550 entries in Numbers / Prediction & Sum-Divination
Creators Title Comments & References Year Source Page AA Categories
Andy Nyman, Richard Wiseman The Stalking of Marie Ambrose "An After-Dinner Ghost Story"
seance script, three choices made: four-digit number, one of six photographs, a time by spinning the hands of a pocket watch, all predicted, message written in blood appears at the end
  • Forcing the Year of Miss Ambrose's Death
  • Forcing the Photograph of Marie
  • Forcing the Time of Marie's Death
  • Switching the Song Sheet
  • Concluding Thoughts
2010 267
Tom Stone Sir Offalot ideas if the spectator miscalculates sum
2011 192
David Acer Mitosis two spectators each write down sic digit numbers, add them together, calls that number on a phone, turns out to be magician's cellphone number
Also published here 2011 149
Wolfgang Moser Werbung à la Carte on business cards and magic with special printed business cards, five routines
  • Effektkarten
  • Visitenkarten Idee #1 (Princess Card trick)
  • Visitenkarten Idee #2 (number prediction with fingers, gag)
  • Visitenkarten Idee #3 (letters sort to words)
  • Visitenkarten Idee #4 (using stickers instead of business cards)
  • Visitenkarten Idee #5 (on flyers)
Also published here 2011 37
Stewart James, Persi Diaconis, Ron Graham The Mysterious Number Seven Sum prediction of numbers filled in grid, uses the AAG Principle
2012 187
Karl Fulves Fold & Cheat 3x3 grid with numbers on paper, folded in different ways and numbers added, medium called and some of the digits named, medium knows rest
Prolix (Issue 10)
Michael Weber, Tim Trono Jelly Bean Estimator cards with various jelly beans on both sides, spectator turns some over, performer instantly knows sum of all visible jelly beans, repeat, then number is predicted
Related to Nov. 2012
Real Secrets (Vol. 1 No. 8)
Bruce Bernstein, Jack London Number Predictions martrix principle
Also published here 2012 65
Bruce Bernstein, Jack London The Bernstein / London Number Prediction martrix principle
Also published here 2012 66
Bruce Bernstein Clip Number two people think of numbers before the show, prediction of total
Also published here 2012 69
Bruce Bernstein, Terry Nosek Number Prediction cards with numbers from one to ten are shuffled and dealt into three piles, two piles are used to form number, prediction of total
Also published here 2012 70
Bruce Bernstein Breaking the Bank prediction of named amount of money in piggy bank
Also published here 2012 85
Bruce Bernstein Let's Try One More Time number written on envelope and spectator tries to divine it, prediction of number of guesses in envelope
Also published here 2012 90
Jim Steinmeyer Dining Out value of food selected from diner menu predicted
Also published here 2013 39
Sveroni Zero Prinzip total of three three-digit numbers is predicted
Related to 2013 11
Michael Weber, Tim Trono Almost Real Prediction Variation number is formed using area codes on receipts, prediction of total, Real Secrets Team
Inspired by
  • Jack London's "Almost Real Prediction"
Related to
Feb. 2013
Genii (Vol. 76 No. 2)
Max Maven, Philip T. Goldstein Purple Prose
  • Lost Horizons
numbers from number cards divined, using "self-correcting set-up"
Also published here July 2013
Genii (Vol. 76 No. 7)
Alexander de Cova Papierflieger paper plane tossed into audience, named number is printed in large numbers on the paper when unfolded, range force and index
Inspired by
  • Prof. Dr. Toni Forster routine from 1982
Also published here
Dec. 2013 420
Michael Weber, Tim Trono Royal Shopping Spree spectator names one item from each of several receipts, performer instantly names total
(PDF bonus from May 2013)
Inspired by May 2013
Real Secrets (Vol. 2 No. 14)
Michael Weber, Tim Trono Lucky Number presentation for Al Baker's date addition force
(Real Secrets Bonus sheet)
July 2013
Real Secrets (Vol. 2 No. 16)
Michael Weber, Tim Trono Initial Impression numbers written on both sides of pieces of paper, sum made and predicted, "BS" presentation, over phone
(Real Secrets Bonus sheet)
Inspired by Dec. 2013
Real Secrets (Vol. 2 No. 21)
Paul Vigil Update three digits called out by spectators, predicted by a prediction written on a card safety pinned to the back of the performer's jacket, credit information on the plot
Inspired by 2014 139
Michael Murray Sublime Influence Evolution some cards with numbers are selected and mixed, number matches reversed logo of Pepsi
2014 54
Michael Murray Cal-Ender divination of a number typed in on an iPhone calculator
Inspired by
  • Kenton Knepper's "Kenton's Calculation" in Peter Turner's "Isabella Star 2"
2014 158
Alexander de Cova Paper Darts paper plane tossed into audience, named number is printed in large numbers on the paper when unfolded, range force and index
Also published here Mar. 2014
Scrapbook (Issue 7)
Michael Weber, Tim Trono In Security presentation for Al Baker's date addition force as steps to generate a secure PIN code
(Real Secrets Bonus sheet)
Sep. 2014
Real Secrets (Vol. 3 No. 30)
Chris Wardle Bargain Prediction price of jacket is predicted as price tag at inner pocket, 1089 force variation with coins
Apr. 2015
Genii (Vol. 78 No. 4)
Karl Fulves The Diana Games introduction to problem: list of target numbers, then six cards with numbers on them, three chosen, they always add up to a target number while the three discards don't, range force
Related toVariations 2015
The Lowdown (Issue 1)
Karl Fulves A. Target Practice spectator picks one card of three pairs of number cards, the sum always adds up to a number on a list, repeated two more times
Inspired byRelated to 2015
The Lowdown (Issue 1)
Karl Fulves Playing The Market two-way out prediction to Soup to Nuts
Inspired by 2015
Errata (Issue 1)
Alexander de Cova Die Bierflieger–Tafel paper plane tossed into audience, named number is printed in large numbers on the paper when unfolded, range force and index, updated index design
Also published here 2015 149
Alexander de Cova 16 Digits sum prediction with slate
Inspired byAlso published here 2015 158
Michael Weber, Tim Trono Birth, Happiness and Wealth presentation for Al Baker's date addition force, prediction on Zoltar Medaillon
Mar. 2015
Real Secrets (Vol. 3 No. 36)
Michael Weber, Tim Trono Almost Real Prediction prediction on Zoltar Medaillon
Inspired by
  • Jack London's "Almost Real Prediction"
Mar. 2015
Real Secrets (Vol. 3 No. 36)
Hector Chadwick Enveloper banknight, with named number prediction
2016 6
Jeff Pierce Number Divination numbers written on both sides of pieces of paper, sum made and divined, range force
Related to 2017 29
Anthony Owen The Natural Lottery prediction of named lottery numbers on ticket in wallet
Also published here 2017 185
Alberto de Figueiredo Caja, candado y página spectator choses several objects and a city from a stack of cards and names numbers, numbers open lock to box which has objects inside, Pegasus page as climax
Inspired by
  • Ken Dyne's "Nutcase (And The "Yes But No Principle of Doom")" in "Bairn" P. 43.
2018 71
Steve Spillman Mindreading Goose stuffed goose held by performer writes prediction on paper, it matches number spectator thought of (1-100), lots of gags including goose urinating, how to construct goose that writes by itself
2019 79
Ben Hart The Human Lottery Machine four-digit number chosen, four balls with those digits are regurgitated by performer
2020 232
Jeff Pierce Number Divination numbers written on both sides of pieces of paper, sum made and divined
2020 61
Leo Reed The Psychic Prince of Nigeria humorous prediction of a number and a card, using a spam mail which is send to spectator
2020 27
George Sands An Oddity paper slips with numbers on each side are arranged by the spectator
Also published here 2022 16
Shigeo Futagawa Shigeo Futagawa Prediction four cards with numbers on both sides are mixed, total predicted
Also published here
  • Fractal Music, Hypercards & More (Martin Gardner, 1991, p. 223)
2022 18
Bob Farmer Stunumbers variation, some small numbers added, total predicted, using number cards
Inspired by 2022 20
Bob Farmer E.S.P. Hummer four cards with symbols with numerical values on both sides are in envelopes
  • Phase One (chosen symbol in envelope is divined)
  • Phase Two (total of four sides predicted)
Inspired by 2022 22
Martin Gardner Newspaper Prediction four pages on newspaper sheet are added, number predicted
Also published here
  • MAGIC, Aug. 2005
2022 422
Donny Orbit Tattle Too Google calculator found to divine a number
Also published here
  • MAGIC, July 2013
2022 1218
Jonathan Friedman Rubwriter
  • WWPD
prediction of any two-digit number on card case, digital number design, used to predict number of counted cards (Gilbert Raimond's lottery?)
Dec. 2023
Genii (Vol. 86 No. 12)
Tyler Wilson Inverse Square Law offbeat presentations for a magic square, starts out with fully filled grid of numbers which turns out as a prediction of a freely named number
  • Erauqs 1
  • Erauqs 2
2024 65