121 pages (Paperback), published by Coleccion Renglones
Illustrated with drawings by Marcos Vergara
Language: English
27 entries
Cover photograph
Creators Title Comments & References Page Categories
Ian Rowland Prologue
Jorge "The Jack" Garcia Mentalism As a Real Experience extended
Also published here 13
Jorge "The Jack" Garcia Can Minds Be Read? extended
Also published here 15
Jorge "The Jack" Garcia Generating Sense extended
Also published here 16
Jorge "The Jack" Garcia How to Structure a Mentalism Show extended article
Related to 17
Jorge "The Jack" Garcia Control 1) Script Your Routines
2) Being Interesting
3) Find Common Themes with the Audience
4) Ask Questions to some Members of the Audience with an Open Response
5) Ask Questions to the Audience with a Closed Answer
6) Humour
7) Showmanship
8) Staging
Also published here 22
Jorge "The Jack" Garcia Conclusion amount of reaction by audience, extended version
Also published here 31
Jorge "The Jack" Garcia The Needle in the Balloon as an opener, thoughts on starting a program
Jorge "The Jack" Garcia A Think and Stop Card Trick
Inspired byAlso published here 43
Jorge "The Jack" Garcia ESP Reading two sets of five, performer starts putting cards on table, standard method
Inspired by
  • Hen Fetsch's "Symbologic" and a routine by Derren Brown
Also published here
Bottom Deal bottom take, stand up
Jorge "The Jack" Garcia One Head triple prediction with rolled up papers in glass, with mental calculator
Bob Farmer Toxic forcing a number with a calculator
Jorge "The Jack" Garcia Switching Notepad
Jorge "The Jack" Garcia Illgoical Bet five rolled up papers, on four is written 'lose' on one 'win'
Also published here 54
Billet Switch rolled up billet
Francisco Nardi Mind Track selection is divined in a doodle made by a spectator
VariationsAlso published here 57
Jorge "The Jack" Garcia L-Mental three spectators, without looking
Also published here 58
Daniel Celma Blindfold Act 6 phases, blindfolded seeing with the fingertips
Also published here 62
Jorge "The Jack" Garcia No Read Center Tear password is divined
Jorge "The Jack" Garcia Cold Reading
  • The "Barnum" Effect
  • The Drawing and the Personality Interpretation
  • Cards
  • Face Reading
  • Names, Words, People, Characters
  • Conclusions
Jorge "The Jack" Garcia Ideas
Jorge "The Jack" Garcia Pseudo Psychometry drawings in envelopes
Inspired by 99
Jorge "The Jack" Garcia An Idea for the "Mind Track" divining a word from a spectator's doodle
Inspired by 105
Jorge "The Jack" Garcia The Mystery of the Red Envelope prediction in red envelope, about how to build up suspense and using a prediction as a cyclic element
Jorge "The Jack" Garcia, Juan Esteban Varela The Interactive Experience mentalism with the entire audience and using social media, group pendulum routine
Jorge "The Jack" Garcia Final Words
Data entered by Lorenz Schär, June 2017.