Written by Jamie Badman
Work of Jamie Badman, Colin Miller
29 pages (Spiralbound), published by Underground Collective
Illustrated with photographs
Language: English
20 entries
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Cover photograph
Creators Title Comments & References Page Categories
Jamie Badman Introduction
Jamie Badman The Mechanics intro
Edward Marlo The Breakless Curry Change
Also published here 7
Jamie Badman, Colin Miller The Underground Change turnover change variation in which the tabled card is switched for the second card in the deck
  • From the Curry Change to the Underground Change
  • Executing the Underground Change
Inspired byAlso published here 9
Jamie Badman, Colin Miller Misdirection Monte monte type routine three Aces and a Queen, in the end the Aces have changed to Queens
Related toVariations 11
Jamie Badman, Colin Miller Monte Minus One monte type routine three Aces and a Queen, in the end the Aces have changed to Queens
Inspired by 13
Jamie Badman Further Effects
Jamie Badman, Colin Miller Chargrill Surprise card on spectator's palm, name written on piece of paper which is burned, burn marks are now on the selection as well
Jamie Badman, Colin Miller Friends a stick figure is drawn on the back of two cards, one travels onto the back of the other
Jamie Badman, Colin Miller The Card Condom drawn stick figure on card becomes pregnant with a belly
Jamie Badman, Colin Miller Up the Junction! a stick figure is drawn on the back of two cards, some "not safe for work" story is told and the figures mess around until one of them is pregnant
Jamie Badman, Colin Miller Mere Coincidence? any card named, a card is touched and it is the named card, switch
Jamie Badman, Colin Miller Underground Countdown an Ace is chosen, then a Four is found, which changes into a Three, then Two, then finally the selected Ace
Jamie Badman, Colin Miller Changing Trains card in center of deck transposes with card under spectator's hand
Jamie Badman, Colin Miller Changing Trains Again card in center of deck transposes with card under spectator's hand, repeat
Jamie Badman Bonus Section
Jamie Badman The Four Ace-Assins Aces twist, then change into Kings, Aces found in deck around a previous selection
Also published here 23
Peter Duffie, Robin Robertson The Concealed Allerton Control card controlled to near top while apparently turned over in middle of deck
Also published here 24
Tomas Blomberg Lucky-14 spectator finds the four Aces using three previously selected cards
Also published here 26
Jamie Badman Final Thoughts
Data entered by Denis Behr, April 2022.