Display the following magic books:

…starts with the letter…

Title Subtitle Author Artist Pages Year
A Manual for the Psychic Superstar Tony "Doc" Shiels Tony "Doc" Shiels 72 1976
Seven Occult Dramas for the Magickal Performer Stephen Minch Stephen Minch 40 1979

Aus dem Effeff...
101 pages, 1995

Title Subtitle Author Artist Pages Year
David Ben David Ben 175 2003
Retreat 2022: Western Adventure David Ben David Ben 61 2022

Something Old, Something New
Lecture Notes
21 pages, 1993

My Best
A collection of the best originations conceived by eminen...
384 pages, 1945

The Very Best, Yet!
Commercial Close-Up and Stand-Up Magic
78 pages, 1990

Magia Con Cartas
Juegos fáciles y de efecto
134 pages, 1961

"Outs" Precautions and Challenges
For Ambitious Card Workers
80 pages, 1940

109 pages, 1969

Fingertip Fantasies
88 pages, 1968

Paul Fox's Miracle Gimmick
"Modern Mindreading at its Best"
30 pages, 1983

The Magic Way
The theory of false solutions and the magic way
184 pages, 1988

Title Subtitle Author Artist Pages Year
Notes 1996 Baltazar Fuentes Baltazar Fuentes 38 1996
Lecture Notes 1999 Baltazar Fuentes Baltazar Fuentes 53 1999
Baltazar Fuentes Baltazar Fuentes 48 2000

Title Subtitle Author Artist Pages Year
Lecture Notes Masatoshi Furota Masatoshi Furota 46 1988
Lecture Notes Masatoshi Furota Tenkai Ishida 33 1988