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Creators Title Comments & References Year Source Page AA Categories
Walter E. Cummings Take me to Your Leader other three Ace packets are cut into deck, crimped Aces
VariationsAlso published here 1962 48
Derek Dingle, Walter E. Cummings, Eddie Fechter F.C.D. Aces sliding production
Related toVariations July 1972
Epilogue (Issue 15 (Part 2))
Gene Castillon Gourmet Slide Aces
  • FDC Discovery Method #1
  • FDC Discovery Method #2
  • FDC Discovery Method #3
  • FDC Discovery Method #4
Inspired by May 1973
Kabbala — Volume 2 (Vol. 2 No. 5)
John F. Mendoza The Automatic Deck sliding block production
Inspired byRelated to 1978 78
Darwin Ortiz Take Me To Your Leader Again Ace Assembly in which non-leader packets are buried in deck one by one
Inspired by 1979 5
Walter E. Cummings Double-Cut Substitute bottom card(s) to top
Feb. 1985
Apocalypse (Vol. 8 No. 2)
Harry Lorayne Walter E. Cummings mini bio
1985 325
Walter E. Cummings Match Game quick production sequence
Variations 1985 326
Walter E. Cummings Faro Location/Display using incomplete faro
1985 329
Harry Lorayne Display Reversal after incomplete faro production
Inspired byAlso published here 1985 331
Walter E. Cummings The Karate Move with several applications, does the same as the ultra move
1985 333
Walter E. Cummings Ambitious Karate using Karate Move
1985 333
Walter E. Cummings Karate Top Change not really similar to classic top change
1985 336
Walter E. Cummings Karate Card Control
1985 337
Harry Lorayne, Walter E. Cummings Karate Secret Reversal
1985 338
Walter E. Cummings Almost Perfect Color Change
Apr. 1990
Apocalypse (Vol. 13 No. 4)
Gary Ouellet, Walter E. Cummings Close Up Hint On the Preparation of Playing Cards, using soap
Variations 1990 138
Walter E. Cummings Painting The Cards With one handed fan
2004 186
Harry Lorayne Take Me To Your Leader other three Ace packets are cut into deck, crimped Aces
Also published here 2018 127
Tom Gagnon Soaping the Faro
Inspired byRelated to 2019 339