nascard \n selection visually travels from between red aces in center of deck to between black aces in right hand \n steve beam
Steve Beam
bye-pass operation \n single card control \n steve beam \n bye-pass operation \n steve beam
Steve Beam
Bye-Pass Operation
Also published here
shake, shuffle, and twist \n invisible deck / triumph combo \n steve bedwell \n shake, shuffle, and twist \n steve bedwell \n invisible triumph \n robert d. michaels \n david ben \n michael close \n bob farmer \n michael weber
Steve Bedwell
Shake, Shuffle, And Twist
Related toAlso published here
thunderbolt \n hole through deck, it is cased with selection and a bolt screwed through it, selection is freed and penetrates bolt \n chris "doc" dixon
Chris "Doc" Dixon
fickle four \n four indifferent cards are chosen, three change into aces, then selection as well \n joel givens
Joel Givens
Fickle Four
the incredible hypnotic joker \n joker is sandwiched by two unknown cards, those turn out to be two later signed selections \n gary kurtz \n royal detectives \n john c. wagner
Gary Kurtz
The Incredible Hypnotic Joker
Inspired by
swivelleroo plus \n flourish cut around swivel action, produces double \n richard kaufman \n jon racherbaumer \n swivelleroo plus \n richard kaufman \n jon racherbaumer
Richard Kaufman, Jon Racherbaumer
Swivelleroo Plus
Also published here
double swivel action \n double moved to right one-handed with left thumb and second finger over deck \n unknown
Double Swivel Action
blinded by the sleight \n performer blindfolded, spectator selects a card and takes out five cards one of which is the selection, performer hold each up while spectator says "no" to each, selection found \n grace ann morgan \n blinded by the sleight \n grace ann morgan
Grace Ann Morgan
Blinded By The Sleight
Also published here
santa claus, lipograms and other problems of publishing a magic book \n \n stephen minch \n genii, vol. 60 no. 5, mar. 1997, p. 40
Stephen Minch
Santa Claus, Lipograms and Other Problems of Publishing a Magic Book
Also published here- Genii, Vol. 60 No. 5, Mar. 1997, p. 40