Written by Mike Maxwell
Work of Bruce Cervon
151 pages (Hardcover), published by L&L Publishing
Illustrated with drawings by Earl Jenshus
Language: English
44 entries
Cover photograph
Creators Title Comments & References Page AA Categories
Louis Falanga Foreword
Bruce Cervon Introduction
Karl Fulves Follow the Leader & Oil and Water combination, plot suggestion
Related to iii
Mike Maxwell The Black & White Basic Routine chapter intro
Bruce Cervon The Black & White Basic Routine 4&4, using cardboard pieces that are black and white without border
  • Phase One: Simple Show
  • Phase Two: Double Mix
  • Phase Three: Double Mix Again
  • Phase Four: Piano Key Separation
  • Phase Five: The Mix
  • Phase Six: The Proof
  • Phase Seven: The Last Separation
  • Phase Eight: The Magic Wand
Bruce Cervon, Dai Vernon Fake Turnover Move through-the-fist handling
Bruce Cervon A Handling Touch 4&4, using cardboard pieces that are black and white without border, display
Bruce Cervon Black & White Presentation Tips 4&4, using cardboard pieces that are black and white without border
Mike Maxwell Black & White Trick Openings chapter intro
Bruce Cervon Another Simple Show 4&4, using cardboard pieces that are black and white without border, display
Bruce Cervon Multiple Lift Opening 4&4, using cardboard pieces that are black and white without border, displaying both side at beginning
Bruce Cervon Turnover Pass Opening 4&4, using cardboard pieces that are black and white without border, display
Invisible Turnover Pass with small packet
Bruce Cervon Wedge Break Oil & Water Opening 4&4, using cardboard pieces that are black and white without border
Inspired by 35
Bruce Cervon Biddle Move Opening 4&4, using cardboard pieces that are black and white without border
Bruce Cervon Another Biddle Move Opening 4&4, using cardboard pieces that are black and white without border
Bruce Cervon Elmsley Count Opening 4&4, using cardboard pieces that are black and white without border
Alex Elmsley Elmsley Count
Bruce Cervon The Novrec Turnover packet secretly turned over during all-around square up
  • The All Around Square Up
  • The Novrec Turnover
Related toVariations 47
Bruce Cervon Amazing Jokers four Queens, Joker reversed in center, the change into Aces one by one, Queens and Joker no longer there
Dai Vernon Strip-Out Addition wedge break handling
Larry Jennings Christ Twist
Dai Vernon Vernon Transfer
Bruce Cervon The Transposing Ace four Aces, named suit put on top, it changes into selection, Ace reappears from pocket
Bruce Cervon Novrec Turnover as Visual Transformation face card of small packet
Inspired by 66
Small Packet Palm bottom card into right hand
Bruce Cervon Bruce Cervon's Favorite Black & White Routine 4&4, using cardboard pieces that are black and white without border
  • Phase One: The Little Finger Turnover Opening
  • Phase Two: The Novrec Separation
  • Phase Three: The Novrec Separation Again
  • Phase Four: The Piano Key Separation and Back Again
  • Phase Five: The Proof
  • Phase Six: Test Conditions Finale
Related to 73
Bruce Cervon Little Finger Turnover handling for Carlyle/Vernon Turnover Move
Inspired byRelated to 75
Bruce Cervon "In the Spectator's Hands" Ending Sequence 4&4, using cardboard pieces that are black and white without border
Bruce Cervon Sweeping Turnover as packet is swept off table edge into other hand
Bruce Cervon Convincing Closing 4&4, using cardboard pieces that are black and white without border
Bruce Cervon, Edward Marlo Olram Subtlety Variation
Bruce Cervon More on "The Proof" Phase 4&4, using cardboard pieces that are black and white without border
Related to 91
Bruce Cervon The Spotted Black & White Trick 4&4, using cardboard pieces that are black and white without border, as climax the black cards have red spots, five phases
Michael Weber The Black and White Trick à la Michael Weber 3&3, using cardboard pieces that are black and white without border
  • Separation One
  • Separation Two
  • Separation Three
  • Climax
  • Opening Variation
Dai Vernon Hand Separation Displacement
Related to 108
Bruce Cervon Follow the Black & White 4&4, using cardboard pieces that are black and white without border
Bruce Cervon Black & White Attraction four black and four white cardboard pieces, two black and two whites are put in four envelopes, spectator manages to match remaining black and white cards with correct envelopes, two methods
Bruce Cervon Little Finger Turnover Display Sequence showing four cards as same card, in-the-hands or with table
Related to 137
Bruce Cervon The Little Finger Turnover as a Switch tabled card transposes with card in small packet
Related to 139
Dai Vernon Double Show double is in dealing position, turned over with second finger underneath
Bruce Cervon Take Me to Your Printer two selections, four blank cards, they change into duplicates of one selection when it is added to packet, then selection changes to second selection
  • Variation
Bruce Cervon, Brother John Hamman Hamman Count Switch
The Jordan Count
Data entered by Denis Behr, August 2017.