54 entries in Cards / Sleights / Cloths and Cards / Loading the Pocket for later discovery
Creators Title Comments & References Year Source Page AA Categories
Frank Lane, U. F. Grant Another Card Trick spectator remembers a card and its position from the bottom, performer takes deck behind back, brings forward wrong card, selection then found in pocket, card slipped up the jacket from behind back
1935 25
Bob Hummer Jogged Card to Inside Pocket injogged card, deck held in right hand, card secretly transferred to inner right pocket
1940 6
Simplex Card to Pocket loading indifferent or x card into inside pocket
1943 191
Paul Rosini The Missing Card spectator pulls out some cards, remembers bottom card and drop cards onto deck, performer fails to locate card behind back, it is found in pocket, pushed up behind back to under arm pit
1949 25
Paul Rosini With a Short Card performer fails to find card behind his back, it is then found in inside coat pocket
1950 58
Edward Marlo Timing Pocket Load inside pocket opened so spectator can reach in and remove card, card secretly thumbed into it before that
Dec. 1959
Ibidem (Issue 19)
Rick Johnsson The Walking Man's Lap ditching cards into pocket
1976 27
Ross Bertram Thumb Palm Trouser Pocket Load
1978 73
Harry Lorayne A Lorayne Storm card to pocket without palming, open demo with double card
Related to Aug. 1979
Apocalypse (Vol. 2 No. 8)
Bob Hummer Jacket Load while opening jacket, card can be stolen and loaded to inside pocket
1980 10
Derek Dingle Breast Pocket Load or ditch
1982 52
Ken De Courcy Delayed Action Spectator produces Aces from their own pocket, Aces were loaded previously in context of a trick
1983 9
Pocket Ditch from Deck left side pocket during body turn
1984 99
Bruce Cervon Conus Aces method to load three cards in spectator's inner pocket, Conus Aces not explained
1985 (ca.) 15
Michael Rubinstein Chicago Opener Topp(it)et with cards to pocket (through topit tunnel) climax
Inspired by May 1986
Intermagic (Vol. 12 No. 2)
Derek Dingle A. Card to Breast Pocket Load from deck
1988 106
Dr. James Nuzzo Nuzzos's Pocket Appearance front trouser, while rubbing the pocket, from rear palm
1988 11
Edward Marlo On the Card to Pocket - The Side Trouser Pockets
1988 13
Edward Marlo Loading the Angled Pocket front trouser
1988 18
Edward Marlo Loading the Side Pockets (Very Slight Angle) front trouser pocket
1988 19
Edward Marlo Loading Straight Seam Side Pockets
1988 21
Edward Marlo Crossed Arms Loading front trouser pocket
1988 23
Edward Marlo Loading the Outside Coat Pockets
1988 25
Edward Marlo The Inside Coat Pocket Load (Shirt Pocket)
1988 26
Edward Marlo Loading the Shirt Pocket
1988 28
Edward Marlo Loading the Back Pocket (Trousers)
1988 30
Edward Marlo Some Observations additional tips and comments
1988 31
Edward Marlo The Spectator Removes Em two cards to pocket, removed by spectator
Also published here 1988 47
Philippe Socrate Deck to pocket load variation of old stage manipulation, stealing all except top card into thumb clip palm
1989 78
Gary Kurtz The Empty Hand Delay time-delayed use as load
  • 1. Anwendung: Beim Zurückgeben laden (load pocket when returning pen to pocket)
  • 2. Anwendung: Das Laden beim herausholen eines Gegenstandes (load pocket when taking something out of pocket)
Also published here 1992 31
Harry Lorayne A Lorayne Storm thoughts on loading cards in course of routines
Dec. 1993
Apocalypse (Vol. 16 No. 12)
Sid Fleischman The Right-Handed Card Trick No. 1, one-handed card to pocket, signed, from 1930s, one-handed only after control and palm
1993 102
Christian M. Thurnes Karte in Jackentasche (außen) using Kong Case
Nov. 1994
Intermagic (Vol. 19 No. 1)
Christian M. Thurnes Karte in Jackentasche (innen) using Kong Case, Topit with connection to outside pocket
Nov. 1994
Intermagic (Vol. 19 No. 1)
Gary Kurtz The Empty Hand Delay time-delayed use as load
  • 1. Anwendung: Beim Zurückgeben laden (load pocket when returning pen to pocket)
  • 2. Anwendung: Das Laden beim herausholen eines Gegenstandes (load pocket when taking something out of pocket)
Also published here 1995 23
Guy Hollingworth An Ambitextrous Interchange several interesting methods
1999 65
Sleeve-Pull Pocket Ditch
1999 72
Edward Marlo The Spectator Removes Em brief, two cards to pocket, removed by spectator
Also published here 1999 116
Karl Fulves, Don Nielsen Prediction Wallet No. 60, behind-the-back load, "Look at the Wall(et)" prediction gag
Related to 2001 136
Pocket Dump dropping cards into pocket secretly
2003 3
Bruce Cervon Pocket Load Ruse spectator checks whether pocket is empty, a coin is inside and removed by performer while loading palmed cards
Also published here Oct. 2004
Genii (Vol. 67 No. 10)
Allan Ackerman Pocket Loading Ruse getting card in pocket for later discovery under the ruse of putting joker away
2005 25
Karl Fulves, Don Nielsen Wallet/Envelope Load from behind back, reaching up under jacket
Related to 2005 51
Bruce Cervon Pocket Load Ruse spectator checks whether pocket is empty, a coin is inside and removed by performer while loading palmed cards
Also published here June 2007
Antinomy (Vol. 3 No. 2)
Pit Hartling Back-Pocket Load from thumb palm
2016 165
Derek Dingle Card to Breast Pocket Load from deck
2019 167
Harry Lorayne Inside Pocket Load card's travel is demonstrated with indifferent card (double) first, selection left on shoulder
Related to 2020 42
Sleeve-Pull Pocket Ditch see p. 132 for some credit information
Aug. 2021
The Disclaimer (Vol. 1 No. 5)
Jeremiah Zuo Extraction Load of Inner Pocket loading a card in inner pocket as one is openly removed from outer pocket
Aug. 2021
The Disclaimer (Vol. 1 No. 5)
Patrik Kuffs Poketus Subterfuge behind-the-back load
Inspired by Aug. 2022
The Hermit (Vol. 1 No. 8)
Allan Ackerman Pen Pocket Load when placing away a pen with deck in hand
2024 94
Roberto Giobbi The Shirt-to-Jacket Pocket Load secret transfer of card-like object from shirt pocket to inner jacket pocket while showing it empty
Unexpected Agenda (Issue Jan 7)
Roberto Giobbi The Empty Pocket Ruse choreography to load a palmed card while removing other object from the pocket
Unexpected Agenda (Issue Jan 8)
Roberto Giobbi, Gabi Pareras Empty Pocket - Gag Line gag line by Gabi Pareras, and application to Homing Card routine
Related to 2024
Unexpected Agenda (Issue Jan 9)