Written by Bob King
Work of Bob King
28 pages (Stapled), published by Bob King Magic
No illustrations
Language: English
19 entries
Cover photograph
Creators Title Comments & References Page AA Categories
Bob King Introduction
Bob King Second Guessing Your Weight performer cuts off same amount as spectator, then to selection
Inspired byRelated toVariations 2
Bob King Faro Strip-Out FSO, basically normal slough-off faro
Bob King One Too Many performer tries to cut off as many cards as spectator but it's one too many - the selection
James Steranko Flourish Count
Related to 4
Bob King 10 Hand Poker Stack with free cut principle
VariationsAlso published here 5
Bob King Psychic Location (II) spectator thinks of any number card in cut-off pile and removes as many cards, faro
Inspired byRelated to 7
Dai Vernon Faro Slough-Off with cascade
Bob King, Bob Hummer Hum-Dinger three cards and a Queen removed, spectator thinks of one of the three cards which are returned to deck, Queen whispers performer the selection
Bob King Count-Down card thought-of according to thought-of hour, clock dial layout, selection travels in card case
Related to 11
Bob King Over-Kill? spectator cuts off pile and remembers card at this position, selection transposes with card in another deck
Related to 13
Bob King Supreme Control Aces shuffled into deck, back on top, top stock control with a crimp
Also published here 14
Bob King Breathing Life into the 26 Card Key three piles, faroing crimp next to selection
Related to 16
Bob King Zen Poker Plus Zens stack
Inspired by 17
Bob King A Stack of Stacks four riffle shuffle stacking systems, assisted by a Breather Crimp
Inspired by 19
Bob King Seeing is Believing performer blindfolded for full routine
Phase I: a card pocketed and another selected
Phase II: selection found at named small number
Phase III: two more cards divined, using 52-on-One and 3-1/2 gag cards
Phase IV: four Aces dealt in poker round
Phase V: pocketed card named
Bob King Stack Addition with Jumbo Card cards clipped to back of a Jumbo gag card
Overhand Stacking
Bob King Putting in the Work also in front of an audience apparently removing a bent
Also published here 28
Data entered by Denis Behr, August 2017.