19 entries in Crayons
Creators Title Comments & References Year Source Page AA Categories
Psychometric Crayons performer knows color of crayon put in paper tube
1943 94
Milbourne Christopher Behind the Back divination of color of crayon, blindfolded
July 1950 683
J. W. Sarles Not Without Sorcery performer and spectator write a color with chosen crayon, they match, moving part and hole in prediction pad, see also p. 270 for ESP version by Jules Conway
Related to Apr. 1969 249
Lubor Fiedler Balance crayon is balanced on tip
1975 75
John A. Novak Color-Mental! two boxes of waxes crayons, two crayons are selected by two spectators and match
Magick (Issue 120)
Larry Becker Crayola Caper color and symbol, almost identical to Hutchison routine
Related to
  • Edward Hutchison's routine in "Psychological Mysteries", 1977
1979 136
The Mystery of the Colors No. 37, wrapped color crayons are divined by medium
1983 11
El Encantador Blinker design duplication using small boxes of color crayons, shiner
Dec. 1985
Magick (Issue 362)
David Harkey Color Scheme black crayon splits into three different-colored crayons, then empty crayon box fills with crayons
1991 117
Karl Fulves Color Sense color of crayon divined behind back
1993 25
Dan Harlan Crayon Eater face is drawn with crayon, then crayon vanishes
June 1996
The Minotaur (Vol. 8 No. 2)
Michael Brandwein The Script presentation for "Confusing Crayons"
Apr. 2000
Genii (Vol. 63 No. 4)
David Acer, Jay Sankey Child's Play Spectator uses two crayons to select two cards - black crayon select black card, red crayon select red card. Names of cards are found printed on crayon sleeve
Also published here Sep. 2001
Genii (Vol. 64 No. 9)
Jay Sankey, David Acer Child's Play Spectator uses two crayons to select two cards - black crayon select black card, red crayon select red card. Names of cards are found printed on crayon sleeve
Also published here 2004 71
Bill Abbott Casey's Crayons location and color of three crayons divined, Free Will
2010 21
Jon Armstrong The Kids' Table color of crayon behind back is divined, repeated by a spectator
2011 32
Michael Weber Secret Synesthesia low-tech version of ColorMatch with crayons, dictated drawing order
(Real Secrets Bonus sheet)
Inspired by
  • ColorMatch, Anverdi/ProMystic
May 2014
Real Secrets (Vol. 3 No. 26)
Nick Diffatte 15 Crayons to Pocket a crayon is signed and put in the crayon box, all other crayons travel to pocket
Inspired by 2022 141
Nick Diffatte As a Force forcing a crayon from box of crayons
2022 144