Written by Joshua Jay
Work of Joshua Jay
70 pages (Hardcover), published by Vanishing Inc.
Illustrated with photographs
Language: English
28 entries
Cover photograph
Creators Title Comments & References Page Categories
Joshua Jay Introduction
Joshua Jay Stack Commentary opinions on the following stacks
  • Aronson Stack
  • Mnemonica
  • DaOrtiz Stack
  • Any Shuffled Deck, The Darwin Ortiz Stack, and New Deck Order
  • Skinner Stack
  • Aragon Stack
Related to 1
Joshua Jay Box Opener deck shuffled, card named, performer says he wants to make it travel to the case, the whole deck is suddenly back in its case
Related to 5
Joshua Jay Benign Wig Snot spectator freely names card, another spectator freely chooses card, it matches the named card
Inspired by 8
Joshua Jay Behind-the-Back Force spectator says stop while performer is spreading cards and force card is given to him, other spectators don't see the details
Joshua Jay Any Card at Any Number number named, spectator thinks of cards in fan, it lies at that number
Fan Force
Joshua Jay Self-Starter spectator removes any card from spread and pockets it, the spectator cuts three packets from deck that match color, suit and value of pocketed card
Inspired by
  • "Triple Play" (Simon Aronson, MUM, March 2012)
Joshua Jay Tetradecaphobia
  • Phase One (selection is plucked out of dribbled deck)
  • Phase Two (two cards are plucked out and the sum of their values indicates position of selection)
  • Widening the Scope (other ideas with the premise)
Inspired by
  • "Pluck" (Christian Grace, 2020 download)
Gary Ouellet Touch Force
Joshua Jay Stacked Follow the Leader two halves are shuffled, the halves follow red and black leader cards until the deck is separated into colors, Follow the Leader meets Out of This World
Spectator Shuffles both Halves spectator shuffles one half, then the other half after a classic pass type switch
Dr. Jacob Daley Daley's Delight
Also published here 25
Joshua Jay Open Double Packet Switch two tabled packets are switch simultaneously with two packets held in both hands as they are turned over
Joshua Jay As Above, So Below spectator cuts deck and the two cards there are used to create a new card with suit of one and value of other card, performer cuts to that newly created card
Joshua Jay, Darwin Ortiz Beat the Dealer short blackjack routine, an additional Seven appears between the performer's two Sevens to make twenty-one, from Particle Stack
Inspired by 33
Joshua Jay, Andi Gladwin Red/Black to the Future from Particle Stack, gets back into Particle Stack
Inspired by 36
Joshua Jay A Hold 'Em Demo players get good hands but performer wins with royal flush, from Particle Stack
Inspired by
  • "Bad Beat" (Jason Ladanye effect)
Joshua Jay Stack-Sustained Collectors retains stack
Joshua Jay Rub Vanish one half is rubbed on the other half which has a card or cards face up, they vanish
Joshua Jay A New Deck Order Ending ending in new deck order with Particle Stack, spectator and performer deal a half into four piles under the guise of finding each other's selections
Kevin Kapinos InTENsity with Sevens two Sevens keep changing color, from Particle Stack
Inspired by 47
Chris Kenner Double Color Change two cards
Also published here 49
Kevin Kapinos Sleeve Aces from Particle Stack
Inspired by 51
Joshua Jay Peanut Butter and Pelicans two packets end up mated, Royal Marriages meets Sympathetic Cards, from Particle Stack
Joshua Jay King-Ace Odyssey done from Particle Stack
  • Phase One: Open Travelers (with transformation kicker, Kings to Aces)
  • The Jennings Revelation (Kings reappear)
  • Oil & Water (4&4, no details, just references)
Inspired by 53
Palm-to-Palm Transfer classic to classic
Rune Klan The Full Palm Change face card of packet
Also published here 67
Data entered by Denis Behr, December 2024.