Written by Gene Finnell, Karl Fulves
Work of Gene Finnell
76 pages (Spiralbound), published by The Gutenberg Press
Illustrated with drawings by Joseph K. Schmidt
Language: English
47 entries
Cover photograph
Creators Title Comments & References Page Categories
Karl Fulves Introduction
Gene Finnell Klondike Shuffle discussion and properties
1. Mechanics
2. Card location after one shuffle
3. Recycling the deck
4. Klondyke properties (simulating a faro shuffle, locating center card, Penelope's principle)
5. Klondike plus Free Cut
6. The Stacked Deck
Related to 1
Gene Finnell Match Up several are cards selected, after a Klondike shuffle they end up next to pairs
Related to
  • "The Riser Repertoire" (MUM Vol 90 No. 1, June 2000)
Gene Finnell Control Cards two selections from two halves end up in the same position, handling uses two Jokers face-up in the halves that are later removed, Klondike shuffle
Gene Finnell 7. Further Properties of the Klondike shuffle
A. Static Positions
B. Table of Static Positions
C. Position Exchange
D. Table of Position Exchanges
E. Endless Chains
Gene Finnell Unknown Quantity Klondike shuffle version of Penelope Principle, selection found at position that corresponds to cut-off number of cards
Related toVariations 11
Gene Finnell Unknown Difference two packets cut off, Klondike shuffle with rest, reversed card is now at a position that corresponds to difference of the two sizes of the cut-off packets, Penelope
Gene Finnell Computer deck can count (Ace, Two, Three appear) and give the sum and difference of two cut-off packets, Klondike Shuffle
Gene Finnell Coincidence
Gene Finnell Transmigration two cards and their positions thought of in two sixteen-card packets, Klondike shuffles and "can you see your card here?", finally the cards end up in each other's position
Related to 15
Gene Finnell Speller two selections, when spelled after some dealing and Klondike shuffling the selections spell out the other's card
Gene Finnell Location incomplete faro control, Klondike shuffle, a face-up card ends up at same position as selection in other half
Karl Fulves The Running Cull intro, credit information
Related to 19
Gene Finnell Base 4 System "Card Sorting and Set Ups"
sorting shuffled deck into new deck order, four possible positions during run-through
  • New Deck Order ("New Deck Order in 3 Sorts")
  • Numerical Order Stack
  • Random Number - Ordered Suit
  • Numerical Order - Random Suit
  • Si Stebbins
Gene Finnell Prophesy card selected, two cards produced with value and suit of selection (composite card), then three cards found with those cards, the three mates of the selection
Gene Finnell Trapped selection made, three cards of matching value are trapped with two faros
Gene Finnell Cards Of Prophesy (actually unnumbered page between 30 and 31)
card removed, odd-backed card put in deck, faros, cards of same value and suit end up next to odd-backed card (composite)
Karl Fulves Technique on placement cuts
Gene Finnell Flip Cut - 1 triple cut, center section reverse-counted or turned over, retains center (key) card
Gene Finnell Flip Cut - 2 center section cut out and reversed, key glimpsed, then a faro brings previous center card next to key
Gene Finnell "Do As I Do" Spelling the Aces Aces spelled to after losing them with some face-up/face-down cutting
Gene Finnell Strictly to Enhance Your Imagination Aces lost and found, then two selections found and deck separated into reds and blacks, faro
Related to 36
Gene Finnell Trapped #2 detective faro sandwich
Gene Finnell Centering placing a selection so that it is half the deck away from a key card
1. By Estimation
2. By an "over and under" shuffle
3. variation
4. variation of 2.
Gene Finnell Applications two faro sandwich effects
Gene Finnell Methods of Getting a Card to 27th Position five methods listed
Gene Finnell Center Cut Placement retaining a card at center despite a center pull-out cut
Gene Finnell Trapped faro sandwich
Gene Finnell Birds of a Kind card chosen, cards of same value found with faro sandwiches
Gene Finnell Mated #1 packet cut off and counted, card at that position predicted as odd-backed card, faro, penelope
Gene Finnell Mated #2 packet cut off and counted, card at that position predicted as odd-backed card, faro, penelope
Gene Finnell Card of Prophesy odd-backed card lost in deck, after some cutting and faro a four-of-a-kind shows up
  • Card of Prophesy Variation
  • Card of Prophesy Instant Replay
  • The Instant Repeat
Gene Finnell Down/Under Deal mathematical discussion
  • Down/Under or D/U
  • Under/Down or U/D
1. Position of Significant Card
2. Table of Positions of Significant Card
Gene Finnell Coincidence packet cut, top card put aside, down/under deal with rest, a match
Gene Finnell Exchange wrong card tabled, down/under deal of packets ends with same wrong card and on table is correct one
Gene Finnell The Down/Under Exchange Surprise selection placed aside, packet cut and down/under deal performed until four cards remain, top of those is selection and previously tabled card matches other three cards
Gene Finnell Twins 32-card packet cut, top card put aside, down/under deal with rest, a match
Gene Finnell D/U Counter packet cut off, down/under deal with rest, remaining card has value as number of cut-off cards
Variations 57
Karl Fulves Free Cut Notes intro
Related to 58
Gene Finnell Free Cut Principle Variations with two cards
Gene Finnell Variations of the Free Cut Principle two cards, Klondike Shuffle
Gene Finnell Coincidence? two selection turn up at same position in two halves
  • Variation #1
  • Variation #2
  • Coincidence? with a Key Card
Gene Finnell Free Cut Poker Deal three spectators and performer take out good poker hand from a quarter of the deck each, they are lost and dealt again, performer gets Royal Flush, faro
  • Variation wich allows the deck to be cut during the shuffles
  • Free Cut Poker Demonstration
Related to 62
Gene Finnell Spelling the Aces #1,001
Gene Finnell Spelling the Aces Number (?) faro
Gene Finnell Cutting the Aces, Free Cut Style Aces cut to after losing them with Free Cut principle, with two variations
Gene Finnell Make Up two selection cut into deck, faro, cards on either side have same value and suit (composite)
Data entered by Denis Behr, November 2018.