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Ronald Zollweg uses the penname Ron Fredrick.

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Creators Title Comments & References Year Source Page AA Categories
Paul Swinford A Chop Cup Routine with small opaque glass as part of routine
Related to 1971 1
Ronald Zollweg, Roger Crabtree, Ronald Herman, J. Benson Etcetera
Oct. 1974
The Pallbearers Review (Vol. 9 No. 12)
Ronald Zollweg On Cuffing
Inspired by Oct. 1974
The Pallbearers Review (Vol. 9 No. 12)
Ronald Zollweg Bottoms Out bottom of glass drops out and is restored, inspired by Al Baker story
Related toVariations 1975 146
Ronald Zollweg From Ron Zollweg more on the Talking Card Box, Frank Lane's "Chatterbox", Bottomless Glass
Related to 1979
Interlocutor (Issue 32)
Jeff Busby (reviewer) The Professional Routines of Ron Fredrick by Ron Fredrick May 1982
Epoptica (Issue 1)
Ronald Zollweg Introduction
1982 4
Ron Fredrick The Babushka Routine five phase routine with dissolving knots and a large handkerchief, final one is through neck
1982 7
Ron Fredrick The Sponge Routine routine with purse frame, "two in the hands one in the pocket", using cubes instead of balls/spheres
1982 24
Ron Fredrick The Ron Fredrick Chop Cup Routine with small opaque glass as part of routine
Related to 1982 35
Ronald Zollweg Conclusion
1982 44
Ronald Zollweg The Broken and Restored Ring stone is broken out of ring and restored again
1984 138
Rob Allen, Bill Okal, Ron Fredrick Sight Bits and other Shtick gags Eddie Fechter used to do
  • Eddie's Imitations
  • Directions
  • Winter Wonder
  • Fuzzy Duck
1993 23
Harrison Carroll, Ron Fredrick, Rob Allen, Bill Okal Fechter Bits lines and bits by Eddie Fechter
1993 27
Ronald Zollweg New York and Canada Conclave of Magicians (NYCAN)
Dec. 1994
Magic (Vol. 4 No. 4)
Ronald Zollweg Memories of the Forks remembering Eddie Fechter and the Forks Hotel
1995 1115
Ronald Zollweg Close Encounters of the Magic Kind
Jan. 1995
Magic (Vol. 4 No. 5)
Ronald Zollweg U.S./Canada Convention (1st)
July 1995
Magic (Vol. 4 No. 11)
Ronald Zollweg New York and Canada Conclave (NYCAN)
Dec. 1995
Magic (Vol. 5 No. 4)
Ronald Zollweg U.S./Canada Convention
July 1996
Magic (Vol. 5 No. 11)
Ronald Zollweg U.S./Canada Connection
July 1997
Magic (Vol. 6 No. 11)
Michael Close (reviewer) The Professional Routines of Ron Frederick by Ron Fredrick (written by Ronald Zollweg) May 1998
Magic (Vol. 7 No. 9)
Ronald Zollweg U.S./Canada Connection
July 1998
Magic (Vol. 7 No. 11)
Bob King, Ronald Zollweg Bottoms Out unnumbered extra page, bottom of glass is knocked out and restored
Inspired by 2005 34
Ronald Zollweg Immigrant sandwiches in halves of the deck
2012 299
Ronald Zollweg, Rick Johnsson Empty KS Variation
2012 300