Characteristics
  • Enunciate
  • Voice Drop
  • Pitch
  • Intensity
  • Faulty Pronunciation
  • Voice Quality
  • Practice Makes for Perfection
May 1986
Magick (Issue 371)
Dean Montalbano The Songs of the Mind! medium divines songs by singing first line
Inspired by
  • Burling Hull's "Songs on Your Thot Waves"
1991 51
Dean Montalbano High Voltage Thoughts two piles of cards with different words, two are selected and divined
Inspired by 1991 53
Elliott Black The President's Message on Lee Earle, MOTM, Chuck Hickock, Ralph Monserrat, Bob Haines, Dean Montalbano, Ronald Dayton
Dec. 1992
Vibrations (Vol. 15 No. 6)
Roy Miller Editor's Log on Harry Anderson, Riley G. Matthews, Chuck Hickok, Dean Montalbano, Bascom Jones, Richard Pinkerton, Robert Bluemle, Sandy Spillman, Carl Herron, Ted Lesley, Charles Reynolds
June 1994
Vibrations (Vol. 16 No. 12)
Dean Montalbano Splat! chosen egg is shown to be hard boiled by mental powers, Monserrat effect
Nov. 1994
Vibrations (Vol. 17 No. 5)
Dean Montalbano Dead Reckoning divination of number of die through handkerchief, using Zenith Die Box
Nov. 1994
Vibrations (Vol. 17 No. 5)
Edward Marlo Mental Lie
  • First Method (memorized deck)
  • Second Method (stay stack)
Inspired by 1995
Facsimile (Issue 3)
Richard Bartram, Jr. Albatross Card two cards travel to wallet, then hole travels from one card to the other
1997 105
Michael Close (reviewer) It's Not Magic, But... - "The Twilight Zone Companion" (by Marc Scott Zicree) - "The Dime Museum Murders" (by David Stashower) - "The Man Who Counted" (by Malba Tahan) Dec. 1999
Magic (Vol. 9 No. 4)
Al Baker Albaka spectator thinks of card, performer writes card on a card, it matches, gaffed
  • Advanced Version
  • Added Suggestions
Related toAlso published here 2003
The Secret Ways of Al Baker (Issue Instructions)
Al Baker Albakerdabra princess like, using ten divided cards
Also published here
  • marketed 1936
The Secret Ways of Al Baker (Issue Instructions)
Juan Gallego Luque, Miguel Ángel Gea Profesor Alba - Manuel Alba Roja
2003 62
Vincent Dalban, Charles Nyquist, Juan Tamariz The Liar - A Classic
2004 218
Eric Mead (reviewer) The Quietus of Creativity Volume One by Dean Montalbano Feb. 2005
Genii (Vol. 68 No. 2)
Docc Hilford Flar3 0pt1c0 "Flare Optico", stack with arithmetical problems, cards are selected and results divined
Inspired by 2006 10
Dr. Todd Landman The Presence of Mind chosen information and number from stack of cards with various information are divined
Inspired by 2009 86
Alexander de Cova Seminar Saalbach 2010
2010 1
Joe M. Turner (reviewer) Reading Fidh Lan Sticks! (2-disc set) by Dean Montalbano Aug. 2011
Genii (Vol. 74 No. 8)
Joe M. Turner (reviewer) Tea Leaf Reading and More (2-disc set) by Dean Montalbano Aug. 2011
Genii (Vol. 74 No. 8)
Alba Buenos Aires: What's Up Down There El Centésimo Mono
Oct. 2011
Genii (Vol. 74 No. 10)
Jim Steinmeyer Alba
May 2012
Genii (Vol. 75 No. 5)
Mike Caveney Chinese Pipes Chinese Sticks with pipes that have water faucets at the end, water stream with high pressure comes out of one as finale, Patrick Albanese
2013 201
Alba, Juan Pablo Ibañez Juan Pablo: How Flying Low Got Him So High
July 2022
Genii (Vol. 85 No. 7)
Gema Navarro Artistas del Blanco y Negro - Magas españolas en la posguerra on Spanish female magicians, Pilar Rocafort, Manuela Rejas, Ramona, Los Magicus, Teresa Gutsens, Anita Vargas
  • La primitiva
  • Luisa Mariscal
  • Profesor Alba y Tivolina
  • Deyka
  • Miss Rivelles (Madrid 1927 -¿?), "La Reina de la Magia" (Maria Diaz Rivelles)
  • Linda Baker, "Mujer de Hierro" (Angelita Villa Garzón)
Maese Coral (Issue 2)
Alba Evolve or Repeat, There Is No Other Choice
  • Voices
Mar. 2025
Genii (Vol. 88 No. 3)