44 entries in Egg / Transposition / Kling Klang
Creators Title Comments & References Year Source Page AA Categories
Einst und Jetzt egg in glass and covered, silk changes to egg, in glass is now silk, fake explanation, repeat with marked silk and egg
Mar. 1896
Der Zauberspiegel (Vol. 1 No. 7)
Friedrich "Fritz" Hügli VIII. Täuschung, Schreck und Verwunderung tricks with eggs
  • 1. Tuch und Ei-Kunststück (egg in glass transpose with silk, three methods)
  • 2. Das verschwindende Ei (vanishing egg)
  • 3. Das japanische Eierspiel (egg production from silk, eggs change to flowers inside hat)
1903 111
Jentry Jentry's Ei- und Tuchkunststück egg in glass in hat transposes with silk
Dec. 1904
Die Zauberwelt (Vol. 10 No. 12)
T. Nelson Downs The Latest Egg, Handkerchief and Glass Trick egg in tumbler changes place with silk in hand, gaffed table
Also published here 1909 300
Harlan Tarbell The Egg, the Glass, and the Handkerchief transpo of egg in glass with borrowed handkerchief
Also published here 1941 389
Sam Leo Horowitz Things You Can Do Whit Things You Have silk changes places with egg in tumbler, egg is then broken and emptied into the tumbler
  • Kling Klang
Feb. 1949 512
Colonel Stodare Kling-Klang - First Method: An Early Version egg in glass, covered with handkerchief, a silk changed into an egg, silk now in glass
Also published here Mar. 2002
Genii (Vol. 65 No. 3)
Andrew G. Waring Kling-Klang - Second Method: Improved Version
Also published here Mar. 2002
Genii (Vol. 65 No. 3)
T. Nelson Downs Kling-Klang - Third Method: Without a Stodare Egg egg in tumbler changes place with silk in hand, gaffed table
Also published here Mar. 2002
Genii (Vol. 65 No. 3)
Adrian Plate Kling-Klang - Fourth Method: Adrian Plate Version, No Duplicates
Also published here Mar. 2002
Genii (Vol. 65 No. 3)
Silent Mora Kling-Klang - Fifth Method: Mora Version
Also published here Mar. 2002
Genii (Vol. 65 No. 3)
Charlie Miller Kling-Klang - Sixth Method: The Charles Miller Refinements
Also published here Mar. 2002
Genii (Vol. 65 No. 3)
Kling-Klang - Seventh Method: Enter the "Sucker" Ploy
Also published here Mar. 2002
Genii (Vol. 65 No. 3)
Harlan Tarbell Kling-Klang - Eighth Method: The Tarbell Version transpo of egg in glass with borrowed handkerchief
Also published here Mar. 2002
Genii (Vol. 65 No. 3)
Gordon James Bell Kling-Klang - Ninth Method: I've Got Your Money bill used to cover egg in glass
Also published here Mar. 2002
Genii (Vol. 65 No. 3)
Fred DeMuth Kling-Klang - Tenth Method: Eggo
Also published here Mar. 2002
Genii (Vol. 65 No. 3)
Joseph Ovette Kling-Klang - Eleventh Method: The Visible Flash Change
Also published here Mar. 2002
Genii (Vol. 65 No. 3)
Kling-Klang - Twelfth Method: A Comedy Presentation
Also published here Mar. 2002
Genii (Vol. 65 No. 3)
Jeffrey Norris Kling-Klang - Thirteenth Method: An Eggy Problem
Also published here Mar. 2002
Genii (Vol. 65 No. 3)
Ian Adair Kling-Klang - Fourteenth Method: Scrambled Egg and Silk with ziploc bag
Also published here Mar. 2002
Genii (Vol. 65 No. 3)
Hen Fetsch Kling-Klang - Fifteenth Method: "Kling-Klang" Twentieth Century
Also published here Mar. 2002
Genii (Vol. 65 No. 3)
Kling-Klang - Sixteenth Method: In the Spectator's Pocket
Also published here Mar. 2002
Genii (Vol. 65 No. 3)
Colonel Stodare Kling-klang - First Method: An Early Version egg in glass, covered with handkerchief, a silk changed into an egg, silk now in glass
Also published here 2002 133
Andrew G. Waring Kling-klang - Second Method: Improved Version
Also published here 2002 134
T. Nelson Downs Kling-klang - Third Method: Without a Stodare Egg egg in tumbler changes place with silk in hand, gaffed table
Also published here 2002 134
Adrian Plate Kling-klang - Fourth Method: Adrian Plate Version, Without Duplicates
Related to
  • Encyclopedia of Silk Magic, Vol. 3, 1962, p. 131
Also published here
2002 135
Silent Mora Kling-klang - Fifth Method: Mora Version
Also published here 2002 136
Charlie Miller Kling-klang - Sixth Method: The Charles Miller Refinements
Also published here 2002 137
Kling-klang - Seventh Method: Enter the "Sucker" Ploy
Also published here 2002 138
Harlan Tarbell Kling-klang - Eighth Method: The Tarbell Version transpo of egg in glass with borrowed handkerchief
Also published here 2002 138
Gordon James Bell Kling-klang - Ninth Method: I've Got Your Money bill used to cover egg in glass
Also published here 2002 141
Fred DeMuth Kling-klang - Tenth Method: Eggo
Also published here 2002 142
Joseph Ovette Kling-klang - Eleventh Method: The Visible Flash Change
Also published here 2002 143
Kling-klang - Twelfth Method: A Comedy Presentation
Also published here 2002 144
Jeffrey Norris Kling-klang - Thirteenth Method: An Eggy Problem
Also published here 2002 144
Ian Adair Kling-klang - Fourteenth Method: Scrambled Egg and Silk with ziploc bag
Also published here 2002 145
Hen Fetsch Kling-klang - Fifteenth Method: Kling-klang Twentieth Century
Also published here 2002 146
Kling-klang - Sixteenth Method: In the Spectator's Pocket
Also published here 2002 148
J. P. Ornson Egg, Silk, and Paper Bag egg in paper bag transposes with silk
Also published here
  • "Egg, Handkerchief and Bag" (The Linking Ring, Vol. 7 No. 6, Feb. 1928, p. 984)
2002 148
Harold Rice Egg, Silk, and Pocket egg in pocket transposes with silk
Also published here
  • "The Rice Version" (Encyclopedia of Silk Magic, Vol. 3, p. 1332)
2002 149
Eggsit egg in box on pedestal transposes with silk
Also published here
  • Secrets of Modern Conjuring, p. 46
2002 151
Harold W. Marshall Egg and Ribbon egg in pocket transposes with ribbon
Also published here
  • "The Ribbon Egg" (The Gen, Vol. 18, No. 8, Dec. 1962, p. 214)
2002 152
R. Woodhouse Pitman The Traveling Egg - Fourth Method: Kling-klang in Sawdust silk in one tube-covered glass transposes with egg and sawdust in another glass
Also published here
  • "White and Black" (The Magician Monthly, Vol. 11 No. 7, June 1915, p. 105)
2002 156
Al Baker Egg, Glass, and Hank silk and egg transpose while egg is in covered glass
Also published here
  • The Sphinx, Vol. 29 No. 12, Feb. 1931
2003 639