Written by Tyler Wilson
Work of Various
47 pages (Stapled), published by Selfpublished
Illustrated with photographs
Language: English
25 entries
Cover photograph
Creators Title Comments & References Page Categories
Rich Aviles Wake-Up Call spectator cuts deck into four piles, top four cards removed, bottom four cards have three Aces and an indifferent card, the four removed cards are fused into final Ace
  • Alternate Ending (Royal Flush)
Inspired by 1
Brent Braun Bold Card to Wallet using Homing Card bluff
Inspired by 4
Jared Kopf Far-Flung Collectors Aces counted into spectator's hand, selections appear between them
Also published here 6
John Guastaferro Twist of Fate two prediction cards are removed, spectator places an unknown card between it, suit and value of prediction cards make up the selection, then selection changes to reversed suit/value combination
  • Stick Situation (A Variation Using Post-It Notes)
Gerald Kosky Kosky Switch
Max Nelson Super Duper Card gaffed card that is thick, double backer and has a rising card gaff built into it
  • Thick Card
  • Double Backer
  • Rising Card
  • The Card That Selects You (selection shoots out of deck)
  • Switch-a-Roo
  • Big Bullet (card shoots out from incomplete faro condition)
John Carey A Silver Coated Mystery "Signed Card" as coin effect, sandwiched coin turns out to be later marked coin
Related to 13
Shannon Clark A Mysterious Signature Mystery Card plus Fusion
Cliff Green Simulated Push-Off with right first finger, hidden thumb actually pushes
Monte Plus Plus with double facer
Caleb Wiles Yam Fries monte card vanishes as finale, ungaffed
Inspired by
  • "Connoisseur's Special" (Danny Archer, marketed 1998)
Ryan Swigert The Garden Path two piles made, card selected from one, everything shuffled and card located, sucker math trick
Inspired by
  • "Cabalistic Card Trick" (Stewart Judah, The Linking Ring, Feb. 1964)
Steve Reynolds Spectator Cuts 12 Ways Aces on bottom, Kings and Queens on top
Inspired byVariations 24
Ben Train Water Transpo transposition with glass à la John Scarne, with cloth and card becoming wet by itself
Richard Hucko, Caleb Wiles Crossed Flash (+Triumph)
Inspired byRelated toVariations 28
Caleb Wiles Cross-Eyed Triumph
Related to 29
Jack Carpenter The Vanishing Ace through Four of Diamonds are on the table in a row, Kings dropped on each to make them vanish, they change to Aces as the finale
Allan Ackerman Thirty Minute Memorized Deck & Bonus Cull calculating positions in cyclical stack
  • Knowing the Position of a Named Card
  • Knowing the Card at a Specified Position
Also published here 34
Allan Ackerman Bonus Cull card named, two shuffles performed, named card on top and rest of deck now in four-of-a-kinds
Also published here 35
Michael Powers Triple Whammy Ace of Spades travels to top, then between selections, then transposition with selection that jumped to pocket
Anders Mollen Not Yet Named Control control handling using breather crimp, as "Andy Moller"
Also published here 39
Edward Oschmann Color Changing Inversion
Tyler Wilson Grimace three decks used for color changing deck / transposition combination, riffling through red/blue alternating deck to simulate a purple deck
James Swain Face-up Benzais Spin-Out card propels out of deck during tabled cut, face-up
Also published here 45
Tyler Wilson Lazy Eye Force red or black color force
Data entered by Denis Behr, January 2024.