Written by Jerry Mentzer
Work of Various
82 pages (Paperback), published by Selfpublished
Illustrated with drawings
Language: English
40 entries
Cover photograph
Creators Title Comments & References Page Categories
Jerry Mentzer Introduction
The Himber Ring brief description of different types
Routine for the Himber Ring performer's ring links with borrowed ring, also onto cord
Steve Dusheck Reputation Ring performer's ring links with borrowed ring, slit
Steve Dusheck Locked Ring borrowed ring reappears at locked chain necklace
Steve Dusheck Dusheck's Ring Trick no reel
Steve Dusheck Ring Finale performer's ring and spectator's ring put in left pocket, both are linked onto key chain ring in right pocket
Bill Kalush Rubber Ringer two phases
Also published here 12
Ring on Stick a la Hoffmann
Also published here 19
Elbert Adams Ring on Stick - The Art of Magic
Also published here 20
Jim Ryan Ryan's Rope, Ring, and Rod ring knotted on rope, on stick
Also published here 21
Dr. Dan McDonald Repeat Ring Release multi-phase, duplicate ring with slit
Also published here 26
Scotty York A Ring Trilogy two ring on string phases, then ring penetrates finger and is linked to safety pin, slit ring
Also published here 31
Scotty York Stand-Up Ring Routine stand up version, with half ring
Inspired byAlso published here 35
Earl Nelson Another Ring Move
Also published here
  • Genii, April 1978
Dan Garrett The Faustus Ring
Related toVariationsAlso published here 39
Steve Dusheck Walkoff ring vanishes after being knotted on rope
Steve Dusheck A Routine for Walkoff spectator's ring knotted on rope transposes with performer's, with Himber Ring
Michael McGivern (Ring) Knot Really
Also published here 42
The Flying Ring borrowed ring vanishes from paper, using duplicate on elastic string
Also published here 49
To Pass a Ring from the one Hand to either Finger of the other Hand substitute ring on pull, temporary hook servante behind leg
Also published here 50
To Pass a Borrowed Ring into an Egg
Also published here 51
Roland Hurley Ring Opening two rings link, not with borrowed rings, two permanently linked together
Also published here 52
Scotty York The Ring's the Thing dollar bill ring links with real ring
Also published here 54
Stephen Tucker Concorde envelope with two holes and rope through them, borrowed ring tossed in envelope, when rope is torn out the ring is on the rope
Also published here
  • "The Geminii Book" (Martin Breese)
Jerry Mentzer Glitter Ring borrowed finger ring crushed to dust, reappears when flash paper is burned
Steve Dusheck I.O.U. finger ring vanishes, using gaffed ballpoint pen with hook
Steve Dusheck Ring-a-Ding-Ding ring pull, paper clip hookup
Also published here
  • M.U.M.
Takeshi Nemoto Ring on the Finger ring from right hand to any finger on left hand, half ring, sleeving
Inspired byAlso published here
  • Tokyo Trickery (Takeshi Nemoto)
Steve Dusheck The Red Diamond diamond on finger ring changes color when tapped with playing card
Steve Dusheck Color-Changing Ring finger ring changes into more massiv ring in spectator's hand
Steve Dusheck Eggsceptional Eggs borrowed ring into nest of plastic eggs
Steve Dusheck Ring into Salt Shaker loaded from bottom
Steve Dusheck Ring in Salt different gaffed shaker
Jerry Mentzer Impromptu Ring into Salt Shaker
Bill Tadlock Tit for Tat ring to key case
Also published here
  • Linking Ring, October 1981
Richard Bartram, Jr. Impromptu Ring Flight ring changes to coin and is found in coin purse
Jerry Mentzer Vanishes for Rings brief list without details
  • Sleight-of-Hand Vanish
  • "Ringo" or a "Rattle Box"
  • I.O.U. Vanish
  • Coin Fold
  • Pull
  • Handkerchief Vanish (sewn in duplicate)
  • Thumb Tip
Jerry Mentzer Commercially Available Effects with Rings brief list
  • Chain Reaction (Steve Dusheck)
  • Ringer (Steve Dusheck)
  • Grind a Ring (B.A.R., England)
  • Ringo (Walt Rollins)
  • Ring Flite (Paul Stone)
  • Rattle Box
Jerry Mentzer Other Selected Reading - Magic with Finger Rings list of references
Data entered by Denis Behr, April 2018.